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Guest CarolineKIM

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Guest danchooox

lols, ever since the 2x cards came out,

most of my friends that are 100+ have been trying to get their hands on it. :rolleyes:

i think i did post in here before with my ign,

but that acc got hacked. SODFJSIODJROWEJRLSJFP .

*ign - o0Yuni0o [52 - sin] (it's oZEROyuniZEROo) [:

*server - scania

i think i have some spaces,

since i deleted about half of my bl the other day.

i remember last year when there were hardly any hackers.

i miss it. ;_; yesterday, today, & tomorrow is like

2x day or whatever, right? there were like TONS of hackers hacking all day.

pissed me off. RAWR .

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Guest Hot Fire Neko

Random Rukia made character I came across yesterday in MS while on the way to help level a friend


The accuracy is...hardcore.

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wow ur a high lvl o.O

what server you play on?

anyone selling a nine dragons , skylar or gold dragon?

im selling original white and yellow bandana's but don't know how much they go for so need helP~!

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Guest AMIbunny

hey, i'm doing a presentation on maplestory XD and i want to show some videos THAT I CAN DOWNLOAD..now from Youtube -__-

Some ownage please :]

anyone know any sites w/ good Downloadable MS vids?

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Guest Minhie

Try googlevideo, though it's not as great as youtube, you can download the videos ><

I quit MS due to lack of interest as a level 79 priest...I don't even have the will to level to 80 >< I should though, it was my all time goal.

Maple was my addiction, now I'm addicted to someone, not that something. ♥ So sorry maple xD You can't make NX money offa me anymore T.T

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Guest justaddclouds

ohh man. i stink at this game.. a stupid snail killed me so i quit >.< im not much of a gamer

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Guest danchooox

Random Rukia made character I came across yesterday in MS while on the way to help level a friend


The accuracy is...hardcore.

lOL. Reminds me of a certain anime. 8]

The hair with this headband in Amoria(EXP) is SO hard to get ! :fury:

I'm still not sure if I should use my nx on it ..

A lot of people here play bera or broa.

Anybody in Scania ? :x

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neko did you get ban or something since I don't see you in the rankings.

I moved up to lvl 101 DK ^.^ Bera

still lvl 53 Spearman on Scania

If anyone needs help on Bera I wouldn't mind helping also in Scania if I am higher lvl :P

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Guest yummy_cake

LOL omg i missed this game ~~~~

i stop playing when beta was over..after beta it becomes so boring >_<

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Guest looneyloonay

if you have char. that is 100 or higher level, sell it on ebay you'll get around 200$ =)

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Guest Atmosphere.

I heard that the hair of Rukia is the hair they got from the anime, Bleach^^;;

But wow they even have the eyes of RUKIA!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^;;


I haven't played maplestory for 2 weeks or more now^^;;

I'm okay with that I guess :]

Hmmm now all my level 15+ characters should have their time faming people now >:D

Level 100+ you get $200? thats not really true o_O;;

My friend sold his level 100 chief bandit (perfect stats & 20million mesos, but no items only level 100 equipped items^^) for $982 o___o;;

And my friend with level 65 ice/thunder wiz (perfect stats) and level 51 sin (perfect stats) and 40 million mesos for only $450 was sold^^;;

My poor orangexgirl T_T

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i got bored of it. i wanted to get it to high lvl and then sell it but then i was like nah, dont have time. i gave away like 40mil lol

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Guest Alias1234ever

I'm so addicted to this game -___- I've given nexon $50 already and I'm sure I'll give them more! I play in Scania on weekends if there's no studying to do. Anyone wanna train with me at Jr. Yetis?

IGN: Carolity

Server: Scania

Level 57 Huntress


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Guest voon.hao

i'm getting boring of it.

It's really sien >.<

REALLY,i dont lies.

I sigh in for sometimes

I'm a theif. ROUGH XP

voonhao96 --> me!


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Guest nekkid

lvl 94 white knight =] stopped since new year cuz i can't afford a nice DS... spent too much buying the z helm

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Guest taroe

I'm so addicted to this game -___- I've given nexon $50 already and I'm sure I'll give them more! I play in Scania on weekends if there's no studying to do. Anyone wanna train with me at Jr. Yetis?

IGN: Carolity

Server: Scania

Level 57 Huntress


omg i remember you. dunno if you remember but i'm samshikkie/sams00nie.. :)

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