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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest rach111

no word can describe how i feel now!!!

i'm so down and i'm sorry for saying this but i'm not gonna watch any movies/dramas of JIS. it's not because i'm a shipper of JIS-SHK but it's also because i feel betrayed by his words/ actions toward SHK. i dont get the reason for all the gaze, sweetness BTS of JIS for SHK. if he already has a girlfriend or in the period of getting to know someone to build up a relationship, he shouldnt act that way off-scene.

 i used to want to stop shipping cuz JIS said in one of his interviews that he's not gonna date SHK but why in the radio interview, he doesnt deny his feeling for SHK? and why does he seem to be so confused when being asked about her? why does he always mention her being beautiful, being a goddess and blah blah in every interview he made? plus at the time he's having radio interview, he already has GF then why cant he clearly confirm he has no feeling for his co-star?the way he mumbles does not only make we shippers misunderstand but also his GF?

Somehow i dont get his GF cuz if my BF has that kind of behavior toward another girl, i would never leave him alone especially if that girl mentioned is my BFF. my BF should tell me clearly he has no feeling for her because it's so simple: she's my BFF \m/

dont blame we shippers for shipping too hard cuz if he doesnt give those hints, we r not gonna be like that. it's the reason why i feel so betrayed and angry. Now i cant bear watching his dramas/movies anymore

Plus, because of those rumors, SHK once again being the target of those f**king anti-fans. I feel so pity for her. Now thinking about everything, i think my Hyekyo deserves more. No matter if it's the super rich Kang Dong Won or God WonBin, as long as they r better, richer, classier  than JIS, i'm okay with that.

YES!!! PREACH IT! YOU JUST SUMMED UP ALL MY EMOTIONS. The Chinese fans on Baidu are complaining about the exact same thing.thats why im cancelling the dvd order. IM NOT GONNA PAY SO MUCH TO SEE HIM CHEAT MY FEELINGS. So many people have analysed his body language and now what is this?! I suspect the GF feels jealous that's why this exploded. Some fans say that she didnr even cover her face when they took the pictures. Come to think of it which actress would not cover her face in these kind of photos? Probably she herself got so jealous and couldn't stand it no more. B*****. Stole my shk's man.acc to my mom shk recently said something bout: "if people spread rumours I cn laugh it off. If someone close to me misunderstands me it will be a very strange feeling. I hope you control yourself."jealous gf anyone?

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@rach111: agree !!!!
i also thinh she's a jealous GF and i'm pretty sure that "someone closed" SHK mentioned about is KMH.
geez, WTF??? everything is a mess and i suddenly hate that GF a lot. Who she thinks she is to doubt my dear Hyekyo??? the one who she should blame/ doubt should be her only 4-months-BF, not my goddess!!!!!

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Guest hanena21

guys,think its better if we vent our sadness,misery,anger in the O2 shipper thread...there are lots of fellow O2 shipper there for us to discuss n talking to ... come join us there...

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Guest rach111

And guys I dont even know whether the DVD director's cut will be rrleased now. With so many people pulling out, I doubt we can meet the 2k that they are asking for. I don't think we reached that 2k even when this news wasn't released yet.

And as much as I love the show, I am pulling out of the request for the DVD. I just can't take it. I only started becoming a fan of JIS with this show. Everything ended today with this news. I have been with SHK since I was 6 or 8 when I started watching AIMH and so my loyalty goes to her. My feelings have been cheated. I was brought up so high with him beimh all vague about his feelings but he just threw me down so so low right now. He shouldn't have done what he did during bts interviews if he alr had a gf. If it was for publicity for the drama, man that's dirty, to play with our feelings like that. What hurts too is that he seems to love this KMH a lot so im pretty sure they'll last long and even get married. So this is the end of the road for my JIS fandom. I'm very very hurt. Somehow there hasn't been that many people here complaininf about how betrayed they feel. Idk bout the rest of you guys happily wishing them all the best, im sorry but I do not approve. Not like it matters anyway. Haters gon hate so be it, im hatin now.

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Guest sunshine4ever

bunbun2391 said: no word can describe how i feel now!!!
i'm so down and i'm sorry for saying this but i'm not gonna watch any movies/dramas of JIS. it's not because i'm a shipper of JIS-SHK but it's also because i feel betrayed by his words/ actions toward SHK. i dont get the reason for all the gaze, sweetness BTS of JIS for SHK. if he already has a girlfriend or in the period of getting to know someone to build up a relationship, he shouldnt act that way off-scene.
 i used to want to stop shipping cuz JIS said in one of his interviews that he's not gonna date SHK but why in the radio interview, he doesnt deny his feeling for SHK? and why does he seem to be so confused when being asked about her? why does he always mention her being beautiful, being a goddess and blah blah in every interview he made? plus at the time he's having radio interview, he already has GF then why cant he clearly confirm he has no feeling for his co-star?the way he mumbles does not only make we shippers misunderstand but also his GF?
Somehow i dont get his GF cuz if my BF has that kind of behavior toward another girl, i would never leave him alone especially if that girl mentioned is my BFF. my BF should tell me clearly he has no feeling for her because it's so simple: she's my BFF \m/
dont blame we shippers for shipping too hard cuz if he doesnt give those hints, we r not gonna be like that. it's the reason why i feel so betrayed and angry. Now i cant bear watching his dramas/movies anymore
Plus, because of those rumors, SHK once again being the target of those f**king anti-fans. I feel so pity for her. Now thinking about everything, i think my Hyekyo deserves more. No matter if it's the super rich Kang Dong Won or God WonBin, as long as they r better, richer, classier  than JIS, i'm okay with that.

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I hate to be a bi*** here, but can we give JIS and SHK a break? i thot they are mature enough to decide who they love and want to go out with, please don't make SHK and her fans like badies here.

Please forgive for my outburst, i am sorry guys.

I feel i should stay away from here for awhile.

In Sung fighting!
SHK fightng!
KMH fighting!

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Guest sunshine4ever

@utkim, please don't leave this thread.

Anyway, guys, I think that explains to us why we didn't have BTS with IS & HK a lot after our first batch of BTS. And our BTS kissing might not be released because of it? Gosh, sorry, I am also speculating. Please do not take things I write as something real. I am only speculating. I do not live in Korea and I do not know Jo In Sung, Song Hye Kyo, or the drama crew.

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@sunshine4ever: what i wanna say here is that the reason why i ship harder is because of his unclear attitude when being asked about whether he has feeling for SHK or not. as i said early, i used to stop shipping them cuz he said in one of his previous interviews that he's not gonna date SHK.
But after the radio interview, i raised my hope high becuz of the way he answered that SHK questions. if i'm not mistaken then he must be dating KMH at that time but why cant he give a clear answer or simply say YES or NO? Why does he have to answer that way? he does not only confuse we shippers but also his GF. i agree with u 4 month is soon for a relationship but the main point here is no matter how long your relationship is, it's necessary to make clear of ur feeling with ur partner cuz if not then why would u date that person?
i would feel better and stop my ship if JIS gave a confirmation of not having feeling for his co-star but what did he do?? dont blame we shippers for that cuz normally if a guy already has a GF, no matter he's a popularity or not, he shouldnt be hesitating with those kind of questions.
EDIT: i dont wanna start a war here but this is my opinion, how i feel about those stuff.i might not feel this way if the dating news is revealed 6months/1 year later but boom. i am so shock and can not go back to normal. especially the way i see JIS. i dont think people can blame me for that.

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Guest OreoVampire

hanena21 said: guys,think its better if we vent our sadness,misery,anger in the O2 shipper thread...there are lots of fellow O2 shipper there for us to discuss n talking to ... come join us there...

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Guest sunshine4ever

@bunbun2391, I think you can step into IS's shoes. I'm sure IS doesn't want to ruin it for TWTWB crew, himself and/or HK to that matter.  I'm sure he might have discussed this with KMH and KMH might not have wanted their relationship public yet. Whatever it is, I think he was careful about to give out as he wasn't sure how everyone who loved O2 couple would react.

So I don't know how you would feel, but I think what he is doing is to protect himself and others who were involved in it. This drama ended the very beginning of April and it seemed to me that he wasn't sure how to make it public so that was why it was never out. I think HK might have known it. But again, it's my speculations....who knows..lol..as a TWTWB fan, I would prefer to hear this news couple of months later than now because by then I'll be over with O2 already because I love this drama and I analyzed this couple for 2 months. It's hard for me to watch something else with IS & HK with someone else, too, for me because I couldn't see anyone with them so perfectly. And it is normal because we're humans. We need some times off for this.

And about shipping thing....that's one reason why I never analyze any news or comments from actors simply because we are not them. I felt like a lot of people just try to be them and try to analyze deeper into something isn't real. Well, it's a good thing that the news break out for some of us so that we don't have to keep pondering.

I don't get why we have to be angry at Jo In Sung. Why? We can't mold him into shape and make him someone's lover. He has a heart  and he is a human being. Can you imagine trying to control someone? When we ship couples we mold them into what we want of them and we do not respect them for who they really are. That is one reason why I left one of the shipping thread because I felt very disrespectful to my favorite actor or actress because I tried to make them something they're not and for not appreciate them for who they really are.

bunbun2391 said:
EDIT: i dont wanna start a war here but this is my opinion, how i feel about those stuff.i might not feel this way if the dating news is revealed 6months/1 year later but boom. i am so shock and can not go back to normal. especially the way i see JIS. i dont think people can blame me for that.

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Guest magnolia

Aren't they still promoting the drama? Usually agency will deny this kind of news to keep the hype of the drama, but they confirmed it already. I'm a little confused by their move, tbh.  :-? 

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Guest crazywindblower

i love this drama but because of that dating scandal, while re-watching some episodes i must say the chemistry i saw in them not much there anymore.. :( the spark got somehow lost!

this scandal is really a bad timing for TWTWB! :( very very wrong!

oh well..thats life! it sometimes gives you rocky roads and painful things to experience..

i just wish in sung all the best in life, i wont dare touch his personal life since im not intereste on it anymore, theres no thrill..but i will definitely still support his upcoming drama or movie.. :)

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whoa whats going on here?  I know its heartbreaking for a lot of people but let's all just hug  >:D<
I watched the video when JIS was being interview and he did feel nervous answering questions about SHK I didn't think much of it, but now I think he was nervous because he didn't want to say anything that would hurt his "current gf" which is understandable.  I'm sad and glad this came out.
I'm sad because now @rach111 said that people are cancelling their orders.  I know it's hard to watch the drama because of the news but it's still a great drama.  that's why i only stay on this thread.  I really do hope it doesn't affect the sales of the drama :( 
with the news it'll be hard to watch the bts but I love this drama so much that I just want a copy just in case (they're not married yet) lol
I'm glad the news came out because now SHK can go to the promo lol.   more SHK please
But I really do hope the news came out like in 6 months or something.  Like I said before TWTWB is popular right now so there's going to be a lot of people who will feel disappointed about the news and I'll be hard to swallow.  At least if the news came out later it won't be as hard.  the drama ended like a month ago.  most of us are still in withdrawal and it's currently airing around asia so of course they'll gain more fans.
but can I ask something?  is the relationship confirmed yet? as in confirmed.  I'll wait until i read that JIS and KMH confirmed the relationship. I know the source might be reliable but I want to hear them say it.
SHK i hope you find someone :( WB is a good choice lol or maybe KDW (btw I watched camellia love for sale because I see a lot of people like them together and got curious why.  That movie is weird lol.  I didn't watch it with english sub title and just kinda skipped through some parts but it's weird lol.  In other note KDW is a pretty good actor.  I've only watched him on 1% of anything.   He should be on more dramas, hopefully with SHK.  I'm still waiting for WB and SHK to work together but this time they're the OTP lol  It's been over 10 years hmp.  
hugs and kisses to everyone 

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@sunshine4ever: people r angry with him because of his hesitation attitude. they said if he already has a GF then he should make clear of his answer/attitude
i understand that might be his way of PR the drama but i dont like that. at least he should said "we r just friends" like Hyekyo did cuz it will be better if the dating rumors come out like this. people have nothing to blame him since he already said they r just friends.
that's what lots of people including shippers thought.
it's too bad his dating being revealed at this sensitive time when many people r not over the OS-OY affect

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Guest sunshine4ever

@lynie, In Sung did confirm it through his agency. It's real and it's true. He dated Kim Min Hee and is still dating her. I'm not sure if they're boyfriend and girlfriend though and/or if they have officially accepted that title. You can go to this page for confirmation news: http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/405/jo-in-sung-zo-in-sung-%EC%A1%B0%EC%9D%B8%EC%84%B1/p435

And thank you for still supporting TWTWB.

@bunbun2391, I wish I can tell you I feel the same as you, but I can't since I don't have the same heart as you, but please be reassured that a lot of us are feeling the same thing; however a lot of us chose to remain silent and observe the news first before making any judgements. I hope that you will try to see Jo In Sung and his side of the story first before making judgements about him. It is not an easy thing to do---you can't bring your personal life out just for the risk of the whole crew---people put a lot of efforts into filming TWTWB so it's nice he didn't mention anything about his personal life in public until late. I don't know what you mean about the translation of JIS's comment on HK in Kim C's news. I read it, but I didn't see too much into it as like I said I don't really analyze people's comments and take them as they are. I think maybe that's why I don't feel  hurtful because I wasn't into analyzing things about actors and their comments and/or hope for anything as I just see both as friends.

can you please give me the comments IS wrote so that I can be more understanding of what you meant? I don't understand what you mean about his comment towards HK. I think I read it somewhere before in this thread and didn't make too much out of it. I guess maybe because I really am never a hard O2 shipper in real life. I like both of them onscreen together.

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Now the tittle will be  "gone with the wind" ...LolI have to admit that i'm still shocking with that dating news. Rewatched this drama a week ago and today, i have a totally different feeling. I was mesmerized with O2 chemistry, but now rewatching it...i feel lil bit awkward. But well...at least, i still enjoy Moo Chul's act here...and i think i will consider him as one of my bias kekeke :-?

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@sunshine4ever ahh thanks I thought its because of the picture lol. I haven't been following as much. In that case congrats? I guess. I'm just curious, he knows he's in the height of his popularity why announce something like that?  Then again it seems like JIS is the kind of person who will not hide anyone important to him.  I don't know him much because I don't really follow him or anyone in fact. I like to stay away from actors/actress personal lives.  The only one I will  look into really is SHK.  It's hard to read anything about her though her thread is like 2k plus lol. 
I would really love to hear more about TWTWB but it seems with the news coming out the drama is losing fans:( don't go.  This is the first thread I've actually joined. Didn't even care about soompi before TWTWB.  I've been a member of soompi for years now but usually just to read about new dramas then leave.  :( 

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