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the fruit of death.....

Guest darkjizzle806

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I was thinking why not try something different today. The fruit of death, Durian. After seeing a girl puke from just putting it in her mouth, plus the smell, I'm a little freaked out. She said it tasted like rotten, mushy onions.

ROFL! Yes...I thought it tasted like that before..like mushy onions too but with a bit of eggs and lots of sugar kind of taste... I used to hate this fruit a lot but I LOVE IT SO MUCH NOW!!! Just give it a try ;)

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Guest falentine_eaT

the smell and the taste are really strong.. and there many different type of durian.. so make sure you buy the right one, and sweeter one..

maybe that girl got tricked.. LMAO xD

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Guest alicechen

I love the smell and taste of Durians! It should be eaten when it's cold. Having it around in room temperature makes the smell unpleasant after a few hours. But when it's fresh, the smell is just so good. hehe :P

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It's different for everyone.

But the smell is too strong for me (and unpleasnt).

I've tried eating it when I was younger and I had a mild allergic reaction to it.

So I'm not sure...

My family has this theory.

They noticed that the smell was stronger for the younger generation.

My parents, aunts/uncles and other adults in the family don't even notice the smell.

The younger generation tends to avoid eating it or has tried it and didn't like it.

Whereas the older generation loves and worships it (joking about the worshiping part).

They think it's because we're too westernized.

Or something about being born in America.

It's really up to you though.

I have a few cousins who do enjoy eating it.

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Durians can be dangerous. I have heard of stories that involve some serious effects:

- The thorns if you try to catch it.

- I heard a swimming coach died because of extreme heat and eating too much durian.

- The smell to me is okay, but not for other people.

But I love cold Durians. :D

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^ LOL What the heck does heat and eating too much durian have to do with anything? Eating too much of anything is bad..

I hate the smell, but my family LOVES it like maaad... Maybe I shall try it one day. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

durian is my enemy! it smells horrible, tastes really not to my liking and looks very spiky. i can tell what it is just from the smell. i tried a durian smoothie before and it made my face cringe so hard.

but those are my thoughts.

my cousin, on the other hand, seem to like it just fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TheDoLLz

well, actually it's delicious and tasty

but, i don't really like it

you should try it, but you better wash your hands and brush your teeth after eat Durian

if not, i swear your breath will smells like it, even your fart. LOL XD

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kimchi4fun


I always get it with boba, I LOVE


The smell, the taste, the spiky-ness.

:D is that weird? I sniff it in secret... o.o

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Guest yvonne84

I tried it as an icecream 8 years ago, I thought it was vanilla and it had gone a bit off.

After hearing about durian and seeing youtube video's I was itching to try it. I got some frozen at our local asian supermarket.

I tried it mostly defrosted and I loved it. I do say the smell is very much like sulphur but it doesn't bother me.

Nowadays when I see or smell durian I lust for it, I sometimes blush as well.

As far as I know fresh durian isn't available in the netherlands, if they are I will jump for joy.

My partner hates it and it makes him gag, I am not allowed to eat it indoors or keep it in the fridge.

I tried buying the freezedried durian chips because they don't smell that strong but he still objects.

Eating durian on our roofterras is allowed and I can't wait till the weather gets a bit better.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest mao.mao.

I like durian =) i dont mind the smell and the taste. its actually good for you too. at least that's what my parents say. But yea, it tastes better when cold.

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Guest LibraZebra

I think it's something that you need to be raised on to like. One of my friends had a durian birthday cake earlier this year and I couldn't eat it. I even tried not to smell it...it was just too sweet and icky smelling. =/

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Guest ronniexie

people generally hate it or love it.

you jus got to put urself in the right mindset and embrace it..

well i grew up eating it so it is totally normal for me, but when i was a kid i thought it smelled disgusting and wouldnt eat it, but when i got older, i really liked it.

its one of my fav fruits

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