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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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According to tiffany06268  tweet on weibo, Hye Sun still have to  shoot her last scene for AD  tomorrow (Aug 18) . This fan is going to visit her on the set. So Hye Sun might still have to stay in Taiwan until Friday

sue, yes, this pic was posted by the kid actor


He said this was his last day filming for AD. it's supposed to be time for group photo. Not all the casts arrived yet,but dad's camera ran out of battery...


봇이 대체 뭐야?

쿠 트위 검색하다가 어떤 분이 구혜선봇이라며

사진도 지금 쿠 메인 트윗 사진이고 계속 사람들과 맞팔 홍보하던데..

다른 연예인도 있는건가?

그나저나 쿠는 언제 한국 올거니? 어여와~~ㅋ

Cre http://gall.dcinside...572&page=1&bbs=

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks everyone for the updates.

When I saw GHS's new tweet, I thought she was working in Korea on Peach Tree. Then I realized it is an old pix of herself working at Peach Tree. Her tweet occurred on August 17 at 1:45 Pm in Taiwan, according to goddessku.


Her tweet: : This is Peach Tree scene location. I used to always have a piece of dry squid in my hand. I would tell them to just take pix of my face. (I guess she did not want people to know that she has squid in her hand....keke)

DC member said that actor Choi IlHwa who came out in GHS's Magic and Dhangsin tweeted before that he would always supply the dry squid as snack for the Peach Tree team .

I hear GHS has a solo scene that needs to be shot on Aug 18th....

meow13, the Korean post under GHS pix in hoodie is talking about a fake GHS tweet. It appears that that fake tweet has exact same face pix as the real GHS tweet and has lots of following as well....I hope ours is not fake....could not be....

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Guest ari_oppa

Hello Sunniez...It's my first post since about 7 months ago. I was almost crazy on past February and March this year because of my final exam at campus, so I Could'nt open this lovely page at that busy time. To be honest, finally I got my first degree for medical lecture at April :). But after that I did'nt have any free time cause I start work at Hospital. And finally I have this moment to wrote in this page, woaahhh I feel come back to my seond home :)...And When I know The Musical will be aired on this Sept, fastly I open my Facebook and write status to promote The Musical. Very happy cause have time to open this page again, and missed all of your post guys, and offcourse really missed Hye Sun Noona on Drama. The last but not least, I want to say Happy Fasting to All Muslim here :)

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Guest Chio-Mexico

Hi Sunniez

KBS독립영화관, 구혜선 감독 영화 '요술' 방영

기사입력 : 2011년08월17일 13시26분

(아시아뉴스통신=여용준 기자)


영화 '요술' 중 한 장면.(사진제공=YG엔터테인먼트)

KBS 독립영화관은 19일 오전 1시10분 구혜선 감독의 '요술'을 방송한다.

배우 구혜선의 첫 장편영화 연출 데뷔작으로 화제를 모은 영화 '요술'은 예술학교를 배경으로 악기를 연주하는 세 청춘의 사랑과 우정을 그린 영화로 임지규, 서현진, 김정욱 등 배우들의 열연이 돋보인 작품이다.

구혜선은 2008년 단편영화 '유쾌한 도우미'로 연기, 작곡, 소설, 미술, CF모델 뿐 아니라 영화연출에 대한 재능까지 선보였으며 2010년 드디어 장편영화 연출에까지 도전하게 된 것이다.

또 빅뱅, 2NE1, 세븐 등 한국 가요엔터테인먼트계 거물급 기업인 YG엔터테인먼트의 첫 영화투자작이기도 한 '요술'은 이미 개봉 전부터 많은 화제를 모은 작품이기도 하다.

신비로운 이야기와 풋풋한 청춘의 감성을 아름다운 영상과 음악으로 녹여낸 영화 '요술'은 현실에 치이고 힘들어하는 현대인들의 가슴 한켠에 아날로그적 감성의 순수함을 전하며 21세기 새로운 한국 청춘 영화의 한 작품이다.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Congratulations ari_oppa on getting your degree!! Wow!! And, welcome back to the forum!

Chio-Mexico! Hello to you too--I have not seen you for a while also. Thanks for the post~it appears that KBS has a program called  Independent Movies and it  is showing GHS's MAGIC on the 19th at 1:10AM!! Woah such a late showing. Well, at least 19th is a Friday. It is nice of them to air the movie~~the rest of the article describes Magic a bit and whole lot about GHS, the director.

Thanks meow13 for GHS and the little girl. I saw her in the group pix along with the staff and team of AD. Some DC member wonders if she plays child role of GHS in AD. OR perhaps she is a daughter of one of the crew member??--like the PD's daughter who also took pix with GHS.

Also, Thanks alot to Minsun4ever for starting the tweeter promotion of THEMU!! That is a great idea! I hope that everything goes smoothly for the tweeter promotion and I cannot wait to see THEMU--good or bad, I am sure I will like GHS and Choi Daniel acting together. They seem to be good friends as well.

Thanks Sunnies!!:wub:

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Congratulations, ari_oppa! and welcome back :)

That little girl should be a kid actor in AD as she could be seen in that group photo by Bi XiaoHai (another kid actor)

and Bi XiaoHai (畢曉海) posted another pic on weibo


看看我拿到甚麼? 惠善姐姐給我的簽名ye_org.gif 雖然我跟她語言不通, 但還是可以感受到她很 nice. good_org.gif 她在上面寫的韓文, 有人看得懂嗎

See? I got an autograph from Hye Sun onnie. Though there is language barrier, I can feel that she is very nice. She wrote some Korean on top, anyone knows what's that mean?

cre http://weibo.com/2026292727

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Guest Chio-Mexico

Hi sue

Sunniez twitter Koohs

koohs 구혜선

내일입니다. 8월 19일. 금요일에서 토요일로 넘어가는 새벽 1시 10분입니다. KBS 독립영화관에서 '요술'이 방영하는데요. 많은 시청부탁드리겠습니다!!

hace 24 minutos

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[sBS 특별기획 "더 뮤지컬"]

구혜선, 최다니엘의 새 드라마 "더 뮤지컬" 영창악기 공식 후원

2011/08/18 18:01


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks meow13 and all Sunnies for your updates and posts.

GHS wrote in her pix to the chilld actor: Be/Stay Healthy.

(I have a feeling that this AD will delve into the childhood of GHS character and the second male lead character--Si GolDal--DC members are talking about how cute he is...keke--Already there is that difference bet Japanese version and Taiwan versin...AD manga also described the GHS character being a childhood buddy to the Si Gondal character.

GHS's tweet is pointing out that her movie Yossol will air on KBS at 1:10AM on Friday going into Saturday and she hopes that many people will watch it and support it.

Another reporter who is a tweet pal to GHS--Yang somebody also tweeted that he is going to watch YoSool and wants others to wathch with him.--love the support for GHS!!!

YangChung Music Store is showing support for THEMU--they say that THEMU needed lots of musical instruments fro the dreama and they lend them a hand. This music streo helps out lots of other dramas,,,like Secret Garden, etc....

So GHS finished her role scene on Autust 18th and they will have a party tonight?? Yeah! I hope there is lots of pix and bts films for AD like BOF!! GHS looks very lovely in yellow dress in that AD production and cast pix.....They all look happy--hopefully that is a good sign. NOw, I pray and pray that AD director will have all the inspiration and his know how to make the best edit for it to be a grand hit in April 2012!!!:wub:

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Guest shamarsha

OMG! Kyaaa~~~~~ wanna scream now! :lol:

[단독] 구혜선, SBS '플라이 어게인' 여주인공 캐스팅


[TV리포트 서은혜 기자] 구혜선이 드라마 ‘플라이 어게인’에 주인공으로 캐스팅됐다.

19일 복수의 관계자에 따르면 구혜선은 오는 12월 방송예정인 국내 최초 항공 대작 SBS TV ‘플라이 어게인’에 여주인공으로 확정됐다.

이어 관계자는 “구혜선은 현재 드라마 ‘절대달령’ 촬영차 대만에 있다. 입국하는대로 촬영 준비에 들어가는 것으로 알고 있다”고 전했다.

‘플라이 어게인’은 열정과 패기로 똘똘 뭉친 부조종사가 파일럿으로 성장하는 내용을 담았으며, 올 하반기 최고의 기대작으로 꼽히고 있다.

구혜선은 극중 항공사의 여자 부조종사이자, 일에 대한 열정만큼은 타의 추종을 불허하는 긍정적인 성격의 소유자 한다진 역으로 활약할 예정이다.

특히 ‘플라이 어게인’은 구혜선이 2009년에 출연했던 KBS 2TV ‘꽃보다 남자’ 이후 약 2년만의 안방극장 복귀작인 만큼 기대감을 더하고 있다.

한편 ‘플라이 어게인’은 ‘뿌리깊은 나무’ 후속으로 12월 21일 첫 방송된다.

사진=TV리포트 DB

서은혜 기자 eune@tvreport.co.kr


Another Links:

구혜선 "'플라이어게인' 긍정검토..결정은 아직"


구혜선 “‘플라이어게인’ 출연 제의 받고 검토 중“


cre:DC Hye Sun

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Guest junpyo.jandi

There's a news about HS.... ^^ Sooo happy

Please someone translate this one. I can only understand very few... kekekekekeke....

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Ku Hye Sun considers appearing on ‘Fly Again’


Actress Ku Hye Sun is currently considering appearing on SBS’s new Wednesday-Thursday series, Fly Again.

On the 19th, an official said, “Ku is just considering appearing on the series and she didn’t signed on the contract yet.”

“Production company and SBS have to agree with casting Ku for a role  in the series. It is under consideration and nothing is sure yet,” he  added.

If Ku decide to appear on the series, she will play the role of a  female copilot, Han Da Jin. The character has positive personality and  passion for her career.

Fly Again is about a copilot who becomes a pilot. It’s first episode will air on December 21.

Source: My Daily from Nate

cre korea.com

It would be great if Hye Sun confirms this drama, I want her to play the role of a pilot!!! :w00t:  Praying hard for this!

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Ku Hye Sun considers appearing on ‘Fly Again’

                                                                                               *quoted image*

Actress Ku Hye Sun is currently considering appearing on SBS’s new Wednesday-Thursday series, Fly Again.

On the 19th, an official said, “Ku is just considering appearing on the series and she didn’t signed on the contract yet.”

“Production company and SBS have to agree with casting Ku for a role  in the series. It is under consideration and nothing is sure yet,” he  added.

If Ku decide to appear on the series, she will play the role of a  female copilot, Han Da Jin. The character has positive personality and  passion for her career.

Fly Again is about a copilot who becomes a pilot. It’s first episode will air on December 21.

Source: My Daily from Nate

 cre korea.com

It would be great if Hye Sun confirms this drama, I want her to play the role of a pilot!!! :w00t:  Praying hard for this!

Thanks meow13  and to all Sunnies for the updates....  :D

I totally agree with you meow because it is another challenging role for her which we all know that she can do it perfectly, keke :sweatingbullets:

I will also pray that Hye Sun will accept the offer without any conflict with her schedules. :)


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Meow13 and all the Sunnies, thanks so much for the update and all your posts.

One article says that GHS has been cast for sure/ But other articles say that GHS is seriously reviewing and considering the role that has been proposed to her.

The Korean article posted by Sharmarsha states that (in summary) the new drama which is confirmed to air on December 21of this year at SBS is a very first national, large scale, aviation project and that there is a great anticipation/expectation riding on this project. GHS, if she takes this role plays a female assistant pilot who becmoes a piolot. Her character (Han DaJin) in the drama has a personality that is passionate and very positive and who does not allow other people's criticisms or opinions interfere especially in the area of her professional passion. (WOW. I could tell why GHS was offered this role--I think she can really play this---I hope she takes it!!!)

The other reason that I would want her to take this role in FLY AGAIN is what she said in her interviews with Taiwan and the Japanese programs--she said that she would want to learn to fly so that she can take her boyfriend up into the sky and propose to him. She would ask him, So, Do you want to marry me or what? The mc asked what if the bf says no. She says: Do you want to die or what!------keke----do you guys remember that???:D 


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 The other reason that I would want her to take this role in FLY AGAIN is what she said in her interviews with Taiwan and the Japanese programs--she said that she would want to learn to fly so that she can take her boyfriend up into the sky and propose to him. She would ask him, So, Do you want to marry me or what? The mc asked what if the bf says no. She says: Do you want to die or what!------keke----do you guys remember that???:D 


Sue ~~ sorry to cut your post.. Thanks for the translation :) Yes, I remember that interview  took place at Nam San Tower with LMH.. While she's telling the line her thumb is pointing to LMH, kekeke... :) I apologize for mentioning other names... :)

Hoping Hye Sun will accept the offer. This would be another great opportunity for her..  FIGHTING !!!  :wub: 

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