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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Sunnies! cool.gif

Right off the bat...(I love sports metaphors)

Hye Sun looks lovely in pink. I would say, baby pink is her color...she looks glowing...no, no radiant!

I always thought that she was taking courses to improve her understanding on film...possibly directing, but when I read the news on how interested she is on the latest and cutting edge developments in film making, particularly 3D & 4D, I was suitably impressed. Hye Sun mixes with the artsy group, she's really hell bent on taking the onus of doing pioneering work. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but for a person her age, to be involved in visionary work says a lot of her character. She's not your typical, shallow, fashion forward, scandal phobic celebrity who would not be scared to put an artificial front for her fans...Hye Sun is the real deal and I applaud her for being fearless.


I'm just glad she's somehow tech savvy...she updates us with tweets hehehe...Seriously, good luck with your new endeavors my dear - it's ok to burn the midnight oil! Oh and congratulations on "Fragments of Memories" making it to Cannes, only a few selected people are invited to showcase their work in such a prestigious event...way to go! 

Prettywiz! I can feel your frustration. Yes, it seems that there are very few articles devoted to Hye Sun on mainstream media. I'm really curious why her handlers are not actively promoting her work. I mean, it's supposed to be good media mileage for her right? Especially when the other celebrities are hogging the limelight with just a change in hairstyle hehehe. But you also have to understand that Hye Sun is not the that type of celebrity. If I were to make an analogy, we do not see Jodie Foster or Sofia Coppola on mainstream American media all the time, but they are there, quietly achieving their goals and continually making their mark in the film industry. They are respected for their achievements so maybe Hye Sun is more like them. You do not need a mile long write-up about a celebrity if your're just going to read about her clothes do you? Look at her interviews, they have substance...I'm just saying.

Sukreen...I tried voting at 12mn and 12nn hehehe, there are no loopholes, we could only vote once at the Japanese Hallyu Popularity Poll. Incidentally, thanks natali for posting the link! What do you say...let's combine our efforts for the campaign shall we? I've had it with fairies and there demands hehehe...JGS is still hanging on to #12 position, but the good news is we've narrowed his lead by 300ish votes. I can feel the sunnies power! Yes! How about another 300 more guys? Let's show 'em JGS fans some GHS muscle! Fighting! Please vote for her daily herehttp://worldtv.main.jp/kstar_en.html  Thanks for all your posts! I loved reading them, here's a shout-out for Sue ("cheerko has a crush" hehe 'just kidding! I felt the same way for Ji Jin Hee) , GHSForever (Hello again my friend!), eunhye05, myonenonly, S_sun, meow13 (You are awesome! Thanks for generously sharing the scans of your AB hand book!), vanessa123 (Good luck on your exams!) sukreen, jazz_10, kgrl43, robbo4 and all the other sunnies! Welcome aboard 1428!

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Hello Sunnies, have a blessed Sunday everyone.

I think our princess tweets still catch the eye of the media again today. Cheerkoo thanks for translating. :)



@drmjs, thanks for the info. well let's do it together sunnies, show our power. :D

btw our princess is still No. 1 here--> http://kr.rival.kids.yahoo.com/

and for two consecutive months (feb & mar) and i hope we will maintain for this month too, since we're still leading and tomorrow is the last day of voting here.

@vanessa, good luck in you exam, may success be with you.

To meow13, GHSforever, prettywiz, jazz_10, eunhye05, myonenonly, S_sun, kgrl43, robbo4, hart118911 and all Sunnies sorry too many names, thanks so much, for keeping all the updates and good post here. Love u all.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


I think you are right drmjs.

This old ajuma has a bit of crush on Jiro Wang.

Well, I have to see if the crush goes past the drama...ke

GHS is the only celeb that my admiration went way, way past the BOF.

But he also kind of fits into many criteria that GHS stated are her ideal partner type.

Unfortunately I have a feeling that Jiro is looking for a traditional home-maker wife. Nothing wrong with that ....but I doubt that GHS will be a traditional wife. She needs someone who will definitely understand and support her professional needs.

Like an old ajuma, I am very interested in what great guy will be THE GUY for our GHS!!


I have her ideal criteria in the back of my mind.

Too bad that we don't know all the men that she knows....:(

But as drmjs says, it is true that a huge percentage of people whom she herself follows in her tweeter are artists, film-makers, musicians, and writers. Not too many actors! I know... people she follows in her tweeter are not the only people she knows...

Right now, it is so good and so heartwarming to see, hear her total enthusiasm, passion and immersion in what she loves doing. Finding such love in work  is also a great fortune!!

Fighitng GHS!!

Fighting Sunnies!!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


I cannot wait until the entire trans is done....

I hope you do not mind.

I will try to ask as few questions as possible as I am watching the 4th epi.


First part:

So, it looks like GM chose the white wine. What reason did X give for choosing white wine?

What did M tell X that X gave the two bottles to M?

What did M do to the wine to make it taste so bad?

I see that N does not trust M and even stands up for X who was being blamed by the GM for the white wine tasting bad. N tells GM that it was M's doing...right?

Of course that makes X even madder as she treasures her friendship with M. It was so sad to see X being angry at N...poor N!!


2nd part!

Woah,,,I think I cried too much in the middle of that 2nd part!!

I think I got the gist of that scene....so moving and so well acted....I am still crying as I am typing...

Love that scene where X is crying out for N and then both N and X go home together with rice puff. keke

What does LeWuWu say on his phone at the end?

What does Z talk about with GM??



What was the bedroom talk bet N and X that made X puzzled?

Z saw that M's bracelet has gotten dark compared to X's bracelet. So smart of the director to make sure we saw that Z saw the same bracelets being exchanged bet X and M. So, Z put the two and two together and found the truth about M also. Did M put the wines in the chlorine water and that is how the taste changed?? (Whatever it may be, it is very clever and believable writing! Kudos to the writer of AB!!)

So, Vivian confronts M and what did the Secretaries tell X about M? (Not a good day for M.)

Does X know why M has been trying to sabotage her?

What happened to M?  Is she fired? Transferred?

Love the dining scene among X, N and Z!!


part 4

Hey, the ring color was not yellow but white..why did N take off his clothes?  What was X thinking at that moment while trying not to look at N?

Why did X let N loose at the underwear shop for ladies?? But the scene was so cute!!

It was heartbreaking to watch Z at the veranda, reminiscing his past with X...what were they fighting about?

OMG! M is still working at the same dept? That is hard...



Just love scene bet X and LWW together!! What did he say now to make X so mad and then faint in exasperation?

What did N say or realize at the cafeteria from X that he put his head on her and X did not push him away. Ohh, and that look from Z.....

(Wow, this epi was fantastic!! It is getting better and better!! meow13~~,,if you can spare the time, I thank and thank you...I will also repost it at AB thread...Sorry to burden you...but AB is just too good to wait for several days for trans... Thanks a million!!)

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I cannot wait until the entire trans is done....

I hope you do not mind.

I will try to ask as few questions as possible as I am watching the 4th epi.


First part:

So, it looks like GM chose the white wine. What reason did X give for choosing white wine?

yes , GM chose White wine.

XF's reason: instead of lamk shank, the main course GM chose was baby lamb. baby lamb is regarded as white meat thus it should be matched wit white wine. further, she read an interview of GM about wine pairing in which he said asparagus is red wine killer, and the chef in this restaurant usually put asparagus as sidedish. Therefore XF chose white wine as the answer.

What did M tell X that X gave the two bottles to M?

MJ asked XF to lend her a sanitary napkin and it's urgent. So XF asked MJ to keep the wine for her and rush back to hotel room to get it

What did M do to the wine to make it taste so bad?

the truth will be revealed in later part, so I won't talk about it here ;)

I see that N does not trust M and even stands up for X who was being blamed by the GM for the white wine tasting bad. N tells GM that it was M's doing...right?

Night only knows MJ was nervous and might be telling lie at that moment (through his computer analysis) So Night only told GM that there was a possibility that MJ was the one who made the wine turn bad. And he guaranteed XF didn't do anything to ruin the wine.

But even so, GM was not happy that XF pass to wine to someone else, and said XF might need more training before relocating to secretorial dept

Of course that makes X even madder as she treasures her friendship with M. It was so sad to see X being angry at N...poor N!!


2nd part!

Woah,,,I think I cried too much in the middle of that 2nd part!!

I think I got the gist of that scene....so moving and so well acted....I am still crying as I am typing...

Love that scene where X is crying out for N and then both N and X go home together with rice puff. keke

I think most of us would be crying when watching this part... at least XF realized Night was not just a fridge to her :)

What does LeWuWu say on his phone at the end?

haha, He told his colleague to make the ship, which was supposed to pick up Night, return to factory

What does Z talk about with GM??

ZS asked GM to to a favor for proving something. (of course he's helping XF to find out the truth)



What was the bedroom talk bet N and X that made X puzzled?

Night told XF that she was murmuring MJ's name & holding her phone while sleeping. XF said she would like to talk to MJ , but she didn't pick up her calls.  Night told XF to protect herself, as MJ might not be the kind of person she thinks

Z saw that M's bracelet has gotten dark compared to X's bracelet. So smart of the director to make sure we saw that Z saw the same bracelets being exchanged bet X and M. So, Z put the two and two together and found the truth about M also. Did M put the wines in the chlorine water and that is how the taste changed?? (Whatever it may be, it is very clever and believable writing! Kudos to the writer of AB!!)

yes, the bracelet was the hint that make ZS found MJ suspicious. He asked GM to help asking the hotel for cctv footage and he found that MJ has been to the hot spring with the wine.

So, Vivian confronts M and what did the Secretaries tell X about M? (Not a good day for M.)

The secretaries told her that MJ was the one who sent them the photo of Night kissing her, and MJ asked them for tips on choosing wine.

Does X know why M has been trying to sabotage her?

MJ told XF all the truth and she hates XF. XF told MJ they are no longer friends after slapping her face.

What happened to M?  Is she fired? Transferred?

MJ applied to transfer to another office.

Love the dining scene among X, N and Z!!


part 4

Hey, the ring color was not yellow but white..why did N take off his clothes?  What was X thinking at that moment while trying not to look at N?

the ring color is white means XF was calm... then Night asked XF if they should do "that thing" thus he took off his clothes. and XF found that she has never bought Night underwear, and Night was wearing pants, jeans just without underwear for all these time XD

Why did X let N loose at the underwear shop for ladies?? But the scene was so cute!!

XF brought Night to buy underwear. XF was too shy to go in with Night and asked him to buy underwear on his own. However, Night misunderstood that he was asked to buy underwear for XF instead of himself. haha

It was heartbreaking to watch Z at the veranda, reminiscing his past with X...what were they fighting about?

it's not really a fight... XF said she has to go to school early and asked ZS to wake her up. ZS complained if XF thought he was her alarm clock. then  they started talking about XF's parent asked ZS to take care of XF and so on. That's how they have been all these years and now ZS was sad that XF no longer need his help as she has Night to take care her.

OMG! M is still working at the same dept? That is hard...



Just love scene bet X and LWW together!! What did he say now to make X so mad and then faint in exasperation?

LWW is coming for the monthly maintanance fee, which is again very expensive that troubles XF

What did N say or realize at the cafeteria from X that he put his head on her and X did not push him away. Ohh, and that look from Z.....

XF was eating green salad as she has no money left after paying the maintenance fee. It's not normal as XF loves to eat. Night asked if she had a fever and put his head on hers to check the heat.

need to get some sleep, will continue with the other part few hours later

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks so much!!

I forget it must be very very late over there!!

Get good rest and don't worry!!

Thanks again!!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Thank you and thank you.

I just posted it in AB thread.

Somehow, viki has no videos right now.

So your explanation about AB4 along with your another video link are very helpful.

Have a good day!!


Now it makes sense why the director made the AB poster in that way. XF in pajamas with her two playmates in a playroom with blocks and toys. NT is sort of like her doll for whom she buys clothes and sleeps with if she feels lonely~ke



cr:  ♥쿠♥

I saw the post saying that GHS was spotted at a concert with her very close friend, Suh HyunJiin--the star of many of GHS directed films. But our DC friends cannot find what concert those two friends went. hmmm,,,If anyone has leads,,,?? The post is dated May1 (I am still in April) But the post says that she was spotted the day before yesterday...meaning Saturday?? Any concerts that you are aware that occurred on April 28th, Sat?? But then Koo's taste in music is so diverse, who can tell!!



At GHS's tweet, I noticed that she has added another person whom she is following. It is Director and actor Yoo JiTae--I believe he is coming out with his first feature-length directorial movie.


DC fan comment after seeing epi4 of AB:


I will just summarize her comments here and there.)

요기 맨날 눈팅만 하다가 방금 4화 보고 나서 글까지 남긴돠~뙇~

아놔~4화!!!!샤오페이랑 나이트 속옷가게 씬!!!우리 쿠 연기 대박이었음!!!흐흐흐..

어찌 이렇게 귀여울 수 있음??진차 넘 좋아서 미추어버리겠음!!!!여배우 이렇게 좋아해 본 적 처음임...ㅋㅋㅋ

I usually just browse here but I had to post. I just saw epi 4 of (AB) and even left my feedback there...Episode 4!!! That scene where XF and NT goes shopping for underwear!! Our Koo's acting was Daebok!!  huuhuuhuu..

How can someone be that adorable?? I liked it so much that I am about to go crazy!!! This is my first time ever liking an actress this much....kekeke 

건 그렇고 4화 본 횽들...

나이트가 죽(?) 끓여줘서 그 죽 먹으면서 나이트랑 대화 하는 장면..

쿠 써클렌즈 안낀거 맞음??유독 쿠 눈이 예뻐서 자꾸 눈이 가길래 자세히 봤는데 눈동자가 갈색으로 보이던데..

내 컴 화질이 즈질이라 잘 못 본건지 모르겠음...

(There is a small conversation among few DC fans that GHS wears circle lens--(GHS denied it long time ago but internet keeps on bringing it up!) This poster states that she saw GHS in the scene where NT makes porridge for her and tried to look very closely at her eyes and saw that GHS is not wearing circle lens as GHS's eyes are brown and her inner eye circle of the eyes are visibly black....(apparently if one wears circle lens, one's inner eye circles are not visible.))

그리고 절대달령 보는 재미중에 하나가 비하인드씬인데, 쿠가 넘 많이 안나옴...ㅠㅠㅠ3화는 비서과 삼인방이 절반은 나온듯..젝일!!

횽들중에 은근 종스 좋아라하는 횽들 많은것 같은데,

난 여태 서브남주는 윤지후 빼곤 좋아라 해본 역사가 없기에...물론 왕동성도 대만 연옌중 유일하게 관심깊게 봐오던 배우기도 했지만

무튼 샤오페이×나이트가 짱임!!!!!!!  This poster knows that there are lots of DC fans who love XF and ZS pair. The poster has never been inclined to ship sub-male-lead with female lead except for Yoon JiHoo. But she feels that with AB, XF and NT pair are the best to her!!!!  Also, she says that one of the highlights of seeing AB is the BTS scenes. She feels sad that there is hardly any BTS scenes for GHS.

하아~벌써부터 5화 기다릴려니 앞이 깜깜~하다이??? Ahhhhh~already, I am longing for epi 5. My immediate future looks bleak


More DC comments about AB:


 미나리야: 내일이면 올라온다 ㅋㅋㅋ 내 폰으로는 볼수 없구나 내일까지 기달려야 겠어  Minariya: It (AB with trans) will be here tomorrow. kekeke I have to wait since I cannot see it on my phone.

미작엘리: 내일이여 어여오라ㅋ4회 기대중ㅋ요즘 울나라 들마들보다 더 재미남ㅋ Mijakelli: Tomorrow, please come quickly ke Anticipating epi4 ke These days, (AB) is more interesting than any of our country's drama.

fksl: 너무좋다^^감사~잘봤어요..달달~~ fksl: I like it so much^^ Thanks...I enjoyed (the epi 4 without trans from meow13's link)...sooooo gooood~~

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Whoaaah it is really unfair for us to be waiting a week to be able to watch AB again..every episode is getting more and more addicting..i just hate the feeling that someday NT and XF will not be together..hahaha i hope the JIRO i saw at the start of the drama was a real human being and not just an imagination of the little girl XF..

THANK YOU cheerkoo for the updates and meow for the translations because of that i was able to enjoy watching AB even without the sub..

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Hello Sunnies :)

Just want to let you know that AB english sub is ready in viki.com I'm watching it right now :)

It looks like no video available but just click on each segment its there I'm so happy :)

off to see AB enjoy guys :)

Ok I lied its not fully sub from part 3 and on sorry :(

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Guest Kimmy10

Hi sunnies :)

First time post here, i have been silent lurker :)

It has been fun to read all about Goo Hye Sun. Thank you all for your effort to keep up her news.

Goo Hye Sun tweeted 3 hours ago


이외수 선생님이 만들어주신 낙관의 모양을 살려 디자인 해보았는데요. 구혜선 필름. 로고가 탄생했습니다.  만세.  http://yfrog.com/odxixsij


And Lee Oisoo replied to her

재창조, 멋지네요^^

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Hello Sunnies :)

@Kimmy10 welcome to the thread and thanks for GHS tweet it really is beautiful :)

@Meow thanks for translating AB 4th episode I really appreciate it :)

Just finished watching AB and it was Daebak LOL I laugh, I cried and got really mad in this episode :)

@Sue thanks for the links and Congrats to GHS for winning April way to go Sunnies :)

Guys GHS number 2 right now so lets go vote :) were still number 13 halyu ratings We can do it Sunnies :)

Have a nice evening sunnies :)

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Hello Sunnies, happy 1st of May everyone.

Cheerkoo thank for the May poll, yeah i'm really happy that our princess had been leading for 3 consecutive months now.

Let's do it aginn Sunnies for this month of May. Go go Sunnies Fighting!!!

[NEWS] - wonder if this news been posted b4?

스타들은 지금 외도 중? ★들의 잇따른 전시회!


배 우 구혜선의 그림 실력 역시 범상치가 않다. 구혜선은 같은 소속사 가수인 거미 4집 앨범 재킷을 직접 그렸을 정도로 뛰어난 실력을 자랑했다. 구혜선은 중고등학교 시절 미술을 공부했으며 대학 진학 당시에도 미술전공을 목표로 그림을 그려왔다고 전했다.

그는 2009년 7월 1일부터 7일까지 서울 인사동 라메르 갤러리에서 첫 개인전인 ‘탱고’를 개최해 1만여 명의 관람객을 동원했다.

한 편, 이미 많은 전시로 작품을 알린 가수 나얼, 개그맨 출신이지만 서양화를 전공하고 캐리커처 스타일의 카툰 작품을 그리는 임혁필, 그리고 개그맨 정종철, 배우 유준상과 지진희, 가수 남궁옥분, 배우 심은하, 가수 조영남 등 많은 연예인들이 자신들만의 작품 세계를 구축하고 있다.

[ 최송희 기자 (alfie312@news2day.co.kr) ]

오늘의 즐거움, 내일의 꿈(www.news2day.co.kr) - copyright ⓒ 뉴스투데이. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

source: http://www.news2day.co.kr/n_news/news/view.html

GHSforever, thanks for the info, i've not watch the Epi04 yet, a bit too rushing this few days.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

WOAH! That is beautiful! Thanks kimmy10~

Hi sunnies :)

First time post here, i have been silent lurker :)

It has been fun to read all about Goo Hye Sun. Thank you all for your effort to keep up her news.

Goo Hye Sun tweeted 3 hours ago


이외수 선생님이 만들어주신 낙관의 모양을 살려 디자인 해보았는데요. 구혜선 필름. 로고가 탄생했습니다.  만세.  http://yfrog.com/odxixsij   

*quoted image*

I drew the shape of the personal stamp made for me by Teacher Lee WehSoo and made a design. It gave birth to the logo of Goo Hye Sun Film. Manseh. (As we know from AB, Manseh is same in Chinese and Korean for Hooray---keke)

And Lee Oisoo replied to her

재창조, 멋지네요^^  ==Re-birth/ born again, That is cool^^

So, I am assuming that Goo Hye Sun Film is her own company separate and independent from YG. Right??

I wonder if her partnership with her music director of her movies (his name escapes me right now) with the name, Documentary, is also separate and independent from YG?? When is she going to let us hear her song, Marry Me.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks sukreen! I thought it was an old article so went into the original article. It seems the actor/artist Ha JungWoo is having an exhibition in Hong Kong in May and also in Seoul for about 4 months or so for all his art work..you can see samples of his art if you click on the article..That is how the reporter then started to talk about other actors who are not only doing well in their original job of acting but also creating heat in the world of art. The third artist who is highlighted in her article after Ha JungWoo and Kim HaeSoo is none other than our GHS.

Most of the information is already known to us, Sunnies...

GHS designed Gummy's 4th album--she was already recognized as a good artist by her own agency to be asked to design the jacket.

GHS had her art exhibit based on her novel Tango in Seoul from July  1~7th in 2009. La Mer Gallery in Insadong, Seoul.

It also says that GHS studied art starting junior hs.

It also says that she was so serious about art that she even planned to major in art in college.

(I think GHS is in the Film division of SGGU but I also heard once that Film div is under the umbrella dept called Art Dept...I am not sure if I am saying it correctly..)

The article also name many entertainers who are branching out to art world and are having exhibitions one after another---one of them is Ji JinHee (Captain from Please Take Care of Us, Captain.)  There are many others...

Hello Sunnies, happy 1st of May everyone.

Cheerkoo thank for the May poll, yeah i'm really happy that our princess had been leading for 3 consecutive months now.

Let's do it aginn Sunnies for this month of May. Go go Sunnies Fighting!!!

[NEWS] - wonder if this news been posted b4?

스타들은 지금 외도 중? ★들의 잇따른 전시회!

*quoted image*

배 우 구혜선의 그림 실력 역시 범상치가 않다. 구혜선은 같은 소속사 가수인 거미 4집 앨범 재킷을 직접 그렸을 정도로 뛰어난 실력을 자랑했다. 구혜선은 중고등학교 시절 미술을 공부했으며 대학 진학 당시에도 미술전공을 목표로 그림을 그려왔다고 전했다.

그는 2009년 7월 1일부터 7일까지 서울 인사동 라메르 갤러리에서 첫 개인전인 ‘탱고’를 개최해 1만여 명의 관람객을 동원했다.

한 편, 이미 많은 전시로 작품을 알린 가수 나얼, 개그맨 출신이지만 서양화를 전공하고 캐리커처 스타일의 카툰 작품을 그리는 임혁필, 그리고 개그맨 정종철, 배우 유준상과 지진희, 가수 남궁옥분, 배우 심은하, 가수 조영남 등 많은 연예인들이 자신들만의 작품 세계를 구축하고 있다.

[ 최송희 기자 (alfie312@news2day.co.kr) ]

오늘의 즐거움, 내일의 꿈(www.news2day.co.kr) - copyright ⓒ 뉴스투데이. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

source: http://www.news2day.co.kr/n_news/news/view.html

GHSforever, thanks for the info, i've not watch the Epi04 yet, a bit too rushing this few days.

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Guest Kimmy10

Hi Sunnies

Here is the video that I found of Jiro Wang, I think he was talking about Hye Sun, AB and also he spoke 10 phrases in Korean really cute ^^ ,

Hopefully some of dear sunnies could translate that


Thank you a lot sunnies :)

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Guest lotis

I really admire GHS. She is so simple yet very distinct. Using the the personal stamp especially created for her as her logo for her film production company is one example. Her creativity is so boundless that she sees things differently for artistic use.

Thanks to all the Sunniez for all the updates you share.

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Thanks sue for the translation. Hyesun is really talented. She even design the logo for her own film production co. Teacher Lee WehSoo must be a very inspiring person, I am glad she has such a great teacher supporting her :)

Video on SIngapore AB promotions


Absolute Boyfriend - Romantic Cruise and Meet & Greet in Singapore


Absolute Boyfriend Special Delivery

Cre channel U

A BTS pic of Hyesun & Penny (KunDa)


cre KunDa FB page

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