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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Thanks nat & sue, here is the translation of the above news

sorry that I have to remove all Chi characters, dunno why the 3rd paragraph can't be shown with the original text :o

Absolute Darling – Ku Hye Sun & Jiro Wang fly sky lantern to celebrate Double Seventh Festival

  Ku Hye Sun’s first experience of Flying Sky Lantern     Jiro wants to spend the festival with his fans

Double Seventh Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day) is approaching; the lead actors of GTV’s Absolute Darling, Ku Hye Sun & Jiro Wang went to Ping Shi to fly Sky Lantern, celebrating the Festival in advance. Ku Hye Sun found it very interesting for flying Sky Lantern in Ping Shi for the first time. She would also use the sky lantern as a sun shade. When heard that one could make a wish when flying sky lantern, Ku Hye Sun did not ask about love but wish for smooth filming of her first Taiwan idol drama. Jiro had flied sky lantern with his friends. For the festival this year, he said, “I want to spend the day with my fans, we can fly a lot of sky lanterns”

Ku Hye Sun was very looking forward to the experience of flying Sky Lantern. She paid attention to every detail from buying it to all steps before flying sky lantern, and even to the staff decorating the set. Coincidentally there were visitors nearby flied sky lantern; Ku Hye Sun was mesmerized after explaination by the translator. She also went to the shops to buy some Sky Lantern souvenirs. Knowing that one can make a wish with sky lantern, Ku Hye Sun said, “I hope filming for Absolute Darling would go smoothly” when asked if she wants to fly sky lantern with her lover, Ku Hye Sun replied shyly, “ of course I would like to” 

According to the script, the scene of flying sky lantern was filmed during daytime. Jiro said, "It would be more romantic if flying it at night. Because of the bright colors, that would be beautiful."

Recalling his experience of flying sky lantern, apart from filming,  “when I was a student, I would go to Ping Shi to fly sky lantern with all my friends, it was fun!” As the Festival is approaching, Jiro said, “I wish there would be someone who accompanying me during the Festival” Nonetheless, Jiro, who was working during festivals every year, thought he would be working this year too. “But if possible, I would like to fly sky lanterns with my fans, flying 100-200 lanterns to the sky at the same time must be great.”

Absolute Darling has been filming around Taiwan including North Coast, Yilan, Tai Chung, Kenting, etc. Ku Hye Sun praised about the scenery of Taiwan, she said, “because of filming, the crew has travelled to many beautiful places in Taiwan, it’s great. For instance we have been to the beach at seashore (Fulong  Beach), the scenery there was really magnificent.” Ku Hye Sun loves that scene very much, while it was a hardship for Jiro to film on the beach. Since the sea breeze was too strong, after a day of filming Jiro got soar throat. The next day while filming, Jiro’s voice sounds like his friend Mike Ha. Jiro is good at intimating Mike’s voice, he laughed, “sometimes when I was on the phone with Mike, I would intimate his voice and he would say ‘stop intimating, it sounds like I am talking with myself’.”

source: http://www.gtv.com.t...ws/20110804002/


source: UDN

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Guest smdrma


Please vote for GHS! (Once a day)

단아한 이미지로 한복이 가장 잘 어울리는 여배우는?

(2011-08-02 ~ 2011-08-09)



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김해문화의전당 '썸머 오픈 페스티발' 3주 연속 개최

김해문화의전당이 여름을 맞아 시민들을 위한 여름 프로그램과 영화상영을 마련했다. 애두름마당에서 펼쳐지는 '썸머 오픈 페스티발'은 3주간 연속으로 토요일 저녁 8시마다 펼쳐진다.

이번 달 주제는 '한국 여성감독의 힘'으로 임순례 등 여성감독의 영화를 감상할 수 있다.

3일 '우리 생애 최고의 순간(임순례)', 10일 '고양이를 부탁해(정재은)', 17일 '지금 이대로가 좋아요(부지영)', 24일 '요술(구혜선)', 31일 '버스, 정류장(이미연)'. 15세 이상 관람가, 당일 선착순 96명 입장. 


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Guest junpyo.jandi

I really miss unnie. I hope I can see her again in a Korean Drama..... And I hope she can be paired with my other fave korean stars such as Noo Min Woo, Park Yoo Chun, Joo In Sung and Nickhun... hhehehehehehe... Then that would be great!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello Sunnies and good to see some old and familiar names!!

Thanks smdrma for letting us know about DC poll--to select the star that you think looks the best in the Korean traditional clothing.

Just follow the direction set by smdrma witht the blue rectangles.

It ends on August 9th--so, we don't have much time left.


Thanks natali for the information about the Summer Open Festival. Every Saturday at 8PM at the Ae-Deu-Reum mah-dhang (yard), movies and other programs will take place. On August 24th is GHS's MAGIC.



Jung Dong Jin Independent Film Festival is starting its festival of films and videos starting August 5th. GHS's DAHNGSHIN is being shown on Saturday, August 6th at 8PM.



goddessku posted an account by a staff member of Ecopure.

소망의 얼굴이죠~ 구혜선.. 팔방미인이라는 별명답게 요즘 장르와 경계를 넘어서며 종횡무진 맹활약 중이십니다.ㅎㅎ

소망화장품의 모델 중에서는 이다해씨도 있지만, 에코퓨어의 느낌은 구혜선씨가 조금 더 잘 어울리는 것 같아요.

뭔가 풋풋하고 순수한 느낌이 더 드는 것 같아요..^^


(sum only) The face of Somang~it is GHS. multi-talented and well-rounded. Somang also has Lee DaHye. But I feel that GHS is a much better fit for Ecopure. Something about her gives off feeling of fresh and natural/pure.

Also just summary or few words here and there.

<혜선이의 오일보습 연구소> 제작 현장 이야기 (At the cf filming of Ecopure with GHS--Fifth filming)

어제에 이어 다섯번째 [다나한 에코퓨어] CF촬영 현장 이야기 입니다. ^^

오늘은 혜선씨의 메이크업 부터 시작하도록 하겠습니다. 워낙 피부도 곱고 예뻐서 굳이 거울 안봐도 될 것 같은데,

거울은 항상 필수적으로 보시는 혜선씨 입니다.ㅎㅎ~(her skin is amazingly pretty to start--GHS does not need to look at herself in the mirror but she does as a necessity.) 

 메이크업의 종류에도 다양한 부분이 있는거 다들 알고 계시죠? ^^ 헤어를 담당해주시는 선생님의 전광석화 같은 손놀림...ㅎ

한땀 한땀 공들인 선생님의 솜씨에 우리 혜선씨의 미모가 한층 더 빛나는 것 같습니다.

선생님~ 우리 혜선씨 헤어 스타일 잘 부탁드릴게요!!!ㅎ (thanking hairstylist who is an expert and wants the best for GHS)

 어느덧 CF 촬영의 중반을 넘어가고 있네요. 스킨대신 오일보습 스킨하세요! 를 외치며 리트머스 종이를 볼에 살짝

가져가는 씬인것 같습니다. 혜선씨는 자연주의 유기농 브랜드에도 너무 잘 어울리는 것 같아요.

혜선씨의 순수하고 풋풋한 이미지가 그녀를 더욱 산뜻하게 만든다고나 할까요?ㅎ~(Talking about the cf where ghs puts the ph sheet against her face~~Ecopure brand with organic and natural ingredients and GHS go along together really well. Ecopure even further enhances GHS's fresh and purely natural image.)

앗!!! 혜선씨의 살인미소 등장~ㅎㅎ 저 미소는 아마 돈으로 살 수 없는 미소가 아닐까 싶네요..ㅠㅠ

원래 웃음이 아름다운 사람이 진짜 아름다운 사람이라는데, 혜선씨가 딱 그 스타일인 것 같습니다.

자연스러운 미소 속에서 혜선씨의 아름다움이 절로 드러나는 듯하네요...ㅎ (Ah! there is that HS's killer smile. You cannot get that smile with money. I hear that people with lovely smile are also lovely inside. GHS is just that style. Her beauty just blooms with her genuine smile.)


귀여운 애교 표정 작렬~ ㅎㅎ 예전에 혜선씨가 출연했던 <꽃보다 남자> 포스터에 나왔던 그 귀여운 표정이 어떻게

나왔나 했더니... 바로 여기서 나왔군요. 완전히 애교 작렬 표정인데요. 정말 볼을 꼬집어 주고 싶을 정도로 너무

귀여웠답니다. 사진보다 실물이 훨씬 더 귀여웠다니까요..ㅎㅎ(That adorable aegyo expression--I saw that in BOF..now I know where it comes from. I see it here. I just feel like pinching her cheeks--she is that adorable.She is even cuter in real life.)

 늦은시간까지 진행되는 촬영속에서도 표정 변화가 없었던 혜선씨~ 정말 대단했어요.

보이는 사진처럼 CF촬영장에는 모델을 향한 조명이 한둘이 아니거든요.

그래서 정말 쉽지 않을텐테, 그래도 방긋 웃는 혜선씨야 말로 진정한 프로~(Ultimate pro!! CF filming runs way into the night. But her expression does not change. There are so many things to consider, adjust and retake,,,,it is not easy...but she never loses that professionalism.)

 CF 촬영장의 전형적인 모습입니다. ^^ 촬영이 돌아가는 무대 곁에는 언제나 저렇게 많은 스텝들이 함께 한답니다.

물론 TV속에 보여지는 모습은 혜선씨 혼자지만요. 하지만 혜선씨 외로워 하지 말아요. 언제나 우리가 함께 있답니다.ㅎㅎ 

 조명 반사판 뒤에서는 과연 무슨일이?ㅎㅎㅎ 뭐, 지금까지 보셨던 CF 촬영이 한창이겠죠?

분위기 나는 컷으로 한번 올려봤습니다.(Even if GHS may appear alone in CF, there are so many people involved in making of a df. She is never lonely. We are there with her until the end. hoho.)

 그러고보면, 혜선씨는 어느 각도에서 촬영을 하던지 귀엽고 예쁜 모습이 자연스럽게 나오는 것 같습니다. ^^

역시 얼짱은 각도로 승부하는게 아닌 자연미로 승부하는 것 같아요.ㅎㅎ

스텝의 얼굴 너머로 보이는 혜선씨의 얼굴이 유난히 뽀샤시 해보이네요.(No matter what angle, HS always comes out naturally adorable and pretty. Ulzzangs must be different. Their natural beauty wins. hoho Her face is just radiant...)

<From The Youngest, AD & PR Team of Marketing Department in sOmang Cosmetic>



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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks meow13!

name='meow13' date='05 August 2011 - 08:58 AM' timestamp='1312563532' post='17307932']

The Musical BTS

*quoted image*

the musical 촬영중. 조지훈,구혜선,옥주현.==while filming THEMU with Jo JiHoon, GHS, OkJH (I guess GHS was in the audience.

출처 : 싸이월드

cre 여신쿠 @ DC KHS

Hye Sun tweeted with a childhood pic :w00t:

*quoted image*

하하하.=HaHaHa (That is what GHS said!..,,very cute.)


06 Aug 2011 03:50 (KRT)

koohs @ twitter

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Guest summer11

Hello Sunnies!


具惠善百度吧  這是我要送給歐尼的禮物^^ 雖然節日已過

cr: GHS DC

I think this cake was given to GHS by Jiro's fan on Chinese Valentine's day. :) Correct me if I'm wrong.

Thank you guys for the updates. Hope we can see The Musical and Absolute Darling this year. Really miss GHS :( 

God bless everyone and have a nice week ahead :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Thanks summer11!

I also saw in DC posted by goddessku that fans from Baidu gave two cakes for Jiro and GHS---pretty much identical but colors are different,,,in celebration of Taiwan's Valentine;s Day.

So thoughtful...


Nickname Yagoodahn posted in DC


He saw at 5 AM on a cable channel the Baseball Variety show with GHS and Kim Joon. He says that he was not feeling that well.

As soon as he saw GHS on TV, his whole mood changed to up from down. (keke) He saw that GHS chose Kim Joon when the baseball team was playing GHS's Ideal male type during the train ride to the baseball field. (do you guys remember??) This poster says that he can peacefully send off GHS noona if she and KJ actually are a couple.(keke~~but I heard through thegrapevine that KJ has another gf.)



goddessku posted on this page that she saw GHS's name mentioned for a new, next project.


쿠 이름이 언급된

최근에 올라온 뭔가를 봤음.

더 뮤에 관한거 아님.

전혀 예상치도 못했는데,

쿠 이름 뿐만 아니라 그외 상황들이 상당히 구체적으로 언급된 거라서. 

물론 확실하지 않을 수도 있고, 쿠 스케쥴 상황등 변수도 있을 수 있다지만,

사실이든 아니든 쿠 이름을 봤다는거 자체만으로도 기분 상당히 업됨.

특히나 오늘은 여러모로 업업~ㅋ

더뮤지컬, 절대달령 화이팅~!!!

Goddessku decided not to post where she got the information as nothing is definite. But she says that not only was GHS's name mentioned but the plan for the project seemed to be laid out very well as well. So, DC members are going crazy trying to find out what it could be. But goddessku is keeping her silence. (But I am sure that she has seen something as she is a wiz at finding things about GHS. With GHS's schedule and her commitment to SGGU may not allow for another project so soon after Taiwan...don't you think?? Anyway, goddessku was very happy even to see that GHS was highly considered or referred to for a new project.....perhpas our voting for GHS to keep her name up there in Yahoo Rival as well as other voting sites DO HELP GHS???!!! keke Anyway, try to see if you can vote for her to keep her up there!! Thanks.)



The second voting site is for who looks the best in Korean traditional clothing. As far as I know, this survey is suppose to end on August 8th. But go and vote as long as the survey is up. GHS is not the leader but she is in the third. Moon ChaeYoung and Han HyoJoo are first and second respectively.


I stil am enjoying the SCENT of WOMAN drama these days. I know that most of you guys must wait for the translated versions. But I just saw the 6th episode and I cannot wait for the next one. The main actor and actress are just amazing and the story is just amazing and so free-ing. It kind of reminds me of GHS's philosophy of life. I loved GHS's article in Cosmo of May 2009....GHS says that she thinks about death a great deal. She is saying that her actions and decisions about her life have a lot to do with the fact that one can die tomorrow or anytime and that here and now is the important time to do what she wants and needs and hopes to do. That way, the past and future have no regrets. I just loved that!!! I think it blew away the reporter reporting her that day too.

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@ cheerkoo. could it be the Hana Kimi project? i've heard that the producer of BOF has taken up on that project. when i was reading the article about Hana Kimi, i automatically thought of our GHS. hehehe.

SHOUT OUT to all peeps for the pix, news and translations related to our angelic GHS. you guys are the best!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello annypooh!

Hana Kimi?? I have never seen that one....????.....Maybe....But I am not sure about the producer of BOF and GHS. I remember reading an article long ago about the main producer of Group 8 (forgot his name). He never even referred to GHS as a contributor for the BOF success---he said it was all due to F4. He said this in a formal meeting with many other producers and director of Korea and Asia. He was also against casting GHS to start if not for the recommendation of the BOF main director. Anyway, I could be wrong..but that is my opinion of the main producer of Group 8 at this point.


Anyway, above is another goddessku post about a child actor in AD....I don't think the Japanese version had a child actor....did it???? He is very cute.

畢曉海(필효해)=Pil Hyo Hye

今天去台中美術館拍"絕對達令", 收工時發現這個人體雕像, 很有藝術感good_org.gif , 所以跟她拍了一張照片, 希望她不要介意!tooth.gif 對了, 這個雕像的名子叫 "雲擁"fuyun_org.gif

출처 : 절대달령 출연하는 아역배우 畢曉海 웨이보 =source of info from weibo of AD's child actor     

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Hello annypooh!

Hana Kimi?? I have never seen that one....????.....Maybe....But I am not sure about the producer of BOF and GHS. I remember reading an article long ago about the main producer of Group 8 (forgot his name). He never even referred to GHS as a contributor for the BOF success---he said it was all due to F4. He said this in a formal meeting with many other producers and director of Korea and Asia. He was also against casting GHS to start if not for the recommendation of the BOF main director. Anyway, I could be wrong..but that is my opinion of the main producer of Group 8 at this point.


Anyway, above is another goddessku post about a child actor in AD....I don't think the Japanese version had a child actor....did it???? He is very cute.

畢曉海(필효해)=Pil Hyo Hye

今天去台中美術館拍"絕對達令", 收工時發現這個人體雕像, 很有藝術感*quoted image* , 所以跟她拍了一張照片, 希望她不要介意!*quoted image* 對了, 這個雕像的名子叫 "雲擁"*quoted image*

출처 : 절대달령 출연하는 아역배우 畢曉海 웨이보 =source of info from weibo of AD's child actor     

awwe...why's he hating on our girl?

here is the link Cheerkoo.. http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/756017-korean-version-of-hana-kimi-will-be-directed-by-director-of-boys-over-flowers/

i hope it's okay for me to post the link here. i'm sorry if it's against soompi's rule. forgive me.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

awwe...why's he hating on our girl?

here is the link Cheerkoo.. http://asianfanatics...s-over-flowers/

i hope it's okay for me to post the link here. i'm sorry if it's against soompi's rule. forgive me.

Thanks annypooh~

Same director of BOF and the actors will be chosen from SM entertainment. GHS as we all know is part of YG entertainment.

Now, I remember Hana Kimi----WuZon was an actor in it and so was Jiro Wang...right???


Goddessku posted some film locations of AD---we have seen some of them before---It really seems like AD may feature beautiful and wonderful places around Taiwan!!

By the way, I LOVE  that statue of a littel girl behind the child actor in AD!!


Goddessku even found pix of the staff working for THEMU....keke


Goddessku also took out a film part of GHS sneezing next to Jiro Wang during 100% Entertainment interview. keke GHS suddenly sneezed and Jiro Wang asks, are you OK, in Korean!! Very cute....I hope they have some BTS of AD when they show the drama on air....keke----I especially want to know if there is any BTS of GHS and maybe other staff calling Jiro Wang as the Bubble Tea....keke

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Thanks annypooh~

Same director of BOF and the actors will be chosen from SM entertainment. GHS as we all know is part of YG entertainment.

Now, I remember Hana Kimi----WuZon was an actor in it and so was Jiro Wang...right???

oh..i didnt put 2 n 2 together. hehehe...oops! sowwie dear!

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