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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello smdrma!!

So good to see you with news of GHS through fan account!!

Of course, I will just translate the Korean part where we see Potato =Ghamja=감자

This person posted on July 16th, 2011, meaning that GHS was again in Korea this past weekend!!

As a mother of 9 pets ~~Sorry :o   I meant 9 SONS!~~ it must be hard to stay away for too long. keke.

I combined all the posts by the fan/Cafe customer. The fan wrote the post as if it is no big deal seeing GHS at the Cafe!! keke

The fan wrote: This is Ghamja who lives at Gamja's house. (keke)

Ghamja is a golden retriever being raised by GHS.

GHS is going back and forth with a mat trying to repair Ghamja's house (which needed some mending) due to so much rain.

And here I am taking nice pix with Ghamja.

(GHS is so very handy!! Her 9th son must be so happy! keke)

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Guest eunhye05

So she went baaaack?! Aww then the fan was soooo lucky! I didn't get too catch her last week. :( It's been exactly one week since I visited Cafe Manolin. Although thinking about it... I wouldn't know what to do if I saw her. I'd prob be stunned and then panic coz I can't speak Korean. Haha. Weird though, the guy who I spoke to last week said that she was coming back next month. Maybe he meant next week? Oh well. Thanks for the sighting. :)

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Finally GTV releases news on Absolute Darling :w00t:



 [Absolute Darling] 36°C & exposed under hot sun in Taiwan     Ku Hye Sun doesn’t even sweat in long-sleeved shirt 

Not afraid of high calories         Favorite drink is Bubble Tea (sago pearl milk tea) 

Temperature heightens during summer in Taiwan. Korean actress Ku Hye Sun doesn’t complain and is filming in Taiwan under the temperature of over 36°C. During the outdoor shoot of “Absolute Darling” days ago, Ku Hye Sun didn’t even sweat with long-sleeved & jeans under the hot sun; Jiro Wang was envious as he sweats a lot in the sun. 

Filming in summer makes Taiwan actors whine. Especially it was hot & stuffy awhile back with temperature of over 36°C, which made all staff take back. Since it was too hot, Jiro got ‘wet’ even before filming starts. Drama crew had to dry Jiro’s clothes for filming. But Ku Hye Sun is the only one who doesn’t afraid of the heat at all. Even dressed in long-sleeved & jeans, she looks comfortable. She said, “I don’t think it’s very hot!” Ku Hye Sun has good tolerance to hot climate, thus it doesn’t bother her at all even filming everyday in extremely hot weather in Taiwan. Jiro said, “I have asked her about that. Due to the strong sunshine in Taiwan, she wears long-sleeved to avoid sunburn or getting tan to keep her skin tone consistent throughout the drama. Luckily she is not afraid of the hot weather.”   

Filming in Taiwan for 2 months, Ku Hye Sun is addicted to Taiwanese Bubble Tea. She would have a cup for every other day, and she is very generous to treat the crew sometimes. Jiro said that Ku Hye Sun loves Bubble Tea, thus she would say ‘Bubble Tea’ in Chinese (Zhen Zhu Nai Cha) whenever they meet. “Being the tourism ambassador, of course I buy her Bubble Tea too.” Nonetheless,  the calories of a Bubble Tea equals to a bowl of rice. Jiro reminded Ku Hye Sun that she might gain weight if she drinks too much,  yet Ku Hye Sun didn't care and said in Chinese,"It's okay, It's okay!" Since Ku Hye Sun says 'Bubble Tea' whenever she sees Jiro,  staff said that ‘Bubble Tea’ has become the nickname of Jiro.

cre http://www.gtv.com.t...ws/20110718004/

will post the transation later

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Thanks for sharing meow! :)

She looks radiant even in casual clothing... and I so envy her that she doesn't seem to have sweat glands :)

I am happy for sunnies who were lucky enough to catch her at Cafe Manolin.. I remember being so paranoid when I went there last autumn, I kept on thinking I'll bump into her, everytime opens the door I look up to see who it was. hehe!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Maybe the starr or the GHS brother-in-law said GHS will return next month (ie August) because AD will finish in August???:w00t:  


Thanks for the AD updates!!

JIro is often referred to as Bubble Tea (because of GHS) is so hilarious!!:D

I also envy GHS who can take the heat without sweat! That is awesome.

So, GHS has been in Taiwan already 2 months? I thought it was longer. She went there late April or early May.

Maybe AD will wrap up by August?

Woah!! It will be fantastic if GTV does show the drama in Early fall.:D

Is there any news about GTV line up?

Sorry to be so demanding. Only if you have access to the information. keke

Thanks again!!

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Guest junpyo.jandi

soo cute of unnie, calling someone bubble tea. I guest she also gave all her previous co-actor a weird names. so funny... Then I'll just call her Big appetite Snowy... kekekekeke Can't wait for AD. I hope unnie will make a drama in KOrea after AD...

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks Sunnies for all the updates and natali for the 100% Entertainment!!

Was there anything more that Jiro Wang said or the narrator said that we did not read from meow13's translation of the news article? Thanks  in advance!!

Just a reminder: Yahoo Rival Ranking;;IT is really aggressive. Number 2 and 3 are fast approaching again.

We still have to do August ~December. But if you can give a little time per day to our GHS. Hooray!!


Just a little per day,

I wish I knew how to set up the computer to vote for our GHS every 10 seconds when I cannot be at the computer!!! Is there such a thing??:P

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Thanks Sunnies for all the updates and natali for the 100% Entertainment!!

Was there anything more that Jiro Wang said or the narrator said that we did not read from meow13's translation of the news article? Thanks  in advance!!

Just a reminder: Yahoo Rival Ranking;;IT is really aggressive. Number 2 and 3 are fast approaching again.

We still have to do August ~December. But if you can give a little time per day to our GHS. Hooray!!


Just a little per day,

I wish I knew how to set up the computer to vote for our GHS every 10 seconds when I cannot be at the computer!!! Is there such a thing??:P

I think it's easy to understand just by what you see from the video itself. It says there was an action scene of Jiro in which he has to jump from a place 2-storey high. He did all the action scenes himself and didn't use stand-by. after the actions scene was the scene of Jiro & HS. they practice script earnestly even with language barrier. last part the narrator said HS might not get used to the weather in Taiwan so that she was not feeling very well & sneezed. Jiro jokingly said that she would sneeze in such hot weather proves that she is truelly not afraid of the hot climate.

adding one pic without logo


cre liberty times

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

At DC, we had been very grateful to goddessku for a long time until she decided to leave.

Today, I checked DC after several days and guess who I see--여신쿠=yu shin ku=goddessku~~She writes it in Korean but it is translated as goddessKu. She also brought lots of news about GHS from Taiwan and more!!--like meow13 did.

My computer being what it is, I cannot bring the pix over, but whatever I can copy, I will bring over.


(A pic of GHS's autograph in Chinese and Korean and she wrote in Korean, Be Healthy)

Supposedly, below is from a blog: Maybe meow13 will be able to look at it for us...keke Thanks a lot.

July 19, 2011



(因為太巧了 所以隨便簽在紙袋上)

前天我朋友從韓國回台灣的惠善姐姐耶~ 真的好幸運啊!!



惠善姊姊的助理 經紀人都沒有跟在飛機



[출처] 대만 블러그=source: Taiwan blog

出國...☆2011 07 13



還有我老爸 老媽





坐飛機   是坐第一排

好開心   :D







擠 擠 擠






所以    想說沒什麼





後來    導遊就走過來

她說 有誰要簽名的

我還想說 給誰簽名啊



給具惠善阿  流星花園那個

我想說   蛤 甚麼   (跟不上流行......)


所以我和我哥  就隨便拿了登機證  給她簽名  p.s.我們家沒有帶筆記本的習慣

我哥還跟導遊說   如果可以   可以在簽名旁邊加手機號碼

神經.......拜託   要給也不是給你

之後   我們兩個就莫名其妙的拿著那個簽名

我哥後來說了一句   賣給同學....應該不錯   讀書都沒這麼認真    我媽說的

其實  沒有隨身帶筆記本習慣的    好像不只我們家





真的是   多到不行

還有個小弟   排對排在我座位旁邊


來  拿給我簽

那個小弟應該嚇到了吧    廢話....





我說  具惠善的

我爸就回答我一句   我的簽名如果沒在聯絡簿上出現    你會被罵耶

我回答一句   喔

無聊  甚麼解釋啊

後面   沒什麼好講的

打好多   手好痠....

[출처] 대만 블러그=source: Taiwan blog


아그로랜드 태신목장 =Agnoland Tae Shin Ranch

2011/07/20 21:58

'복숭아나무" 촬영 장소.

탤런트이자 감독인 구혜선의 영화 "복숭아나무"

구혜선, 조승우, 류덕환의 싸인.

저 장소에서

촬영을 했다고 한다.

(This is the location of the filming of Peach Tree. It is a movie made by talent and director GHS. These are the autographs by GHS, Jo SeungWoo and Ryu DukHwan. I was told that they filmed right there at that location.)

트렉터를 타고 넓은 목장을 둘러보던 중,

구혜선 감독이 복숭아나무 라는 영화를 찍은

청보리밭 이라며

관광객들에게도 사진을 찍으라고

기사님께서 3분동안의 시간을 주셨다.

모두들 트렉터에서 내려와 사진을 찍는다.

(While we were being driven in the tractor around the spacious ranch, the tour-guide/ driver told us that we are at the barley field where Director GHS filmed for her movie PEACH TREE. He told us that we can take pix for 3 minutes. Everybody got off the tractor to take pix.)~~That tour guide is funny!!

아~ 아름답다.

영화같은 하루였다...

(Ahhh~ It is beautiful. It was a movie-like day....)



 cr to 여신쿠=yu shin ku=goddessku 


별과 바다 함께하는 영화 어때요 정동진독립영화제 내달 5일 개막… 구혜선 ‘당신’ 등 20편 상영

2011년 07월 21일 (목)


How about a movie with stars and sea/ocean?

August 5th is the opening day of the Jung DongJin Independent Movie Festival. GHS's Dhang Shin and 20 films will be featured.

DC wonders if GHS will attend. August 5th is Friday so maybe she will!!!! I wonder where this independent film festival is held?? The reason is that the title of the festival says: How about a movie with stars and ocean.....Seoul has not ocean nearby---InChun?? Busan???

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hello cheerkoo amd sunnies ...

cheerkoo thanks for the tranlations ..and here the pic ...of goddesku ...




screencaps of absolute darling bts ...


cre: DC gallery


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I hope it will be OK for me to do concurrent posting like this without being warned.....:P


◕‿◕ from DC posted:

님드라 오락백분백영상 봤나?? 꼭봐라!!!=DC members, did you really see 100% Entertainment Program?

울 쿠님 미모는 말할것도 없고 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ=Our Ku is just beautiful....

마지막에 울쿠님 재채기한거 보았나??ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ= At the end, did you see our Ku sneeze??

따동성님이 옆에서 괜찮아요? 하고 젠틀하게 물어주시고ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ=Jiro Wang asks her ever so gently  if she is OK.

울쿠님은 쑥쓰럽다는 듯한 수줍은 천사같은 미소를 날려주셨지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

=Our Ku is smiling her angelic smile as if she seems embarrassed. kekekekekekekke

레알 나능 그런 모습들이 넘좋다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ =I really love that sincerity of her image.

내가 이래서 쿠를 좋아했었지요 ㅇㅇ 흐흫 = That is why I like Ku. huhu   



Same DC member posts. I missed her/his post too as much as goddessku and lovely....

I am not going to copy her post but she/he asks good questions~~

If any of you know, please post. Thanks.

1) The director of AD is supposedly well known--that he has a history of directing a drama that won top rating.

2) There are 4 script writers for AD.

3) IS GHS really coming back at the end of August?

This member says it feels like GHS has been away from the country for one whole year. She/he misses GHS terribly. She/he says that she wants GHS to come back very soon and that she/he will buy her 100 glasses of Bubble Tea...(I have to taste this bubble tea...where do I get it!!--keke)

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sue thanks so much,im glad goddessKU is back to DC.i believe she miss hs so much so decide back to DC and brings all news for hs fans.so loyal fan ^^



sue talking about bubble tea,maybe you can try make it by yourself.just mix tea and milk also sago pearl.the taste is sweet and can make you fat if you drink often :P here the pic


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Thank you for bringing over pix from DC!!


Thank you for the bubble tea!! keke

I have to try it---I also have sweet tooth at times....

It is so like GHS to get hooked on something sweet while working...

I wonder if Cafe Manolin will soon have Bubble Tea in their menu,,,,haha

Thanks to all Sunnies esp to meow13 at this time for any news of our HSnim from Taiwan.:wub:

I am so thankful as well that goddessku returned to DC!!!:wub:

Hoooooray~ :)

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 Hello Sunnies  :)

cheerkoo ~~ Thank u for the latest update of HS from goddessku and also for the accurate translation as always as we are really  greatful to have you.. :)

Yonghwa ~~ Thanks for the sign pic of HS from goddessku. :)

natali ~~ Thanks for the AD BTS. HS is really a shy person. Thanks also for letting us know that  bubble tea is made of tea and milk (cold). I've  tasted hot tea w/ milk when I visited Singapore they called it Tess-C (don't know if I spell it correctly) keke and it t aste really good. I will try also this bubble tea at home but for sure it will not taste as delicious as bubble tea, hehehe.. :)

meow13 ~~ Thank u for always updating us about AD and HS. Don't worry even though I'm not frequently posting in here but i'll make sure not to forget to vote for HS everyday. :)

Thanks to all Sunnies for your great effort  in updating this thread endlessly... FIGHTING !!!  :wub:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


I just looked at that 100% Ent again.

Jiro-nim asked HS-nim, in Korean, Are you OK?--Ghwen chan ah yo?

He said it so naturally and so nicely as soon as HS sneezed.

So cute.

I want to hear HS speak Chinese too!!--such as saying Bubble Tea to Jiro~~~ haha:lol:

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Highlights in AB BTS video:

- the reporter says that Jiro has already been promoted to the reputation of an acrobatic fighting celebrity because of all the action scenes that he's been filming, without using any stunt doubles.

- at 0:22, the reporter asks Jiro something and he replies: "of course there's no need. I'm so MAN...i'm totally imitating Jacky Chan right now. I don't need any stunt doubles or any other, because we are trying to save the budget---wei!" (hehe. ^^ Jiro's signature "WEI", always used right after he tells a lame joke and is feeling embarrassed. ;D)

- Jiro talks about Zi Zhai and that he's already gotten used to doing risky action moves because of the ones he had to do in Zi Zhai.

- reporter says that Jiro is jumping from 2-stories high but is not worried about his safety. Jiro says: "right now, i think you guys are underestimating me. cause you see..(something something) is normally 18-stories high. and i've already *he moves up and down and makes weird sound effects w/ his mouth xD, meaning he's jumped that many times*. so, the height that I have to jump from right now is nothing in comparison." (xD. bragging)

- instead, Jiro worries about (he comes up to the camera and lowers his voice and says) "people may think, i'm about to jump from so high, why did i still eat so much during lunch break. are they trying to film something special? maybe of him throwing up?" Jiro smiles nervously and says, "it's unlikely that i'll throw up...at least, i hope i don't. ^^D hehe".

end of highlights~~

Also, i think it's so cute that ghs was standing on top of the sky-walk and looking down at Jiro jumping (with a smile on her face! xD) so cuuute. ^.^

(now we know that the reporters were totally lying before when they said in an article that ghs didn't take any interest in what Jiro was doing when they were filming this scene.)(This the comment of the fan who translated the video im so thankful there are fans a lot of fans of JIRO who is supportive of GHS too in AD)

My gosh, did you read the news about Jiro and Goo Hye Sun? I'm starting to think Goo Hye Sun is awesome...

Why? She doesn't sweat like Jiro! Hahahaha! and they are getting closer to each other.

You gotta watch the BTS that I just posted. Starting from 2:05.. what do you notice? Goo Hye Sun wrapped herself around Jiro's arms!

Wait.. is that part of the drama? Hahha never mind then. It's something that she supposed to do. I thought it's when they were having a break? *shrugs*

But at 2:02... are they talking to each other? =0 Goo Hye Sun doesn't know what to do but to smile, hahaha ( this is from another fan.. they are very supportive of AD too)

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