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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest minjee

minjee LOVE your wallpaper. Hope it's okay, I save it^_^

sure, no problem! i post it here for sharing anyway~~ :D:P here's some more ^^



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Guest nhamthach


She doesn't smile . I wonder why she 's face so sad and she is less smile before :huh:

:D I hope she will smile again in next time

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Guest susAmerica

Pink Fairy, thanks alot for getting the PIFAN videos. Here is the tranlation.

Goo Hye Sun @ PIFAN 09.21.07 part 1


Goo: It was not meant to be about religion. It is a story about how we, on our own, are responsible for choices we make, whether it is for death or life,,,,,,So, did you have any thing you were curious about after screening? I feel like I am at a speaking conference.

Audience 1: This is my second time and I have been thinking about it. But I don’t really have any knowledge. But my question is, as a director, when you made the movie, is there one scene that you really wanted the audience to have the same thought or feelings as you did? I know you want to leave it to the imagination of the viewers but is there one scene that you want audience to share your thought? (Wow, I like her question.)

Goo: Thank you. People come to the priest and ask, “Please save me”. That is the scene (to answer your question). Of course, the priest is already thinking of death as an answer to salvation. However, people, whether a child or an adult, really wanted salvation and that is why they went there. I think everybody wants a place like that. (I think Goo is saying, forgetting the priest, wouldn’t everybody, including herself, want such a place to exist? A place where she and anybody else may freely go to shed his/her troubles and seek fresh start in life? Of course, the problem is that the helper may have a cookie-cutter answer for everybody. It is a concept to which all human beings can relate. Sorry about my editorial but sometimes, to me, Goo speaks as if she is painting her abstract art, and I feel the need to concretely explain, mostly for myself. Hope you do not mind. Please share your thoughts and make our thread very colorful. But, as you read on, I also hope you also sense how brilliant she is!)

MC: so it is the scene where people ask for salvation. Any other question? Please give the mike to the middle person.

Audience 2: I have 2 questions. Three people ask for salvation. From three, two have reasons while the man who is supposedly the main character does not seem to have a reason. The old woman wants death for the feeling of being abandoned while the younger woman had troubles with men. How come a main character comes for death and the audience is not aware as to why? Did you have a special reason why you did not reveal his reason? At the end, the nun comes to ask for salvation. Right there, a Polaroid shot is taken of the Nun. However, instead of the nun, the picture is that of St.Mary (Madonna).It is not that you superimposed the picture of St.Mary on the Nun but you actually replaced the Nun. Is there a reason for that? (Wow, these people really watched the film carefully and ask great questions.)

Goo: Thank you. First, all three people did not come to ask for death. Yes, the old woman felt that living was so difficult and the younger woman complained about the troublesome “man” in her life. The main man was not given a reason. He came actually wanting to live, not die. It is just that the priest consciously acted on his own. (The priest had one idea of salvation and the people had different ideas about salvation. So the priest really did not hear their needs or maybe he just did what his principles/doctrines dictated him to do. ADD: In the movie,then, how did all three choose death or were they sort of pushed into it by the Priest? I guess I have to see the movie. ) Because this is a 15 min. film, I made a conscious decision not to give the man reasons. Once you add a reason, you have to add more reasons. Such action can lengthen the plot, making it not very useful for this particular film. (Wow, I like her director-like answer! The main idea is that no matter what the reason these characters have for wanting salvation, these people were disenfranchised by the priest—their right to make their own choices about their own lives was taken away.) For your last question, I set it up on purpose so that when you see the Nun, St. Mary (Madonna) appears instead. Actually, from the beginning to the end of the film, The Nun does not speak with anyone and she has no contact with the Priest either. I set it up so that the Nun represents St. Mary (Madonna). Even in front of the Nun, the Priest would always say that he is acting on behalf of the Holy Spirit and that he is washing away people’s sins. When the Nun is supposed to be on the picture, St. Mary is on the picture. I wanted the audience to imagine what the Priest would do if he knew she was St Mary.

MC: Did that answer your question? There is another question over there. I knew there would be lots of questions. I even have lots of questions that I need to ask later.

Audience 3: I enjoyed the movie. Priest is a religious man and believes in God/Jesus. Wouldn’t he have wanted salvation for himself? If he wanted salvation for himself, how would he go about getting it? (MC tries to facilitate the question a bit. Audience 3 asks, would the Priest actually wanted salvation and how would he go about asking for it?)End of Part 1

Goo Hye Sun @ PIFAN 09.21.07 part 2


Goo: In this film, this Priest acts as the middle person between humans and sins.

He believes he is acting on behalf of the Spirit, but he himself is human.(That must be the first contradiction in the Priest’s character.) I wanted to portray an inconsistent figure in the film. As a Priest, he would tell the outside world to abstain from acts of suicide, yet, he believes in forgiveness coming from the Holy Spirit through death. So the Priest’s belief about salvation is to send all these people to Heaven or to an unknown world. He sees it as his duty on behalf of the Holy Spirit. He is a character that symbolizes contradiction and inconsistency. I also find it difficult to talk about it.

MC: Well, how about the question of what if the Priest wanted the salvation?

Goo: Do you mean if another priest comes to him for salvation or if the Priest himself wanted salvation? (Audience 3 wants the latter answered.)

MC: Until now he gave salvation to others, what if he wants salvation for himself?

Goo: I think the Priest would have wanted to live. That is why he is still alive even if he may lead others to death. He is a character representing inconsistency.

MC: (sorry, did not understand few things here) Do you have other questions?

Audience 4: It seems to be a very sensitive (maybe he also means controversial) set-up

Goo: Yes, yes, yes. There was an intent from me to deal with or lightly figure out difficult problems surrounding human ethics, human ethical rights, and human inconsistencies. The choice of setting is not meant to antagonize. I thought, where is one place with lots of prohibitions and taboos. Isn’t it religion? At first I thought of settings like a hospital or a funeral parlor. However, all types of death are accepted more naturally in these settings. Then I thought what if I set up a problem to solve within a religious setting where suicide is strongly prohibited and life after death in another world is believed. I know it was a dangerous thinking and dangerous thing to do but I figured that is the attraction of a short film. I was rude and outrageous in my imagination.

MC: I also was curious about that. Of course, I am not acknowledging the movie as a religious movie, but the religious death as a way to salvation within the Catholic Church,,,

Goo: (? Didn’t get the word) is kind of a fantasy. Even as I was thinking about and filming my outrageous creation, I felt very apologetic to all those faithfully religious people and to those who oppose euthanasia. Because I felt so sorry, many parts of the film are made more fantastical. If I went with my original idea of a setting either in the hospital or a funeral parlor, I would have no choice but to go with a story based more in reality than fantasy. In a religious setting, there is much more room to use fantasy. I used fantasy materials on purpose to lightly address the dangerous and heavy issues at hand.

MC: I am sure that your film’s provocativeness and creativity brought you to the Buchon Film Festival. That seems to be the attractiveness of Cheerful Caretaker as well.

Audience 5: You mentioned that the Nun symbolized the Saint. When the man asked the Nun for salvation and, while the Nun was not present, I got the sense that he and the Nun understood each other. After the man died, the Nun takes off her habit, puts on a red lip stick and red shoes. Is it supposed to symbolize corruption or degradation of the Saint and salvation?

Goo: It kind of appears as though the man and the Nun are lovers. It was designed on purpose to trick the audience. However, the two had no relationship at all—no conversation or interaction. If you were tricked, that is fine. But it means that the Nun knew everything that was going on. She is just watching everything that the Priest is doing and what others are doing. The nun changing into red shoes and red lipstick is not meant as a corruption of the Saint but the Saint’s mockery of humans. (I thought Audience 5 asked a great question. But Goo’s answer actually confused me even more. Why did she want to trick the audience into thinking that the man and the Nun were lovers? Why was that trick necessary in her film? What does that have to do with her theme of the person’s right to make choices and about ethics, etc.? Why does the Nun make fun of humans? Why does she do that by wearing red lip stick and red shoes? Is Goo saying that Saints are of no help to humans? Is she saying that the Saints/God basically watch everything but only ridicule our bad choices, so it is even more up to the humans, each individual, to ponder deeply about their choices regarding their lives? Does she have a negative view about religion in general? I really wish there were more time for the questions and anwers.)

MC: Since we do not have much time, let’s take just one more question.

Audience 6: I really enjoyed your film because I am (? Can’t decipher the word). What is your next project going to be about? What topic do you want to deal with?

Goo: My short film was more experimental and oroginates from many rude and outrageous imagination, making it difficult to easily comprehend and discuss. I would like to make my next project more understandable, more easily discussed and also to make you stay interested. I am planning a mystery musical movie. (Remember from MTV Girls On Top interview, Director Hyun and Goo mentioned that she likes movies that involves problem solution, reasoning and psychological thrills? She really wrote the script herself! Perhaps she may have started with her script or the idea for a movie from 2007 when she did the MTV interview??? It is kind of interesting that Goo came out as a script-writing student in NN5 and in real life she is a script-writing, music-composing actual movie director!)

MC: Wow, a mystery musical movie!

Goo: The way you say it sounds like a grand story but it is a simple story about developing incidents and accidents within music.

MC: If you could give us a little more hint like are you currently writing it?

Goo: Yes, the script is already completed and I am in the middle of casting for actors.

MC: When can we get to see the movie?

Goo: I promised that I will have it out by the end of November. But as you all know, it is always easier said than done. I guess I just have to try hard to make the deadline.

MC: We hope to see you again with your next musical mystery movie. We thank our Director Goo for coming. Let’s all give her a big hand. (I can't wait!) :D

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sue thanks for the translation..i would share my own thoughts and make this thread colorful ;)

However, people, whether a child or an adult, really wanted salvation and that is why they went there. I think everybody wants a place like that

(I think Goo is saying, forgetting the priest, wouldn’t everybody, including herself, want such a place to exist? A place where she and anybody else may freely go to shed his/her troubles and seek fresh start in life?

i think ku ever feel this problem personality..when she feel hurt,sad and need salvation in her life..maybe she ever feel why i can't get answer for my problem..why no one can feel and have a way out for my trouble.

The main man was not given a reason. He came actually wanting to live, not die

for me this is the reason *to live*.because if he not expect to live he wouldn't came to the church (correc me if i'm wrong)

If I went with my original idea of a setting either in the hospital or a funeral parlor, I would have no choice but to go with a story based more in reality than fantasy

for me i prefer choose reality than fantasy..but when i thinking again maybe ku want audience who watch her movie can undestand her movie very well.because fantasy is more can accept than reality.

It kind of appears as though the man and the Nun are lovers. It was designed on purpose to trick the audience

agree with you sue why she want to trick the audience?what ku want for the audience who watch her movie?

I am planning a mystery musical movie

can't wait to see her nect project.GOO HYE SUN FIGHTING !!!

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Guest grrly

this would've been nice! To see GHS in a group singing on stage...

2NE1 Park Bom, “There were plans for me, Goo Hye Sun and Sandara Park to be a in trio”

Newcomer 4-member group 2NE1 member Park Bom revealed that there were actually plans for her to be in a trio group together with Sandara Park and Goo Hye Sun.

Park Bom was with the other 2NE1 members attending the exhibiting of fellow YG artistes Goo Hye Sun as shown on 2NE1 TV aired on 22nd. During the show, the girls had given their congralutory greetings to Goo Hye Sun, she smiled and looked at the camera, “I will appear here too? So you will do a HyeSunTV too?”

With that Park Bom said, “In 2005, I heard that YG had wanted me, Sandara Park, and Goo Hye Sun to be in a 3-member group.” and Sandara Park who was just standing beside her nodded.

Goo Hye Sun said, “Really? How come I didn’t get to know this?” She gave a surprised look but continued, “It’s a good thing he didn’t. I’m not good at singing.”

Meanwhile, the 4th episode of 2NE1TV will be aired at 6pm on 22nd July.

credits: sookyeong@Kbites

Can you believe that GHS and Dara (2NE1) are the same age?? They were both in November 1984. I think GHS is older by 3 days! amazing...No wonder why I saw a lot of pictures of them two before...I think during the training days of Dara...

edit: call me ignorant but I didn't know ParkBom is the same age them too! wow. (No wonder why ParkBom wasn't addressing her as unnie..she's actually older than her too...) I hope no one take this the wrong way but, GHS seems like the more mature amongst the three of them. This could be because I've seen her active for a while now. Going back to the poll at yahoo about her being a 'rookie' I too feel like it's an 'insult' because she has already acted in popular dramas in which she won awards too.

@boraah thanks for the link!

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Guest boraah

Hye Sun on 2NE1TV.


Goo Hye Sun appeared on 2NE1TV. During the appearance, Goo Hye Sun joked about if there was going to be a HYESUNTV. Also, Bom mentioned that before 2NE1, Hye Sun, Dara, and Bom was suppose to be a trio. HyeSun says that did is the first she heard of this, and is glad it didn't happen, since she couldn't sing. They also show Hye Sun's art in display.

The girls also got her autograph.

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Guest gabby_migs

actually, i'm having a hard time understanding hyesun's cheerful caretaker. (my head hurts a little now trying to understand hyesun's answers to those questions, my mind is floating :D )

still thanks to sue for translating the PIFAN part.

now i'm more intrigue to see her short film, to know how i gonna take it.

if i can understand her a little bit more on her view of her film.

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Guest webby

I recently realized that sandara, bom and hyesun are about same age too. from the clip, hyesun looks older than them, probably due to the way the other two are dressed more like teenagers. Hyesun also emits a more mature image since she's been around longer. She seems pretty close to sandara though.

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Guest susAmerica

misa_yen and pink fairy posted on soompie page 264 pictures of GHS volunteering at a center for the handicapped babies and chldren. We mistakenly thought that the charity event took place on July 20th. Links below. However, SMDRMA, who is a soompie and maybe even snowjulie from Korea PM me a correction. Way down below, she gave three links with reports of GHS having volunteered on June 20th, about a week before her gallery opening on July 1st. She is actually wearing a T-shirt with WITH printed on it. Below, smdrma printed out the small report which states that:

On June 20th, 2009, GHS visited the 'Sarang (Love) Didadvantaged Infants and Children Center'.

She helped out with the Seoul University Hospital Team who came to volunteer their medical services for the children. She toured the facility and had fun playing with the children. They are thankful to her for sharing her time and giving a wondrful memory to the children.


Goo Hye Sun at a charity event today

I think she volunteered at a orphanage or a hospital or sth link that

there are no news yet so I just guessed

hope there will be an official announcement tomorrow





such an angel, sweet and caring

Hye Sun is not only beautiful outside but kind inside as well

credit naver

no hotlink, please

p/s: there are more pics on different sites but I'm kind of busy right now

hope someone will post the rest ^^

kumovo in advance :)

And From: Pinky Fairy :)


From smdrma안녕하세요~ :)

지난번에 여기에도 혜선씨가 봉사활동다녀온 사진이 올라온걸 봤었는데

정확한 출처와 다녀온 날짜 알려드릴려구요..

제가 오늘 베트남연예 site에 가보니까 오늘 그 사진들이 올라왔던데

날짜를 7.20로 잘못 올라와 있더라구요

사진 출처를 보니 soompi라고 되어 있어서

여기에서 보고 가셔서 사진을 올렸는것 같았어요

실제로는 지난달인 6.20 어린이재단 한사랑장애영아원에서 봉사활동을 한거였어요

혹시나 참고가 되지 않을까 싶어

뒤늦게나마 알려드립니다.

한국은 지금 장마철이라 날씨가 많이 더워요

오늘은 날씨가 좋지만 굉장이 덥네요

항상 건강 조심하시구

즐거운 날 되세요~~


탤런트 구혜선 기관 방문

2009-06-24 18:45:32

2009년 06월 20일 한사랑장애영아원에서는 탤런트 구혜선씨의 기관방문이 있었습니다.

이 날 분당서울대병원을 통해, 건강검진 의료봉사활동에 참여했습니다.

또한,생활실 라운딩과 아동들과 즐거운 놀이활동을 시간을 가졌습니다.

아동들과 좋은 추억을 만들어 주셔서 감사합니다.


대원제약 봉사활동 실시


분당서울대병원 의료봉사활동 실시


[출처] 어린이재단 한사랑장애영아원 source: Children's Foundation Sarang Disadvantaged Infants and Children Center


ADD: smdrama also added that:

YG에서 진행하고 있는 공익캠페인과 연관이 있긴하지만...

6월 20일은 전시회 개최전이기 때문에

전시회 기부금과는 무관하게 구혜선씨가 봉사활동을 다녀온듯해요..

This facility Sarang Center most likely is related to the YG's WITH public campaign. However, because June 20th is before the art exhibit, smdrma feels that GHS seems to have volunteered on her own, regardless of the fact that all her exhibit proceeds would go to WITH.

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Guest susAmerica

smdr also wanted us to know some of these links to GHS fan cafes. She is aware that many of know of these sites already, but wanted to share: If you do not have these sites for reference, please keep them somewhere you can access them easily since as the thread moves on, it could get lost. :)

Thank you very much, smdr.

I also know that Korean fan cafes have sent complaints to the Seoul Drama Awards for the excessive voting (i.e. sometimes thousand votes a minute) on several contestants, indicating the work of a machine not a person. They have not yet received any answer. However, recently I found that now the English SDA is asking for personal information to be completely erased after August 31. Please do not respond to my post about voting as soompie has rules about it. Just wanted to relay the information. But let us do our part in supporting Goo.

혜선씨보다 나이가 많은 언니 이모쯤 되는 팬들이 모인 DAUM fan cafe [sNOWJULIE] people older than HS (unni's and eemo's)


SNOWJULIE에서 몇몇 분들이 나와서 Naver에 만든 fan cafe [kuone] several people left snowjulie to create Naver:


여기는 베트남 연예 싸이트 같아요 A Vietnam site


혜선씨의 베트남 팬들이 모인곳은 A Vietnam Fan site


그리고 혜선씨 기사 검색하실때 ↓ 여기에서 구혜선으로 쓰고 하시면 되구요 when you want to find current information on GHS, put her name in Korean on sites below and search:





사진 검색 To search for her pictures:


Her pic when interviewed for the Cinema Heaven

어제 혜선씨 부천영화제에 갔을때

KBS2 (토) 오전 10:45~ 방송되는 [영화가 좋다] 와 인터뷰와 촬영했다고 합니다.

스노우줄리 팬카페 회원분이 보셨다고 하고

어떤 분이 미니홈피에 올린 사진이 있더군요 ↓


I have to ask her how to beome a full member of GHS cafe so that we can read the articles and such. :D

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^^^SUE im so happy you guys shared all the sites, yeah it would be most helpful if smdrama could help us through all of the sites that only members are allowed to enter like daum cafe or naver and cyworld..

..smdrama thanks soo much! :P we appreciate your help to non korean speaker like us, enjoy your stay @ soompi and at GHS thread:P

..To my SUNNIES sisters who shared everything bits and pieces of HYESUN thanks sooo much specially to sue,kekeke your translations meant a lot...♥♥♥

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