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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest jandi_girl

These are hyesun real time tweets:

어제는 함께일한 감독님과 술을 마셨는데요. 일상이야기를 정신없이 하다 집에 들어왔습니다. 술을 조금많이 마신터라 일상이야기는 기억이 잘안나는데요. 술집에서 키우던 큰 개(바람이)를 붙들고 또 일상이야기를 한건 기억이 나는군요.ㅎ (tweeted 21mins ago).

바람이에게는 제 마음을 솔직히도 표현한거 같은데요. 그 아이 참 잘받아주더구요. 그래서 간혹 저는 집안에 개들 다섯마리를 붙들고 저의 이야기를 할때가 있습니다.ㅎ (tweeted 13mins ago).

저도 가끔은 이 아이들의 이야기를 듣고싶을때가 있습니다. 어제 바람이에게는 저한테 한번만 뽀뽀를 해줄수는 없느냐고 졸랐던것 같은데요ㅎ결국 제가 해버렸습니다. 바람이는 아주큰 하운드 종인데요. 그놈 참 뻣뻣하더군요.

7 minutes ago via twtkr .


바람이를 향한 저의 일방통행인데요. 간혹 저는 사람에게도 그런짓을 종종 하기도 하는것같습니다. 뽀뽀가 아닌 마음을 말이죠. 바람이의 뻣뻣한 자태를 보며..그건 개나 사람이나 모두 어려워 하는 일인것 같단 생각을 했더랍니다. ㅎ

This one about a minute ago. WOW she is really into tweeting..hahaha (loving it) though cannot understand hehehe.....I google translate it and there is a word kiss???

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Guest jandi_girl

간혹 사람도, 개들도, 술도. 힘든상대이기에 정이 가는것 같습니다.ㅎ저는 어제 집에온 후. 깊은 잠에 드는 바람에 아직 씻지 못했는데요. 부모님이 제 방에 들어오시기 전에 얼른 씻어야 할것 같습니다.ㅎ

4 minutes ago via twtkr

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I have a feeling that she had a drink with a friend, and she's saying that she did not washed up before bed...(hehehehe) but she is afraid that her parents might know that that so she had to go washed up (just my understanding. pls. correct me...thanks)

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Guest webby

^^she met with PDs whom she worked with and together they drank at a sul-jib (alcohol house). The kiss and all that is about a dog (breed: hound) which is at the sul-jib. The dog's name is Parami. hehe.. she's really into dogs. She drank quite a bit so she doesn't remember what she talked with the PDs much. but they just chatted about everyday life. then she got home and had a long sleep and didn't wash up. so now she has to wash up before her parents enter her room. She also mentioned that after she got home, she found out that her dog pooped in her room.

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Guest jandi_girl

^^she met with PDs whom she worked with and together they drank at a sul-jib (alcohol house). The kiss and all that is about a dog (breed: hound) which is at the sul-jib. The dog's name is Parami. hehe.. she's really into dogs. She drank quite a bit so she doesn't remember what she talked with the PDs much. but they just chatted about everyday life. then she got home and had a long sleep and didn't wash up. so now she has to wash up before her parents enter her room. She also mentioned that after she got home, she found out that her dog pooped in her room.

Thank you webby for the translation.hahaha she forgot to washed up before sleeping maybe she got really drank. Anyway she has another tweet (it feels like i really stalking her). I think she's eating that her mother prepared for her and said that she might be alone in the house.... ;)

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Guest belindanz

thankyou @webby to know that her doggy pooped in her room, and that she is not embarassed to tweet about such daily acts in her personal life makes her seem even more down to earth.

If only i could share a bottle or two of soju with her, although she would probably be the last one standing, after reading how many bottles she can drink :D:lol::lol::lol:

WOW i feel so much more closer to her now hehe

Let's keep voting sunnies, lets try and reach 50million votes AJA AJA!@!@@! :sweatingbullets::w00t::crazy:

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Good evening Sunnies.

I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks to everyone for all news, pics, screencaps, articles and translations... greatly appreciated!

Today I signed up on Twitter to follow Hye Sun... now all I have to do is have google translator bookmarked!

I'm really happy about next weekend BOF event... I will find much goodies here 'til then...

Sunnies fighting! <3

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Guest belindanz

SUNNIES!!! we are at 42million!!!!!!!!!! Let's for for 50!!! we can do it!!!


p.s really sorry if i seem pushy, but i'd love it if we could all band together have have Hyesyn/Jandi win this poll ^_^^_^:wub::wub:

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Guest xiaomaii

is that a real twitter account of GHS?? I guess I need to ask for her signature again just like what she did on BOF website before...some kind of authentication...LOL!!! :P

anyway, the latest tweet "she" did, I thought she moved out from her parents house, and was now living by herself. why did she tweet she might get caught by her parents drunken on bed? that's weird. :huh: anyone care to enlighten me please?

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Guest susAmerica

cont. GHS twitter.

Woah I noticed that she wrote more! love the way she tells stories.

4/17 7:20AM

In a little while it will be another tomorrow. (the time stamp on the twitter does not match her writing!) Tomorrow seems to come very quickly. Right now, I am getting ready to go out to have a drink with my coworkers. We will be facing another tomorrow together again.

4/17 1:44 PM

I returned home. Now, I am slowly trying to make some work. Anyway, everybody, sleep well.

4/18 3:55 PM

Hello to so many people. Wow, so many of you use this system. Ke Right now, my father is washing some vegetables in the running water. The sound of the flowing water is so good. Even the sound of the vegetables is good. Even his calling me to come and eat sounds good. I am hungry. (she must live with her parents!)

4/18 4:10 AM

He says, “chi” vegetable and “woo soo ri” vegetable. From far away, my father is shouting.

4/18 4:15 AM

Ah, he meant “chwee” vegetable. Keke. It is difficult. My father clearly said “chi” vegetable but it was actually “chwee” vegetable.

4/18 4:20 AM

I have 5 dogs in the house. Their names are pickle, mackerel, sausage, dumpling, rice. Whenever my parents call out for me to eat, when they ask me if I want to eat dumpling, if they should make mackerel stew for me, they bought some sausage, or when they say that the pickle is too salty, I feel a bit ,,,,,

4/18 4:25 AM

Just now, my father came over to make a correction. He says the meal is “chwee” vegetable and “uh soo ri cham’ vegetable from Il Won San. So difficult. For me, I just want to call them as they sound~as “chi” vegetable and “woo soo ri” vegetable. (She is funny and her father is funny!!! Keke Does food seem important in Goo family?? keke)

4/18 4:33 AM

My mother usually makes the meal and my father usually washes the vegetables and the dishes. And me,,,,I am responsible for the outdoor work. For example, I fix the dog house. It is harder than I thought.

For the next three twiters, she introduces pix of her puppies.

4/18 5:06AM

The puppy BHAP or Rice usually stays with my sister and brother-in-law. I am currently responsible for fixing this rascal’s house.

4/18 5:40AM

This is a place where many unfamiliar terms and phrases are used. (I think she is talking about internet language that uses lots of abbreviations.) I think I really have to study further. It is difficult and confusing. Hu

4/18 5:47AM

This is my second day. I still do not know what 맞팔=(?mhat pahl?=right arm?) means but I am getting better. (sorry I do not know what that means either. As it happens here in USA, it appears that Koreans in Korea are also using lots of abbreviations to describe a new meaning altogether. I do not know what part of a full word is taken and mixed with another part of another full word. If you get what I mean. Huhu or phew.)

Right now, it is only with people that I know. But I will make my맞팔=?right arm? as “lightening”. (I really am not sure if lightening is a twitter name of someone or something else entirely.) If I happen to visit here and there, I will be sure to ask for “lightening”.

4/18 5:56AM

I hope to walk (?) around the whole Korea. In a little while, I hope to go to Mirado (I heard this is a small island off Jeju Island in Korea.) By chance, if “lightening” is available there, I hope we can eat noodles with black bean sauce together.

4/18 6:11AM

If by chance, Mirado “lightening” can occur, noodles with black bean sauce (jja-jang-myun) is my treat! Hu.

4/18 3:35 PM

I have been talking a long time with my father eating chestnuts and walnuts. Just now, my mother decided to join in and the whole event became very big. We ate the last night’s left over “chwee” vegetables mixed with rice. We also ate tofu and reheated the woo guh ji or cabbage soup. (I am liking the Goo family. They are funny!)

4/18 3:42 PM

I happen to fall asleep early last night and got up early this morning. When I am up this early, I did not know what to do first. So, I just gave my puppies their food. As soon as they wake up, they really eat well. So, I also ate something too. (she is just too funny!)

4/18 3:47PM

Actually, my home is a farm. When my mother cooks soy bean paste stew, I eat it that day. Then I heat it again the following day and again and again. At the end, it becomes more like an over-boiled paste. So, I tend to drink lots of water. I noticed that my father is also drinking lots of water. Ho

4/18 3:52 PM

Just now, I was asking my father about the Goo family (origin Neung Sung Goo) descendants/ancestry. He says he does not know about the number of descendants, but that his name has “Ja” in it while his father’s name had “whee” in it. Since he is now engaged in formal dining, I did not ask him further about it. Ho

4/18 3:57PM

Three years ago, my grandmother on my mother’s side passed away. To this day, we still did not finish eating all the soybean paste that she made when she was alive. My mother says we have enough to last through the next month. When we go to the country side where my grandmother lived, we called her as “hal-mae” (sort of like grandmammy or granny instead of grandmother). I think our granny had a “big hand”—(meaning that grandmother always made too much food.) We have even more of her hot pepper paste!

(Ahh, that is so funny again. It reminds me of what Tablo said about GHS’s cooking. He said that GHS insists that her guests eat a lot of her food. However, he said that GHS makes way too much food that it is impossible to eat too much. Haha! Maybe GHS has some of her granny’s personality!)

4/18 4:08PM

Yes, I also eat anything very well as soon as I wake up. (someone must have asked her question.) When I was a student, I slept a lot. To get me to wake up to go to school, my mother used to entice me with rice with black bean paste and kimchi stew every morning. Truly, I woke up in order to eat. Ha Due to such luck, I never missed a day of school! My mother’s birth place is Kyung-Book Yeh-Chun.

4/18 4:13 PM

I loved eating my late granny’s “pauper” soup the most---you put every left over food into a pot and make it into soup. Sometimes I would find the stick that held the various skewer-food. Sometimes, I enjoyed eating it for the fun of finding the sticks. The adults from the old days used to eat like that…now that is not easy to find. (food seems to have fond memories for GHS. So sweet. She really seems to come a traditionally nice and warm family??? She puts value in the old family traditions.)

4/18 4:23 PM

Once in a while, my mother makes a very salty side dish. If I add any water to that dish or do other things to it, I will not be able to properly eat my next meal. Ho That is why my father tends to eat more rice and I tend not to eat so much side dish. (This is so hilarious! We are getting to know the uniqueness of GHS’s mom! Hahaha)

4/18 4:31 PM

My mother tends to be somewhat strict. If my mother is not available, my sister at times cooked for the family. But, since my sister got married last year, my father and I must behave well around my mother. If the mood inside the house is not so good, I would often walk over to my sister’s house nearby. My father would usually accompany me to my sister’s. ho

4/18 4:36PM

My father frequently goes over to my sister’s and brother-in-law’s store and plants flowers there and I try to fix my Bhap’s dog house. You see, in order to eat at my sister’s and brother-in-law’s house, my father and I must contribute something to them. I think that is why I started to build a house for Bhap.

4/18 4:38PM

Maybe because I got up so early today, I am talking so much. I should stop talking. Hahahah Gradually, I got to return to work.

4/18 4:42 PM

Oh yeah,,, It is not that my mother would just stay alone at the house. She would just go over to the store of my sister and brother-in-law and drink coffee with her friends. Something that cannot be helped.

20 hours ago..

About the snoring family and playing guitar to it. (webby’s translation already been done.)

19hours ago:

I am currently practicing guitar by myself. I am not that good at it yet. Sound is kind of dull. My fingers on the left hand have hardened. Ho I think I play because I feel good about life. I think all my family members are also living well in solid kind of way. Just listen to that great snoring sound….(I just love the way she writes about her family—so interesting and fun! Love GHS and her father’s quiet and respectful solidarity when it comes to her mother’s upset. :D .

is that a real tweeter account of GHS?? I guess I need to ask for her signature again just like what she did on BOF website before...some kind of authentication...LOL!!! :P

anyway, the latest tweet "she" did, I thought she moved out from her parents house, and was now living by herself. why did she tweet she might get caught by her parents drunken on bed? that's weird. :huh: anyone care to enlighten me please?

Hi mai! Great to see your post.

WEll, I found out through GHS' twitter that she does indeed live with her parents and her 5 puppies. Her sister and her brother-in-law live very close by. My guess is that the whole family live very close to the Gallery Cafe Manolin. GHS refers to the cafe as her sister's and her brother-in-law's store where her father and mother frequent as well. I have a feeling that GHS live in a big house because she says that her house is a farm. Her family seems to eat lots of vegetables and they must grow the vegetables. GHS' father seems handy with growing flowers too.

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just my two cents :)

we all knows hyesun is actress with multi talents.but when she in home with her family she is a goo daughter with her responsibility to her family.cook for her family.from what i read on her twitter translation she is loyal to her family.family is number one for her..she ever said in taiwan bof event last year,if her family dont accept her bf she will choose to listen them.Goo family had a strong relationship,i love it~

(I just love the way she writes about her family—so interesting and fun! Love GHS and her father’s quiet and respectful solidarity when it comes to her mother’s upset. :D

hahah yes agree with you sue.read story about Goo family make me thing i must spend more time with my family.maybe start from cooking together :lol:

i'm so happy coz i'm so close with hyesun now.maybe just twitter but i cant hold my heart to grow happiness :)

thanks sue for the translation :D

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Guest susAmerica

Woah, GHS is really a great story teller of herself. I love it.

I decided to translate further even though webby already did. Thanks webby.

She made me laugh and cry at the same time with rest of her twitter.

3 hours ago

Yesterday, I had drinks with a director whom I worked with. I talked so much about everyday stuff without thinking and then came back home. Because I drank a little too much, I cannot remember the everyday stuff that I talked about with the director. However, I do remember that I held on to the dog, Param or Wind (the big dog raised at the alcohol house, as webby mentioned) and talked a lot to him about the everyday stuff. (when I read that, I just blurted out laughing and crying at the same time. She is just so funny and lovable! I wonder who is the director? Director Kim of filming? Director Jo of lights whom she does not get along? Any other directors from her short film? She knows so many pd’s!)

3hours ago

I think I poured out my heart to Param/Wind. He really listened so well to me. That is why at times I get all my 5 pups close to me and pour out my heart to them!

There are times when I also want to listen to their (the puppies) stories. Yesterday, I think I tried hard begging Param to give me a kiss. Ha But I just ended up giving him a kiss. Param is a giagantic hound type of a dog. That rascal was so stiff.

It was a one-sided outreach for Param. Occasionally I think I do that to people as well. I don’t mean the kissing but that I give my heart and mind to people. As I look at Param’s stiff stance, I realized that such action/ issue is a difficult thing for dogs and people alike. Ha

When I returned home, because of the heat, each of the pups laid a poop in my room. I think those rascals also, once in a while, express their one-sided feeling/thoughts. Because of that, I really had a hard time last night.

Because people, dogs and alcohol are not so easy to deal with, I occasionally get attached. Ho After I came home last night, I fell into a deep sleep and did not get to wash up. Before my parents enter my room, I must get washed up right away.

About 2 hours ago,

My mother informs me that she is going out. She opens the refrigerator to show me where the side dishes are kept. I think I will be home by myself today. My mother must have cooked tons of food. She must be going a long distance. Ho The side dishes are all lined up in rows. Ho

My father left with a shovel. I think he is planning to organize my sister’s and brother-in-law’s store’s back yard. I heard that a new restaurant is opening up next to my sister’s store—a noodle with black bean sauce restaurant. Because of that fact, my father and I are very happy these days. Ho I think I may go out with a shovel too. (she is hilarious!)

About 1 hour ago,

Many of you have sent in concerns because I said that I will be home alone. But it is OK. I have my dogs and the next door ajuma or lady, and her dog. I also have the lady down the street who also has a dog. So, it is OK. If I just open the door, there is the neighbor lady. (hahah what a lucky neighbor ladies and their dogs!!)

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thanks Sue its lunch time from where I am,and I feel hungry reading her twits!! its full of warmth and filled with love and affection for her family and dogs...

generally I guess ASIANS share that quality that family really stays together and are really closer..2q8zgv5.jpg

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Guest xiaomaii

thanks sue! for enlightening and translations! :)

wow, if that's really her, and indeed I guess. she got so addicted to twitter! I mean, imagine her tweeting for like 3-5 min interval! LOL! I remember the first time I got hooked on that twitter that was like two years ago! I guess korea now has more iphones on their area, and a lot of celebs decided to use the app! they could download the tweetdeck or tweetie! hoho

just like everyone says on the forum, i feel a lot more closer to her now! I just hope it's really her! it's funny of her to talk about her food "most" of the time! and her family seems so nice! and i love the cute pics of her dogs! she really like toy dogs huh? well who wouldn't want to have even one lapdog! :rolleyes:

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Guest minjee

I love reading her tweet updates she's so adorable! some of her updates are funny...she's really 4-D :D It looks like she's into playing the guitar these days and yes it's her real twitter account everyone :D

thanks sue! for enlightening and translations! :)

wow, if that's really her, and indeed I guess. she got so addicted to twitter! I mean, imagine her tweeting for like 3-5 min interval! LOL! I remember the first time I got hooked on that twitter that was like two years ago! I guess korea now has more iphones on their area, and a lot of celebs decided to use the app! they could download the tweetdeck or tweetie! hoho

just like everyone says on the forum, i feel a lot more closer to her now! I just hope it's really her! it's funny of her to talk about her food "most" of the time! and her family seems so nice! and i love the cute pics of her dogs! she really like toy dogs huh? well who wouldn't want to have even one lapdog! :rolleyes:

hey xiaomaii, it's nice to see you post here again! :) I want to ask if you have a new YT account....I got :(when your old YT account got suspended....I liked your video uploads.... :)

reminder: don't forget let's all join forces for Hyesun to stay on the top spot on the click me!!!!

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Guest ching22194

Thanks Sue for the translation. I almost forgot i have a twitter account.

Now, i have to activate it so i can follow her tweet. Too bad i can't understand korean.. :lol:

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Sue...thanx for the translation....

Just wondering, when she said her sister's store, was she referrring to Cafe Manolin? Shud be rite, since now her sister & her husband are the one who's in charge of the cafe ;) ,,,,And if its really Cafe Manolin, and her home is just walkng distance from her sister's place, then GHS must be living in Kangnam too rite,,,becos I remember reading Cafe Manolin is located in one of the exclusive side of Kangnam area, or sumthing like that...and from the way she's putting it, it sounded as if she's living in a bungalow house & not an apartment...anyway surely no apartments will allow 5 dogs in one apartment...my point is I'm sure apartments in kangnam area must have cost a fortune, let alone a house....Sumhow I feel relief that if she can afford a house in the area, she must have been doing very well for herself financially....

Actually I really want her to do well financially so that if she decide to get married, her popularity wont affect her income...hehehe...sorry...I'm thinking too much...but really I want her to excel in both area...career & love life :D:lol:

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MAGIC would be shown officially on June 24 2010

감독' 구혜선 첫 장편 '요술' 6월 24일 개봉 확정

배우 구혜선의 첫 장편영화 감독데뷔작 '요술'가 개봉일을 최종 확정했다.

제작사인 YG엔터테인먼트는 20일 '요술'이 오는 6월 24일 개봉을 최종 확정했다고 밝혔다. 관계자에 따르면 '요술'은 당초 5월 20일 개봉예정이었으나, 작품의 완성도를 높이기 위한 음악작업으로 개봉일이 늦춰졌다.

구혜선은 이번 영화 '요술'에서 시나리오, 연출뿐만 아니라 영화에 삽입되는 음악까지 직접 작업, 1인3역을 맡았다.

구혜선 감독은 이미 지난 2008년 단편영화 '유쾌한 도우미'를 통해 그 재능을 인정받은 바 있다.

부산 아시아단편영화제 관객상 수상, 부천 국제 판타스틱 영화제 한국 단편 당선작으로 선정 되는 한편, 중국의 제3회 차이나 모바일 영화제, 일본의 유바리 국제 판타스틱 영화제 등에 초청되는 등 국내뿐 아니라 해외에서도 주목 받는 신인 감독으로 급부상했다.

또한 제7회 아시아나 국제단편영화제에서 공식 트레일러를 연출하며 감독으로서의 연출력을 인정받았다.

from: click source

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Goo Hye Sun’s Magic gets a new release date

Having delayed the release for Magic which was Goo Hye Sun’s first full-length feature film as a director, YG Entertainment has confirmed a new opening date.

Many have been looking forward to seeing her directorial debut on April 22nd after her success with her short film, The Cheerful Caretaker last year. But a myraid of problems during post-production meant that the release date had to be pushed back to the summer.

YG announced on the 20th that Magic will now be premiering on June 24th. Looks like YG is aiming for a two-pronged assault on the music and movie front.

Source: allkpop

Thanks sue for all the translations of Hyesun tweet. I hope Hyesun would tweet in English one in a while for us the international fans :D. Anyways, I am glad that Hyesun seems enjoying her life at home and have a loving family

Wave to all Sunnies and let's look forward to the Talkshow Rock tonight ;)

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