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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Guest Leilanie

Good morning! This is my first time posting but have been a lurker for a while. I love ChaeKi couple no matter how many times I try to rationalize they're not real, when I see their interactions in BTS what ever rational thought I have goes out the window. English is not my first language, so my question is What does Chae Won means by one eye lid? I believe she said she likes this in a guy?

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Guest charmingtail

Leilanie said: Good morning! This is my first time posting but have been a lurker for a while. I love ChaeKi couple no matter how many times I try to rationalize they're not real, when I see their interactions in BTS what ever rational thought I have goes out the window. English is not my first language, so my question is What does Chae Won means by one eye lid? I believe she said she likes this in a guy?

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Guest yoonghyuun

joongki n yonghwa meet during Drama Star Award


wonder what they're talking about :))

since cnblue n moon chae won work together in Bang Bang CF.., maybe
-SJK asked YH what is his impression about MCW
-SJK asked YH to take care of MCW when they're filming..

*let me delusional*  onion-11.gifonion-11.gif

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Guest charmingtail

anoosha said:
Jillia said: @anoosha

To be honest this BTS vid and the BTS vid for the back hug... are the strongest hint that something is really fishy for real. =)) I mean seriously... what are they trying to do!? kkk

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@clarclar012 , aweee I miss your replies >:D<makes my day (:& what have you fed me clarclar?My tummy is bulging! No wonder I'm so behind :'(Haha jokes :$

@coolcoke. , gah I love your manip >:D<I hope you'll share more with us (:But that is, only if you're not busy with school and have the time (:
@populovehyun , haha I love your whole horoscope speculations! It's amazing & the time & effort you put into the research, gah burning toasts are so amazing >:D<
@Jillia , you're right >:D<There's something so suspicious about the way Chaeki mentions each other hehehe!! ;))

On another note, I'd just like to share what I noticed in the video (:First off, haha Chae Wonnie's eye twitch when she mentioned Joong Ki's name at the beginning of the video was just adorable!Then, I noticed that when she mentioned his name in her star date interview, where she hadn't begun her filming with Joong Ki yet, she had no problem saying his name and it came out so fluently without any eyebrow raisers! But from there onwards, as she begun filiming with Joong Ki, when she mentioned his name in the Seoul Drama Awards, there was a bit of an eyebrow raiser, though not as noticeable. But LOW AND BEHOLD GUYS, now that filming is all done, it's just a full on TWO eyebrow raisers everytime she mentions his name hahahah =))
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Guest yoonghyuun

p1n6an2012 said: @ngim
it's not only her eyebrows...even her shoulders~ lol how cute is that?
then you'll see and hear the crew and staffs are serious listening to her speech until she said "song joong ki....sshi?" they laughed and others smiled...

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So I am so excited I forgot to tell you earlier, but ya know that pinky I was saving to get out of wood, I can sacrifice it now for our ChaeKi Sageuk or our real life pairing because the heavens looked down on me and broke my grandpa's woodsplitter and since he said we aren't gonna use axes like they did a million years ago I can sacrifice my saved pinky to the greater good...the drama Gods or the Goddess Hera (the Goddess of marriage and babies and what have you) so they give us what we want! I am so happy! :D (You and I are probably the only people in the entire world happy to chop off our pinkies.)

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Guest charmingtail

I have not been following much of SJK especially watching his old videos and interviews. watching this video made me realise that he is such a media savvy charmer. Just looked 1.45, at a press conference at everyone full view, he can actually just stare at PBY intently and then poke her cheek WITHOUT even a slightest flinch. At an interview 2.14, he just causally brush PBY hair  :-O.....sort of remind me that our MCW used to be able to mention "SJK ssi" without a flinch too  hahahaha

Hat off to our chae wonnie,  I think we have to give MCW some credits to make SJK smile shyly and awkwardly around her. Now I can fully understand and appreciate (below) @Moon2Won report  :))

Moon2Won said: Cross-posting my post on the Nice Guy thread as requested by @Kgrl  :)
Come on you two. Are you trying to kill us here with your adorableness? I seriously can't take it anymore. I love how with Chaewon, Joong Ki starts off by being playful, confident, and flirty like he is with his other co-stars, and basically the Joong Ki we all know and love. However, within seconds, he ends up being a shy, awkward, and giddy boy around her. It's like he can't help, but lose himself with her, and Chaewon brings at an endearing side of him. The boy is enamored by Chaewon's natural cuteness. 
SONG JOONG KI'S TRANSFORMATION AROUND CHAEWON (That's right...it's a report)(Dedicated to the Naughites..THANKS for all the laughs. Whatever the episodes may bring, the journey was AMAZING)
Smooth Joong Ki oppaimage TRANSFORMS INTO  image
EXHIBIT B: Patting Head BTS
He starts off teasing her about her eating habits on set, and about how she ate all his meat (Which HE gave her! ), but he can't help but laugh at her cuteness.image into this   image into THIS image
Her cuteness is too much to handle.image
EXHIBIT C: Tripping Joong Ki oppa (The boys is tripping..literally.)image image
EXHIBIT D: *GULP, GULP* The heat pack is not the only thing that's warming him up =))image
EXHIBIT E: Fanboying over ChaewonI mean within seconds of Chaewon's name being mentioned..the boys is gushing :ximage
EXHIBIT F: NAUGHTY Joong Ki and Chaewon (Awkwardly teasing each other) The way he teases her is so adorable. He starts off innocently teasing her, and then can't help but get shy in the process. I mean if you watch the video carefully, as he is calling her name (her attention), he is all nervous and shy even before the joke starts. Reminds me of how in high school, my friends and I would plan out how the whole conversation would go with our respective crushes. Flirtiness and playfulness was THE KEY. We would seriously type scripts, and then try to pass it off as a natural conversation. It always went horribly LOL.  You can tell that JoongKi planned this in his head.

SJK: Chaewon, don't you think it'd be better if I don't wear pants and just wear the apron?

MCW: *laughs*

SJK: *laughs*

SJK: No pants and like "I am a man of the morning" feel... Only the apron *laughs* Then... *turns his cute butt towards MCW*

MCW: *slaps that a$s*



EXHIBIT G: Surprise Backhug Catches Him off-guard

The food is not the only thing that's "hot"


Exhibit H: FLIRTIEST INTERACTION EVER! This is such a boyfriend-girlfriend thing. Breathing on each other all flirty while practicing the dialogues? Yeah the scene DEFINITELY didn't call for that. LOOK at his adorable face. It's plain and simple...the BOY IS IN LOVE.image
imageCredit: ZarraJaeEXHIBIT I: Flowers for her BirthdayIt's so cute..he can't even look into her eyes as he is giving her the flowers. And it's so freaking adorable how he immediately walks away.  OMG shy Joongki is the cutest Joongki so far.
image  image   image
DISCLAIMER: This was typed by a delusional Chaeki fan, who has not gotten sleep for the past two days because she can't leave the best forum EVER. Please excuse my delusional Chaeki heart. BUT with the evidence I have compiled..there is NO DENYING IT. To the non-believers..
File:You're Wrong, I'm Right.gif
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Guest clarclar012

ngim said: @clarclar012 , aweee I miss your replies >:D<makes my day (:& what have you fed me clarclar?My tummy is bulging! No wonder I'm so behind :'(Haha jokes :$

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Guest charmingtail

haha a very interesting observation of SJK brushing hair . At an interview 2.14 (above), he confidently and causally brush PBY hair. Does this remind you of KMG brushing SEG's hair at the beach (epi 9; 6) when he tried to push her away from him and also he brushed HJH's hair when he tried to sell himself to her at episode 18; 23.40; and he pat/slight brushing of MCW's hair (gif as below)........
Maybe this is SJK's attempt at charming a gal or when he is trying to act romantic???, the only difference is that he ended up giggling shyly after brushing MCW's hair =)

EXHIBIT B: Patting Head BTS
He starts off teasing her about her eating habits on set, and about how she ate all his meat (Which HE gave her! ), but he can't help but laugh at her cuteness.image into this   image into THIS image
Her cuteness is too much to handle.
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imageWhenever I open this thread and get to 1st page, I always sigh and smile like an old ahjumma   halmeoni saying,"Ah... look at them. Very compatible right?.. too sweet~"
@JilliaWhy not sis? We don't care if it's repost as long as it's Chaeki.I even rewatch and rewatch every BTS and chaeki related stuffs as if it's never enough :))
@ngimAw.. thanks but I didn't really work hard for that ;))It's not like I use my own brain to analyze em and doing things you love is not a burden at all!
Ey, guys.. anyway.. I've to say this again:Isn't it weird that both these people wants to be Jo In Sung? LOL... SJK wants to reborn in JIS face and MCW wants to potray JIS role in WHIB. I know it's delusional, but whatever! I'll walk kkk... SJK looks a little bit like JIS actually, and someone else has said this ;)) What about another melo but it's triangle love between JIS, MCW and SJK with SJK as JIS younger brother and they're in chaebol role with MCW as this independent ordinary girl who works as one of their bodyguard???*off to make my own fanfic*haha.gif

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