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Asian girls dating white guys?

Guest yesungsgal

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Guest I_play_with_dolls




said: I think anyone who has this issue have a superiority complex when it comes to race. My parents would prefer me to date Asian men because they may have similar values when it comes to family, manners, ect but that most likely will not happen if I continue to reside in my area. I have a preference for White guys however this isn't to say I don't find Asian men attractive because I do, I just can't put my finger on what physical aspect I find attractive about Caucasian men though since every individual has different features that you can find in any other race. I've dated both but since this is my area (which is going to be totally subjective of course) I had a difficult time when it comes to compatibility with Asian guys because they're either so obsessed with Asian pop culture or they're one of those California Swag kids, which I'm not attracted to. Of course this is just my location, I'm sure there are Asian guys out there who I am compatible with, just not where I am. This doesn't explain my reason why I prefer White guys though, it may also be because MOST of the Asian guys (of course not all) I met ( again totally subjective) still share that "Asian" value as their parents which I've strayed away from. I just happen to find out of the two, I'm able to find a more of an interest with white men then Asian guys. This however is coming from my point of view of Americans. My preference of looks may just come from of dating/past interest factors.

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Guest Mr-Nice-Watch

Asian girls who prefer white men are usually just white washed aka most Asian females in Cali.
Where I live (DMV) you will rarely see someone date outside their race.
There out there, but it's not common at all. I have only seen 1 asian date outside their race.
shoot, i never seen an african-american date outside their race out here.

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Guest Mr-Nice-Watch

safelittlethoughts said: Jenny No said: You've been called a richard simmons because you dated a non-Asian?? I've never had that happen, but I can see ignorant people calling you that...
Yes, white guys dating Asian girls are definitely praised upon. It's almost like some kind of a fetish/trophy

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Guest Mr-Nice-Watch

I_play_with_dolls said:




said: I think anyone who has this issue have a superiority complex when it comes to race. My parents would prefer me to date Asian men because they may have similar values when it comes to family, manners, ect but that most likely will not happen if I continue to reside in my area. I have a preference for White guys however this isn't to say I don't find Asian men attractive because I do, I just can't put my finger on what physical aspect I find attractive about Caucasian men though since every individual has different features that you can find in any other race. I've dated both but since this is my area (which is going to be totally subjective of course) I had a difficult time when it comes to compatibility with Asian guys because they're either so obsessed with Asian pop culture or they're one of those California Swag kids, which I'm not attracted to. Of course this is just my location, I'm sure there are Asian guys out there who I am compatible with, just not where I am. This doesn't explain my reason why I prefer White guys though, it may also be because MOST of the Asian guys (of course not all) I met ( again totally subjective) still share that "Asian" value as their parents which I've strayed away from. I just happen to find out of the two, I'm able to find a more of an interest with white men then Asian guys. This however is coming from my point of view of Americans. My preference of looks may just come from of dating/past interest factors.

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Guest koreanballads




Okay, nobody get the wrong impression when I give my reasons. This is just based on MY experience and I'm not speaking for every Asian girl. From what I noticed, I found that some Asian guys tend to be very clingy. I understand that it's just your way of showing your affection but there are just some times when I feel suffocated. Also, I don't like the guys in my city, which is another reason.

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Guest koreanballads

I_play_with_dolls said: I wouldn't call it "White culture" but more of an American value or Canadian value and whatever country where it isn't homogeneous and the primary language being English.

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Guest koreanballads

Lie said: People can post any racist nonsense they want on Soompi, and mods will keep it open because they believe (and I suppose they're correct) that it will cause reaction and increase the number of posters. I guess this place is a business like any other? But a bit frustrating when it's obvious that these threads only create conflict and racial trolling.

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Guest destinymarie

"Black, white, asian hispanic, goddammit that don't mean sh** to me f*** your ethnicity!"
What song is that from? It's easy. 
A little aside, I remember my sister was dating an asian (It was long ago, don't remember what nationality he was) guy. We all were over his house. His parents came home and we had to hide in the closet. 
Just an anecdote. It doesn't really relate. Just thought of it, somehow. 
I used to think that it was cute, like Romeo and Juliet, and they're still dating now.
But now it's just like...

everyone should just calm down.

Yay, a conspiracy theory. Let me join!

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Guest koreanballads

odaesan said: I had my suspicions for a while, but this is ridiculous. Article writers try to create conflict with their poor writing and moderators promote hate posts by looking the other way when someone posts offensive things.We should start a petition.Maybe we could even start our own forums.

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Guest chocpaddlepop

These topics seem to always pop up.always brings up hate and bashing on both ends. I don't have anything against Asian girls dating white guys regardless if they have a preference for a white dude. I must be the only Asian guy who's had a negative experience dating a white girl it's such a rare coupling where I live. As an Asian male I do feel that there is such a major difference between Asian male and a Asian female in western media stereotyping as much as I hate it's more positive look on Asian females than males. All I can say is Asian dudes you got to step up your game because the truth is we do have it harder but that's why it's more fun all about the chase.

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Guest brokenmachine

koreanballads said: odaesan said: I had my suspicions for a while, but this is ridiculous. Article writers try to create conflict with their poor writing and moderators promote hate posts by looking the other way when someone posts offensive things.We should start a petition.Maybe we could even start our own forums.

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@koreanballads "A half Korean calling themself "Korean" is like a mutt calling itself a purebred." and "The future of the Korean tribe hinges upon the purity of its bloodline."

Those two lines alone are proof enough of your racist mindset. What if I changed the words Korean to something else? - "A half white, half black person calling themselves white is like a mutt calling itself a purebred." "The future of white America hinges upon the purity of its bloodline." Can't you see how ridiculously racist your comments are? This honestly sounds like something straight out of a history book about slavery in America; almost paralleling the "one drop" rule (a person that has even one drop of "black blood" in their ancestry is black.)

Frankly, I'm reporting you for your racist signature. As a Korean, I'm actually ashamed to share the same "blood" as you.

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Guest koreanballads

brokenmachine wrote: » I think you took a lot of comments out of context and escalated the "argument" or rather created it. It was an interesting read though.

Ah, yes. Kind of like how the OP and numerous other posters in this thread took comments out of context and escalated things even before I chimed in.

&rea said: Those two lines alone are proof enough of your racist mindset.

What's up with the mudslinging on Soompi? Seems like that's the only way Soompiers know how to argue, if I may be frank. I guess you missed this post where I say "I am against the very category of race because of its inherent flaws."

&rea said: What if I changed the words Korean to something else? - "A half white, half black person calling themselves white is like a mutt calling itself a purebred." "The future of white America hinges upon the purity of its bloodline." Can't you see how ridiculously racist your comments are?

You know, this is a fantastic example of how pervasive, sadly, American concepts of "race" are, which leads to giant gaps in logic in people like yourself (Lie included). Consider the following statements: "Koreans are Asian." Next, "Asians are Korean." Is the first statement true? Yes, it is. By definition, Koreans are located in the continent of Asia, making them "Asian". Does this tell you anything about Koreans other than the fact that they happen to be located in Asia? No. It doesn't. Now consider the second statement. Is it true? Are Asians Korean? Some, namely the population of people who reside in Asia who happen to possess Korean blood. Does that mean all Asians are Korean? Of course not; Koreans are a unique tribe. Just like the many other tribes that exist in Asia today. Was that too complicated to understand? Think about it this way: could a Pashtun magically turn into a Ainu person? The Pashtun people and Aiunu people are both located in Asia, and thus "Asian", but the two groups have stark differences. If they really were identical why would we have two separate names for them? What YOU have done is conflated race for tribe/ethnicity/nation. You compare Americans and Koreans. "American" is not a race. It would be silly to argue that "pure" Americans exist because there is no such thing as an "American" ethnicity. Now, you also mention two "races", black and white in order to make the argument that I'm somehow "racist", despite the fact that I have unequivocally denied the very category of race itself! You are continuing to confuse ethnicity for an entire race. Do not confuse the two! If I say, "A white person and black person's offspring is white" it would mean very little, since the category of "white" and "black" encompasses so many people who are different in uncountable ways, just as "Asian" is a huge generalization over an entire continent that simply ignores massive variations in sub-populations. Do you think saying Barack Obama is "black" is any more insightful than saying "Osama Bin Laden is Asian"? Both are "true", but pretty worthless descriptions. But, then, comparing the concepts of "black" or "white" to "Korean" is just plain sophistry. This is the same reason why saying something like "white America" is just plain dumb. There is no such thing as "white America"! The only people who can say they are truly "American" in any genuine sense of the word are Native Americans (btw, it wasn't Asians who engaged in the genocide of these people ;) ) aka the various groups who populated the geographical confines of the modern state of "America". And I don't think these various groups are considered "white" so please, stop making arguments based on faulty reasoning. &rea said: This honestly sounds like something straight out of a history book about slavery in America; almost paralleling the "one drop" rule (a person that has even one drop of "black blood" in their ancestry is black. Frankly, I'm reporting you for your racist signature. As a Korean, I'm actually ashamed to share the same "blood" as you.

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Guest brokenmachine

I don't think the OP have taken anything out of context in terms of her first post. She simply posted what she has come across in experience, even said she finds asian guys more attractive, and clearly is only annoyed at the certain asian guys who attacked asian girls who dates white guys. Then she asked for what people thought, or why individual asian girls choose to date white guys?
From what I have read, most comments where just answers of what individual thought from experience, simply sharing an opinion. Surely there is bias to it, because no one in the world is capable of meeting every other person, just as you and I, most of the times we speak from our own experience that shapes our opinions or judgements. And I'm pretty sure OP just looking for a few different opinions not a serious lecture. 
And really, under the context of the first post, most of the "negative things" said about asian guys are towards that certain group of asian guys who couldn't comprehend people dating outside of their race... that is until people start to take it personally. lol. 
Chill out, I hope you put your logics into better use than this usually.

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Guest koreanballads

&rea said:
1) Please, PLEASE find a quote from me where I promoted racism against Asian males. If you find one where I am Asian-bashing (not out of sarcasm and not towards AM's who are bashing AF's who are dating whtie guys), I will gracefully bow out of this ridiculous debate.

Gofishus stated "Most Asian guys are close-minded"That in itself, is a racist belief.  You affirmed this statement by stating "Quote of the Year, folks!"  Gofishus didn't say, some guys are close-minded and don't date girls out of their own race, did he?  He specifically generalized about 2 billion people.  Do you really think that 2 billion Asian males are "close-minded"?  Do you think that Gofishus saying, "50%+ of 2 billion Asian males are close-minded" had anything to do with reality?  Did he take a survey of Asian males that was statistically valid in order to make the claim that most of them are close-minded?  No, he simply pulled something out of his chocolate starfish, a tasty morsel of racism, should I say.  By affirming that statement, you affirmed a racist generalization, pure and simple.

2) Gofishus is not white. He is Chinese and is one of the guys who complain about Asian girls dating white males (also complaining about Korean guys being so highly regarded by females).

Ah, then my analysis of him being a white guy was incorrect.  He is, then, an Asian guy who says racist things about Asian guys.  I don't have a problem saying that he's racist.  Asian guys can be racist against Asians, just like Asian females can be racist against Asians.  Interesting second point, however. Is there any substance to the statement that Korean guys are highly regarded by females? Perhaps.  But no more than how white guys are highly regarded by females.  Should Korean guys be highly regarded by females?  No.  No more than thinking white guys should be any more highly regraded by females.

3) I've NEVER bashed Asian males as a whole - I bash the ones who think all Asian females who date white males are self "race" hating females who worship the white peen.

I could make a thread dedicated to bashing Asian fetishists.  I can bash white guys with Asian fetishes. I can also bash white guys who think ALL or MOST or A MAJORITY OF or MORE THAN FIFTY PERCENT OF or ____  Asian males are insecure, short, ___insert generalization here____.  But I don't.  Nor do I chime into threads and start to bash white guys who are Asian fetishists. This thread is just a soapbox for bashing phantom specters.  Just plain silly.

4) I was simply making a comparison of how your comments can be construed. The concept of purity of an ethnic group does have an underlying "pride" or "superiority" in it. You, yourself, used the words 'purebred' and 'mutt'. Purebred dogs are considered special and are more valuable than mutts, so when you use those words, it clearly sounds like you're saying Koreans are 'special' in one way or another.

Construed?  Anyone can construe any meaning from anything. That doesn't make for a good argument, though.  No, are you just mistakenly conflating race for ethnicity.  Any "construal" is on your part and I have already clearly stated my definitions so perhaps this is just delicate sensibilities on your part. 

Pride? You talk about pride. Is there anything wrong with pride, in and of itself?  No, there isn't.  You shouldn't be vexed by Jesse Jackson saying he's proud of being black anymore than the thousands of Americans who take pride in being American. To illustrate, Cain Velasquez a world famous UFC heavyweight champion has the words "Brown Pride" tattooed prominently on his chest.  I could construe that as saying "Brown people are the superior race." or "Brown people ought to exterminate white people".  See how construing things gets you nowhere?  When some white people say "I am proud of being white" do I get offended and start screaming bloody murder?  Why would I be vexed by a white person saying hes proud of being white (or a Swedish person saying he's proud of  being Swede) any more than a black person saying hes proud of being black (or a Igbo saying he's proud of being Igbo) or a Korean person saying he's proud of being Korean, for that matter?  Any further construal is merely done on your part and a reflection of you and your beliefs, not mine.

Then you talk about "superiority".  You are construing some fantastic meanings from my original statements, friend.  Saying "A Korean man + Korean woman = pure Korean" has NOTHING to do with "Koreans are superior to all other people".  I do not believe Koreans are superior to any other group anymore than I believe Chihuahuas are superior to any other dog breed.  It would be silly to say Koreans are superior just like it would be silly to say Chihuahuas are superior to other dog breeds.  You say things like "It sounds like..."  Hey, guess what?  That's you construing stuff again!  Purebred dogs are great.  So are mutts.  Koreans are Korean.  Hapas are hapa.  Hapa!= Korean. Did I ever say mutts are lower than purebreds?  No.  So even that construal is just plain false.  But does this change the definition of "purebred" and "mutt"?  No.  It doesn't.  A purebred will continue to be a purebred because of certain characteristics and a mutt will continue to be a mutt because of certain characteristics, regardless of how some people construe those terms. Many  Americans, and many other people like yourself, have bizarre notions of "race" that result in knee-jerk reactions so I can't fault you, really.

P.S. homo sapiens is a species, not a "race". Thought you took 8th grade biology.  Don't confuse species for race any more than you confuse ethnicity for race. ;) 

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