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♥ MinSul ♥ Official Thread ♥ SHINEE'S MINHO AND F(x) SULLI. [Part 1]

Guest DolceNera_24

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ajengwoo said: oooh i got it @xyso thank you so much dear

anyway, if anyone here have the soft sub link or the video of DATV interview with engsub, please put the link here. i dont mind to download it although its size is 1 GB :)) :D

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waaaaahhhhh... @teruteru_chan @xyso...wawawawawawa...checking this thread is the first dat i do when i reach my office and boom! screencaps of that DATV r everywhere...waaaaaa...i'm at office n i can't download it...video sites are also blocked...waaaaaa...ottoke..ottoke...i guess i have to go back early todayy..sharp at 6.00 p.m...fuu~~~ 
@nislatif chinguuu!!!!!! miss you.... >:D< >:D< >:D< thank u for d photo..praying for Minsul to b part of WGM...and Minsulllians can spazz crazily in here...hehehe :D :D :D
a lil morning laughter from d sunSHINEE boys.....
tumblr_mjhvkgIEgd1qhgy2to1_250.gif tumblr_mjhvkgIEgd1qhgy2to2_250.gif
tumblr_mjhvkgIEgd1qhgy2to3_250.gif tumblr_mjhvkgIEgd1qhgy2to4_250.gif

LOL!!! :)) :)) :))
credit to: mintytaem tumblr
@bananali yana, i saw ur DM through my email...sadly...can't watch the vid...waaaaaa :((

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Guest ravissant

@xyso, AAAAHHHHHH!  Thank you so much for uploading the DATV vid.  Although I can't understand anything they're saying except for the occasional mention of their names, but stll I'm so ecstatic to finally see this.  Hopefully we can have someone to translate it very soon.  I couldn't help but pause the video to comment on the background music they played when Sulli was talking from :58-3:01.  It's K.R.Y's "Sky"  w/c is Minho's favorite song from the TTBY soundtrack & he keeps playing in his car over & over while driving!   :x :x :x

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Guest anne nicolecarig

One of my friends is a MinYul fan, I've posted a lot of MinSul pictures and ttby photos on my fb account and she commented "I'm gonna watch ttby" Lol. :))) MinYul can be MinSul. :') Lol. nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. That's an example of MIRACLE! HAHA!

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Guest ravissant

Oh!  I'm so curious to what Sulli said about Minho to make her smile so cutely8549663389_64c6163c25_c.jpg
And Minho was giggling while answering a question while this scene was on8549663457_a818c5a4c5_c.jpg
They're talking about the teddy bear panties, right?  From the angle of the frame doesn't it make him look like a pervy reminiscing about the panties?   ;)) ;))

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I could understand a bit as some Japanese words are actually Chinese characters.  Some caught my attention were :

  • Their own ideal types
  • Whether Minho felt if his views towards Sulli had changed after filming
  • Their feeling about the kiss scenes
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Guest peach20kr


 at 02:29--03:51  (Q: japanese )

Sulli said her similar personality with Gujaehee was that she's a little timid and many thoughts in mind despite she looked active. the different one was that Gujaehee was bold enough to cut her hair but she was not..

Q: If Gujaehee exists in real life, will you like her?

Minho: Yes. since she sacrifices herself for me and comes all the way long to cheer for me as well. if that kind of woman really exists, I'll be attracted to her and definetly like her.

Q: What is your ideal type?

Minho: well, for me, it's the girl whose personality fits well with me and who can wait and understand me, so I can tell Gujaehee is a lot similar to my ideal type.

at 13:16--13:48

Q: this was the test about how much you are lovely and your test says you're 50% lovely..

Sulli: (laugh)

Q: although you can do mildang (mind game), basically you tend to have a frank date and wish to do that. 

 Sulli: That seems correct..(laugh)

Q: sometimes there's a chance you result in fail after straighforwardly attempting to try(about love), but if two of you fit perfectly (sparkle), your relationship will deepen so fast.

Sulli: That's right. I'm not good at doing mildang (it means "push and pull" in Korean) (laugh) Thank you!!!! 

 at 14:31--19:50

Sulli: there were lots of crying scenes for me . but my best rememberable scene is the one I hugged taejoon crying so hard. at that time both of us really cried hard with overwhelemed emotions coz when I looked at crying Taejoon, I couldn't help crying. Minho oppa and I have a common thing of being sad and crying when looking at crying people. We much counted on each other at that time....

 Q: what's the line that impressed you ?

Minho: well, the impressing line is (laighing) .... there's several ... when I first met jaehee , I picked up her underware saying to jaehee " what a unique taste you have!" I'll never forget the line and scene..

Q: tell me the reason why you think it's memorable line.

Minho: that's because of my first line when first meeting jaehee. so, I can't forget it.

Sulli: I remember Minho oppa's line... when I decided to leave the school, taejoon grabbed my arm saying" Don't leave"

        the reason I remember it most is that oppa always played a joke to me with the line .   when I finished my scene and was about to leave sayin to staff "Keep up the good work", oppa always said to me "Don't leave me Gujaehee" (laugh)

Minho: Sulli is my dongseng I've known well and hoobae I cherished and liked as well.  since we've felt very comforatable to each other, we could express our scenes so well in the drama , and it made us so easily to act , too. I really thank Sulli for that. And during shooting, we became so close and reached the extent of telling each other's concern and communicating easily with each other as well . even when the drama is over, sulli still remains as my pretty dongseng and I really appreciate that..

Q: Has your impression about Sulli changed after this drama?

Minho: I would say It's more like I got to know her better than before coz I realized her concerns and thoughts after talking to her, and we became very close enough to feel comfortable rather than saying my impression about Sulli. I mean I'm still getting to know Sulli better  (Minho is very cautious about this part)

  so, we can become more comfortable and have much chat about our concern as brother and sister..I'm happy about that. (smile)

sulli: Yes, we've become very close friends just like real brother and siter (smile). we are still keeping in touch and checking how we are..

       opppa still looked very busy after drama coz he went abroad to perform, so I sent him lots of text messages saying "cheer up, oppa"

Q: Minho said two of you became close enough to talk private issues...

Sulli: That's right. we talked about them a lot..(laugh with shy).. when I had grumps, oppa listened me up well and became a good supporter for me during shooting and even when the drama was over.

Q: there's a kiss scene with Minho, wasn't it a bit shy?

Sulli: Yes, I was shy..since he was oppa I've known before, oh no ...he was just sunbae in the same company at that time..

         I said to myself " I've never imagine myself kissing Minho oppa" and then I said to Minho oppa that I didn't know I faced this kissing moment with thim.

        oppa said " Right,, I didn't know I could kiss Sulli, either.." (laugh) although there was an awkward moment in kiss scene,

we did very good job..        Frankly speaking I got used to kiss scenes after many times, so I didn't feel any shy..

Minho: well, at first it was OK.. but since the kiss scene required many times, I was rather a bit shy as time went by..

 P.S: @teruteru_chan  thank you so much ... and the "tame" thing... there's Korean saying "Love is taming" in a good way...it's more like "give in"

lovers (men and women in love) like to tame and be tamed... means getting more similar tastes and looks when they're in love...so, it'll be so hard to fall in love again with someone else after they broke up coz they're so tamed to each other....




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Guest peach20kr

Oh,..sorry, I'll be back with translations of Minho's test result and some more...

I'm busy Korean ajumma with a son...gotta go now...(a parent meeting at school)


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Guest kayteezz

This is old but I wanted to share. 
Minho and Sulli always stay beside each other. How come they never wander too far away from the other one? Is it because they are the tallest in their group so they must stay together in the back? Or...... 

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Guest ravissant

peach20kr said:


 at 02:29--03:51  (Q: japanese )

Sulli said her similar personality with Gujaehee was that she's a little timid and many thoughts in mind despite she looked active. the different one was that Gujaehee was bold enough to cut her hair but she was not..

Q: If Gujaehee exists in real life, will you like her?

Minho: Yes. since she sacrifices herself for me and comes all the way long to cheer for me as well. if that kind of woman really exists, I'll be attracted to her and definetly like her.

Q: What is your ideal type?

Minho: well, for me, it's the girl whose personality fits well with me and who can wait and understand me, so I can tell Gujaehee is a lot similar to my ideal type.

at 13:16--13:48

Q: this was the test about how much you are lovely and your test says you're 50% lovely..

Sulli: (laugh)

Q: although you can do mildang (mind game), basically you tend to have a frank date and wish to do that. 

 Sulli: That seems correct..(laugh)

Q: sometimes there's a chance you result in fail after straighforwardly attempting to try(about love), but if two of you fit perfectly (sparkle), your relationship will deepen so fast.

Sulli: That's right. I'm not good at doing mildang (it means "push and pull" in Korean) (laugh) Thank you!!!! 

 at 14:31--19:50

Sulli: there were lots of crying scenes for me . but my best rememberable scene is the one I hugged taejoon crying so hard. at that time both of us really cried hard with overwhelemed emotions coz when I looked at crying Taejoon, I couldn't help crying. Minho oppa and I have a common thing of being sad and crying when looking at crying people. We much counted on each other at that time....

 Q: what's the line that impressed you ?

Minho: well, the impressing line is (laighing) .... there's several ... when I first met jaehee , I picked up her underware saying to jaehee " what a unique taste you have!" I'll never forget the line and scene..

Q: tell me the reason why you think it's memorable line.

Minho: that's because of my first line when first meeting jaehee. so, I can't forget it.

Sulli: I remember Minho oppa's line... when I decided to leave the school, taejoon grabbed my arm saying" Don't leave"

        the reason I remember it most is that oppa always played a joke to me with the line .   when I finished my scene and was about to leave sayin to staff "Keep up the good work", oppa always said to me "Don't leave me Gujaehee" (laugh)

Minho: Sulli is my dongseng I've known well and hoobae I cherished and liked as well.  since we've felt very comforatable to each other, we could express our scenes so well in the drama , and it made us so easily to act , too. I really thank Sulli for that. And during shooting, we became so close and reached the extent of telling each other's concern and communicating easily with each other as well . even when the drama is over, sulli still remains as my pretty dongseng and I really appreciate that..

Q: Has your impression about Sulli changed after this drama?

Minho: I would say It's more like I got to know her better than before coz I realized her concerns and thoughts after talking to her, and we became very close enough to feel comfortable rather than saying my impression about Sulli. I mean I'm still getting to know Sulli better  (Minho is very cautious about this part)

  so, we can become more comfortable and have much chat about our concern as brother and sister..I'm happy about that. (smile)

sulli: Yes, we've become very close friends just like real brother and siter (smile). we are still keeping in touch and checking how we are..

       opppa still looked very busy after drama coz he went abroad to perform, so I sent him lots of text messages saying "cheer up, oppa"

Q: Minho said two of you became close enough to talk private issues...

Sulli: That's right. we talked about them a lot..(laugh with shy).. when I had grumps, oppa listened me up well and became a good supporter for me during shooting and even when the drama was over.

Q: there's a kiss scene with Minho, wasn't it a bit shy?

Sulli: Yes, I was shy..since he was oppa I've known before, oh no ...he was just sunbae in the same company at that time..

         I said to myself " I've never imagine myself kissing Minho oppa" and then I said to Minho oppa that I didn't know I faced this kissing moment with thim.

        oppa said " Right,, I didn't know I could kiss Sulli.." (laugh) although there was an awkward moment in kiss scene, we did very good job..

        frankly speaking I got used to kiss scenes after many times, so I didn't feel any shy..

Minho: well, at first it was OK.. but since the kiss scene required many times, I was rather a bit shy as time went by..

 P.S: @teruteru_chan  thank you so much ... and the "tame" thing... there's Korean saying "Love is taming" in a good way...it's more like "give in"

lovers (men and women in love) like to tame and be tamed... means getting more similar tastes and looks when they're in love...so, it'll be so hard to fall in love again with someone else after they broke up coz they're so tamed to each other....




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[DATV interview] Ssul said the scene that she still remembers very well is the scene where she walks down the stairs, Minho grabs her hand and says "don't go, Goo Jaehee", because Minho jokingly repeated the line so many times even when they weren't filming, like after a day of filming and they were about to leave, Minho would say to her "don't go, Goo Jaehee".

[DATV interview] Ssul talked about f(x) members' reactions to her acting. She said f(x) members have a chatroom and they all complimented her saying she looked cute. Amber said Ssul looked cooler than her, and the members questioned why there are so many kiss scenes in the drama.

translation by dooroham

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Guest Jennyloveminsul4ever

Sulli in airport going to Texas . Sulli will stay in Texas at 1.00am . who lives in Texas  ???? :D
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Reading @peach20kr translation about mildang.. mildang.. mildang... push and pull...... familiar? no????? OKAYYYY so here's what I thought of.....
hahahahaha I know @peachkr20 meant mind games but ahh I'm too happy today too happy..... Got to go byeeeeee *happy happy*

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Guest liana1430291924

datv interview.  Again, many thanks to @teruteru_chan @xyso @peach20kr

sorry, youtube removed my video.

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