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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Guest clarclar012




said: Few pointers after reading some interviews more in depth 

1) When MCW was shooting NG, she actually fell in love with the "intense love" btw MR and EG. But after she is out of the drama, she only wants a simple love for herself. nothing like the love in NG and TPM.

2) Even though they were supposed to be a lover in the NG, but she did not warm up to SJK very fast as her philosophy is that you need abt 2 years to really know a person. After the press conference, she told SJK "Let's drop the formalities" and then they become closer....

If my understanding of her interview is incorrect, pls feel free to correct it.............

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I love this pink hilight
4. Joongki in Chae Won's perspective : Chae Won took some time to talk to JK informally. CW didn't really smile when the production started since pre-amnesiac Eungi wasn't that happy-go-lucky while post-amnesiac Eungi was quite jolly, hence she was in a happy mood only in later episodes. To prevent other people (crew , i assume , it's not stated) to misunderstand her personality , she often lighten the mood during filming with jokes and (make a fool out of herself?)  She personally admitted that she wasn't that good in doing emotional scenes , hence she might be a little under the weather emotionally for some time before filming and after filming because she cant afford to shed that emotion immediately. Joongki actually asked Chaewon how did she learn to make notes on her script while filming since he's quite curious about it. CW : "Joongki Oppa praised me a lot for those notes on my script. I actually learnt it from Ryung Seong Yeong (pardon me if it's spelled wrongly! ) while filming for The Painter of The Wind. His script has been underlined and scribbled endlessly. He's very particular about his script , I've always thought that those scripts belong to Gun Yeong (again..spelling!) Hence , I've learnt from sunbaenim regarding this method. He's not informed about this."
One of Chae Won's perspective towards life/relationships is that she would admit to have known a person thoroughly only if she has known this particular person for at least 2 years. "After filming with JK for 6 months , knowing that he has always been straightforward , very frank and not putting on a mask in reality. The script requires us to be lovey-dovey and she thought that it would be appropriate for them to be comfortable with each other with the informal tone , but in reality it took her some time to do it. She used informal tone while filming , but she has gotten back to use the FORMAL TONE after the production ENDED. She started to use the informal language around the time during press con for NG. 

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I finally caught up here! Seriously so much to spazz about, but @anoosha (I love your Best Prop of the Year Award!) and @charmingtail has already covered most of the crucial points :D. Moonies are still working on translating full interviews, but it's quite obvious that the MS team isn't as stringent as Sidus. I was literally jumping up and down last night with giddiness over one of CW's answers: She doesn't currently have a boyfriend. Given that it is unlikely CW would lie about this (she would either choose not to answer or admit to it), it dissipates an insider info I received last month...which means all the body language we've seen so far between ChaeKi is pure attraction, no doubts whatsoever. senam.gif

There's so much I want to say, but I have lots of work to do and I want to wait until all the interviews have been translated before we start on ChaeKi's...potential. ;)) Let us celebrate and do the ChaeKi walk together!


P.S. @aew_aew_aew I love that gif of SJK. Just goes to show how dominant and confident he can be...except when it comes to CW. :))

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raine_evenstar said:


actually that paragraph about the informal/formal speech, I took a look at the chinese translation as well, and because the chinese word used can mean both "production" and "filming", it's better if there's a korean who can verify this.  Because judging from the chinese translation, I think the "filming" meaning is closer to the chinese translator's intent.  So it's more likely that "in the beginning, CW will use informal during the filming and then revert back to formal when the filming ends.  but then ever since the press con, when she told JK "let's drop the formal speech", she starts using informal speech with JK from then on.

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Actually it was @yeisha posting that. She is awesome. :x

I'm so glad you are finally catching up. You were far away but you ran so fast. ;))

                                                                           away.gif             away.gifaway.gifaway.gif

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Oh, Chae Wonnie. I know what you're trying to do there:

A. You're diverting our attention so we look elsewhere while you go on your camping trip with SJK in your white van.

B. You're sending SJK a message in code. Hidden in those interviews are the directions for the place where you'll pick him up, and a list of groceries you want him to bring. There must be a "three-layered pork" dish hidden somewhere in one of those interviews.

C. You cleverly mention the Aomori kiss and the whole "I was so into the last kiss scene that I didn't notice it was snowing" to add veracity to your story so we don't think you're completely avoiding the topic. Tsk, tsk. Clever girl.

D. You're telling SJK that it's ok, that he can go to his Military service for two years, as you have the patience to use that time to get to know him better and then make your move.

E. You exude that naturally awesome and classy and beautiful aura of yours in all those photos so he can't help but hurry to his room and look at them wishing those 2 years are over soon.

Ah, Moon Chae Won Ssi… you Really (NG OST) thought we, Burning Toasts, would not notice?


PS: Even if all you said is true, I'll go on believing… just like part of me still believes in Santa Claus even if it's me who goes personally to buy my son's gifts!

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I love you guys. 
So it's settled? We are building a monument of the White Van and the Aomori Kiss setting because it cements ChaeKi further into our minds.
Oh!! Interviews!!! Wait for me!!image imageimageimageimage
I love you @coastalbreeze, you are the fresh air from the beach, the butter on our burnt toast, the sock to our feet. 8-} You successfully sussed out what Moon Chae Won was hinting towards our King who is currently in hiding. 
Sigh. Why is it that, rather than discouraging us, we are encouraged with every single news/item of ChaeKi that is uncovered?

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Grimm_Jagg said: I love you guys. 
So it's settled? We are building a monument of the White Van and the Aomori Kiss setting because it cements ChaeKi further into our minds.
Oh!! Interviews!!! Wait for me!!image imageimageimageimage
I love you @coastalbreeze, you are the fresh air from the beach, the butter on our burnt toast, the sock to our feet. 8-} You successfully sussed out what Moon Chae Won was hinting towards our King who is currently in hiding. 
Sigh. Why is it that, rather than discouraging us, we are encouraged with every single news/item of ChaeKi that is uncovered?

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Guest yawzers

Anyeong new poster in Chaeki land

I really enjoy reading everyone's insight and perspective of our Chaeki couple. Specially the really delusional ones makes my heart pitter-patter :x

All I can say is that even if they are not a couple now they definitely enjoyed each others company specially flirting which each other. <:-P

Chae Won is so funny with her reason on the "one hot pack" so therefore they had no choice. She did have a choice to just hand the hotpack to SJK and he can put the hotpack on his neck ;;) ..but hey what's the fun in that..Chae Won putting it on SJK is 1000000x better for flirting purposes :\"> and for us delusional Chaeki fans :))

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@anoosha, was it @yeisha? My bad! It's these ChaeKi feels. I swear, if they come out with any more interviews I might just dead.gif *copying @jeonghyang with butt scratching*

@coastalbreeze: bfft.gif I almost spat my dinner out with your comments. Lemma sugoii.gif with ya.

@Grimm_Jagg: erect those monuments! We're going to have to build a "The Hot Pack Never Seen Anywhere in the World" monument too.

@yawzers Welcome to the ranks! Let's give our Queen the benefit of the doubt. Really, with all of the many staff, crew, managers, and assistants, there must have been collective amnesia that day. You know these things spread like a virus. But low and behold, MCW must have been astute enough, despite her constant amnesia, to remember to grab just one hot pack for herself. And SJK being the manly man, would of course, neglected to bring his own. Forcing CW to keep him warm throughout the long filming night. And on top of that, JK isn't even fazed that CW has put a hot pack on his neck, normally pretty sensitive, simply saying "Okay" like they do this everyday to let CW know to remove her hot pack. Yea, like I said, these things happen all the time between co-stars.

Anyways, CW needs to stock up on these hot packs, since JK told a fan who handed him a hot pack at the airport, "these things are great" just the other day. haha.gif

OK, I need to calm down, I still have work to do.

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All the interviews...

(ahaha sorry. I just love Stitch.)

It's like Christmas! Thank you, our lovely Moon Chaewon. And thank you to Moonies, Naughties, and toasts for translating and sharing! ^^ <3

And @kgrl ahjumma fairy godmother, you need to stop analyzing (and by stop I mean you should never stop :)) ) before you kill us all with the ChaeKiness!

I'm already wanting to start a fanfic for them (and this is coming from a physics/maths student =)) ), and I want to learn how to make videos too. However, real life does not allow this T_T so all I managed was to edit some colors into the pictures from one of the interview. </3 She's sososososo lovely. Cannot stop staring.

cr: MCW soompi thread for pics, me

I'm sure SJK is staring too :)) I'm sure he's staring at her right now...in person. What if they were like sitting on the same couch right now and...ahahah!! JKJK. Sigh. ps. I'm happy they're so observant about everything! Everything that does not slide by us probably does not slide by them. The hot-pack: was it really that sensational? Or just something small that Chaewon picked up? Someone has been paying attention to comments. ;;) Have they seen the Saeguk videos? lsskdljflskdf I can't control my feeeeelingsss eeep. Anyway, I gotta go now. T_T

Keep posting, toasts! <3
More ChaeKi please!

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Guest clarclar012

@coolcoke.HAH! yes I was wondering at that thing too..
You seem to have good connection/relation with song joong ki:"we had a good connection after filming for 6 months together...as a colleague he is sincere and outspoken person... when we're filming, there were photos uploaded that we're holding one hot pack together and many people thought that we have special relationship, that time, we didn't have other choice, we were in the situation that there's only one hot pack in the set...."
sooo why would our ^:)^ queen CW suddenly bring up that hot pack topic out of the blue with that "good connection with joong ki" question?? :> :>  you're trying to make us burning toasts spazz about that and make us actually believe that you really have "no other choice" but to share the only hot pack holding hands in the set? ;)) or the world has no gravity and that hot pack would not hold down on his neck if you don't put your hands with it? 8-}
you could've said:  --many people thought that we have special relationship but nooooo I would "never" have a special relationship with him.--
that could've made our lives much easier!! ~X(senam_pagi5.gifadu_kuat.gif
but I still love you queen  for mentioning that~ 8->*takes bipolar pill* =P~

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