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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Err...so we're back at this again:

I was lazing around this afternoon with a tall glass of Coke grasped on one hand while checking my FB on the other...for updates...then suddenly, lo and behold...the PCAP FB account posted this link... http://www.facebook....ojOjHdgtnCmh6Gg I nearly fell off my chair in my haste to respond. 

Ohhhh...another stealth attack and this time they're using the soompi home page to bash Hye Sun. I was seething mad, so I left this message: 

"Well it certainly caught my attention...I was about to add GHS's what? Or just GHS? I don't get the post's title. Come on, give Hye Sun a break...seriously, just lay-off. They are good friends and friends can be brutally honest with each other...so you think that's newsworthy? That's your opinion. So I guess my next comment would be...bring in the trolls? I say...don't read this piece and move on."  

I meant each and every word (and the subtle irony and insult back at the author!), I wanted to take the high road...but I was fuming mad, I thought that soompi (aside from the occasional troll) prides itself for posting fair and reasonable news...what they posted regarding GHS was a veiled attack to incite trolls and bashers to have a field day.  I'm sooooo disappointed. mad.gif I lost my cool, I'm sorry sunnies.

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just like drmjs i lost my cool too (again hahaha)..i just stated what my opinion and the fact about what is usually soompi news about GHS..they are so unfair with her..i don't know why they have to write about her when they don't like her..anyway we have our own GHS THREAD so i can't understand why make a fuss writing about GHS ..

sorry as one of her fan i believed the most i can do for her is defend her and correcting anything written about her if i know it is not right..

and oh by the way sorry meow and cheerkoo i posted the original article with your translation on my comments on that article..maybe my friends if you have time you can share your thoughts on that article and put a comment there..


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Another milestone under your belt!

Job well done!!

Thanks for returning to thread with full energy!

Look forward to your video!!

Thanks ALL Sunnies for your posts!!

GHS Fighting and Sunnies Fighting!!

As Lim JiGyu said, "once you know her, you like her".

As we got to know her more and more through our thread, we love her more and more!!

Thanks for sticking up for her ....like Lim JiGyu did for her!!

Few more hours to AB!! I cannot wait!!

:wub: :wub: :wub:


Hello Sunnies,,,

I just read in DC that Jiro Wang has a scandal going on right now...that it is not a good scandal. One DC member says that the news is interfering with her right to enjoy the drama AB.

Does anyone know what it is??

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Another milestone under your belt!

Job well done!!

Thanks for returning to thread with full energy!

Look forward to your video!!

Thanks ALL Sunnies for your posts!!

GHS Fighting and Sunnies Fighting!!

As Lim JiGyu said, "once you know her, you like her".

As we got to know her more and more through our thread, we love her more and more!!

Thanks for sticking up for her ....like Lim JiGyu did for her!!

Few more hours to AB!! I cannot wait!!

:wub: :wub: :wub:


Hello Sunnies,,,

I just read in DC that Jiro Wang has a scandal going on right now...that it is not a good scandal. One DC member says that the news is interfering with her right to enjoy the drama AB.

Does anyone know what it is??

Sue is it his scandal with RUBY LIN a famous singer/actress from TAIWAN..i read from before they are dating..she is like 4 yrs.older than him..hmmm maybe the reason why GHS was teasing JIRO remember during their fanmeet in TAIWAN that she thinks he likes older woman..

And being a fan of GHS why should it interfere with her watching AB unless she is shipping for JIRO/GHS tandem hehehe..i remember somebody said that it is the first time for them at GHS DC GALLERY to be shipping AND IT IS HERE AT AB..

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I just saw epi 5 without understanding...kind of got the skeleton of it.

It does look like it is following the manga...

meow13, if you can just answer few questions for me??

if you have the time..

Is XF just confused about ZS or does she also have feelings for ZS as NiTe suspects?

What is NiTe talking wth LeiWuWu about when Nite almost let him drop from the top of the apt?

Why is XF keep on going over to Nite's night job? Is she trying to prevent NiTe from kissing a new person?

What does XF say to the bar owner to manage to stay put at the bar watching over NiTe?

It was too sad at the end to find out that it is XF's ex-friend who again takes NiTe away from XF...


I don't know about you guys but I felt a bit too much repetitions in this episode...XF hurting her foot, XF making mistakes again (but I wonder if the director did that on purpose?), ZS taking care of XF again, and NiTe and XF's relationship being just way too much trouble....another "hosting" job for NiTe... so sad...

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Guest eunhye05

Done with ep 5 too.

I suhwear Hyesun reallyreminds me of an anime character. hehehe. those big eyes are so expressive! And her facial expressions....hilarious!

Did Xiao Fei host that French thing because she needed more money. Haha. Sad she kinda almost screwed up. Good thing Night knew how to speak French.

Zongshi i love Zongshi! :D He's Xiao Fei's Knight in shining Office Suit! So cute how he nursed her ankle (a bit exaggerated with the bandages though. haha) She's got two Night's now. Hehe. Zongshi even helped her do dishes. What a labor of love. I want a Zongshi now. I love the way he looked at her after their conversation and....just hugged her! EEeeep! Poor Night! Waiting outside without a clue in the world.

Jiro's acting is just out of this world! He makes a superb robot boyfriend. And he looks absolutely flawless too! :)

I also like how they emphasized more on the love triangle here. Like the elevator scene was kinda awkward and funny. hehe.

Did Zongshi just confess more of his feelings to her after  he brought her some snacks while she was working overtime in the office?

You know how I see it.... though Night is the Perfect Boyfriend she created he actually exists in real life and in the person of Zongshi. Xiao Fei just can't see it yet. hihi

On a different note...Lei Wu Wu is such a fun character!Thank you Taiwan drama people for creating/casting him. lol. Every moment with him is crazy! (just like his outfits)

Wait a minute...did Lei Wu Wu set Night up with a different girl. I can barely remember if this was also in the manga! hmmm....

Sue u are right. lots of similar scenes. But im sure the writers knew what they were doing. :)

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I just saw epi 5 without understanding...kind of got the skeleton of it.

It does look like it is following the manga...

meow13, if you can just answer few questions for me??

if you have the time..

Is XF just confused about ZS or does she also have feelings for ZS as NiTe suspects?

I think XF is more confused about ZS at this point. She has never thought that ZS would have a feeling for her, thus she's not sure if she got it right.

What is NiTe talking wth LeiWuWu about when Nite almost let him drop from the top of the apt?

Night asked LWW if human's emotion is complicated and difficult to understand. LWW told him that of course it was and that's why he had to continue with his data collection & analysis to improve his system. Night asked if there's a faster way. LWW refused to tell at the beginning as he explained that there's a moral issue. But Night insisted he has to know as he needs to finish his task asap to become the perfect darling for XF. That's why he almost dropped LWW from the building to make LWW tell him the fastest way

Why is XF keep on going over to Nite's night job? Is she trying to prevent NiTe from kissing a new person?

XF asked Night to quit the job when she found him working in a nightclub, but Night refused as he wants to finish data collection as fast as possible (I think Night senses that he might lose to ZS if he can't understand more about XF). This is the first time Night refused XF's order, XF is unhappy about that and trying to separate Night from that customer & make Night quit the job

What does XF say to the bar owner to manage to stay put at the bar watching over NiTe?

The owner told XF that she can't stay there without any consumption, thus XF ordered the cheapest wine to try to stay in the club

It was too sad at the end to find out that it is XF's ex-friend who again takes NiTe away from XF...

omg! MJ will reset Night as her boyfriend as she kissed him! XF will be heartbroken as Night doesn't care for her anymore and seh will struggle between robot lover & ZS


I don't know about you guys but I felt a bit too much repetitions in this episode...XF hurting her foot, XF making mistakes again (but I wonder if the director did that on purpose?), ZS taking care of XF again, and NiTe and XF's relationship being just way too much trouble....another "hosting" job for NiTe... so sad...

hmmm... I would think that the director / scriptwriter is plotting the evolution of Night. He was like a machine just following XF's order / settings before. But in this episode, I can see Night starts to have his own thinking, he doesn't just follow what XF told him but try to find ways to reach his ultimate goal -- being the perfect boyfriend for XF. and for ZS, he has shown more of his feeling / affection to let XF know his heart...but he's afraid and kind of testing XF's feeling. When he sensed that XF might not fall for him, he excused that the confession was just a joke, which make XF more confused and never know her real feeling for ZS...

Done with ep 5 too.

I suhwear Hyesun reallyreminds me of an anime character. hehehe. those big eyes are so expressive! And her facial expressions....hilarious!

Did Xiao Fei host that French thing because she needed more money. Haha. Sad she kinda almost screwed up. Good thing Night knew how to speak French.

yes, XF nearly screwed up the whole meeting thing, but she's lucky to have Night & ZS helping her out :D

Zongshi i love Zongshi! :D He's Xiao Fei's Knight in shining Office Suit! So cute how he nursed her ankle (a bit exaggerated with the bandages though. haha) She's got two Night's now. Hehe. Zongshi even helped her do dishes. What a labor of love. I want a Zongshi now. I love the way he looked at her after their conversation and....just hugged her! EEeeep! Poor Night! Waiting outside without a clue in the world.

Jiro's acting is just out of this world! He makes a superb robot boyfriend. And he looks absolutely flawless too! :)

I also like how they emphasized more on the love triangle here. Like the elevator scene was kinda awkward and funny. hehe.

Did Zongshi just confess more of his feelings to her after  he brought her some snacks while she was working overtime in the office?

NO! Actually he tried to hide it by telling XF not to believe what he said last time. He told XF that she's not beautiful and without nice body, why on earth he would like her. it makes XF thinks ZS was just making joke out of her.

You know how I see it.... though Night is the Perfect Boyfriend she created he actually exists in real life and in the person of Zongshi. Xiao Fei just can't see it yet. hihi

On a different note...Lei Wu Wu is such a fun character!Thank you Taiwan drama people for creating/casting him. lol. Every moment with him is crazy! (just like his outfits)

Wait a minute...did Lei Wu Wu set Night up with a different girl. I can barely remember if this was also in the manga! hmmm....

I have explained the reason why Night working in the nightclub in the above answer. Night is actually working hard to become the perfect one.

Sue u are right. lots of similar scenes. But im sure the writers knew what they were doing. :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Thank you and thank you!!

After your translation, I have a better understanding of the epi5 and feel much better about it.

I feel so sad for all the characters today.

I am going to be even sadder in the next episode....

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Hello my lovely Sunnies :)

First of I want to Thank everybody here for the love and support I really appreciate it. I graduated now whats next I have no clue I'm thinking of taking some classes to learn korean language so in 2013 it will be very easy to communicate with GHS when I see her LOL.

@vanessa congratulations my little sister you did great were so proud :)

@krgl13 congratulation as well, my son is graduation high school next year OMG time flies when your having fun I feel so old :(

Thank You sunnies have a great evening and great week ahead :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I was periodically checking to see how much the hard working viki contributors translated AB--AB 5 part 1 is translated 100%.

I really like Zongshi's little brother...his philosophy of containers is very moving....


Much blessings to viki translators for such quick work!!

Thanks and thanks!

Hopefully part 2 will be completed soon.


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Guest S_sun

Hello Sunnies,

Wow quite a bit to catch up after being away for a week. I survived although missed this thread terribly. I see congratulations are in order to GHSforever for your amazing achievement. Well done , my friend.

Kgrl43 ,  congrats to your daughter. Although you will be busy, make sure you have time to enjoy those times with your daughter as well. Our kids grow up too fast, don't they? Hopefully you will manage to drop by occasionally  this month.

Meow ,many thanks for the updates and translations of AB .How is AB doing in HK? I love AB so much!

Sue, thanks for the bringing over the news from DC. The one that made my day was the interview from Lim JiGyu. I am happy to hear those compliments from someone who actually had worked with her. He said anyone who meet her will like her, but we, Sunnies, here, have liked her even before we meet her! In fact we all love her! kekeke

Prettywiz and drmjs, I was really mad with soompi this time. The first thing I did was comment there. I do see their bias but to  have an outrageous untrue headline that put Hye Sun in a negative light is  unethical and unprofessional journalism.

Congrats, Sunnies for putting GHS no 1 for April at the yahoo site and I can't believe the Sunnies power at the hallyu site. Hey, drmjs, your fairy dust does work.

I am sorry if I did not mention every single one of you. I do enjoy reading each of your comments  and appreciate all the updates and contributions. Also, a big welcome to all the new Sunnies. So much to look forward to. Later is the Star Life program! Yipee!!!!

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WOW!!! thansk Traciecullen!!!!!!!!!! they look good together. sighh...slowly shipping to GHS/JIRO. what to do? what to do?

GHSFOREVER and drmjs...CONGRATS to you both!!!! and i do agree with others, our kids are grown too fast.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello everyone

Thank you for update. If anyone would like to watch Goo hye sun on star life online here is the link


No sign up necessary.


Thanks Kimmy10!

I cannot seem to get into kbs2 with your link or with TVU that I think meow13 gave us the link while back....If anyone can download the show, I would appreciate it...You know I will definitely translate it as best as I can..

Thanks so much!!

It is suppose to start at 8:20pm Monday nite Korean time...it is now that time where I am but no luck...


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Guest lotis

so excited to watch GHS in star life this entire week. can't wait to get a glimpse of her real self. we only get to have a peak at her personality through her tweets. so good for her to allow the camera to follow her this time.

thanks to all the sunniez in advance for sharing to us non-korean speakers all the updates with translation.

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Guest eunhye05

Eeeeeep! Is that? OMG! It is! Daniel Choi! OMG!  I am trying to be patient.....@_@ Thanks traciecullen for the stills for Star Life! I also see Gamja (of cors...anything related to GHS has to have him in it. hihi. The AB boys, Nam Sang Mi and Jo Seung Woo... Looks like we might be getting more scoop on Peach Tree for this episode) :D

Btw, Sue and all sunnies if the link Kimmy10 (thanks dear) gave doesn't work you can also try to watch via http://www.ionair.tv/view.php  (Remember PCAP days. hehe. just sign in or sign up for free) It has a KBS2 channel so just make sure to tune in by then. I only thought of it now so sorrry! Even I wasn't able to try the live stream. I'm still in the middle of serious work stuff but I had to stop by here to see if there were any updates.

I'll be back! Can't wait for the Star Life Theatre episode for today. :) Thanks everyone in advance.

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