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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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shebacamp said:

both mostly the one in the bed

If I'm not wrong...as I'm trying to decipher their Korean phrases now.

Please pardon me for my rusty comprehension of the Korean language...

The scene of JH in her car by Han River.

JH calls JS...

JS asks what's up JH.

JH says just checking out what she is doing?

JS says she is ironing clothes...

JH asks about her nieces and nephew...

JS says smth...about her children...anything wrong with JH?

JH says nothing...just that.

JS asks anything up?

JH says nothing..What are her in laws doing? What is her family doing?

JS says her mil is preparing ingredients for breakfast...her fil is helping to fold clothes...

JS goes into her room...and tells JH her in laws are actually helping to do household chores now...hahaha...

JS asks what is up?

JH says...nothing...

JS asks JH smth...

JH says...smth...

JS asks about TW...

JH says yes he came back home...(lying...)

JS asks smth...(i don't know what she meant here...) maybe is everything alright? Better now?

JH says yeah... everything is..better now?

JH tells JS she has to hang up now, and she will talk to her another day.

The scene of JH on her bed

JS calls JH.

JS asks if JH was sleeping?

JH says no...what's up?

JS asks why JH sounded so weak?

JH explains she has no appetite...and she feels exhausted.

JS asks if JH is pregnant?

JH replies...it's hugely fortunate for her if she is pregnant...(meaning...if she is pregnant, she wld strike lottery...)

JS then asks...if JH knows about Eun Hee's boss' family?...(since JH has married into the chaebol circle)

JH replies...I don't know much about this family...why?

JS replies...nothing...nothing...it's just something that is frustrating her...

JS asks JH smth..then has TW came home that night?

JH replies TW has not returned home...he usually returns home quite late...

JS sighs..about JH's life?....and starts to ramble that she has to find out more about this chaebol family now(?)...she is worried about Min Jung...blah blah...

JH asks what's up with MJ?

JS says...ah..nothing nothing... you don't worry about such things...I go to sleep now...okay... OR/AND...you go and rest now?

JH says...okay...sis...


Thanks for your help n contribution

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Guest SexyDolceVita

I just watched the 24th subtitled episode.

Need to clear some things up...

In the beginning, when jh says she has had enough in this marriage, tw says he understands...but jh says he doesnt.

she emphasises on the fact that tw does not know any of her pains she has been suffering.

Tw is never home most of the time. What does he know about living with his mom is like for her? He is used to his family...but she lives in fear every day. Fear of getting yelled at by his mom, fear of making mistakes. Taking the sarcastic and hurtful, insulting jabs sent by his mom every single day for the past year. Every time it feels like she is getting beaten up by his mom. It is painful for her. She doesnt want to get beaten up everyday anymore!

Tw defends his mom's crazy behaviour lately and says that her mind is out of sorts recently due to the matters of tj and hj.

Jh says no...his mom has never been mentally normal all this while! A mentally sane mom in law will never beat up her daughters in law, a mentally normal mil will never verbally and mentally abuse her daughters in law on a daily basis! She doesnt want to live like this anymore...does he want to see her rot away to death every single day, so he wld be satisfied!!?

Then later on, when jh returns home the next morning.

Tw asks if jh has resumed working for the broadcast station.

she says yes, so?

Tw is mad that she didnt tell him beforehand.

jh says what for, he cant do anything to help her anyways.

besides, she didnt want him to live on the edge like her, worrying about being found out.

She knew tw has a lot on his shoulders, so she just didnt want to add on to his burden, so she keeps this to herself. Why?

she just wants three hours a day after her daily chores to write and work, so she can breathe for once in his family.

so she can still find the remaining energy she can gain from working to continue surviving in his family...is that wrong?

Jh continues to tell tw before they got married, she already said she is not the right fit for his family. She is not the ideal wife, ideal daughter in law for his parents, so...let's...

Tw cuts in and says...no, divorce is definitely not possible.

They are only married for a little over a year, what about his self esteem? How can he face the world if he divorces?

So, he is going to forget about what she said yesterday and that day, so should she..

He tells jh not to think about the unhappy stuff anymore. She just needs to do the basic chores and think about something else to make herself feel better...to breathe. Do something else, think about something else... he will try his best to return home early every day...they will work hard at this marriage together...even though it may be painful for the both of them.

If he can let jh go so easily, he wouldnt fight so hard for her before their wedding.

So just shut up about divorce and carry on... he will buy a new laptop for her that day or he will get his secretary to send the new laptop to their house that day.

Jh says...all this will make her die...

Tw says...dont worry...with a smirk...she wont die alone...

Whatever it is, he will make sure he will jump off the building holding her close to him, if that is the way to die for the both of them. Meaning...tw will hold onto jh even if it means death for the both of them. They will die together no matter what!

I kinda think tw is as crazy as his parents now.

Sick, twisted bastard...

now i really dont feel any pity for him now.

Tw...you are beechoso!

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Guest SexyDolceVita


Sorry people, i think there is a high chance jh is pregnant but she doesnt know it at all.

When js calls jh as jh is resting on the bed, jh mentions she is probably down with a cold, she just feels tired, mentally stressed, and pains in her tummy.

Js then asks jh if jh is getting her period soon, since the tummy pains cld be menstrual cramps.

Jh says yeah right...that would be fantastic for her if she is getting her period.

Before jh enters cold castle..at the entrance near the car park...she looks nauseous...like she is going to vomit a little.

Given all these hints...and signs... i kinda think yeah...maybe jh is pregnant for reals but loses the baby this time round.

Tw and his parents will blame jh for being careless.

Tw will be quite critical towards jh too...sigh.

This would be the last straw for jh.

No one truly cares about her in this family...even her husband is one selfish axxhole.

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What the...
"She just needs to do the basic chores and think about something else to make herself feel better...to breathe." and "they will work hard at this marriage together." 

Did TW say that? OMG, he's clueless. He has no idea how his mother speaks to JH every single day - she's rude and berating to her. Screw him and "doing the basic chores".  JH has been working hard all on her own the past year while he does nothing.  Picture_380.gif  She's given up everything that was important to her - what has he done? 
ViKi subs are at 66% complete! a040.gif
Thanks so much, @SexyDolceVita! 

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Guest SexyDolceVita


Sorry people, i think there is a high chance jh is pregnant but she doesnt know it at all.

When js calls jh as jh is resting on the bed, jh mentions she is probably down with a cold, she just feels tired, mentally stressed, and pains in her tummy.

Js then asks jh if jh is getting her period soon, since the tummy pains cld be menstrual cramps.

Jh says yeah right...that would be fantastic for her if she is getting her period.

Before jh enters cold castle..at the entrance near the car park...she looks nauseous...like she is going to vomit a little.

Given all these hints...and signs... i kinda think yeah...maybe jh is pregnant for reals but loses the baby this time round.

Tw and his parents will blame jh for being careless.

Tw will be quite critical towards jh too...sigh.

This would be the last straw for jh.

No one truly cares about her in this family...even her husband is one selfish axxhole.

And yup, i think the baby was made during the NY trip preparation weeks...because jh was more relaxed then, and tw returned home earlier than his usual late days...they had more time together at home...

Plus, her tummy is still quite flat. So she is probably a month or a few weeks pregnant.


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I am no doctor but JH is not pregnant!!  All the signs are out there is she so stressed out that she is ready to check into the psycho ward.  The clues are all there - MIL screaming at her day and night, hubby screaming at her, getting up at an ungodly hour (lack of sleep) to make breakfast and the torture MIL gives her by not letting her do what she want to relax her body.  As for pain in her tummy, please, that is just plain ulcer.  With all the stress and all the things MIL has given her, I would get an ulcer too.  As for the menstrual cramps - I am not a doctor and don't claim to be, but she said she hasn't had a period for over 6 months.  No period = no cramps. 


Why she went back home I still cannot figure her out.  I would have been long gone.  TW has no clue what condition she was under until she started to scream at him at the intro of this episode (I sneak a peak).  Come on dude, your wife is telling you for a whole year, she was under the wicked witch and you still want her to stay and work on this marriage.  What do I have to do to get the message to him - your wife need to leave!!  I knew he won't give her a divorce and I still think she will walk out of this marriage!!!

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Didn't the doctor say that she couldn't ovulate because of the stress? I think between the time TW told her they would go to NY to the day he actually told her they couldn't anymore, wasn't longer than 15 days, so I don't think she would get pregnant. I bet he was very busy during these days to close all his cases as a prosecutor to be able to rest. Besides that the writer wouldn't do something like that if she is going to write a divorce btw TW and JH, it is a lot for JH, even if she looses the baby, I don't think she would get a divorce soon because in the end both TW and JH would loose a baby, they might even get closer due to the pain.

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SBS :  Goddess of MarriageEP24:   10.5%(-0.7) /  11.1%(-0.7)
MBC :  The ScandalEP24:   18.0%(+0.7) /  19.2%(+1.2)

CR: AGB Nielsen Korea

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Didn't the doctor say that she couldn't ovulate because of the stress? I think between the time TW told her they would go to NY to the day he actually told her they couldn't anymore' date=' wasn't longer than 15 days, so I don't think she would get pregnant. I bet he was very busy during these days to close all his cases as a prosecutor to be able to rest. Besides that the writer wouldn't do something like that if she is going to write a divorce btw TW and JH, it is a lot for JH, even if she looses the baby, I don't think she would get a divorce soon because in the end both TW and JH would loose a baby, they might even get closer due to the pain.[/quote']

We still have twelve episodes...

I hope not too...but tummy ache is quite a huge sign, no?

Stomach Ulcer...hmm...possible too.

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SBS :  Goddess of MarriageEP24:   10.6%(+0.5) /  13.5%(+1.8)
MBC :  The ScandalEP24:   16.0%(-0.7) /  18.7%(-1.4)

CR:TNmS Media Korea

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Guest SexyDolceVita


ji hye's dad is being asked about nam sang mi by lee seo jin in Flower H4...Season 2 Episode 4...Taiwan trip.

Lee soon jae continues to praise nsm...and lee seo jin is even more impressed.

Lee Seo Jin: Oh, teacher il sub (ji hye's dad), didnt teacher soon jae recommend and praise nam sang mi previously in paris? Now recently (july), isnt nam sang mi acting as your daughter now in your current drama? I was watching an episode of gom the other day...

Baek il sub: yeah, sang mi ah... nam sang mi is okay for you? Hahaha...

Lee seo jin: hahaha...(gestures no...) i just find it interesting, she is now acting as your daughter...since teacher soon jae was recommending her...the previous time.

Baek il sub: i'll help you secretly ask nam sang mi (intending to matchmake lee seo jin and nam sang mi)

Lee seo jin: (shyly gestures no...) hahaha...

Baek il sub: she is very kind...a good girl...

Lee soon jae: she is really not bad... ah sang mi ah...she is very kind indeed... now a globally known actress, she was starting out then when i knew her...very kind...she would always greet me when she sees me...she would say...thank you for mentoring me... a very kind person, a really good woman indeed.

Lee seo jin: if she didnt behave well, teacher soon jae wouldnt praise her too, isnt it?

Lee soon jae: yeah...yeah....

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As bad as this sounds i want her to lose the baby. Tw fighting for jh!? Are kidding me? He didn't fight he just forced his way. I want her to lose the baby after all he hasn't kept any of his pronises and says he understands....i thought his character was to take bullets for jh? I find him to useless and deserves to lose any child he could have had with jh.

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