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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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SexyDolceVita said: Text Previews
(based on Google Translate and my speculated interpretations)

Please dont slam me if they are incorrect....!

EP 25
현우와 지혜의 사진을 보게 된 세경의 마음은 복잡하고 현우는 라디오에서 지혜의 글이 나오지 않자 걱정스런 마음에 지혜에게 문자를 보낸다. 한편 혜정은 아이들을 데리고 만호의 집을 떠나는데...

After discovering HW and JH's photo in HW's room, SK's heart is in a complicated state. HW notices JH has not been writing the scripts for the late night radio programme, he becomes worried about what has happened to JH, so he sends a msg to JH's cell phone.

Meanwhile, HJ leaves Kang family's cold castle with her two daughters...

EP 26
태진은 만호의 명령으로 혜정을 설득해 집으로 데려오려고 하지만 혜정은 태진을 상대로 거액의 이혼소송을 낸다. 한편 태욱은 현우가 지혜에게 보낸 문자를 보게 되는데...

Under the orders of Kang Man Ho, TJ goes to persuade HJ to return home. However, HJ is adamant to seek a divorce from TJ
HJ is asking for a huge divorce settlement from TJ.
TJ wants to cut down in HJ's divorce settlement figures.

Meanwhile, TW discovers HW's msg in JH's cell phone...

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Nam Sang Mi's latest hot glamorous image...while modeling for Bobbi Brown Korea's Glowing Foundation, Rich Chocolate Series...

She is so bubbly and fun in real life!
Good to have her around as a friend isn't it?
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Guest SexyDolceVita

Kim Ji Hoon and Nam Sang Mi at Bobbi Brown Godiva Event.

Please do notice the way Kim Ji Hoon was looking at Nam Sang Mi when she was talking about the Rich Chocolate series...
He was looking at her with so much love...shimmering in his eyes!

And earlier, when Kim Ji Hoon was talking about Nam Sang Mi...in relation to Bobbi Brown products, Nam Sang Mi was acting all shy and looked at him in a really coy way...hahaha...she was like..."Aigoo..." at the end, when she heard praises coming out of Kim Ji Hoon's sexy lips...

Oh btw, I have to mention too...

Both Kim Ji Hoon and Lee Sang Woo have quite sexy lips...don't you guys think so?
Really gorgeous looking lips! No joke!

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I think SK will leave HW by herself, in the last episodes she has had this kind of "longing" scenes, looking sadly at HW like thinking: "Is this all, is it going to be like this?", she's been like this since her mother said to her his heart is elsewhere several episodes ago (she somehow knew but her mother kinds of put it on her face...now she actually put face to her, and she knows who she is since she had this photo of JH in her workplace and will connect things), I'm referring to the scenes like when they are visiting the villa and talk in the terrace or when HW just leaves her alone in the hotel's room and she says she's going to change and keeps staring at him sadly and such. I don't think she'll grab to him, I personally don't like the character much but I don't think that she's that immature (she's childish, not the same thing) or "bad", she may be annoying but she's been always "correct", I wouldn't follow shamelessly anyone for 10 years and then make a come-back to intensify the stalking but hey, that' not being strictly mean, at the end she actually got the guy, korean dramas are keen on this kind of characters who persist until hell frozens, however I think she'll see that if she marries HW they'll be BOTH unhappy, and I think she doesn't want that not only for her but neither for him, she loves him dearly, and she's kind after all. She's going to suffer and struggle a lot I think but I see her as independent at least that much, hey she came from a 10 year alone trip! She'll kind of see they're, both, worth more than that. Or at least I get that feeling :)
TW is the most annoying character in the whole drama, maybe surpassed by HW, also known as the "sad, sad sloth". I don't get why Kim Ji Hoon took the role, he's just pathetic and has almost no protagonism or...anything, just appears time to time, yells a bit with the same face always and in general he seem very awkward, his acting is not natural or credible at all, his reactions are always too sudden and..just like when HJ came to the house in ep24 and then he shouted like hell and then...that's it, the same face again, I don't believe his character at all. I started seeing this because of him, I'm not saying this kind of as an "antifan" or anything, but it's been so dissapointing, the character is so plain and boring, always the same face and attitude, utterly pathetic, no progress, anything. I think he'll hit JH, just like his brother. I don't know if he will kind of suicide himself or try to kill himself and JH or anything, I don't think so, he's so passive and sad...I think he'll try to control HJ with violence, not only physical but kind of using her father or trying to make her feeling guilty about him after the family goes basically to über-hell (in hell they live...)
This drama is very bad, the idea is kind of good and I get a glimpse of that so I keep watching, and there are some characters I find rather interesting, like HJ or EH, but the developing is really awful, I even think the characters may be well drawn but bad put in scene, most of them got the be played as simple and stupid when I actually think they're very "human" in their flaws...however I feel there are some important issues regarding marriage being thought, you kind of need to have experienced those social norms and have had a serious relationship involving family-in-law to kind of get why the characters do what they do, I understand even why HW is doing that even if he knows, because he knows it, it is not what he wants neither is it right, or why HJ held there, etc. But such and interesting topic got drowned in a very boring way of telling a story that could have been better, regretful. At least is a different drama, I don't see it as your classical family drama but either as a drama "just for entertainment" since the topic needs adult viewers and is kind of a slow, not-happy drama; however it could have been what it is not, sadly.
HJ sister is one of the best female characters in drama land :D
KJH has super sexy lips :\">

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Just finished watching ep 24. 
Se Kyeong finally saw the face of HW 'special one' when she saw the photo. She knew about it, even before she triumphantly persuaded HW to be together. Now, it's either SK confront HW about the photo (why is he still keeping it) or would keep mum about it and investigate who was the girl in the photo. 
Ms. Eun Hee's English student partner at the academy is soooo cute, I hope they would have a cute story line at the end of this drama. Hehehehe. Meanwhile, I am hoping Min Jung would see beyond Ye Seol's net worth that is he not only rich, but a nice guy. 

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As I have watched the stories unfold on SK and TW, I believe these 2 characters will make life a living hell for HW and JH. Let me explain. First, SK has had a long time crush on HW. When they met again at the airport..SK was crying (really). It wasn't long after that SK began her pursuit for HW's affection...even knowing full well that HW had no feelings for her. She didn't give up..she basically pushed her way in until HW felt pressured and gave in (crazy guy), and now they are engaged. She got her man for now...but still HW has no romantic interest or desire toward SK. Yes, HW is very kind hearted but that is a disadvantage in this so-called love relationship. When SK finds out the truth about JH...I honestly think we'll see a different SK. Heck..look at her crazy mom. Apples dont fall far from the tree (as the saying goes). She will fight dirty. As for TW...he is a fighter and he can be ruthless, forceful and possessive. Control is a Kang family specialty. Will he go as far as killing himself...I don't know. The Kang family is a powerful force to contend with...they don't make empty threats. I look forward to writer-nim's narrative imagination.

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1) i agree with @cyriatan. I don't believe that Kang Tae Wook is capable of committing suicide. Remember he is all talk (threats) and no action. He never keeps his promises. He is no different from his parents. 2) As to Hong Hye Jung, it is good that she decided to get a divorce and took her children with her. The in-laws household is not a very good environment for those kids to grow up. They will end up just like the father(Tae Jin) and uncle (Tae Wook) [spoiled and spineless]. What happened to her brother and ex-boyfriend was a wake up call to her. She realized that her in-laws will continue to use her for their benefit (to keep their name untarnished). 3) I wonder what the supposed eldest son is doing? He is divorced from his wife as seen in episode 1. The grandchildren from that marriage is with the mother. Can someone give details?
4) I don't like that Eunhee told the niece about the background (wealth) of Ye Sol. Now she is after him for his money and the guy is non the wiser, since he  obviously is blindly in love with the obnoxious niece. If ever they marry that marriage won't last long.5) As for Se Kyung she obviously is able to get what she wants, as her parents gave in to her wanting to marry Hyun Woo, who obviously is not on the same level as their family. As to her giving up on Hyun Woo and calling off the engagement after seeing the photo, we will just have to see what she will do. Her character/personality has not been really projected well onscreen, is she a crazy, selfish spoiled rotten kid or is she mature enough to finally accept that she cannot force herself into the heart of the man she likes. She can get him (she was able to get him to marry her) but not his heart.

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Even know I dont think SK is a bad spoiled rich girl, I dont think she will be rational when ti comes to HW. She had a crush on him for so long, and now that she got the man, I dont think she would just leave HW to go back to JH. I think she will fight for him, but eventually she will understand that he will never love her like he loves JH, so then she will accept the end of the relationship. 

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Guest SexyDolceVita

I want to see more kim ji hoo scenes! I wanna see him take charge and protect his wife. So sad I love LSW too but I wanna see it work between TW and JH

Looking at how possessive he is towards jh... i think he is probably going to make things worse...

He is most likely going to make jh repel him even more with his oppressive attitude and oblivious tactics towards her life under the control of his parents, esp. his mom.

She has already raised the red flags so many times in his face.

But he is so arrogant that he thinks jh can tolerate and should endure further...

If he truly thinks from her perspective, he would move both of them out of the kang family estate and live on their own.

But he didnt because it would enrage his parents and he still wants to maintain his model son image.

I can imagine in the next few episodes, at the breakfast table, hj is missing along with her daughters. Fil will be angry and annoyed and warn tw and jh that they cannot divorce too. There shall be no divorces in this family, do they understand? Tw and jh would give each other guilty looks, esp. Jh who really feels trapped and helpless in this wicked family, and is dying for a divorce.

Tw will reply..."Neh...Ahbuji...".

Jh would just reluctantly and hesitantly reply..."Neh...ahbunim".

Jh will stare blankly straight ahead of her, while tw will look at jh slantly while feeling as if he is in control of their marriage.

After discovering hw's msg in jh's cell phone, he will want to control jh further and also punish her.

He will say jh has to report her activities and whereabouts every hour...or whenever he calls her.

If she ever contacts hw again, he will know too...by looking at her phone records.

Tw is going to turn into a jealous possessive husband soon.

Because he cant stand the fact that hw knows about jh's secret of resuming work at radio station, while he doesnt! He feels blindsided by jh.

Tw's methods of salvaging his marriage are all wrong!

And his work is too hectic, no wife can tolerate a husband who only returns home three days a week to sleep only. The wife would feel like a decorative item or a house cat in this house.

Tw is probably not suitable to be in a marriage now.

He doesnt know how to soothe his wife's feelings.

And most importantly, he is rendered powerless in front of his parents. He cant do anything for his wife at all! Nothing! Only giving empty promises!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

SexyDolceVita said:

chilis wrote: »

I want to see more kim ji hoo scenes! I wanna see him take charge and protect his wife. So sad I love LSW too but I wanna see it work between TW and JH

Looking at how possessive he is towards jh... i think he is probably going to make things worse...

He is most likely going to make jh repel him even more with his oppressive attitude and oblivious tactics towards her life under the control of his parents, esp. his mom.

She has already raised the red flags so many times in his face.

But he is so arrogant that he thinks jh can tolerate and should endure further...

If he truly thinks from her perspective, he would move both of them out of the kang family estate and live on their own.

But he didnt because it would enrage his parents and he still wants to maintain his model son image.

I can imagine in the next few episodes, at the breakfast table, hj is missing along with her daughters. Fil will be angry and annoyed and warn tw and jh that they cannot divorce too. There shall be no divorces in this family, do they understand? Tw and jh would give each other guilty looks, esp. Jh who really feels trapped and helpless in this wicked family, and is dying for a divorce.

Tw will reply..."Neh...Ahbuji...".

Jh would just reluctantly and hesitantly reply..."Neh...ahbunim".

Jh will stare blankly straight ahead of her, while tw will look at jh slantly while feeling as if he is in control of their marriage.

After discovering hw's msg in jh's cell phone, he will want to control jh further and also punish her.

He will say jh has to report her activities and whereabouts every hour...or whenever he calls her.

If she ever contacts hw again, he will know too...by looking at her phone records.

Tw is going to turn into a jealous possessive husband soon.

Because he cant stand the fact that hw knows about jh's secret of resuming work at radio station, while he doesnt! He feels blindsided by jh.

Tw's methods of salvaging his marriage are all wrong!

And his work is too hectic, no wife can tolerate a husband who only returns home three days a week to sleep only. The wife would feel like a decorative item or a house cat in this house.

Tw is probably not suitable to be in a marriage now.

He doesnt know how to soothe his wife's feelings.

And most importantly, he is rendered powerless in front of his parents. He cant do anything for his wife at all! Nothing! Only giving empty promises!

I can totally see this happening. It was already shown TW could be really possessive when he looked at her phone records before got married. Btw, I don't think she knows about that yet, she'll probably be pissed when she learns this.

Besides being pissed with TW looking at her cell phone, jh will more than likely feel wronged by TW, when he suspects jh of being unfaithful.

TW will insult jh and jh will try to defend herself but tw doesn't believe her.

She doesn't believe in him now. He doesn't believe in her too. This marriage is doomed.

I just hope tw doesn't beat up jh when he is enraged with jealousy during their quarrels.

That would be the GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW alarm for jh! It is no use talking to this man anymore!

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The best episode from this drama is episode 1.  There was chemistry and it was very romantic but since episode 1 the rest of the episodes have been very depressing.  You know there isn't any happiness in those marriages.  I really like to see the final few episodes left with happiness.  I like to see more scenes with Hyun-woo and Ji-hye. To see her give in to her passion for Hyun-woo.  You know they love each other so much. Tae-wook is crazy.  I still don't know why this drama is called Goddess of Marriage because the women aren't happy at all.  Should be called Hell of A Marriage.

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Guest SexyDolceVita

I'm curious...will Hye Jung help Ji Hye to divorce TW if she knows JH is dying to do so now?

Will Ji Hye ask Hye Jung for help once she knows Hye Jung is filing a divorce lawsuit against TaeJin?

I mean...come on, both daughters in law are now dying to get out of Kang family now.

Despite their cold relationship with each other, shouldn't they help each other to leave Kang family?


I somehow think Hye Jung is probably thinking, "I have too many problems on my plate now, help Ji Hye divorce TW, don't think I have the brain cells to do that...Sorry."

And Ji Hye may be thinking "Hye Jung and me are totally different in terms of ideologies of lifestyle, status and integrity. I only have myself to depend on if I really want to divorce TW once and for all!"

Help...them...help each other, Writer Jo!

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SexyDolceVita said: I'm curious...will Hye Jung help Ji Hye to divorce TW if she knows JH is dying to do so now?

Will Ji Hye ask Hye Jung for help once she knows Hye Jung is filing a divorce lawsuit against TaeJin?

I mean...come on, both daughters in law are now dying to get out of Kang family now.

Despite their cold relationship with each other, shouldn't they help each other to leave Kang family?


I somehow think Hye Jung is probably thinking, "I have too many problems on my plate now, help Ji Hye divorce TW, don't think I have the brain cells to do that...Sorry."

And Ji Hye may be thinking "Hye Jung and me are totally different in terms of ideologies of lifestyle, status and integrity. I only have myself to depend on if I really want to divorce TW once and for all!"

Help...them...help each other, Writer Jo!

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Annette said: The best episode from this drama is episode 1.  There was chemistry and it was very romantic but since episode 1 the rest of the episodes have been very depressing.  You know there isn't any happiness in those marriages.  I really like to see the final few episodes left with happiness.  I like to see more scenes with Hyun-woo and Ji-hye. To see her give in to her passion for Hyun-woo.  You know they love each other so much. Tae-wook is crazy.  I still don't know why this drama is called Goddess of Marriage because the women aren't happy at all.  Should be called Hell of A Marriage.

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