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[Drama 2012/13] My Love , Butterfly Lady 내 사랑 나비부인


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@mekeo117, SC is ashame to face her son after all the mean things she's done. She made a deal with SG for the MB land deed in exchange to leave. She returned the deed to JW's parents and told JW to divorce NB. She's told JW's mother twice that WJ and NB love each other. SC is trying to fix anything that stands in the way of WJ becoming President of World and anything that stands in the way of NB and WJ being together.


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Ep 45 text preview is out...

45회 [2013-03-17]
실비아 최는 정욱에게 설아가 숨긴돈을 찾을때까지 설아에게 자신이 우재를 알고 있단 사실을 숨겨달라 한다. 한편, 정욱은 새벽 찬 기운에 오들오들 떨면서 우재를 기다리고 있는 나비를 보며 이혼해 주겠다 하는데...

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Watching Ep 45 live. Will update with stuff throughout the episode... (also, my connection is kind of lagging right now, so I might miss things here and there.) [EDIT: Well I finally finished.]
Starts with last scene from Ep 44, with SC and NB at NB's store, and WJ comes in and says about him being Cheol. And SC says more stuff again, WJ walks out, NB chases after him. SC starts to cry. NB tries to talk to him but WJ is angry at NB and tells her to not appear in front of him again (I think) and walks away. NB goes back to SC and she seems to be sick and NB helps her.
Now it's scene with SA, she's thinking to herself and rushes to WJ's house. Quick scene with HMR and her son. SA goes to talk to LSG and tells him that WJ and SC met. SA asks for WJ for LSG's help, but he tells SA to get out. SA gets more upset and leaves. HMR's son says in front of HMR and SA that he kept the secret about him going to a international school. And now HMR is angry and takes her by the arm. SR and LSG comes out and LSG tells her to get out again. HMR talks to LSG. LSG decides to make a call to someone.
NB helps SC back to the apartment and they start to talk. SC asks her to not tell anyone about her bad eyesight. Now the scene is at WJ at his office. He gets a call from NB, but he won't answer his phone, so NB leaves a message. Now at JW's house where JW's family is looking at the document. In the meju room, JW's mom and JW talking if he'll divorce NB or not. JW's mom telling JW to think carefully about the divorce.
Now back to SA as she returns to her apartment and she's upset, gets her phone and calls JW. SA tells JW that they need to meet right now. JW gets there and SA tells JW that SC knows that WJ is his son... SA and JW continue to talk more about it.
NB visits SC at the apartment again because she's worried about SC. And NB takes SC out together. Now at NB's house, GH and NB's mom playing Go-Stop. NB brings SC to her house and tells her mom that SC is WJ's mom. JW meets NB outside her house, but she ignores him.
NB is outside WJ's house and calls him saying that she'll wait for him until he comes out. WJ texts NB now to wait outside. Back at NB's house now NB's mom helping out SC, since SC will be staying overnight at NB's house. NB continues to wait outside WJ's house throughout the night. JW followed NB to WJ's house and tells her to leave, but NB says she won't. JW asks how she feels towards WJ, and she says she loves WJ a lot. WJ still in his room thinking about what SR said. JW says he'll divorce NB now. JW and NB leaves now. And now WJ comes out and NB texts him.
Next morning, and SC and NB's mom already left NB's house. NB's talks on the phone. Now in SC's car and she's being following. And now playing pool is who I assume is Moon Hyung Shik (MHS). SA at her apartment making a phone call to MHS, but he doesn't answer. SA calls JW to ask if anything happened, to call her if anything happened. Now JW and NB in front of the building to get a divorce. SC takes MHS and asks him a lot of questions (with other guys behind her). Now JW and NB got divorced, NB thanks and apologizes to him, JW also apologizes to NB. NB and JW goes to JW's house to tell them about the divorce and say goodbye. NB starts to cry. NB apologizes, but JW's mom says it's okay, there's nothing for her to be sorry for.
Now NB talks to JW's father about the shoes. NB sees the shoes that JW's father made with JW's on it. SC has the guys beat up MHS. At NB's house, NB's making shoes. NB's mom come home and NB tells her she got divorced. Back at JW's house. Now CG and SJ have a nice conversation. Now at SC's apartment NB gave a present to SC, shoes with WJ's name in it, so she'll thinking of WJ. SC looks at the shoe and cries.
SA calls SJ and apologizes. SA runs into SC at the elevator, they talk for a little bit, but then NB leaves. SC calls LSG and says she'll leave Korea. And now one of the guys brings the evidence on SA to SC. Now at WJ's house. LSG tells SR and HMR that SC is leaving. SR wants to tell WJ that SC's leaving, but SR says no. Now NB's mom work, SR visits and they eat a meal and talk. (NB's mom is ready to go to SJ's wedding.) NB's mom tells SR that they shouldn't meet like this anymore for NB's sake.
Now at World Department Store, they're having a vote. JW interrupts the meeting and says that NB is divorced (and brought the documents). SA is listening outside the meeting room (and is shocked). JW gets a call from SC saying that everything's done for. Now SC's in her car and there's still another car behind her. JW and SC meet again, now SC gives her the other evidence regarding SA's hidden money. JW thanks SC. SC tells JW to go to his brother's wedding. And SA's stalking/watching outside the building... and now she's pissed. SA confronts JW outside his car. JW tells her that she has the evidence... and now SA's panicking.
YJY visits NB's shop and his talking to NB. (This scene is kinda funny lol.) SC calls NB on the phone, to tell her she's leaving, tells her to love WJ as a last favor (and totally leaves YJY stranded at her store LOL.) Now at the World Dept. Store office, SR and LSG congratulate WJ. NB barges into the office. NB tells WJ that SC is leaving, and tells WJ why SC's leaving. NB says what she has to say then leaves. WJ follows NB and asks where SC is right now.
Now it's SC sitting at the airport. SC thinks to herself, "Cheol, you have to be happy." Now WJ and NB are the airport, SC is entering and WJ sees her, but he can't get in. He's too late, SC already left. WJ is crying and says, "Cheol is here, Cheol is here, Mother. I missed you." He falls to the ground and says, "I missed you, Mother." NB looks sadly at WJ.
Back at WJ's house, LSG returns to his room, he gets a call from someone. Now JW and NB's mother in the car. NB's mom thanks JW for divorcing. JW's car being followed by SA obviously. SA tries to call JW, but he doesn't answer. NB and WJ returned to the office and they talk. NB tells WJ to understand SC. WJ says that he doesn't know what to do now. WJ gets letter delivered to him.
AND OMG, NB'S MOM AND JW'S CAR WENT OVER THE ROAD IN THEIR CAR. They're in a car accident and they're not responding. The car's badly damaged, NB's mom and JW are badly injured. SA's outside the car and she's scared.
...And there the episode ends. Oh darn it. I was afraid another car accident would happen, ugh. And I guess WJ reading the letter happens next week, since it didn't appear in this episode. (The letter got delivered to him, but he didn't read it yet.)

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Guest kda86

This drama is nuts...I didn't think the writer would make an accident like that to make it last 5 more EPS. NB's mum better not die! Was SA the one who made it happen? She seriously needs to be put away...

Also I so wanted NB to give WJ a hug...he so needed that at the airport. She better give him one after he reads that letter...

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Guest cupcakedarling

@Ayame thanks a lot for the recap :D

With only 5 epi left, I wonder how the writer will go from here. WJ and SC still need a proper reunion and now the accident :-? This is still a rom-com, right?

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kda86 said: This drama is nuts...I didn't think the writer would make an accident like that to make it last 5 more EPS. NB's mum better not die! Was SA the one who made it happen? She seriously needs to be put away...
Also I so wanted NB to give WJ a hug...he so needed that at the airport. She better give him one after he reads that letter...

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Guest kda86

@boafriend yeah the car trailing SC must have been sent by SG. And whenI watched back at the ep it does look like the same car, plus it sped away so like u said SG could be trying to get rid of JW...or it could have been just an accident as a result of JW trying to get away...guess we'll just have to wait and see...

I guess putting NB's mum in the car is a way to get NB and WJ involved as if it was just JW they probably wouldn't't get involved...

Yeah WJ and his mum definitely need a proper reunion. I wonder if she actually left? She may not have...

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Guest cupcakedarling

I also think LSG is the one who ordered the trailing car but why is he trying to kill JW? Just because he's helping SC?

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With 5 more eps to go things had started being resolved. WJ and SC finally know who each other are. The MB family finally got the deeds back. NB and JW finally got a divorce. CK and JY are finally getting married. JW getting the evidence to bring SA down. SR and NB's mother resolved their little attraction. It was all just too simple and too nicely packaged. All this started with SA with the accident and the death of her brother. Her revenge on NB brought all these people together and in someway changed their lives.

Who was the black car following SA, JW or NB's mother. Which car caused the accident. SA's or the black car. (It might turnout that stay at home MR was having the woman her husband was meeting followed). Of course SA is going to take the envelope and leave the scene of the accident. The only ones who know about the evidence is SC and JW. Everytime JW has any evidence against SA it ends up missing.  SA is going to think she's gotten away with her crimes once again. SC left to quietly and left unfinished business with her son and SG. Even though SC left I think she still will have someone keeping tabs on WJ and NB. SC is going to come back and whoever is responsible for causing the accident is going to pay.

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awsparkle said:

With 5 more eps to go things had started being resolved. WJ and SC finally know who each other are. The MB family finally got the deeds back. NB and JW finally got a divorce. CK and JY are finally getting married. JW getting the evidence to bring SA down. SR and NB's mother resolved their little attraction. It was all just too simple and too nicely packaged. All this started with SA with the accident and the death of her brother. Her revenge on NB brought all these people together and in someway changed their lives.

Who was the black car following SA, JW or NB's mother. Which car caused the accident. SA's or the black car. (It might turnout that stay at home MR was having the woman her husband was meeting followed). Of course SA is going to take the envelope and leave the scene of the accident. The only ones who know about the evidence is SC and JW. Everytime JW has any evidence against SA it ends up missing.  SA is going to think she's gotten away with her crimes once again. SC left to quietly and left unfinished business with her son and SG. Even though SC left I think she still will have someone keeping tabs on WJ and NB. SC is going to come back and whoever is responsible for causing the accident is going to pay.

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Guest Anny Bee

omg.. this car accident thing puts everything into a frenzy.. if grumpy grandpa (or dad) is behind it and nb's mom dies.. WJ and NB will never end up together...i hope this is not the case.. by the way, why was nb's mom in the car with kjw? were they going to the wedding?  but why is he picking her up?

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Guest robs1430291557

@BoAFriend, I think the evidence envelope was in the car. In the last scene with SA standing by the car there is a yellow envelope on the ground........

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Guest Anny Bee

does anyone know when the subtitles for ep 42 and 43 will be released? i usually get them from here but they don't have the latest episodes yethttp://subscene.com/subtitles/my-love-madame-butterfly-2012

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The yellow envelope is on the ground on NB's mother's side of the car right in front of where SA is standing. SA always manages to gets out of everything she does wrong. I think it will turn out that the accident happen because both cars were trying not to lose who they were following. SA's car and the black car will probably be seen from the road cameras but nothing will be recorded in the area of the accident. SA can save herself on this one because she can say she was also on her way to the wedding of her family member. No matter how it goes SA knows just what happen to cause that accident.

NB and WJ are on their way to getting back together. NB is with WJ and being his source support while he's going through his trials about his mother. Once they find out about her mother WJ will be NB's source of support which will bring them back together. (A butterfly needs it's garden to survive).

SG has no other reason to have JW followed or something done to him  The only reason SG would be involved is his wanting to get his hands on and knowing what's in that yellow envelope.  

SG, SA and JW have to get what's coming to them for all the trouble they have caused. JW will probably be cripple or something and the woman he didn't want YJ will come back, but end up walking away. SA needs to go to jail. Nothing else will satisfy me. SG needs to end cut off from everything he stole. World and WJ.

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