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[Drama 2013] Incarnation of Money 돈의 화신

Guest nozomikizumi

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That's when Cd and JH come down and JH greets her. JH asks SK if he's eaten and he says they should eat together, which she gladly accepts. JI starts behaving childish (maybe it's supposed to be cute, but it's not), holding CD's arm: Cha Don ssi, le's go eat..."
SK asks him if he knows her. CD: No.. it's just...JI: He is my boyfriend!JH: I didn't know you had that kind of relationship. Then JI should also come and eat with us.
more "childishness" (I know, there's no such word...)CD: What are you doing?JI: What about me?

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So they are all eating like a big and happy family... at two separate tables. SK remembers where he's seen JI.
Sk asks JH if she's not going to get married, so she asks him why he hasn't gotten married. He says he's busy (really?!). JH: Then just go on and be busy. He tells her to tell him when she wants to drink, as he will buy her a drink. She's all happy and blushing while CD watches her from an opposite table, forgetting to stop pouring pepper.

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JI's uncle is watching them, so they start pretending.  
CD: Do we have to go that far, honey?So them killing each other's cheeks is their form of skinship.
the uncle is so happy because they are on a date. He reports to her mother "the skinship is no joke. We should hurry and marry them".
JH interrups them, so she saves their cheeks. :DShe says they look good together. That must have hurt CD if he likes her.
As if it isn't enough, he starts eating, not knowing how much pepper he'd put in his food. :D (If you were looking at the prosecutor...)

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CD asks her why she met SK her mother is watching her..
Kwon Hyuk says there's nothing suspicious about CD, while CD goes crazy in his "money chamber".SK still suspects him.
An investigator brings a file and Kwon Hyuk recongnizes thepresident from the church.
I don't understand the terms, but SK says the president is CD's sponsor.

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CD and the president meet in church and he tells CD to meet him and that he can't wait any longer. Of course he is watched by SK's men, but the accountant girls sees them. 
CD talks with his friend and the accountant about not meeting the president that evening, but CD says that he will meet him, as he can't avoid SK.

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Jo Sang Deuk is angry again... 
SK interrogates the president and makes him believe that CD gave them information about him. And tells him about his daughter's upcoming wedding and how he'd destroy it...
The chief prosecutor calls CD in the room "behing the mirror" and makes hi witness the president talking about bribbing him.
SK asks the president who the Ex Master is, and he says it's CD.
The chief prosecutor says he does believe him (CD), but this doesn't matter, as he ruins the image of the prosecutors and ... like that.
Jae In leaves home telling her mother that she meets CD, but she knows it's a lie, so decides to follow her.
Jae In goes for a facial where she gets into a fight with Angelina. Jae In wins.

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The mother is still following JI and she finds out she's at the restaurant, thinking she is a part timer. She finds out she is actually the president.
JH tells CD that the police is searching his house.
Now everybody is after CD.
He calls his friend and leaves the phone nearby so that he hears what SK tells him (that they are going to search his house).
He just sits in the toilet, trying to buy time for his friend to get home and move the money.
JI's mom is checking her restaurant's state. JI: Mom you only see money? Are they more important than me?JI's mom: Get out of my house!JI: That's what you'd also told dad? Do you think I didn't know? Dad is not dead! because of money... BANG! her mom slaps her.Mom: What do you know? JI: Do you know what I'm most embassed(?) about? That I don't have dad's name, but your name.
JI leavesMom alone: What do you know? ... her head hurts - I don't know if this has anything to do with her illness.
CD's friend and the accountant get to his home and start loading the money.
CD tries to buy some more time, but it doesn't work.
The police cars got there, and they didn't get the money out. CD's friend tells the girl to get out and he burns down the place (with the money).
SK wants to get in, but CD stops him. (Ya! You should have left him! You'll still have many problems becaus of him)
CD is crying for his money.
JH is back at the crime scene, but this time she goes up, from where the guy fell and... she finds his phone. (I have the feeling this is when CD's real troubles start)

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Back at CD's house
Kwan Hyuk to CD: Are you crying?CD: No matter how bad it was, it was still my house... Shouldn't I cry?
Now they are all crying after their hard-earned money.
His mother is in a cell. Of course SK took her there. How can he lock her in a cell?
She tells him that the fight starts now. SK tells her: When you find SK tell him that SK killed his father and that he has to revenge him.CD's mother: That's exactly what I'm going to do.SK: But KS is dead ...

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CD and his friends are looking for money. They've found some of them...The accountant girl (she also works with them) tells him something about the prosecutor's office, but I couldn't understand what.CD is deterimined not to die alone.
JH meets him and he says they'll talk later.CD goes straight into JSD's office. He is threatening him. "I will definitely not die alone"

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@tunisian His friend was waiting for CD outside the room where he was talking with SK. 
CD gets out of the roo and his friend tells him that he shouldn't take this last deal (the deal with the president he met in the church), but CD says SK doesn't know yet that he is the Ex Master (Extortion Master), the corrupt prosecutor he was looking for.

CD's friend set the house on fire so that the police wouldn't find the money.
@nobuyukijohnson Sorry for the inconvenience, but this was just the easier way for me to post. I've started by editing the first post, but I thought it was too long, so... 
I guess you've already read that in the end he says that "he will not die alone".

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even though I'm new at this thread I would love to thank you for your effort in letting us know what is happening within the current episodes. I'm really grateful as I can't watch the show but have to due to time-constraints but I still would like to know what's going on as the show's premise peaked my interest.

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The viewership rating of IOM went down by 0.8%
by pechumori      3/4/13


According to Nielsen Korea, the viewership rating Of "Incarnation of Money" for its 10th episode which was shown yesterday went down by 0.8%. From a rating of 12.2% last Saturday, it became 11.4% the next day.

Here's the list of the ratings per episode of IOM

Episode 1 - 9,7%
Episode 2 - 9.2%
Episode 3 - 10.2%
Episode 4 - 10.6%
Episode 5 - 14.5%
Episode 6 - 13.1%
Episode 7 - 13.4%
Episode 8 - 13.3%
Episode 9 - 12.2%
Episode 10- 11.4%

credit: nate news
photo credit: DC Kissgall
source: Incarnation of Money 돈의 화신 FB

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"Incarnation of Money" Park Sang-min comprehends Kang Ji-hwan's trick



Park Sang-min figured Kang Ji-hwan out in the SBS drama "Incarnation of Money".

Ji Se-kwang was phone tapping Lee Cha-don and his client when Lee said, "I live in the name of honor as a prosecutor and I refuse to be solicited". Ji Se-kwang laughed, "Tricks can be played by tricks".

Ji Se-kwang went to the location and asked the client to go with him for investigation and added to Lee Cha-don, "You did a good job".

Lee Cha-don hesitated and the client thought he had been tricked. Ji Se-kwang who pretended like he didn't know anything said, "Now we can catch Shudal".

Meanwhile, Bok Jane (Hwang Jeong-eum) took revenge on Eun Bi-ryeong (Oh Yoon-ah) who yelled at her, "How dare a bartender talk back to me?"

Source : www.fnnews.com/newsvi... ( English )
credit: http://www.hancinema.net/spoiler-incarnation-of-money-park-sang-min-comprehends-kang-ji-hwan-s-trick-53425.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Incarnation of Money 돈의 화신 FB
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Guest dancy

Episode 10 I feel so bad for CD and his house got burn down. I hate Ji Se Kwang so much in this episode. >:P I hope he rot in jail when his time is coming. This episode was good but I just got richard simmons at Ji Se Kwang and Kwon Hyuk.  X( 
I wonder who kill that one guy  (sorry forgot his name) that fall from the build. Could it be Ji Se Kwang and his people who did it? I can't wait for next week.  

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Guest farstrep

pechumori said: @farstrep, my friend, welcome to the IOM thread. Glad you could join us. :-h
love your comments. we'll be waiting for your reviews on the other episodes

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