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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Good morning sunnies, happy monday

Honestly i dont know why antis is exist in this world..what are their goal? 

If we dont like the artist than no need to watch it... Even when they think that the actrees acting is bad, do they can do it better ? How dare to be judge? 

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@sheherisade3 @cheerkoo i agreed with both of you...how to cheer HS but not defend to antis

Just a thought...is it anyway how to send a things such as card or warm gift directly to HS through YG ent to console her or via JH manager ?  

So at least our HS will know that she is loved by lots people arround the world

And the best things is pray for her & JH more and more for this time

6 hours ago, cheerkoo said:


I thank you for supporting and being her fan even at that site, but my fear is that they might use that against her. I believe they have been around a great deal..I remember them from BOF days. Unfortunately people don't change or, if so, very very slowly..may even take several generations. ke

I hear that is what sometimes happened with the K-nets-- they use what fans say to suppport and make even more vicious comments to put down Koo and now her fans too. terrible name callings.  I think that is why one dc fan asked all of us fans here or domestic to not to post anything for a while and to just focus on praying for Koo's health. That is the priority. It is hard thing to do when we the fans' instinct is to defend and support and protect. their words are vicious--words can really punch you out and I think that is why I felt sick.

So, we fans also need to take care of ourselves and not get burnt out. 

Of course, I have no right to tell you to do anything...just my thought. You take care and thanks so much.


What are antis says about her?  Where they mostly post it? I havent see dramabeans yet

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A little bit of news:

I saw in dc-ghs: one person saw a morning news program in Korea and heard just a little about Koo:

Supposedly, Koo's agency stated that Koo is still hospitalized and that no decision has been made about discharging her.

That is all.

Again, dc-koo fans ask fans not to get sucked in at the news portals. 

Please do not bring any Korean articles or its links here at least for a while....at least not until we hear that Koo is safe and healthy at home. Would that be ok? I'd really appreciate it. Thank you Sunnies. I would really like this thread to be a comforting shelter for us and for Koo if she ever pops in. 

Koo Fighting and Sunnies Fighting!!!!

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Thanks for all news updates guys greatly appreciated...@cheerkoo sis you're right some things maybe slowly change but d most some things never change as in so we must not be fooled...hateful people who doesn't want a certain person would nver listen even how much you built up that person believe me,like you only talking to d wall...so to our fellow sunnies be careful of what to say alot of people out there watching us they may use our words against us or d worst against HS so please standby for d time being n wait for a good news about our angel's health recovery.

Thanks for all considerations n understandings,may our Almighty God heard n granted our wish/prayers,hve a nice day/night to all!

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dc-ghs fans also posted a link of that morning news program--FOR us, international fans sake!!! ...basically it talks about anaphylaxis and its symptoms and that there is no plan yet for discharge or next step. It also talks about actress Um's IG message and also so many get well wishes through her husband's sns.

Thanks to DC-GHS!!


Sorry for not translating whole...now I also have to catch up with some work. 

PS--I did not know that the video had an attached article: this is the most important:

구혜선 씨가 입원 후 점점 나아지고 있으며, 퇴원 시기와 앞으로의 활동 계획에 대해선 아직 정해진 게 없다고 전했습니다. Her agency reported that: Since GHS has been hospitalized, she is getting better gradually. At this time, we do not know when she will be discharged and there is no work schedule planned yet. 

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Thanks for all the updates. The only hope and chance right now is AJH instagram. 

Hope we can hear goodnews about angel KHS condition. Let's continue praying for her complete full recovery and instant Healing. 

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Hi guys,i hve more spare time than usual nowadays bcoz my work is more in reading today like i'm going to make a "leisure reading report"lol...i want to share our discussions w/ my good friend n i,i asked her 'how come a very healthy n energetic person suddenly sufferred this so called anaphylaxis',she looked at me blankly saying are you ok?...maybe she think i'm talking to myself  lol,i don't dare n no courage to say that a famous celebrity whom i liked/admired ke ke...she still explain plain/simple,maybe that person is a very hard working one,mostly people who sufferred that kind of allergy reaction seldom listen to themselves especially if they are working to meet d time frame they set,often nver eat on time,sleep on time or even 'bathe' lol,even no history of any allergies if so often nver eat on time n little bit of rest,eat whatever they grab slowly that lifestyle weaken their body,digestive/immune system...i wanted to say,i don't think so instead i said,is it?bcoz i asked her opinon lol...she add more,if you know someone sufferring that kind of allergy you must tell to d family they need to check/supervise that person in order to be cured n back into shape in no time.

Super lucky HS has a very caring n reliable husband so no worries,w/ d help of doctors n her love ones i know it for sure she will be back into shape again in no time...thanks to my friend she light up a bit my down mind n spirit...back to work again,relax n wait for more info,thanks to all!

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3 hours ago, cheerkoo said:

dc-ghs fans also posted a link of that morning news program--FOR us, international fans sake!!! ...basically it talks about anaphylaxis and its symptoms and that there is no plan yet for discharge or next step. It also talks about actress Um's IG message and also so many get well wishes through her husband's sns.

Thanks to DC-GHS!!


Sorry for not translating whole...now I also have to catch up with some work. 

PS--I did not know that the video had an attached article: this is the most important:

구혜선 씨가 입원 후 점점 나아지고 있으며, 퇴원 시기와 앞으로의 활동 계획에 대해선 아직 정해진 게 없다고 전했습니다. Her agency reported that: Since GHS has been hospitalized, she is getting better gradually. At this time, we do not know when she will be discharged and there is no work schedule planned yet. 

Thanks dear cheerkoo. :) Really wanted to see our angel getting well.:heart:


cr.. to janey

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5 hours ago, ahngoo4blessed said:

I dont get it what means "her agency reported in the last statement"? Is it Hyesun agency (YG) or someone agency ?  Really Waiting for her goodnews 




PS: In case interested, I translated her husband's In Style Mag interview..I am not sure if it is the entire interview...but it is available at his thread. The interviewer did not ask about his marriage, so you won't find anything about Koo there. Koo did not do any intervew in the Singles magazine. 

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Hi @ahngoo4blessed!

Thanks for your post.

Is the article about GHS? Did she really move into a new home? I know I translated a blogger talking about AhnGoo moving into a house across the street from her friend's home, but, of course, there is no way to prove the validity of that blogger. But, if the article in IG is about Koo, I would love to take look. Thanks very much. Koo loves nature and if she becomes allergic to the nature,,,that would be terrible. 

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Someone asked in dc (not at Koo's gallery) why is GHS sick?

I like their answers so wanted to post here (since it is not Koo's gallery, I will just translate):


--she has an allergy.

--It is not just a simple allergy. It is an illness that can be triggered by an allergy, but it is the worst reaction to allergy that can possibly happen. It is the anaphylactic shock that must be treated immediately or the person can die. GHS did the right thing to leave the drama. She has to rest and bring up her immune system and continue to get all the necessary treatment. 

--After she had the shock, she received treatment and returned to the set to continue to work. (We heard that she could not eat or hold down food after the shock.) It appears that ambulance car was at stand by while she was working on the set. (I did read this in one of tons of articles that I read right after the news broke...so, she went back to work when she thought she was better, but her digestive system was not working.)

(I remember one of the last scene on episode 6 was HaeDang drinking. at the bar..I thought her face was very swollen and looked different..I even thought, WOW, that is an amazing acting...she looked as if she cried all night long to prepare for that scene!!!...but I thought it was strange..and then BOOM we hear the news of her being hospitalized....)

Again,,I pray for her quick and full health recovery like all of you. Thanks Sunnies!! I pray for her husband and family too...it must have been such a shock!! It was a shock to me for sure. Wow, can you imagine? She could have died. OMG. Thank God that she is alive and getting gradually better!! Please recover fully and well.

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I told myself that I'll move on & restrain from anything to do about YRTM but still I find myself browsing at Koo's performances as JHD in YT lol:sweatingbullets:. Feeling sentimental in a diff. way right now. Seeing all her hardwork makes me feel even more proud of her especially the singing & the dancing parts where she dressed up in a more sensual way w/c is way opposite in her real self...aagghh that's memorable for me coz I dunno if I can see her doing stuffs like that again.:mellow: So thankful atleast I got to see the sexy side of our dear angel Koo. :wub: (This will be my last post reg this....I hope ..sorry...lol)


I LOVE U KOO!:wub: BE WELL! :kiss_wink:


Thank u so much for that post dear cheerkoo.:) Oh gosh...thank u so much Lord that she got treated at the very right moment or else...omg! I can't imagine the worst scenario of all. Thank U thank U God.:bawling::heart:

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