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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Wanna add my best wishes to all the sunnies and of course not forgetting the main star - Goo Hye Sun-ssi :wub:

Happy Blessed Christmas and,

Wishing everyone a prosperous New Year fill with new hope, new beginning, with peace, happiness, success and more importantly good health :wub:

Looking forward to completion of The Musical and its airing as well as AD filming to start :D

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Anyway, Thursday, we wanted to go to this restaurant that Andrew (my youngest son) wanted to go to and then go to Cafe Manolin, and Han River. We started out late, it was already 2pm by the time we hit the subway train. Thursday was the coldest yet since we came to Seoul. I thought we were going to eat first, so I asked Andrew on the train, where are we going? He said we are going to go to Cafe Manolin. I got excited. But to make a long story short, we asked 19 strangers where Cafe Manolin, and around 2 hrs that we were lost. It was all worth it.

We first went to the Gallery which is downstairs. Andrew took pictures. Then we went upstairs where the Cafe is at. When you go in, they sell dog sweaters in all sizes. We were seated to the room on our right side. We sat at the first available table to our left by the wall. There's a couple next to us and 4 people on a bigger table after them. I didn't know that Andrew already recognized GHS as one of the 4 people table. I didn't see her because she was so tiny. I only recognized her when she got up, passed our table and I said to myself, "Is that GHS? She's really here?" You could say I was in shock.

She came back about 10 minutes later and she gave like notebooks to the lady and the other girl (could be a mother/daughter visitors). I'm not sure. GHS is seating across them, and GHS is seating beside a guy. I believe this is her manager. When the guy got up to go somewhere, I could see GHS much better. So I looked her way and gestured if I could take a picture of her. She kind of smiled, looked at the people with her and then I gave her a pleaded look, then she got up, she excused herself and came to our table. OMG, I really took a picture with her. Andrew also took a picture with her. She didn't say anything to us at all. She just smiled, bowed her head and had her hands together while she bowed. I don't know if she understood us because maybe we were talking too fast. I told her that we love BOF, we love her and that she's so pretty. Andrew told her that we're from Los Angeles and we wanted to see Cafe Manolin. All she did is bow her head. Then she went back to her group.


We ordered and ate. All the while, I could hear her laughing when she's telling a story. She laughs/sounds just like the BTS in BOF. I hear her say Oppa a lot when she's talking. When she's not talking, she just smiles, sits upright (regal position) and listens to whoever is talking. About 30 minutes later, she got up again and left the room. Then she came back with 2 puppies with her and showed them to her table. The lady took puppies from her. So GHS got up again and left the room. Now she came back with a bigger brown dog. I heard her say Omma. I don't know if she's telling them, this is the Mom.

When she got up to leave the room again with the bigger dog, I called her name and asked her again if I can take a picture of her and her dog. When I looked at the couple next to our table, I saw the girl, giving me a dirty look. Maybe she felt that I'm invading GHS's privacy. Isn't that usually the case? She doesn't really like taking pictures? But again, she smiled and stopped until I took the picture. She came back and took the other 2 baby dogs away also. We finished eating, and Andrew and I just hanged out. He read his book and I was just listening to the Xmas songs being played and also waiting for GHS's visitor to leave, lol. Finally, 2 hrs later, they left and after they left, the guy also left.

GHS came back to the table, she's all alone now but then there's a young gentlemen who came in and started talking to her. I heard her say "Muyah" (meaning what; what is going on?; what is your problem?) From the body language and gestures, I think he was telling her about her cellphone. Maybe because she didn't answer it or something. So, I saw her take out her phone, and she started talking to someone on the phone. After she got off the phone, she gathered her things and left. If you don't say her name, she won't look at you. I didn't call out to her when she left, so that was our experience.

I'm so sorry that I didn't mention about MINSUN/pinoy exchange. I couldn't really take up her time because for the 2 hrs that we were there, she was busy entertaining with the other people.

Did you guys know that Han River is close to Cafe Manolin? I didn't know that, Andrew just told me and he showed me the map.


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OH by the waY i read from an article that LEE KIM PRODUCTION IS THE PRODUCTION COMPANY OF THE MUSICAL and which is also the production company of DAEMUL.And i read that DAEMUL WAS SUPPOSEDLY BE ON air in 2008 but due to budget constraint and location shooting it was delayed till 2010.ALTHOUGH looking on the brighter side of it Daemul is also a big hit just like WAR OF ROSES where they had problem too.SO let us JUST pray that TM WOULD TURN OUT TO BE THE BEST MUSICAL DRAMA EVER

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Anyway, Thursday, we wanted to go to this restaurant that Andrew (my youngest son) wanted to go to and then go to Cafe Manolin, and Han River. We started out late, it was already 2pm by the time we hit the subway train. Thursday was the coldest yet since we came to Seoul. I thought we were going to eat first, so I asked Andrew on the train, where are we going? He said we are going to go to Cafe Manolin. I got excited. But to make a long story short, we asked 19 strangers where Cafe Manolin, and around 2 hrs that we were lost. It was all worth it.

We first went to the Gallery which is downstairs. Andrew took pictures. Then we went upstairs where the Cafe is at. When you go in, they sell dog sweaters in all sizes. We were seated to the room on our right side. We sat at the first available table to our left by the wall. There's a couple next to us and 4 people on a bigger table after them. I didn't know that Andrew already recognized GHS as one of the 4 people table. I didn't see her because she was so tiny. I only recognized her when she got up, passed our table and I said to myself, "Is that GHS? She's really here?" You could say I was in shock.

She came back about 10 minutes later and she gave like notebooks to the lady and the other girl (could be a mother/daughter visitors). I'm not sure. GHS is seating across them, and GHS is seating beside a guy. I believe this is her manager. When the guy got up to go somewhere, I could see GHS much better. So I looked her way and gestured if I could take a picture of her. She kind of smiled, looked at the people with her and then I gave her a pleaded look, then she got up, she excused herself and came to our table. OMG, I really took a picture with her. Andrew also took a picture with her. She didn't say anything to us at all. She just smiled, bowed her head and had her hands together while she bowed. I don't know if she understood us because maybe we were talking too fast. I told her that we love BOF, we love her and that she's so pretty. Andrew told her that we're from Los Angeles and we wanted to see Cafe Manolin. All she did is bow her head. Then she went back to her group.


We ordered and ate. All the while, I could hear her laughing when she's telling a story. She laughs/sounds just like the BTS in BOF. I hear her say Oppa a lot when she's talking. When she's not talking, she just smiles, sits upright (regal position) and listens to whoever is talking. About 30 minutes later, she got up again and left the room. Then she came back with 2 puppies with her and showed them to her table. The lady took puppies from her. So GHS got up again and left the room. Now she came back with a bigger brown dog. I heard her say Omma. I don't know if she's telling them, this is the Mom.

When she got up to leave the room again with the bigger dog, I called her name and asked her again if I can take a picture of her and her dog. When I looked at the couple next to our table, I saw the girl, giving me a dirty look. Maybe she felt that I'm invading GHS's privacy. Isn't that usually the case? She doesn't really like taking pictures? But again, she smiled and stopped until I took the picture. She came back and took the other 2 baby dogs away also. We finished eating, and Andrew and I just hanged out. He read his book and I was just listening to the Xmas songs being played and also waiting for GHS's visitor to leave, lol. Finally, 2 hrs later, they left and after they left, the guy also left.

GHS came back to the table, she's all alone now but then there's a young gentlemen who came in and started talking to her. I heard her say "Muyah" (meaning what; what is going on?; what is your problem?) From the body language and gestures, I think he was telling her about her cellphone. Maybe because she didn't answer it or something. So, I saw her take out her phone, and she started talking to someone on the phone. After she got off the phone, she gathered her things and left. If you don't say her name, she won't look at you. I didn't call out to her when she left, so that was our experience.

I'm so sorry that I didn't mention about MINSUN/pinoy exchange. I couldn't really take up her time because for the 2 hrs that we were there, she was busy entertaining with the other people.

Did you guys know that Han River is close to Cafe Manolin? I didn't know that, Andrew just told me and he showed me the map.

*quoted image*

go to more great experience!

do not know how I'm envious right now!

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Thanks for sharing the story prettywiz! I visited Cafe Manolin on November 27 but didn't get the chance to see her. The gallery was also close at that time :(

I do wish when I get back there I'll be more lucky. And you give me an idea, if I ever get the chance to see Hye-sun, I'll definitely mention MINSUN :)

All the best to the cast and crew of THE MUSICAL.. I pray that whatever problems or difficulties they are experiencing right now, they will be able to overcome.

I hope all sunnies had a wonderful xmas celebration! Cheers to all of you!

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Guest susAmerica

Thank you all for your posts. :)

Hope you all had great Christmas, that is, if you celebrate it.

Thanks prettywiz for sharing your friend's letter.

Wow, what luck to sit so close to GHS for two hours. :w00t:

I wonder if your friend and her son went there on Dec 18? That is the day when GHS took

pix with her little neice who called GHS as Yi-Mo.

The pix of that pretty little girl is somewhere in our forum few pages back. That little girl's mother took pix of GHS and her daughter.

And, that dog being hugged by GHS is Bhap, I believe. Right?

The man who was sitting next to GHS at the table,,,,was he really her manager

or maybe the girl's Dad? Her manager is married and I am not sure if he would socialize with GHS without his wife. Don't you think? Sorry to be nosy---but I just get curious.


The other young man who came to tell GHS about her cell-phone--does your friend say

if he looks like anybody famous? keke

Trying to butt into GHS's private life---but I cannot help it. :wub:

Thanks again so much!! A very nice glimpse into GHS's life outside of limelight...

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Guest ari_oppa

OH by the waY i read from an article that LEE KIM PRODUCTION IS THE PRODUCTION COMPANY OF THE MUSICAL and which is also the production company of DAEMUL.And i read that DAEMUL WAS SUPPOSEDLY BE ON air in 2008 but due to budget constraint and location shooting it was delayed till 2010.ALTHOUGH looking on the brighter side of it Daemul is also a big hit just like WAR OF ROSES where they had problem too.SO let us JUST pray that TM WOULD TURN OUT TO BE THE BEST MUSICAL DRAMA EVER

Aigoo...Is it true the production house of The MUSICAL is LEE KIM PRODUCTIONS?....If it's true, I'm exciting and worry now because of that.

Exciting because Lee Kim Productions's Drama are My Fair Lady (Yoon Eun Hye) & Daemul (Go Hyung Jung), and both are HIT !!!!! Hope Musical too in 2011.

But, i'm worry in same time because Lee Kim Production have bad record with their actor. First with Park Shin Yang in 2009, and 2nd with Go Hyun Jung (Mishil).

Go Hyun Jung reject 3 dramas & 5 film scripts because she has signed contract with Lee Kim Productions for DAEMUL since March 2008 !!!!!, but the productions have budget problem to production Daemul in 2008. The probelem coming up when Go Hyun Jung signed contract for Missil Role in Queen Seonouk in middle 2009, so Lee Kim Prod attack Go Hyung Jung because of that.... Hope it will not happen with Goo Hye Sun, because Hye sun has signed for Absolutely Darling right ? :o

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Official Beauty Credit Spokesperson - Koo Hye Sun













Beauty Credit Store in Singapore





prettywiz thanks for sharing the story. your friend was so lucky to be able to met Hye Sun and took a pic with her :D

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks Sunnies for your updates.

Thanks prettywiz and ari_oppa about THE MUSICAL's prgress.

I just saw this post in DC which gives little more info re THE MU and GHS in Design Korea.

The first post is more about Design Korea and the second post or response to the first post is about THE MU.


프로그램이름은 스타일 매거진이었던가 어제 밤 11시반쯤에 운명같이 나옴

울 쿠 한남동에서 작업하는거 나왔스 =I saw a program called ON STYLE MAGAZINE last night around 11:30.(This poster posted on DC on Dec 26 so must be the night of Christmas.) Like fate, Ku appeared as she worked at Han Namdong (the location of Design Korea).

털모자쓰고 편한차림을 하고는 바닥에 철푸덕 앉아서 500원짜리 지점토로 얼굴만들고 =She was sitting on the floor in comfortable clothing style with a furry hat. She was carving out faces with 500won ?jijumto (perhaps some kind of clay material)?

가방 뒤적뒤적하면서 지우개에다 판 도장 보여주면서 =She was rummaging through her bag to find her stamp seal that she carved out on an eraser.

겁나 귀엽게 겁나 귀엽게 나왔음= scary how adorable she was. She came out really cute.

귀여움 그게 끝 =Cuteness was all that was.

간간히 인터뷰도 했음........... 모든걸 아우르는 영화가 좋다며....They interviewed her here and there...she said that she likes all movies that ?ah-woo-reu-eun? (I don't know what kind of movie that is. Anyone??)

근데 나는 지쳐감=But, I am really sick and tired.

쿠에게 여배우의 모습은 이제 사라졌고 마냥 귀여운 작업하는 꼬꼬마모습만 계속 봄=KU's actress appearance has disappeared and all that we see of her is as a cute, little rascal who is working on her craft.

애증의 더뮤지컬 ...올해 다 갔음 =Love and Hate for THE MUSCIAL...This year is also gone.

어디서 아직 1회도 완성 못했다는 말을 봄 엠비씨에서 역전이 무리한 연장까지 하는 마당에 거기 낄 수도 있었는데

조각조각 찍어가지고 제대로 나오지도 않았다고 .... 장난? 그냥 소문이길 빈다 제작자들아

브로드웨이 간다매 =I heard somewhere that THE MU team did not even finish filming for one episode. I also heard that, due to the unreasonable delay made by drama REVERSAL OF QUEEN, THE MU could not fit into MBC's schedule. I also heard that, because THE MU is filmed in such disorganized fashion,the scene did not even come out well...Is somebody pulling a leg? I pray it is just a rumor. Producers! I thought you said you are going to Broadway!

내년엔 볼 수 있을까? 쿠는 학교에 충실해야겠지..... 거기다 절대그이....절대그이도 솔직히 모르겠음....

나는 크라이크라이 =Would we be able to see it next year? But Ku will be focusing on her school...And what about ABSOLUTE DARLING...I wonder about ABOSLUTE DARLING...I am just crying and crying...

쿠팬으로서 내년에 소망이 있다면 쿠가 연기로 인정받는거 머리카락이 길어지는거

온스타일에 나온 쿠는 능력자횽들이...As a Ku fan, I have two wishes for next year: I want Ku to receive recognition as an actress and for her hair to grow. The Ku who came out on ON STYLE is a capable person...


지나가다. 1회도 안나왔다는 건 말이 안되고, 10회 찍고 지금 촬영멈춘상태임. 언제 다시 시작할 지 모르는 상태이고, 들리는 얘기엔 편성 잡히면 시작하겠다는 말이 있음. 옛날얘기하기 싫으나 편성이 두군데? (한군데는 거의 확실했으나ㅠㅠ) 좌절된후 사실상 다 멈춘 상태임. 비공개로 시사회 했다는 말이 있으나 끝내 편성은 안된걸로 암. 이상.|211.49.***.*** 2010.12.26 16:47

The poster's nickname is <while passing by=jinagada>= It is nonsense to think that they did not even complete even one episode. They completed 10 episodes and now have stopped filming. They do not yet know when to start filming again. I heard a rumor that they will restart filming when they get a confirmation for the hosting TV station. I don't like to bring up old news but there was a talk that two places wanted to host the drama? (One place was almost a certainty but ㅠㅠ)But, it collapsed and now everything stopped. There was also a talk of an unpublicized THE MU announcement ceremony, but ultimately confirmation of a hosting TV did not pan out. That is it.

(I am crying and crying too... :tears: )


cr to Goddessku of DC:

On the positive side, as siidudul posted above, GHS is still a BEAUTY CREDIT spokesperson and has her pix all over Singapore BEAUTY CREDIT shop.

Also, this blogger traveling through Singapore found out that BOF is playing in Singapore.

싱가폴 여행 D day(12/21)


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http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=118355 by Goddessku

Japanese Magazine - AsianWave 華流 Vol.021 - 절대달령 기자회



AsianWave華流 Vol.021


by marukoisme


http://gall.dcinside.com/guhyesun/118357 by Goddessku





I miss Hyesun's tweet, it's been a month since her last tweet. what is she doin rite now?

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Guest susAmerica

hello sunnies!!

thanks for all the updates and pix and your posts!

prettywiz!!! I think Goddessku found our forum!!

On this DC page is the pix from your friend that you psted for us here at the forum!


Go and take a look and she gave you credit!!

Woah, I hope Goddessku sees that we really apprecite her!!

Anyway, I cannot see the pix that your friend posted really well, but there was

a response on that page from another DC member feeling bad for the bandage on GHS's face.

It must be the sticker/bandage that the little girl put on GHS on December 18th?

So, your friend and her son must have been at Cafe Manolin on December 18th???

If it ia later than Dec 18th, GHS really did hurt her face?? Oh NOOOO!! :huh:

Thanks very much. It feels like GHS fans have made a connection across the world...keke

Good Day!!

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Hi everyone!!

thanks for sharing us the fan account of your friend prettywiz, They were indeed very lucky to catch Hyesun there! I saw the pictures of your friend w/ hyesun and her son too @ pex forums. Im not sure if I can post it here though sweatingbullets.gif as I can invade your friend's privacy but I stumbled across the same pics @ KHSchinese site haha w00t.gif

sue Im happy that Goddesku found her way here, I wish to say thank you to her as well.Im wondering whats her sompi acct. name:blush:

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Guest Jean-Star

cr to Goddessku of DC:

On the positive side, as siidudul posted above, GHS is still a BEAUTY CREDIT spokesperson and has her pix all over Singapore BEAUTY CREDIT shop.

Also, this blogger traveling through Singapore found out that BOF is playing in Singapore.

싱가폴 여행 D day(12/21)


ahhh, yes, it's true :) but it's a repeated show so it's aired quite late - 11:30 pm every Mon to Fri :D

At the same time, Pure 19 is also aired on weekends, it's repeated too. airing time - 3-5 pm Sat & Sun :D But i think this show is coming to end soon~

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hello sunnies!!

thanks for all the updates and pix and your posts!

prettywiz!!! I think Goddessku found our forum!!

On this DC page is the pix from your friend that you psted for us here at the forum!


Go and take a look and she gave you credit!!

Woah, I hope Goddessku sees that we really apprecite her!!

Anyway, I cannot see the pix that your friend posted really well, but there was

a response on that page from another DC member feeling bad for the bandage on GHS's face.

It must be the sticker/bandage that the little girl put on GHS on December 18th?

So, your friend and her son must have been at Cafe Manolin on December 18th???

If it ia later than Dec 18th, GHS really did hurt her face?? Oh NOOOO!! :huh:

Thanks very much. It feels like GHS fans have made a connection across the world...keke

Good Day!!

Sue THANK YOU for letting us know that the pix is at DC.I also hope that she'll know how we are appreciative of her.I haven't talk with my friend yet but im sure she was there after DEC 18 already because they left DEC 17.

Hi everyone!!

thanks for sharing us the fan account of your friend prettywiz, They were indeed very lucky to catch Hyesun there! I saw the pictures of your friend w/ hyesun and her son too @ pex forums. Im not sure if I can post it here though sweatingbullets.gif as I can invade your friend's privacy but I stumbled across the same pics @ KHSchinese site haha w00t.gif

sue Im happy that Goddesku found her way here, I wish to say thank you to her as well.Im wondering whats her sompi acct. name:blush:


Really you mean the three pix was on the CHINESE SITE ??? I didn't want to post the other 2 because i haven't talk with her yet and as you've said i don't want to invade their privacy too.

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Although my friend doesn't know that their pix had been circulating on different sites already i guess she would understand because she made a lot of fans happy because we haven't seen or heard anything about GHS lately.And also her letter had also given us an insight on what a nice and simple person is GHS!

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I think GHS maybe the spokeperson of beauty credit in Singapore but as far as i know she is not the endorser anymore in KOREA it is ldh pls.correct me if im wrong.I wanted to post the pix here but i don't want to also because it has pix of the present endorser and i don't want to look at the product again although in fairness i've been using some of their products because it is really good but i stopped using it now.But the hair color i still use it because GHS pic is still there.But the other day when i went to the korean store to buy the hair color for my friend they don't have anymore the color i wanted and they are promoting a different product now:unsure:

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Guest susAmerica



I think GHS maybe the spokeperson of beauty credit in Singapore but as far as i know she is not the endorser anymore in KOREA it is ldh pls.correct me if im wrong.I wanted to post the pix here but i don't want to also because it has pix of the present endorser and i don't want to look at the product again although in fairness i've been using some of their products because it is really good but i stopped using it now.But the hair color i still use it because GHS pic is still there.But the other day when i went to the korean store to buy the hair color for my friend they don't have anymore the color i wanted and they are promoting a different product now:unsure:

:( Really?

I am a bit confused about Beauty Credit as well.

While back, DC members were talking about GHS and Beauty Credit as well. They thought maybe Beauty Credit hired LDH because Beauty Credit or Somang has so many different products. I hear they have over 600 products. They also have Yoon SangHyun for the male products as well. But I am not sure at all if GHS is still a spokes person or not. As GHS once said to F4 through an article (by Sports Hangook)while she was still filming BOF, CF's are cold and cruel. One day they want you and another day, they do not.

But, to me, what is important is that GHS is still offered new CF's that seem to highlight and promote her incredible image very well. GHS also seems to choose products that she believes in and uses herself. She brings credibility to the products. Even with Toyota prius, there was an interview with GHS with a reporter who went along on a drive by GHS on Toyota Priuus. She knew a lot about the car and talked about its benefits very intelligently.

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