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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello Sunnies!

I had a power outage and lost my information to re-enter soompi.:(

I am not organized no matter how much I try to be....

So now my nickname or username is cheerkoo.

I hope that is OK with the adminstrators since I had lots of warnings as susamerica.

Anyway, you can still refer to me as su or sus,,,,easier..

Thanks so much for all the updates and posts and pix...my eyes are enjoying the feast.

Wow,,,GHS has been wearing more and more shorts/skirts and showing off her legs...I really wonder if she has a beau...keke...she said that if she plans on becoming a mom, she wants to be married by 30 in order to shoot for 5 kids....remember??? That is only about 3 years away....she has to date a lot to find that good and decent guy who will not do the irresponsible thing and run off on her. :angry:


I hope we can find some clues about that    keke  she did say that she does see "few" opposite sex but has not yet found THE ONE yet.:D

Regarding all your posts and tweets and blogs----sorry for the laziness but I will briefly summarize without referring to each sunnie as it would take too much time for me. But know that I really and truly appreciate all your time and effort and love for our Koo. :)

At the Seoul Moto Show, "as soon as the musical performance ended, the blue Toyota Corolla drove into the stage and out came the model GHS! --Very pretty. (Wow, what a grand entrance!!)

"She just passed right in front of me. Her legs are as thin as my arms!"

"So many pix-takers in front of me moving around that I could only take two ok pix of her. She is extremely pretty in real life."



cr to goddessku from DC

사전제작 드라마 '더 뮤지컬' 후반부 작업 중단 왜?

스포츠조선 기사전송 2011-04-03 17:14

사전제작 드라마 '더 뮤지컬'의 후반부 작업이 갑작스럽게 중단돼 궁금증을 불러일으키고 있다.

구혜선 최다니엘 옥주현 박경림 등이 출연하는 '더 뮤지컬'은 뮤지컬배우들의 꿈과 사랑을 그리는 뮤지컬 드라마로 지난 8월 첫 촬영을 시작했으나, 편성을 놓고 난항이 이어지면서 제작 기간이 다소 길어지게 됐다. 당초 20부작으로 기획됐던 작품은 최근 16부작으로 축소하기로 결정해 극 초반 부분을 재구성해 촬영하고 있었으나, 남녀주인공인 구혜선과 최다니엘이 최근 촬영에서 갑작스레 빠지게 돼 작업을 한 달 가량 중단하게 됐다.

이에 대해 '더 뮤지컬' 제작 관계자는 "원래는 제작 초반 미국 뉴욕 브로드웨이 로케이션이 기획되어 있었지만. 제작 기간이 늘어나면서 제작비와 시간 등의 문제로 뉴욕 로케이션이 무산됐다"며 "이 부분을 다시 재구성해 마무리 촬영을 하고 있던 중에, 구혜선과 최다니엘에게 각자 다른 일정이 생기면서 잠시 작업을 쉬게 됐다"고 설명했다.

구혜선은 현재 영화 '복숭아 나무'의 감독을 맡아 주인공으로 캐스팅된 남상미 조승우와 호흡을 맞추고 있으며, 최다니엘은 5월 방송 예정인 KBS2 새 월화극 '동안미녀'에 남자주인공으로 캐스팅돼 새 촬영을 시작했다.

그러나 관계자는 "구혜선은 영화에 관련한 작업이 끝나면 곧장 마무리 촬영에 합류하겠다는 의사를 밝혔고, '더 뮤지컬'의 남은 촬영 분량이 많지 않아 제작에 큰 차질은 없을 것"이라고 단언했다. 편성 진행 상황에 있어서는 "MBC와 긍정적인 방향으로 논의 중"이라고 전했다.

'더 뮤지컬'은 최고의 뮤지컬을 만들기 위해 뭉친 제작자와 작곡가, 배우들의 열정과 로맨스를 그리는 드라마로, 제작 초반 구혜선의 파격 숏커트 헤어스타일 변신으로 화제를 모으기도 했다. 이다정 기자 anbie@sportschosun.com

Reporter Lee DaJung of Sportschosun wrote above article. She asks the question that we have been curious about...why has THE MU stopped filming when it started production last August? Well, unfortunately, she does not fully answer the question.

But the reporter says that currently the drama stopped filming because the two stars (GHS and Choi Daniel) have previous engagements which could not be helped. GHS with making her movie PEACH TREE and ChoiDaniel who started filming for his new drama lead in [Young-looking/baby-faced Beauty] with KBS2. One "associate" stated that as soon as PEACH TREE is completed, GHS plans to return to set of THEMU to finish up. It is said that there is not much filming left for THEMU.

Production kept on being delayed due to the drama not being able to get confirmation from any of the stations.

Initially, the drama team was to travel to NY Broadway for location shooting. But with no confirmation and dwindling production budget, that plan had to be cancelled.

So the team had to re-constitute the drama from 20 to 16 episodes and to rearrange the beginning part of the drama. Then, GHS and ChoiDan had to leave due to their other commitments. The "associate" states that they do not forsee any stumblings due to temporary stoppage of filming of the drama.

At this time, the production team is negotiating proactively/positively with MBC about a confirmation schedule.


(As GHS's reputation is on line, I hope that THEMU is edited well with a great story-line and I hope we get to see GHS on small screen very soon!!  ....on the side, did you guys notice that GHS has been wearing somewhat 'military-style blouse/shirts' in her last two events? At the press conference for the Women's Film Festival and for the fan-signing event at the Seoul Auto Show?? I wonder if she is doing that on purpose for some reason or is she trying to hide her chest area since GHS seems self-conscious about exposure? Is she waiting for someone to come out of the military duty???  keke  Just thinking outside my head.)

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Guest minjee

Hello Sunnies!

I had a power outage and lost my information to re-enter soompi.:(

I am not organized no matter how much I try to be....

So now my nickname or username is cheerkoo.

I hope that is OK with the adminstrators since I had lots of warnings as susamerica.

Anyway, you can still refer to me as su or sus,,,,easier..

(As GHS's reputation is on line, I hope that THEMU is edited well with a great story-line and I hope we get to see GHS on small screen very soon!!  ....on the side, did you guys notice that GHS has been wearing somewhat 'military-style blouse/shirts' in her last two events? At the press conference for the Women's Film Festival and for the fan-signing event at the Seoul Auto Show?? I wonder if she is doing that on purpose for some reason or is she trying to hide her chest area since GHS seems self-conscious about exposure? Is she waiting for someone to come out of the military duty???  keke  Just thinking outside my head.)


Goo Hye Sun @ Toyota Motor Show



welcome back sue! :D I thought it was weird you haven't posted for awhile~~ glad to see u here~~ ^^ I was surprised Hyesun wore a skirt for the motor show but I was delighted to see her dress feminine and still have that conservative/elegant look even if it is just a simple get-up :) I'm envious of her legs! :D hmmm...when you mentioned whether HS is waiting for someone at the military straight away I thought of .... Jo In Sung!!!! since he should be out this May which is next month already~~ her good sunbae/mentor~~ I would love to see Hyesun work with him again in the future.

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sue omo,feel sorry for you old id.but i love the new one :lol: next time if you have some question about warning from soompi feel free for ask us in here.we all happy for help you ;)


서울모터쇼에서 만난 구혜선

서울모터쇼 토요타 부스에서 구혜선씨를 봤습니다.

모터쇼 오신 분들께 싸인을 해드리고 있으시더군요.

피부도 하얗고 정말 미인이셨습니다.



초특급 블록버스터 서울모터쇼 포스팅!! 아 힘들어

아.. 구혜선님은 언제오시는 거야 ㅠㅠ

아!! 구혜선님!!!

꺄악 사랑해요 ㅠㅠ

안타깝게도 구혜선님은 제가 나가고 14분후에 등장하신걸로 압니다 ㅠㅠ







2011 서울모터쇼를 다녀와서!!


도요타 홍보대사라 친히 납심 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

으어으 ㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜㅜㅠㅜㅠ

혜선누님 찍느라고 후덕한 아저씨들 뚫으면서 몸빵하며 찍은 사진들임 ㅠㅜㅠㅜ

보고 3차원에 다시돌아올뻔함 ㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜㅠ

여튼 구혜선=여신


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Guest first_snow

03/31 - Hyesun @ Seoul Motor Show (Toyota Corolla)





Cre: Goddesku @ DC Hyesun

Source: http://minihp.cyworld.com/26387156/1367904693


04/03 - Hyesun @ Toyota Signing Event





Cre as tagged

Source: http://bluea929.blog.me/30105962325

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thanks for all the pics & updates :D

jee,  same as you, love Hyesun in skirt and her beautiful legs :wub:

sue, welcome back, sorry about the ban of your old id and I will remember your new one from now on ;) Let's pray for The Musical. Hope the production could be able to get a TV station confirmed soon :o


cre ayominariya 

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks natali. I will ask for help about my warnings. I wonder if there is a way to reduce the warning. The fact that I am still over 60% warning means that I am still doing something wrong???....I am trying to mend my ways...:)

minjee,,,,I thought the same. I mean..I know nothing for sure about GHS's private life but she has referred to JIS few times in many of her interviews that I often wonder about her feelings for him....She mentioned him twice after BOF ended calling him more than just a "flower-like man but a manly man. She mentioned how he is one of her life mentors and how she wishes she could visit him at the base in the Taxi show. And the military motif of her blouses in the two events.....So,,,,I wondered.....hahaha

Thanks all for the posts of pix and posts and more....

One blogger posted that he was trying to take pix of GHS amidst all the reporters all around him and he calls her goddess. (There were many short articles of GHS in the news sites but many without her face in it but only the reporters flashing camers. The headlines included: Who came to the auto show that there is such commotion and how so many reporters are competing to get in to get a good shot of her. Another person mentioned that he was waiting for GHS to appear at the motor show and had to leave and found out that she came 14 min after he left. He says he loves her. Another one says that he saw GHS at the motor show and that she is a real beauty. (Sorry that I am not tran word for word...)

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^ dear sue, I love your new username its pretty catchy "cheerkoo" I:) don't need to ask why kekeke..

Thanks for the translations! :lol:

to all sunnies who shared/posted pics artices vids THANKS! and a lot of it! :D

Hyesun looks so pretty today I love her outfit and its been so long since we saw her in skirt during events like this! I hope she would continue dressing up, and its actually done in good taste,,Thanks to the fans who are now uploading fanpics on their blogs and sharing their fanaccount I visited DC and wow~! a lot of pics :wub:

be safe everyone!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Welcome back Sue, hope you will more comfort with your new id :)

*quoted image*

Source: GHS Cody


*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

All credit to Goddesku@DC

Thanks dewimoar!

That is a tweet by GHS's cody named Jun DongHee. She sounds impatient: "I really don't know from where to what I am suppose to pack for Taiwan. Today's weather is 'not a play' (maybe this term means that the weather is really good.) When is this finishing up~~"

(Woah, is this cody saying that GHS is leaving for Taiwan soon? Is Peach Tree filming almost over already?? But then, GHS is really efficient and does not waste time. As Suh HyunJin once said her friend GHS the director, GHS comes to work totally prepared. This cody wants to get out of work duty and enjoy the weather???!)

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@ sue, I seriously feel the same way... my heart will flutter to the moon if what you are thinking about her and JIS is indeed true. but seriously, she did often refer to him and the military inspired outfits.. awww what can I say.. JIS always win the poll of most anticipated actor to get out of military... I strongly think that Hye-sun is one of the thousands who anticipates his return.. if they get to work together again, I'll be the happiest :)

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Guest Chio-Mexico

Hi Sunniez

110403 koo hye sun toyota fansign entrance




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Thanks natali. I will ask for help about my warnings. I wonder if there is a way to reduce the warning. The fact that I am still over 60% warning means that I am still doing something wrong???....I am trying to mend my ways...:)

so if you got this warning,just click warn status in you profile


just click the warn status and you can know why you get the warn and who the mod is warning you.after 1 month ask her/him to remove you warn.


A: After a month has passed without any instances of violations, PM the moderator who gave you the warning, and ask him/her to remove it for you. The moderator will judge whether your behavior has improved enough to warrant a warning removal. If your behavior has not improved, work on it for a month and then PM the moderator again.

Warnings are not automatically removed, so take care to PM the moderator if you want it removed.


A: Click the warning panel under your name to display all the information regarding your warning.

you can check for more details F.A.Q's







내가받는건 못찍고 ㅅㅂ

그래도 으헝 구혜선누나 천사에요 ㅜㅜ

손잡는데 부서질까봐 못잡겟어ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


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Guest Chio-Mexico

Hi Sunniez


구혜선-최다니엘 주연 '다 뮤지컬' 표류… 왜?

지상파 편성 받지 못해 타격



무료이상형찾기 돌싱만남 사이트 [추천] 최신형 스마트키 무료구매

드라마 <더 뮤지컬>이 표류하고 있다.

배우 구혜선 최다니엘 등이 주연을 맡은 <더 뮤지컬>(극본 김희재ㆍ연출 김경용)은 촬영을 마치지 못한 상태에서 제작이 잠정 중단됐다. 지난달 8월부터 촬영을 시작했으나 반 년이 넘도록 미완성 상태로 남아 있다.

주인공을 연기하는 구혜선과 최다니엘은 이미 다른 작품에 투입됐다. 구혜선은 자신이 연출하는 영화 <복숭아 나무>에 전념하고 있다. 최다니엘은 KBS 2TV 새 월화미니시리즈 <동안미녀>(극본 오선형ㆍ연출 이진서)에 캐스팅됐다. 5월 방송되는 이 드라마는 7월께 종영되기 때문에 최다니엘이 복귀하더라도 <더 뮤지컬>은 8월 이후에나 마무리될 수 있다.

<더 뮤지컬>이 제자리를 찾지 못한 가장 큰 이유는 지상파 편성을 받지 못했기 때문인 것으로 알려졌다. 제작이 지체되자 마냥 대기할 수 없는 배우들이 <더 뮤지컬>을 매듭짓지 못한 채 다른 작업에 착수하는 상황이 벌어졌다. 한 방송사 관계자는 "방송사가 수용할 수 있는 드라마는 정해져 있지만 외주 제작사는 더 많은 드라마를 양산한다. 때문에 제작 시기와 맞물려 편성을 받지 못하는 작품들이 생기게 마련이다"고 말했다.

또 다른 외주 제작사 대표는 "지상파 편성을 받으면 투자도 원활해진다. 하지만 편성이 불발되면 투자 유치가 어려워 제작비 마련이 힘들어지는 악순환이 반복된다"고 설명했다.


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