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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

name='natali' date='20 August 2011 - 01:01 AM' timestamp='1313830898' post='17338895']

Cre http://gall.dcinside...633&page=1&bbs=

대만에서~From Taiwan

2011/08/20 14:51


대만 공항에서 구혜선언니를 봤어요!! I saw GHS unnie at the Taiwan airport!!

완전 날씬하구 얼국두 작구...She is totally sender and her face is small too.

옆에 매니절하구,코디두 있었어요!!! Besides her is her manager and codi!!

또 한가지, 우리랑 같은 비행기!!!! Another thing, we were on the same plane with her.

근디 우린 일반석이라...However, we were sitting in the standard seats...

근데 한국 공항에는 기자분이 별루 안게셨어요..At the Korean airport, there weren't many reporters...

그때가 아마 7시30분에서 8시정도 였으니깐 늦은 시간은 아니구...At that time, it was about 7:30 pr 8..so it was not that late...

사진이랑 싸인은 매니저분이 하지 말라구하셔서ㅠㅠㅠㅠ The manager said no pix and no autographs...


Thanks natali!! I guess the blogger is saying that she saw GHS at 7:30 PM or so on August 19th??

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Reminder to all of us here at Sunnies soompi:

If you remember, it was goddessku or 여신쿠 who told us that GHS is named for a next drama project. But, she decided not to give us any hints or spread any false rumors. Then, we hear in the news about GHS being asked to star in FLY AGAIN drama. I am positive that goddessku knew about FLY AGAIN before any of us. She is a wiz in finding things!

The reason I say this is that goddessku left another mysterious message on DC page:


D-10---title of her post

그날엔 무슨 일이?--What will happen on that day?

기대하시라~짜잔~♬ --Anticipate that day--tahdah~

Other DC members left posts:

포코냥: 여신쿠횽이 기대하라면 뭔가 확실한게 있는거겠지? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ---Poko says, if goddessku tells us to wait in anticipation, there must be something definite?? hahahah

포코냥: 완전 기대하고 대기타고 있겟씀ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ poko adds that she will definitely wait and stand by. kekeke

포코냥: 이히히히히히히히히히히히 poko again shouts out, yihehehehehehe

 ◕‿◕:다음주 화요일?? 감도 안잡힌다 ㅠㅠ 암튼 기대!! This member  ◕‿◕: says, so, next Tuesday?? I have absolutely no idea what it could be. ㅠㅠ Anyway, I can't wait.

I also wonder what it could be....we have to wait until next Tuesday?? Does D-10 means Tuesday????:w00t: 

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


goddessku found a review of GHS's book TANGO

It is very well written that I will try to translate. For those of you who did not read the book will get a flavor of what GHS was trying to write through her main character, Yun, Goddessku found the post from here.

[출처] 품질경영연구소&요셉장학재단 카페 (some type of research center and scholar group cafe)


탱고_ 이은아 (우수상)=TANGO_ Lee Eun Ah (Award of Excellence)

2011.08.20. 09:26

향긋한 커피향이 그리운 계절입니다. It is the season making me yearn for the fragrant coffee aroma.

마음 따뜻해지는 책 한 권이 생각나는 계절이기도 합니다. It is also the season making me think about a book that warms my heart.

독서의 계절 가을은 벌써 훌쩍 지나가 버리고 겨울을 알리는 첫눈이 내리고 차가운 공기가 코끝을 시리게 합니다. 늦게나마 가을의 끝자락을 붙잡고 책 한 권을 읽어 봅니다. Autumn, the season of reading, has already passed. The first snow is falling, signifying the coming of winter, and the cold air is chilling the tip of my nose. As if wanting to hold on to the fleeting autumn season, I decide to read a book.

이 책을 고르게 된 계기는 작가에 대한 궁금증 때문이었습니다. The reason that I chose this particular book comes from my curiosity about the author.

이 책의 작가는 배우 구혜선씨 입니다. The author of this book is the actress GHS.

TV로 보는 그녀는 동그란 눈에 예쁘장한 외모를 가진 천상 귀여운 여자 연예인 그 자체였습니다.When I see her on TV, she has such round eyes with pretty features, basically an adorable actress.

그런데 어느날 그녀가 단편 영화를 제작했다는 기사를 보았고, 일러스트 픽션 소설을 낸다는 기사를 보았고, 음반까지 낸다는 기사를 보았습니다. 배우라는 자체 만으로도 재능과 끼는 있겠다 생각했지만 이렇게 많은 일들을 해낼 만큼 뜨거운 열정이 있는 배우 라는 걸 알게 되어 놀랐습니다. 그리고 궁금해졌습니다. 그녀의 감성으로 펴낸 책은 어떨지…Then, one day, I hear that she has directed a short film, followed by the publication of her illustrated fiction, and yet again followed by a musical composition CD. I thought that she is already talented enough in acting. I was very surprised to find out that she has so much more intense passion in so many other types of work. So, I became curious. What would the novel written by her would be like…

‘에스프레소 같은 사랑을 이야기하다’라는 책 표지의 문구가 인상적입니다. I was impressed by the phrase on the front cover of the book: A love story like espresso.

먼저 이 소설의 주인공 연의 이야기를 해 봅니다. Let me first tell you the story of the heroin, Yun.

그녀는 달콤한 코코아를 좋아하고, 커피를 마실줄 모르고, 담배를 싫어합니다. 그녀는 어떠한 고통도 경험하지 않았고 한 치의 오차도,실수도 없는 완벽한 삶을 추구합니다. 그리고 그녀에겐 행복한 현실만이 존재한다고 믿고, 그러기 위해 부단히 노력합니다. 그런 그녀의 연인인 강종운. 그는 커피와 담배를 현실이라고 말합니다. 가끔 술이 떡이 되도록 마시기도 합니다. Yun likes the taste of sweet cocoa. She does not care for coffee and she does not like cigarettes. She has never experienced any pain and she pursues the perfect life devoid of mistakes and failures. She believes that happiness can exist in her life. In order to manifest that Idealistic pursuit, she tries her hardest and the best in everything. In contrast, her boyfriend is Kang Jong Woon. He believes in the Reality of coffee and cigarettes. Often he drinks to the point of being plastered.

달콤한 행복 속엔 번외의 슬픔도, 아픔도 있을 수 있다고 말하는 현실 주의자 입니다. Jong Woon is a Realist who believes that alternating cycle of sadness and pain occur in the sweet happiness.

연은 그런 종운을 이해하지 못하고 종운은 그런 그녀에게 현실을 알려 주고 싶어합니다. Yun cannot understand JongWoon’s views and Jong Woon wants to teach or show Yun the Reality of life. (He does. She walks into his other life that contains another woman. I myself could not help comparing the book to GHS’s own maybe possible situation….forgive me…)

이렇게 너무 다른 두 사람은 발이 맞지 않는 탱고를 추며 서로의 발을 밟으며 고통을 참아 내고 있습니다. 그렇게 삐걱이던 두 사람은 결국 이별을 합니다. 자신에겐 절대로 일어나지 않을 것만 같던 순간이 그녀에게 오고야 만것입니다. This opposite couple lives or dances the Tango while stepping on each other’s feet and yet tolerating the pain that they give to each other. Eventually their clashes lead to a breakup. Yun comes face to face with the moment that she never thought she would ever experience.  

처음 경험하는 이별,슬픔,실패…그녀는 이 낯선 현실이 너무 힘들기만 합니다. 그제 서야 그녀는 차츰 현실을 알아 갑니다. 20대가 되어 처음 경험하는 이별로 인해 그녀는 현실에 눈을 뜹니다. 종운이 항상 말하던 쓴 커피와 담배, 술까지 이 모든게 현실이라는 것을 말입니다. 그렇게 부정하고 싶었지만 나에게도 닥칠 수 있는 현실 이라는 걸 방황과 고통을 반복하며 알아 가고 있습니다. 연에게 그는 에스프레소처럼 진하고 쓴 첫사랑이었습니다. This is her very first experience of breakup, depression and failure. This unfamiliar hardship is intolerable to her. Slowly, she acquaints herself with the Reality. Through this painful experience occurring in her 20’s, she awakens her eyes to the stark Reality. She dabbles into all the things that Jong Woon tried to indoctrinate her---coffee, cigarette and even alcohol. No matter how much she may have wanted to deny it, she gradually accepts that she is not exempt from  painful breakups and its slow-to-end, agonizing, emotional after effects. Yun’s first love was as thick and bitter as a cup of espresso.

그러던 그녀에게 두 남자가 나타납니다. 사회적 지위와 재력을 가진 민영과 보통의 회사원이자 꿈을 쫓는 몽상가이자 자유인인 순수청년 시후. 민영은 연에게 만난지 두 번만에 반지를 주고 청혼을 하며 사랑을 표현합니다. 연은 이런 민영의 행동에 혼란을 느낍니다. Then, two new men enter into her life. One is MinYoung who has the power of social status and wealth. The other one is ShiHoo who is an average office worker who is in pursuit of his individual dreams. He is a dreamer and an Idealist. After just two meetings, Min Young proposes marriage to Yun. MinYoung’s actions only bring confusion to Yun.

시후는 친구처럼 때로는 연인처럼 편안함으로 그녀 곁에 머뭅니다. 모든걸 다 갖춘 민영은 현실. 마치 자신인양 연을 너무 닮아 있는 시후는 순수. 두 사람은 그렇게 연에게 다가옵니다. 첫사랑의 쓰디쓴 이별을 경험한 연은 쉽사리 두 번째 사랑을 시작하지 못하고 주저합니다. 그러다 연은 민영의 사회적 지위와 재력이 현실임을 깨닫고 잠시 흔들리지만 생각과 이상이 닮은 시후를 택하게 됩니다. ShiHoo hangs around Yun like a friend and at times like a lover. She feels comfortable with him. Yun sees Min Young who can offer her all the security to face the Reality. She sees ShiHoo who so resembles her in many ways as the pure-at-heart or an Idealist. The two men who are so distinctive from each other tries to get close to Yun. However, Yun hesitates starting a new relationship after having ended a painful one. Initially she sways towards MinYoung, In the end, she chooses ShiHoo who shares similar thoughts and ideals.

하지만 시후에 대한 확신이 없던 그녀는 시후를 향한 자신의 마음이 우정인지 동경인지 사랑인지 고민하게 됩니다. 어렵사리 사랑을 확인한 두 사람. 시후와의 사랑은 달콤한 코코아같은 순수함이었습니다. 그러나 그 행복은 길지 않았습니다. 갑작스런 시후의 죽음으로 연은 두 번째 이별을 하고 현실에 부딪히고 맙니다. 시후를 보낸 연은 생각합니다. 그와 함께한 공간에선 현실과 순수가 공존했다고 말입니다. 연은 시후를 보낸 현실 속을 살아가게 됩니다. 슬프고 아픈 현실이 아니라 사소한 일상 속에서 기쁨과 행복을 찾는 현실 입니다. However, Yun struggles with her feelings about ShiHoo as she is not sure if what she feels is friendship, admiration or love. Through it all, they end up confirming their love for each other. Yun and ShiHoo’s love is like the sweet cocoa that is pure and genuine. (And, like the Tango dance that is in tune and in step with each other. ShiHoo also said something in the novel that I really liked:  A couple who love each other does not always have to dance—sometimes one person need to be on top of the other’s feet and sometimes they don’t even have to move at all but to just hold each other.)

Unfortunately, such happiness does not last long for both. ShiHoo’s sudden death leads Yun to experience yet another Reality of loss and goodbye. Yun analyzes her time with ShiHoo. She realizes that both Reality and Idealism/Purity existed at the same time and same space of their love for each other. Yun had to continue to live the Reality without ShiHoo. But Yun finds that now the Reality for her is not filled with sadness and pain. Rather, she lives the Reality that has happiness and joy from doing small and normal average things everyday.  

이 책을 읽으며 같은 20대를 살아가고 있는 나의 사랑과 현실, 순수에 대해 생각해 봅니다. I am also in my 20’s. As I read this book, I think about Reality and Love in my own life.  I also think about Purity/ Idalism.

그녀에게 찾아온 세번의 사랑과 이별은 그녀를 현실과 순수 사이에서 방황하게 합니다. Yun struggles in the middle of the spectrum of Reality and Idealism/Purity through the three loves that she experiences.

이 땅 위에 살아가는 모든 사람들도 그러할 것입니다. 나는 얼마나 순수했고 얼마나 현실적이 었던가…소설 속 연은 순수하기 때문에 현실을 깨닫고 그토록 방황하며 복잡했던 것입니다.

Everybody on this earth would also do the same thing. They will think about how much have they been Pure (in my mind “Soonsoo”  could be not only being pure an innocent  but also being ideal, being true to oneself no matter what others may think, etc.) and how much they have been Realistic (to me being Realistic in GHS’s terms means that you are very much influenced by the values and norms of the society and culture that you are living in.) The novel’s heroin Yun has been Pure (she believed that happiness should be pursued and can be grasped, that life can be sweet as long as you work hard to make it that way). That is why when she realized and had to face the Reality, she felt even more overwhelmed and confused.

책에서 말합니다. This is written in the book.

우리는 순수하기 때문에 헤매는 거라고. 나는 얼마나 해맸을까요? 나는 얼마나 순수 했을까요? 어쩌면 너무 빨리 에스프레소 같은 현실에 눈을 뜬 건 아닐까요. 나는 커피를 좋아합니다. 그 진한 향도 쌉싸름한 쓴맛도.. 저는 벌써 현실을 알아 버린 거겠죠? 그리고 이 같은 현실을 습관처럼 살아가고 있는 것일 것입니다. Because we are Pure, we struggle within ourselves. I wonder just how much did I really struggle and consider things.  How much am I really Pure? I wonder if I merely opened my eyes to the espresso-like Reality way too soon. I like coffee. I even like its thick aroma and its bitter taste…I guess that means I already am submerged in the Reality? And, I am pretty sure that I am living in this Reality as if it is the norm like a habit. (When this blogger said this, I remember GHS’s interview while she was making the Cheum Chu Rum Soju cf. She said that she enjoys being alone, maybe sipping some soju, and thinking about many things, especially about where she is going and where she has been…She certainly is very deep…he)

책에서 '사랑은 탱고와 같다고 말합니다.' It is written in the novel:  Love is like Tango.

서로의 발이 맞지 않으면 상대방의 발을 밟아 상처를 주는 탱고처럼 사랑도 탱고를 닮았다고 말합니다. 이 부분을 읽고 많이 공감했습니다. If we are not in step with our partners as in the dance of Tango, we could easily be stepping on their feet and hurting them. I could definitely relate to that.

우리는 사랑이란 이름의 춤을 탱고에 맞춰 추고 있는 건지 모르겠습니다. Do we really know if we are in step with our loved ones while dancing the Tango of love? (I think she is saying that we can hurt others both consciously and unconsciously.)

나는 지금 사랑하는 사람과 즐거운 탱고를 추고 있는가 생각해 봅니다. I think about whether my love and I are enjoying each other in the Tango.

아니면 종운과 연이 그랬듯 발이 맞지 않는 탱고를 추며 상처를 남기고 있는 건 아닌지. Or, am I dancing the Tango leaving many scars like Yun and JongWoon did to each other.

사랑을 하면서 항상 행복하고 즐거울 수만은 없을 것입니다. Of course, we cannot be always happy and joyful in love.

그렇다고 항상 발이 맞지 않는 탱고처럼 아프지만은 않겠지요. However, neither can love be always painful like the couple who cannot Tango in step with each other.

그 동안 우리는 현실 속에 너무 많은 갈등과 방황을 하며 살아 온 게 아닌가 싶습니다. Could it be possible that we have been submerged in the Reality all this time and that is why we are feeling so conflicted and lost with ourselves?

순수라는 이름을 너무 일찍 잊고 살아 온건 아닌가 싶습니다. I really wonder if we have forgotten too soon or hardly have given chance to Purity/Idealism (i.e.being true to ourselves in spite of the norm) and just accepted and lived in the Reality.

저는 이제 다시 순수를 믿기로 했습니다. I have made a resolution to rediscover and believe in the Purity/Idealism once again.

첫사랑의 가슴 뛰는 설렘과 잠들지 못하던 새벽의 기억을...  Like the memory of first love where I could not sleep into the dawn and my heart was beating with excitement….

출처] 품질경영연구소&요셉장학재단 카페


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Reminder to all of us here at Sunnies soompi:

If you remember, it was goddessku or 여신쿠 who told us that GHS is named for a next drama project. But, she decided not to give us any hints or spread any false rumors. Then, we hear in the news about GHS being asked to star in FLY AGAIN drama. I am positive that goddessku knew about FLY AGAIN before any of us. She is a wiz in finding things!

The reason I say this is that goddessku left another mysterious message on DC page:


D-10---title of her post

그날엔 무슨 일이?--What will happen on that day?

기대하시라~짜잔~♬ --Anticipate that day--tahdah~


to happen on Tuesday ..? I'm curious to go .....

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Hi to all sunnies,

Many many thanks to all the latest updates and translations. :)

I'm so happy with the progress of our Goddess Hyesun, May health and success be with her always.

Like others I can't wait for Tuesday to come, i wonder what surprise could there be.

Have a great weekend to all Sunnies, May God Bless Hyesun and Us too. B)

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Guest Chio-Mexico


구혜선-최다니엘 '더 뮤지컬', SBS 금요드라마 '편성 확정'

2011.08.21 10:58


[OSEN=윤가이 기자] SBS 미니시리즈 ‘더 뮤지컬’이 오는 9월 2일부터 매주 금요일 밤 9시 55분, 시청자들을 만난다.

구혜선, 최다니엘, 옥주현, 박기웅, 기은세, 박경림 등이 출연한 미니시리즈 ‘더 뮤지컬’(감독 김경용 각본 김희재, 제작: ㈜디브이에스코리아, ㈜필름북)이 ‘달고나’ 후속으로 편성돼 총 16부작으로 방송된다.

무대 위의 뜨거운 열정과 격정적인 사랑이 화려하게 펼쳐질 미니시리즈 ‘더 뮤지컬’은 한국드라마사상 처음으로 뮤지컬 무대를 본격적으로 다룬다.

극중 여주인공 구혜선은 뮤지컬 배우를 꿈꾸는 의대생 고은비로, 그리고 최다니엘은 브로드웨이 출신 최고의 뮤지컬 작곡가 홍재이역을 맡았다. 박기웅은 돈만 아는 냉혈투자가 유진으로, 옥주현은 뮤지컬 계의 ‘여왕’ 배강희로 분했다. 또한 신예 기은세는 엄친딸 차도녀 '서라경'으로, 박경림은 고은비의 엉뚱한 친구인 사복자 역으로 출연한다.

이를 위해 구혜선은 춤과 노래 연습 삼매경에 빠졌고, 뮤지컬 작곡가로 분한 최다니엘은 피아노를 직접 구입해 연습하는 등 만반의 준비로 촬영에 임했다.

또한 실제 뮤지컬계의 디바 옥주현이 드라마 속에서도 뮤지컬계의 ‘여왕’으로 출연해 화제를 모았고 최근 흥행 가도를 달리고 있는 영화 '최종병기 활'에서 탄탄한 연기력을 보여준 박기웅도 냉혈한 투자자로 분해 또 다른 변신을 한다.

‘미니시리즈 더 뮤지컬’은 뮤지컬을 소재로 한 드라마답게 뮤지컬계의 거장들과 배우들이 총 출동 했다. '지킬앤 하이드' '몬테크리스토'의 프랭크 와일드 혼, '모짜르트'의 실베스터 르베이 등 세계적인 뮤지컬 거장 작곡가들이 흔쾌히 음원 사용을 허락해주었고 '마리아 마리아'의 디바 소냐, '노틀담의 곱추' 서범석을 비롯해 '드림걸즈'의 디바 홍지민, '금발이 너무해'의 추정화 등도 드라마의 배역과 카메오를 자청했다.

뿐만 아니라 '지킬앤 하이드' '마리아 마리아' '몬테크리스토' '김종욱 찾기' 등 대학로에서 상연 중인 뮤지컬의 실제 무대가 등장한다. 제작진은 실제 뮤지컬 무대 촬영을 위해 지난해 7월부터 촬영을 시작해 대부분의 촬영을 완료한 상황.

제작사 관계자는 “뮤지컬을 소재로 한 최초의 드라마인 만큼 주인공들의 화려한 춤과 노래, 2년 여의 기획과 사전제작, 탄탄한 스토리를 바탕으로 시청자들에게 신선하고 특별한 재미와 감동을 선사 할 것” 이라 자신감을 드러냈다.

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The first drama ever to take “Musical” as a subject, Mini Series The Musical!

August 21, 2011 11:35 am ilnungcha


Mini Series The Musicalis the first drama ever to make a Musical Stage as a subject. Ku Hye Son plays the role of a medical school student Ko Eun Bi, who dreams of becoming a musical actress, Choi Daniel plays the role of Hong Jay, a famous musical writer of Broadway, Park Ki Oong plays the role of Yoo Jin, a cold blooded investor, and Ok Joo Hyun plays the role of Bae Kang Hee, a musical queen.

In addition, Ki Eun Sae plays the role of Seo Ra Kyung, a perfect cold woman, and Park Kyung Rim plays the role of Sa Bok Ja, a friend of Ko Eun Bi.

Many famous musical stars appear on Mini Series The Musical. Sonya of “Maria Maria”, Seo Bum Seok of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” and Hong Ji Min of “Dream Girls” will appear. Not only that, the famous musical writers Frank Wild Horn and Sylvester Levay gave permission to use their music.

The production crew confidently said, “As a first drama ever to take musical as a subject, this drama will provide a lot of entertainment with its characters, interesting plotline, dances, and songs.”

Mini Series The Musical will start its first episode on September 2 at 9:55 p.m.

Source: TvReport from Nate

Yeahhhhhhhhh finally air date cant wait :) Good Luck The Musical

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Guest summer11

Goo Hye Sun’s new drama ‘The Musical’ confirms first broadcast date for September 2nd


The Musical‘, a drama that received much attention due to the casting of actors Goo Hye Sun andChoi Daniel, has confirmed a broadcast date of September 2nd!

‘The Musical’ will be the first-ever Korean drama with a setting of a musical. Goo Hye Sun will play the character of ‘Go Eun Bi’, a medical student who dreams of becoming a musical actor, and Choi Daniel will portray the character of ‘Hong Jae Yi’, the best musical composer coming from Broadway. It’s been rumored that Goo Hye Sun has been engrossed in dance and singing practice, while Choi Daniel purchased a piano for himself and is wholeheartedly preparing for his role.

Other roles and actors include Park Ki Woong as the cold-hearted investor, ‘Yoo Jin’ and Ock Ju Hyun as the queen of musicals, ‘Bae Kang Hee’. Additionally, Shin AeKi Eun Se, and Park Kyung Lim will also be starring in the drama.

The drama has also recruited real musical actors such as Seo Bum SukHong Ji Min, and Choo Jung Hwa, and scenes from musicals like ‘Jekyll & Hyde‘, ‘Maria Maria‘, and ‘Finding Kim Jong Wook‘ will also appear as the background for the drama.

An official from the writing team stated, “This is the first drama with a musical setting, and the drama’s lead actors will show off their colorful singing and dancing. With two years of planning and pre-production combined with a solid story, we are planning to presents viewers with fresh humor and emotion”.

‘The Musical’ will contain 16 episodes and is set to broadcast it’s first episode on September 2nd through SBS.

Source: Economy Today via Nate

An article from Allkpop

Thank you sunnies for all the updates! You guys are the best! There is a saying that when it rain, it pours. Haha. So many updates about GHS these days and she is even active in twitter. So excited what will be happening on Tuesday sweatingbullets.gif Our girl is definitely back!!! w00t.gif

God bless everyone :)

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Aug 21. Various press released news that The MU will follow Dalgona and start airing Sept 2nd. It will be aired Fri 9:55pm. It will be a 16 episode mini series.

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Guest J-QTies

Can someone help me? I tried to access Goo Hye Seon's international forum at the following links:




but all of them say the server cannot be found. I am using a new laptop and my internet connection is full so this is not the problem. I think her forum is on Invision Power Board if anyone knows how to search for it there.

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Can someone help me? I tried to access Goo Hye Seon's international forum at the following links:




but all of them say the server cannot be found. I am using a new laptop and my internet connection is full so this is not the problem. I think her forum is on Invision Power Board if anyone knows how to search for it there.

i have the same problem :(

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I am so glad that the MUSICAL will finally air! :) Thank goodness to SBS! If she finally agreed to do FLY AGAIN, we'll see more of her in the coming months.. what a way to make up for all the time we missed her on the small screen.

Happy monday to all sunnies!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thank you Sunnies all so much for the updates about GHS's new project and about THEMU!!

September 2nd is not too far away! Only one episode per week! Whether one or two episodes a week , I am sure I would have hard time waiting for the next one.

But I have to hand it to SBS!! Bless you SBS!!

If GHS takes her role as Han Da Jin in FLY AGAIN, we will all be so lucky because as soon as THEMU ends, we will be blessed to see GHS again on screen right afterwards. Then, in April, we will see her again in AD!!!

So happy!!

I wish GHS and all her projects all the best and may ALL if them be great big hits!!

No matter what, I will be watching and watching!!

I hope we hear more about PEACH TREE as well and I am waiting to see what goddessku was talking about regarding Tuesday....

Thanks Sunnies!!!

I did translate the Tango review in the previous page...

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goddessku found a review of GHS's book TANGO

It is very well written that I will try to translate. For those of you who did not read the book will get a flavor of what GHS was trying to write through her main character, Yun, Goddessku found the post from here.

[출처] 품질경영연구소&요셉장학재단 카페 (some type of research center and scholar group cafe)


탱고_ 이은아 (우수상)=TANGO_ Lee Eun Ah (Award of Excellence)

2011.08.20. 09:26

향긋한 커피향이 그리운 계절입니다. It is the season making me yearn for the fragrant coffee aroma.

마음 따뜻해지는 책 한 권이 생각나는 계절이기도 합니다. It is also the season making me think about a book that warms my heart.

독서의 계절 가을은 벌써 훌쩍 지나가 버리고 겨울을 알리는 첫눈이 내리고 차가운 공기가 코끝을 시리게 합니다. 늦게나마 가을의 끝자락을 붙잡고 책 한 권을 읽어 봅니다. Autumn, the season of reading, has already passed. The first snow is falling, signifying the coming of winter, and the cold air is chilling the tip of my nose. As if wanting to hold on to the fleeting autumn season, I decide to read a book.

이 책을 고르게 된 계기는 작가에 대한 궁금증 때문이었습니다. The reason that I chose this particular book comes from my curiosity about the author.

이 책의 작가는 배우 구혜선씨 입니다. The author of this book is the actress GHS.

TV로 보는 그녀는 동그란 눈에 예쁘장한 외모를 가진 천상 귀여운 여자 연예인 그 자체였습니다.When I see her on TV, she has such round eyes with pretty features, basically an adorable actress.

그런데 어느날 그녀가 단편 영화를 제작했다는 기사를 보았고, 일러스트 픽션 소설을 낸다는 기사를 보았고, 음반까지 낸다는 기사를 보았습니다. 배우라는 자체 만으로도 재능과 끼는 있겠다 생각했지만 이렇게 많은 일들을 해낼 만큼 뜨거운 열정이 있는 배우 라는 걸 알게 되어 놀랐습니다. 그리고 궁금해졌습니다. 그녀의 감성으로 펴낸 책은 어떨지…Then, one day, I hear that she has directed a short film, followed by the publication of her illustrated fiction, and yet again followed by a musical composition CD. I thought that she is already talented enough in acting. I was very surprised to find out that she has so much more intense passion in so many other types of work. So, I became curious. What would the novel written by her would be like…

‘에스프레소 같은 사랑을 이야기하다’라는 책 표지의 문구가 인상적입니다. I was impressed by the phrase on the front cover of the book: A love story like espresso.

먼저 이 소설의 주인공 연의 이야기를 해 봅니다. Let me first tell you the story of the heroin, Yun.

그녀는 달콤한 코코아를 좋아하고, 커피를 마실줄 모르고, 담배를 싫어합니다. 그녀는 어떠한 고통도 경험하지 않았고 한 치의 오차도,실수도 없는 완벽한 삶을 추구합니다. 그리고 그녀에겐 행복한 현실만이 존재한다고 믿고, 그러기 위해 부단히 노력합니다. 그런 그녀의 연인인 강종운. 그는 커피와 담배를 현실이라고 말합니다. 가끔 술이 떡이 되도록 마시기도 합니다. Yun likes the taste of sweet cocoa. She does not care for coffee and she does not like cigarettes. She has never experienced any pain and she pursues the perfect life devoid of mistakes and failures. She believes that happiness can exist in her life. In order to manifest that Idealistic pursuit, she tries her hardest and the best in everything. In contrast, her boyfriend is Kang Jong Woon. He believes in the Reality of coffee and cigarettes. Often he drinks to the point of being plastered.

달콤한 행복 속엔 번외의 슬픔도, 아픔도 있을 수 있다고 말하는 현실 주의자 입니다. Jong Woon is a Realist who believes that alternating cycle of sadness and pain occur in the sweet happiness.

연은 그런 종운을 이해하지 못하고 종운은 그런 그녀에게 현실을 알려 주고 싶어합니다. Yun cannot understand JongWoon’s views and Jong Woon wants to teach or show Yun the Reality of life. (He does. She walks into his other life that contains another woman. I myself could not help comparing the book to GHS’s own maybe possible situation….forgive me…)

이렇게 너무 다른 두 사람은 발이 맞지 않는 탱고를 추며 서로의 발을 밟으며 고통을 참아 내고 있습니다. 그렇게 삐걱이던 두 사람은 결국 이별을 합니다. 자신에겐 절대로 일어나지 않을 것만 같던 순간이 그녀에게 오고야 만것입니다. This opposite couple lives or dances the Tango while stepping on each other’s feet and yet tolerating the pain that they give to each other. Eventually their clashes lead to a breakup. Yun comes face to face with the moment that she never thought she would ever experience.  

처음 경험하는 이별,슬픔,실패…그녀는 이 낯선 현실이 너무 힘들기만 합니다. 그제 서야 그녀는 차츰 현실을 알아 갑니다. 20대가 되어 처음 경험하는 이별로 인해 그녀는 현실에 눈을 뜹니다. 종운이 항상 말하던 쓴 커피와 담배, 술까지 이 모든게 현실이라는 것을 말입니다. 그렇게 부정하고 싶었지만 나에게도 닥칠 수 있는 현실 이라는 걸 방황과 고통을 반복하며 알아 가고 있습니다. 연에게 그는 에스프레소처럼 진하고 쓴 첫사랑이었습니다. This is her very first experience of breakup, depression and failure. This unfamiliar hardship is intolerable to her. Slowly, she acquaints herself with the Reality. Through this painful experience occurring in her 20’s, she awakens her eyes to the stark Reality. She dabbles into all the things that Jong Woon tried to indoctrinate her---coffee, cigarette and even alcohol. No matter how much she may have wanted to deny it, she gradually accepts that she is not exempt from  painful breakups and its slow-to-end, agonizing, emotional after effects. Yun’s first love was as thick and bitter as a cup of espresso.

그러던 그녀에게 두 남자가 나타납니다. 사회적 지위와 재력을 가진 민영과 보통의 회사원이자 꿈을 쫓는 몽상가이자 자유인인 순수청년 시후. 민영은 연에게 만난지 두 번만에 반지를 주고 청혼을 하며 사랑을 표현합니다. 연은 이런 민영의 행동에 혼란을 느낍니다. Then, two new men enter into her life. One is MinYoung who has the power of social status and wealth. The other one is ShiHoo who is an average office worker who is in pursuit of his individual dreams. He is a dreamer and an Idealist. After just two meetings, Min Young proposes marriage to Yun. MinYoung’s actions only bring confusion to Yun.

시후는 친구처럼 때로는 연인처럼 편안함으로 그녀 곁에 머뭅니다. 모든걸 다 갖춘 민영은 현실. 마치 자신인양 연을 너무 닮아 있는 시후는 순수. 두 사람은 그렇게 연에게 다가옵니다. 첫사랑의 쓰디쓴 이별을 경험한 연은 쉽사리 두 번째 사랑을 시작하지 못하고 주저합니다. 그러다 연은 민영의 사회적 지위와 재력이 현실임을 깨닫고 잠시 흔들리지만 생각과 이상이 닮은 시후를 택하게 됩니다. ShiHoo hangs around Yun like a friend and at times like a lover. She feels comfortable with him. Yun sees Min Young who can offer her all the security to face the Reality. She sees ShiHoo who so resembles her in many ways as the pure-at-heart or an Idealist. The two men who are so distinctive from each other tries to get close to Yun. However, Yun hesitates starting a new relationship after having ended a painful one. Initially she sways towards MinYoung, In the end, she chooses ShiHoo who shares similar thoughts and ideals.

하지만 시후에 대한 확신이 없던 그녀는 시후를 향한 자신의 마음이 우정인지 동경인지 사랑인지 고민하게 됩니다. 어렵사리 사랑을 확인한 두 사람. 시후와의 사랑은 달콤한 코코아같은 순수함이었습니다. 그러나 그 행복은 길지 않았습니다. 갑작스런 시후의 죽음으로 연은 두 번째 이별을 하고 현실에 부딪히고 맙니다. 시후를 보낸 연은 생각합니다. 그와 함께한 공간에선 현실과 순수가 공존했다고 말입니다. 연은 시후를 보낸 현실 속을 살아가게 됩니다. 슬프고 아픈 현실이 아니라 사소한 일상 속에서 기쁨과 행복을 찾는 현실 입니다. However, Yun struggles with her feelings about ShiHoo as she is not sure if what she feels is friendship, admiration or love. Through it all, they end up confirming their love for each other. Yun and ShiHoo’s love is like the sweet cocoa that is pure and genuine. (And, like the Tango dance that is in tune and in step with each other. ShiHoo also said something in the novel that I really liked:  A couple who love each other does not always have to dance—sometimes one person need to be on top of the other’s feet and sometimes they don’t even have to move at all but to just hold each other.)

Unfortunately, such happiness does not last long for both. ShiHoo’s sudden death leads Yun to experience yet another Reality of loss and goodbye. Yun analyzes her time with ShiHoo. She realizes that both Reality and Idealism/Purity existed at the same time and same space of their love for each other. Yun had to continue to live the Reality without ShiHoo. But Yun finds that now the Reality for her is not filled with sadness and pain. Rather, she lives the Reality that has happiness and joy from doing small and normal average things everyday.  

이 책을 읽으며 같은 20대를 살아가고 있는 나의 사랑과 현실, 순수에 대해 생각해 봅니다. I am also in my 20’s. As I read this book, I think about Reality and Love in my own life.  I also think about Purity/ Idalism.

그녀에게 찾아온 세번의 사랑과 이별은 그녀를 현실과 순수 사이에서 방황하게 합니다. Yun struggles in the middle of the spectrum of Reality and Idealism/Purity through the three loves that she experiences.

이 땅 위에 살아가는 모든 사람들도 그러할 것입니다. 나는 얼마나 순수했고 얼마나 현실적이 었던가…소설 속 연은 순수하기 때문에 현실을 깨닫고 그토록 방황하며 복잡했던 것입니다.

Everybody on this earth would also do the same thing. They will think about how much have they been Pure (in my mind “Soonsoo”  could be not only being pure an innocent  but also being ideal, being true to oneself no matter what others may think, etc.) and how much they have been Realistic (to me being Realistic in GHS’s terms means that you are very much influenced by the values and norms of the society and culture that you are living in.) The novel’s heroin Yun has been Pure (she believed that happiness should be pursued and can be grasped, that life can be sweet as long as you work hard to make it that way). That is why when she realized and had to face the Reality, she felt even more overwhelmed and confused.

책에서 말합니다. This is written in the book.

우리는 순수하기 때문에 헤매는 거라고. 나는 얼마나 해맸을까요? 나는 얼마나 순수 했을까요? 어쩌면 너무 빨리 에스프레소 같은 현실에 눈을 뜬 건 아닐까요. 나는 커피를 좋아합니다. 그 진한 향도 쌉싸름한 쓴맛도.. 저는 벌써 현실을 알아 버린 거겠죠? 그리고 이 같은 현실을 습관처럼 살아가고 있는 것일 것입니다. Because we are Pure, we struggle within ourselves. I wonder just how much did I really struggle and consider things.  How much am I really Pure? I wonder if I merely opened my eyes to the espresso-like Reality way too soon. I like coffee. I even like its thick aroma and its bitter taste…I guess that means I already am submerged in the Reality? And, I am pretty sure that I am living in this Reality as if it is the norm like a habit. (When this blogger said this, I remember GHS’s interview while she was making the Cheum Chu Rum Soju cf. She said that she enjoys being alone, maybe sipping some soju, and thinking about many things, especially about where she is going and where she has been…She certainly is very deep…he)

책에서 '사랑은 탱고와 같다고 말합니다.' It is written in the novel:  Love is like Tango.

서로의 발이 맞지 않으면 상대방의 발을 밟아 상처를 주는 탱고처럼 사랑도 탱고를 닮았다고 말합니다. 이 부분을 읽고 많이 공감했습니다. If we are not in step with our partners as in the dance of Tango, we could easily be stepping on their feet and hurting them. I could definitely relate to that.

우리는 사랑이란 이름의 춤을 탱고에 맞춰 추고 있는 건지 모르겠습니다. Do we really know if we are in step with our loved ones while dancing the Tango of love? (I think she is saying that we can hurt others both consciously and unconsciously.)

나는 지금 사랑하는 사람과 즐거운 탱고를 추고 있는가 생각해 봅니다. I think about whether my love and I are enjoying each other in the Tango.

아니면 종운과 연이 그랬듯 발이 맞지 않는 탱고를 추며 상처를 남기고 있는 건 아닌지. Or, am I dancing the Tango leaving many scars like Yun and JongWoon did to each other.

사랑을 하면서 항상 행복하고 즐거울 수만은 없을 것입니다. Of course, we cannot be always happy and joyful in love.

그렇다고 항상 발이 맞지 않는 탱고처럼 아프지만은 않겠지요. However, neither can love be always painful like the couple who cannot Tango in step with each other.

그 동안 우리는 현실 속에 너무 많은 갈등과 방황을 하며 살아 온 게 아닌가 싶습니다. Could it be possible that we have been submerged in the Reality all this time and that is why we are feeling so conflicted and lost with ourselves?

순수라는 이름을 너무 일찍 잊고 살아 온건 아닌가 싶습니다. I really wonder if we have forgotten too soon or hardly have given chance to Purity/Idealism (i.e.being true to ourselves in spite of the norm) and just accepted and lived in the Reality.

저는 이제 다시 순수를 믿기로 했습니다. I have made a resolution to rediscover and believe in the Purity/Idealism once again.

첫사랑의 가슴 뛰는 설렘과 잠들지 못하던 새벽의 기억을...  Like the memory of first love where I could not sleep into the dawn and my heart was beating with excitement….

출처] 품질경영연구소&요셉장학재단 카페


Thank you so much sue. I really enjoyed this review. How I wish I know Korean so that I could read HS's book. The review is beautifully written, and I'm sure the book itself would be even better.

just bring over the pics shared by godessku in the link sue posted




cre DC KHS

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Such beautiful pics meow13! Thanks a lot.

I am also excited about tomorrow's surprise from goddessku :)

i'm thinking it might not be tomorrow, but a week later since goddessku wrote D-10 on Aug 20. that means counting down 10 more days right? i'm wondering if it could possibly be press con for The MU.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


You are right!!

I happen to go into that DC page where goddessku posted about D-10.

I noticed that many people left message on that page, wondering what goddessku's mysterious message could be.

Is it next Tuesday?

Is GHS going to come out in a variety show called Strong Heart=Ghang Shim Jang?

Then, goddessku left message:

여신쿠: 다음주 화요일? 강심장? 이러면 해외팬들 오해해. 아니야.ㅋㅋ다다음주 화요일이지

Next Tuesday? Ghang Shim Jang? If you say these things, overseas fans will misunderstand. That is not it. ke ke It is next, next Tuesday.

Maybe it is press conf for THEMU! Can you believe it? September 2nd is NEXT WEEK!!

I wish there was press conf this week!!!

Thanks webby!!

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