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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest xiaomaii

Wow. Are they really hunting for Actor Managers as well? And I agree with webby, male fans should submit their resume. Now. A go go go~

I'm really digging the YG Building. It compliments very well their artist and actors. Unique in a good way. Sue, I think it's U-shaped? Hmm.

So GHS is going to Yubari International Film Festival in Japan on Feb 26? Is it for Cheerful Caretaker? If it is, then congrats again to Hye Sun! Her work is well acclaimed internationally! I was hoping GHS could make it to BigBang's Japan Tour (since 2NE1's also there) for us to see some YG Family Loving keke~. But it'll end on the 16th. Huhu. Oh well, I know she's always there to support them! Despite how busy she is with her filming! :)

And those GHS Anti-fan they'll never make it on DC inside! They'll never survive. Haha

Guys, thanks for all the goodies!


Here's a Subbed Video of Lee Donghae talking about GHS in Park Myung Soo's Show last 2007.


Sorry for the terrible video quality. Can't find any alternatives though.This is an official YouTube Account for anything related to Goo Hye Sun's videos! Hoping for more projects. :) Let's thank and inspire more our Main Translators for Hye Sun! Sue did the translations for the video. The Fansub Team is called "Feypygmalion" it's a two word combined. I forgot exactly when it was, but Hye Sun mention something about it before. (Oh help blue and bella) Or yeah, google it.

And here's PMS calling out to GHS in his radio show sometime last January. It's not yet subbed though. But there's a trans I guess here somewhere. ---> PMS calls out to GHS

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Headline: 감독 구혜선 엑스트라 공개모집에 수천명 신청 폭주 [2010-02-10 10:04:14]

headline: Several Thousands Stampede The Net To Apply for the EXTRA Role in Director GHS' movie

김형우 cox109@newsen.com = Reporter Kim Hyung Woo of Newsen

감독으로 변신한 구혜선이 공개 모집한 엑스트라 출연에 신청자들이 대거 몰려들어와 관계자들을 놀라게 했다.

구혜선은 6일 자신의 미니홈피에 영화 '요술' 현장 사진들을 게재했다. '요술'은 구혜선이 처음으로 감독하는 장편영화로 현재 촬영이 한창이다. 배우가 아닌 감독으로서 구혜선의 새로운 모습을 볼 수 있는 이 사진들은 팬들 사이에서 큰 화제를 모으고 있다.

구혜선은 이와 함께 영화에 출연할 엑스트라도 공개모집했다. 구혜선은 미니홈피를 통해 "'요술'에 도움을 주실 엑스트라들을 모집합니다"는 제목과 함께 "건강하게 촬영날 뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다"고 인사했다.

소식이 전해지자 신청을 원하는 이메일이 폭주하기 시작했다. 현재 신청자들을 일일히 확인하기 힘들 정도로 수천건의 신청 이메일이 밀려들어와 관계자들이 업무에 방해가 될 정도.

구헤선 측은 "이 정도로 많은 사람들이 신청해 올 줄은 꿈에도 몰랐다"며 "반응이 너무 뜨거워 어떻게 선별해야 할지 고민"이라고 전했다.

한편 영화 '요술' 엑스트라에 공개 참가는 2월 21일 경기도 일산 아람누리 공연장에서 이뤄지며 촬영은 오전 9시부터 오후 6시까지 진행된다. 참가를 원하는 자는 이메일(sshortbus@naver.com)로 이름과 나이, 연락처를 기재해 보내면 된다.

I will just summarize above article:

The GHS' movie associates are amazed by the flood of applicants to play the extra for GHS's movie. As soon as GHS's public announcement went out seeking extras, the email box has been jammed by the thousands. The associates are having a hard time as to how to discern appropriate applicants due to the excessive number. They never thought that so many people would apply.

(I thought it funny that this Reporter KIm Hyung Woo of Newsen, who has covered many articles on GHS, still reported the contact email address for people to apply for the extra roles! hahahaha!)



Thank you for bringing over so many GHS pix from DC.

When I saw GHS doing a bungee jump, I was shocked and not shocked at the same time.

Having more knowledge of GHS at this point, she really is a gutsy and adverturous young woman who can not be judged by her sweet and shy exterior!

I do not think that I ever posted it, but I saw the vid clip in DC about Donghae of SUJU talking about GHS to Park Myung Soo. (Sorry, Sorry, that I forgot about it. It was many pages ago in DCinside) He talked about GHS as one of his closest friends (almost like a relative). She used to treat him like a 'pretty dongseng' and give him 'ddongchim' (equivalent to giving man a wedge but one uses palm to strike between butt). GHS used to wait for Donghae to come out of bathroom and surprise him with a ddongchim! She was very mischievous! She also would pat Donghae on the bottom and cheeks because she thought he is just too cute. hahaha. Park Myung Soo thought Donghae is very lucky to have GHS as a noona. Then Park asked if GHS still does that to him (I think the interview took place few years ago) and Donghae said no. Park said it is a good thng she no longer does it because, if GHS still did that, she may have to be reported to the authority! hahaha (I believe GHS met Donghae of SUJU in SM Entertainment where both were trainees, GHS left SM for YG but Donghae is still part of SM, right? They are not from the same hometown as I originally thought.)


Thank you GHSfan for finding the YT clip about Suh Hyun Jin and Ahn Sung Gi talking about GHS as a director.

You are good at finding things on this thread.


But, actually, there was a long article, not a clip, that interviewed Suh Hyun Jin and she talked a little more about GHS as a person, a friend and a director. I am sure it will turn up when I am not looking for it. hahah


hello, SUS actually i'm not the one who brought those pix of GHS from DC..[i mean the bungee jump one]haha.

i was just amazed of what unnie did..so i repost the pic which was posted by helyon..hehe.

originally HELYON brought those nice GHS'S nn5 pix.. :P



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Request: I need the drawings she did for Tango. I know anyone can help me with this thing.

Thank you so much.

And also, I'd like to know reviews about her book. ^^

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Guest blooming

^ YG artists are totally kicking butts these days. Big Bang, 2NE1, and now Goo Hye Sun. President YG must be very happy to be their management company. :D

Hi Special Ed and Sunnies,

I totally agree with you that YG President must be on cloud nine. He has all the best singing groups, singers and actress under his YG company. I heard that YG President is one of the nicest and generous in the industry in Korea. He spoiled his talents especially 2NE1 group and also read that he spent about 3 million US dollars for Big Bang Japan Concert. I'm sure he's doing the same to support GHS. I think YG is one of the sponsor for her Movie "MAGIC". I would like to praise him for taking good care of his talents!! GHS and YG Family Fighting!!!! I can't wait for her movie!!

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Guest phanlinh_111

Hi all SUNNIES!!!



I made subtitles for the song " Break up" and wanna share with u!

Thanks Sus unnie for ur trans! ^ ^

( thanks Mina for helping me find it).

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From: http://blog.livedoor.jp/premier310/archives/2295317.html


Thank you for the link to the Japanese blogger who posted pix of Gallery Cafe Manolin. I only skimmed through her comments in the DC. She talked a lot about the Suh Rae Village where Manolin is located. We all know that it is a section in Seoul, Korea, where one can hear French being spoken as if one is actually in France. The blogger introduced many restaurants and other cafes in the area, but took pix of Manolin only. She was very impressed by Manolin as many visitors are. I have a feeling that GHS family's Gallery Cafe Manolin will be one of THE PLACE to visit for many Japanese fans and other tourists. If ever I have a chance, I would be very interested in visiting not only Manolin but the entire Suh Rae Village!


Our prayers have been answered!

Director Goo does not have to worry about number of peple wanting to be her extras on Feb. 21!!! YeePee!!!!

Headline: 감독 구혜선 엑스트라 공개모집에 수천명 신청 폭주 [2010-02-10 10:04:14]

headline: Several Thousands Stampede The Net To Apply for the EXTRA Role in Director GHS' movie

김형우 cox109@newsen.com = Reporter Kim Hyung Woo of Newsen

I will just summarize above article:

The GHS' movie associates are amazed by the flood of applicants to play the extra for GHS's movie. As soon as GHS's public announcement went out seeking extras, the email box has been jammed by the thousands. The associates are having a hard time as to how to discern appropriate applicants due to the excessive number. They never thought that so many people would apply.

(I thought it funny that this Reporter KIm Hyung Woo of Newsen, who has covered many articles on GHS, still reported the contact email address for people to apply for the extra roles! hahahaha!)

hello everyone :D thanks so much for the posts..

sue, as always, we`re grateful to you :D Cafe/Gallery Manolin is already getting its way to being a hot spot in Korea even for foreign tourists..thanks to the Japanese blogger btw..

i`m happiest at the news about the huge influx of applicants to play extras for the movie..i`m somehow relieved that finally, Hye Sun would actually feel again the warm support of the people mostly from her fans..this is one motivating factor for her while in the process of accomplishing this difficult task that she chose..just like what she said, being the lead, the burden is in her hands that`s why she needs our prayers & support :)

helyon, thanks for the pics :D whoo :o for the bungee jumping pic..small but terrible girl indeed :P

i love this pic..Hye Sun with her fondness to camera..very cute :)


lxandra, lyon, mapleleung, dahlia/GHSforever, changdipyo, junpyo.jandi, mirabar, NJM, (from previous page) :D

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뉴스엔 원문 기사전송 2010-02-10 12:39

김형우 cox109@newsen.com = Newsen Reporter Kim Hyung Woo

summary only, not word for word:

YG Entertainment has moved into its new building on Feb 3rd, after Big Bang's concert ended.

Everybody is in the process of nearly completing the move with all the funitures and equipments in place.

The beautiful building is located in 서울 마포구 합정동에 = Seoul Mapogu HaapJungDong.

Exact address of YG is: 서울시 마포구 합정동 397-5 YG빌딩 5층, Seoul, Korea

It has 7 floors and a basement and the windows face the Han River.

Therefore, the THREE idol talent agencies now have their own buildings: SM and JPY are located in AhpGooJung and ChungDhamDong respectively.

ADD: YG building is so unique looking and very nice to look at. I wonder if it is suppose to looke like the letters YG??_________________________________________________________________________

[출처] http://cafe.daum.net/managerfeelboy

cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=

YG is looking for applicants to be managers and/or career managers for the actors in the agency ( GHS, Jung Hye Young, Kang Hye Jung, Huh Ee Jae, Yoo In Nah, Jung Sung IL, etc.)

email to terry@ygmail.net


~At least high school graduate

~After submitting resume, one may be called for interview on Feb 11, at 2PM

~You have to be a male born after 1985 and those who completed military service welcome.


DC also has been dealing with another anti-fan of GHS.

They must have erased the anti-remarks before it posted and they have been debriefing each other

on the issue for several pages. Awesome! DC FIGHTING!!!

thanks sue again :D 2009 seems a fruitful year for YG & the other talents esp. for Hye Sun..i admire how this company takes good care & support its precious talents..i know that Hye Sun is really in the right company..i reread Hye Sun`s 2009 Cosmo Mag interview i`ve saved but couldn`t locate it in this thread anymore where she mentioned that luckily, YG invested into her movie (she`s referring to Cheerful Caretaker then) that she did not accrue outstanding debts..with "Magic", we know YG is in full support again :D .

i assume an influx of male applicants for the position but i wonder if it`s managers for YG talents` personal bodyguards/assistants or safety officers they`re looking for since a male applicant is a must with a minimum qualification requirement set :)

hoping that Hye Sun could personally attend Yubari Film Festival this end of month..this is another one big recognition & honor for her again as a director..it could be a timely opportunity also to invite everyone to support her movie, "Magic" :) .

Sunnies the BOF making final installment DVD are out!!


please click♥

cr: Renajaney1 @ youtube


sasha/renajaney, thanks so much for sharing this clip for the supposed-to-be ending of BOF :D i wonder why they changed it for that hanging, unfinished marriage proposal ending..with it, i`m in doubt actually if the production initially had season 2 if not another project for the casts planned beforehand..or they better opted for a different twist rather:)

nat, thanks for the beautiful Somang promo pics :D

changdipyo. nice works :D

Special Ed, dahlia/GHSforever, ais730, arvin/pray4plauges, webby, xiaomaii, aneng, blooming, linh, F4fan :D

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Sunnies the BOF making final installment DVD are out!!


please click♥

cr: Renajaney1 @ youtube


HELLO SUNNIES!!! :D :D OMG thanks sas and janey for this clip! Gosh I agree with you all this ending could've been better and so cute when JP and JD went to the water wearing those big scuba diving flipflops haha :D I'm still here in Japan but how come I can't find that DVD..its a different that I always see its either the BOF DVD or the BOF event dvds....but I will try to figure how to buy that DVD...hmmm... :rolleyes: thanks helyon for GHS bunjee jumping photos wow! Hyesun eoni really is adventurous! :D about the new applicants for career managers for YG talents...does it mean Hyesun will have a new manager?? wow...I bet many will apply just like the applicants for her movie! :D I'm so happy for her~ congratulations GHS hwaiting! I'm glad she's attending the Yubari Festival..I hope she gets to meet Oguri Shun/Hanazawa Rui it would be cool if we see a picture of them together haha! It's like HYD and BOF together! too bad I won't be in Japan the time she comes here :( haha!! The new YG Building looks AWESOME!

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hello sunnies :)

it's been a month since my last post here, missing y'all :)

glad to know so many newbie here, welcome :D

nat thanks for sharing the links :D so many old pics of GHS that i've never seen before.

sas and janey thanks for sharing the supposedly caledonia ending. GHS is so sexyyy :lol:

linh thanks for subbed Break up song :D

as always big thanks to sue for translation :D

and for all sunnies who share everything about our dearest Goo *hug hug* :D

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HELLO SUNNIES!!! :D :D OMG thanks sas and janey for this clip! Gosh I agree with you all this ending could've been better and so cute when JP and JD went to the water wearing those big scuba diving flipflops haha :D I'm still here in Japan but how come I can't find that DVD..its a different that I always see its either the BOF DVD or the BOF event dvds....but I will try to figure how to buy that DVD...hmmm... :rolleyes: thanks helyon for GHS bunjee jumping photos wow! Hyesun eoni really is adventurous! :D about the new applicants for career managers for YG talents...does it mean Hyesun will have a new manager?? wow...I bet many will apply just like the applicants for her movie! :D I'm so happy for her~ congratulations GHS hwaiting! I'm glad she's attending the Yubari Festival..I hope she gets to meet Oguri Shun/Hanazawa Rui it would be cool if we see a picture of them together haha! It's like HYD and BOF together! too bad I won't be in Japan the time she comes here :( haha!! The new YG Building looks AWESOME!

jee, please stay in Japan till yubari event hehe LOL..or maybe kyun :P thanks for the constant visit..as i understand in the spazzbox, those BOF DVDs are already out of stock now & maybe have to wait for restocking & it`s for sale only in Japan so you have to purchase directly from there if it`s true..i hope someone could clarify this also as many are eager & interested to buy..

hello sunnies here's some clip in yt Park Myung Soo calls out to GHS... clips credit to xiaomaii


can somebody translate it to english I really appreciate it...thanks in advance

hi dahlia :D got this from p.449 @ sue..hope it`s exactly the same radio show..comic persons/comedians could be really hilarious at times yet not too anxious of what they actually wanna connote..dunno Hye Sun`s reactions if it reaches her :P

cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=f4&am...page=1&bbs=

(You can see the vid clip photos there.)

I heard the wild and sarcastically blunt comedian and DJ Park Myung Soo at his radio show,

2PM Date . He wants GHS to his be partner at his radio show. He will only use his current partner

Reporter Kim Yoo Ri until fees can be coordinated with GHS for co-hosting the show. Kim Yoo Ri says there is something Park does not understand. Fee issue is impossible for GHS and he has to work with her, Kim Yoo Ri not GHS. Park says, Can I use my cell phone to throw at you and target for your forehead? :lol: (He is too much!!!)

funny pic :D


cr DC (nat, thanks for the DC link :) )

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jee, please stay in Japan till yubari event hehe LOL..or maybe kyun :P thanks for the constant visit..as i understand in the spazzbox, those BOF DVDs are already out of stock now & maybe have to wait for restocking & it`s for sale only in Japan so you have to purchase directly from there if it`s true..i hope someone could clarify this also as many are eager & interested to buy..

thanks ghsfan I really appreciate it...

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Sunnies the BOF making final installment DVD are out!!


please click♥

cr: Renajaney1 @ youtube


this is such a cute ending... with those flippers. i love both their smiles when they start running excitedly towards the sea. soooo cuteeee!!!!

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