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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Yes...hw is not even remotely sexually attracted to sk...

Come on, they have been dating for a year...and not even snogging was done between them?

If jh is dating hw, i bet hw couldnt keep it in his pants for three months!


And i think hw cldnt keep his hands off jh too.

He wld be calling jh cha kia...(darling) all the time...hahaha.

Jh is the only one who can light up hw's life and smile...

He is just so relaxed when he is with her and vice versa.

I cant wait to see scenes of hw and jh interacting with each other as newly available singles and later as a married couple, then as new parents of a baby... it would be wonderful to see that, isnt it?

That is provided if tw doesnt grab jh to jump off the building with him OR sk doesnt threaten hw with suicide when hw wants to cancel their engagement...

These two can be quite fiesty when it comes to their loves wanting to leave them...

Poor jh and hw, trapped by morals and responsibilities in this world...

If this is the medieval times, who cares? Just go ahead and elope!

I really feel for jh now...esp. after tw says he will die with her if she still wants to leave this marriage.

What is wrong with the Kangs?

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Guest SexyDolceVita


Goddess of Marriage is confirmed to extend 4 episodes by 2 weeks to become 36 episodes in total.

It will end on 27 October 2013, making it a near four-month broadcast since it premiered on 29 June 2013.





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Guest SexyDolceVita

Possible episode 25 scenario

Jh is sent to the hospital after she fainted at cold castle.

Hw's mom works at the same hospital.

Hw goes to the hospital to pick up his mother from work.

While he is there, he spots tw, who is looking concerned (hopefully).

He wonders if jh is at the hospital too.

Hw's mother tells him to wait a while as she needs to tie up some loose ends at work.

As hw is waiting, tw walks by him and tw sees him.

Hw sees tw...


Tw stares at hw a little then broods as he leaves the hospital.

hw looks away to ease the tension.

hw looks towards the direction that tw is walking from.

While driving, tw wonders why hw is at the hospital too, he feels uneasy that jh is warded there too.

Hw walks towards the wards...and overhears a couple of nurses gossipping that the beautiful third daughter in law of sin young group has just been admitted to the hospital that day, she is such a poor thing...but her handsome husband was at least tender enough to come by and visit her....

Hw is shocked to hear the gossip. He checks each ward's patient's name on the door, and he finally spots Song Ji Hye. His heart sinks in that very moment.

He stands outside the door of jh's ward and peers through the small glass window, he sees a weak and pale looking jh lying on the bed sleeping. His heart sinks further and he feels an excruciating pain that renders him breathless.

Shall he enter the ward and ask jh why is she warded. How is jh feeling now? Is she in pain? What happened to jh? Is she suffering from a serious medical illness?

Hw's mom cannot find him near her workstation, she asks her nurse subordinate did she see hw? The young nurse replies she saw hw walking towards the wards direction moments earlier.

So hw's mom walks along the corridor as she is calling hw's mobile.

Right before hw picks up his mobile, hw's mom happens to spot him standing outside jh's ward, peering through the small glass window on the door. He is certainly not acting normal!

Hw picks up his phone, and his mom asks him where he is.

Hw regains his senses and says oh he went to the cafetaria to get smth to drink, he will make it back to her workstation to meet her now.

Hw's mom is puzzled as to why her son is lying about his whereabouts in the hospital. He is usually an honest kid.

When hw meets his mom, he appears to be visibly down and depressed compared to his happy expression when he first met her a moment ago. Hw's mom asks him if anything is wrong? Hw does his usual...oh nothing, let's go.

But hw's mom certainly knows something is wrong. Whoever stays in that ward must be of interest to hw.

Next day at the hospital, hw's mom walks past jh's ward and she immediately recalls hw was standing outside this particular ward the day before. She checks the patient's details and sees the name song ji hye. She asks her nurse subordinates if song ji hye is a celebrity?

Puzzled by hw's mom's sudden interest in celebrity culture, the young nurses say jh is not a celebrity but she is well known to be the gorgeous third daughter in law of sin young group...her husband is as good looking as her too, he came by yesterday to see her...what is matter?

Hw's mom wonders why hw is interested in song ji hye since she is married and he is already engaged! Are they friends then?

Then one of her nurses tells her a fellow nurse has to take a day off, they need help to take over the patients she is in charge of. Hw's mom is a senior nurse leader, so she says she can take over, since her job is to just mainly supervise the nurses and train them. She checks the patient list and realises jh is one of the patients listed.

She performs her rounds and she finally goes to jh's ward. She notices jh is visibly depressed but she is indeed beautiful like the young nurses described. She interacts with the weak and feeble jh, who seems to have lost her will to live...

Hw's mom feels a weird familiar sense of affinity with this young woman and she is very heartwarming in her approach towards the depressed jh. Jh finds this nurse to be a little comforting too.

As she finishes her rounds, hw calls her, saying he is in the vicinity, shall they lunch at her hospital during lunch time. Hw's mom asks him is he not busy with work? Hw says, he happens to be near the hospital for work, so might as well meet her for lunch. Although sensing this is out of the blue, hw's mom agrees nevertheless.

Meanwhile, tw arrives to visit jh and she obviously ignores him. They are in a cold war state now.

To be continued....

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@sexydolcevita....I'm hoping what you wrote will happen next week. Hope JH will get stronger mentally. She had no spirit and looking soulless for the past 2 episodes. JH, JH, you have to buck up or else you will be like the tragic and remorseful HJ. Vile MIL is heartless. Even the maids noticed JH looks ill but MIL shouted at her to start her work in the kitchen. HJ has put herself in a vulnerable position by telling FIL she will file a divorce.If she is no longer part of the Kang family, FIL will feel she is a threat and definitely eliminate her ( perhaps a car accident?)

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Guest Fdfd Sadfs

class="entry-title post-title" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 2.625em; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1em; border: 0px; margin: 0.5em 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; word-wrap: break-word; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"download [ALBUM] Park Wan Kyu – Goddess of Marriage OST Part.1http://www.kpopspy.com/album/album-park-wan-kyu-goddess-of-marriage-ost-part-1/

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Guest SexyDolceVita

What is SK going to do after discovering Sin Young Group's third daughter in law, Song Ji Hye, is the woman HW has been pining for?

1) SK places the photo back into the book and places the book back in its original place before HW comes into the room.
SK makes an excuse to go home earlier than expected.
She cries in her room alone as she thinks HW has not forgotten about JH.
SK's mom finds SK crying in her room.
She asks SK what is wrong?
SK cries in her mother's arms...but she hasn't told her mom what happened earlier.

2) HW goes into his room and sees SK looking at the photo of him and JH.
He grabs the photo from SK and asks her angrily why is she going through his things.
SK looks at HW as she is feeling the pain in her heart.
She asks HW...so she is the one you were pining for a year ago?
HW looks away, embarrassed and angry at the same time...
He says...what does it matter now? He is engaged to her now and JH is already married.
SK's eyes are filled with tears, she runs out of HW's room and leaves his house in a huff.
HW tries to compose himself...
He runs out and chases after SK.
HW's mom is puzzled as to what had happened that causes SK to run away.

3) SK places the photo back in its original place.
She pretends everything is normal and goes through the death anniversary ceremony with HW and his mom.
After she returns home, she can't get the image of the photo of HW and JH out of her mind.
She can't sleep...as she cries on her bed.
Then next morning, at her bridal shop, she is surfing the net.
She googles about Song Ji Hye and reads the news about her.
She starts to realise Song Ji Hye is truly the woman fit for HW but SK is not going to back down even though she knows JH is already married.
SK still feels that JH is a threat because HW may still cancel their wedding and engagement because of his love for JH.
She decides to get to know JH in order to know her enemy better.

4) SK goes home in a huff and tells her mom about HW still having a woman in his heart.
SK's mom asks who is it.
SK finally blurts out the woman is none other than the third daughter in law of Sin Young Group.
SK's mom is shocked, and she tries to scheme against JH, to make HW forget about JH.

5) SK wants to bring forward the wedding within a month because she is afraid of losing HW.

6) SK cancels the engagement with HW and the wedding.
She tells HW she cannot be with a man who still loves another woman.
She tells HW not to lie to himself any longer, he still cannot let go of JH, isn't it?
HW is speechless.
He agrees to the cancellation nevertheless, since his mom does not support him to marry SK anyways.
He re-examines his love for JH, why he still can't let JH go?

7) SK pretends nothing has happened and goes on to marry HW, knowing fully JH has taken his heart and soul forever. All that SK has is HW's body, and an empty heart.

What do you guys think?
What other reactions you think SK would have?
Please share your thoughts!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Gemmie said: 11mRlJJ.jpg

Album Name: 결혼 의 여신 Goddess of Marriage OST Part 5 (SBS 주말 드라마)Release Date: 09-16-2013Artist: 조성모 Jo Sung Mo
Tracklist:1 Someday (Ballad Ver.)2 Someday (Ballad Ver.) (Inst.)
Bonus: Very lovely MV (Official?)http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/114807748-2922117812.html

Download Link: http://www13.zippyshare.com/v/92669104/file.html

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I can't at TW being all "are you going to leave me just because of this trivial thing" TRIVIAL! Really bxxtch??! *flips table* *destroys everything*And then he has the audacity to ask her to bear with his mom because she's upset from all the drama. I'm sorry, you're not human.

One DIL divorcing and the other one DEAD, hope you're happy MIL. I hope the news get to the front page of every newspaper and she gets thrown to jail for murder.
tessieroo said: 93% subbed at ViKi - 

JH told her friend TW only comes home 3 nights a week? And he only comes home to sleep. /:)  
I knew it, HW's friend fought with him because everyone believes HW is going to work at SK's father's firm. He's using that as an excuse for his illegal behavior? Pffftttt - jerk. HW orders him to remove his name from the Shin Hyung Hotel project. 
LMAO at SK's Mom with her "this actress lives over here and this film producer lives behind there..." You can tell HW's mom doesn't care. She proceeds to list all her complaints about "HW son-in-law." (and she's already complaining that she might have to send her grandson to a public school! OH THE HORROR!) She plans to send her grandson to America to learn English when he's 3. (WTF?) 
I love HW's mom, she asks HW how he could bring such a rude bunch into the family. =)) She also warns him he won't be happy if he marries into that family and that she's VERY MUCH AGAINST it. (unlike JH's Dad who pretty much put his foot down that JH marry TW) I love that both DIL's walked out while evil MIL was talking. *hee* 

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Guest SexyDolceVita

After all hard ache he wants her to go work for his mom. He diid not even give her a break.

Yeah at that moment...my dislike for tw increased by folds...

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