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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest minjee

hey everyone~!! I'm definitely looking forward for Hye Sun eoni's new age album plus knowing she's collaborating with Isao Sasaki is so cool!! I love listening to piano music and glad to know she's working with the best! Besides of Yiruma who is also an amazing and famous pianist I'm very excited :D she's working with Sasaki! :)

check this out!


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Guest susAmerica

no pics for her this makes me confused iam waiting until Sue find more infoMillion thanks to sue for hard worke ooh she looks more like a rose i love that

emmmmmm bec you cant openSome vides i put them all thers NN5 i dont put first so this all of them enjoy


pink fairy thankes for the link she soo cute i hope sue can trans

Below is the Korean article from which I got the information that she is in Japan on 4th. Sorry. My fault in not clearly tranlsating the article as I only summarized it before on the thread. The reporter of Newsen, Kim Hyung Woo, spoke with YG associate who said that (the red color below) she is already in Japan on the 4th talking with Isao Sasaki. So,YG assiciate also said in quote below that she left 'on that day' which I am assuming is the 4th of August. And, as you can see, the article was posted on Newsen on August 5th, 2009 at 9:46 AM. I guess that is why her fans never went to the airport to take her pix? They figure she is already in Japan so why bother going to airport? Or maybe the YG saying that she is already in Japan on the 4th was a decoy so that GHS can leave anytime for Japan around that time period without the pressure of the fans crowding her? Thank you for pointing things out so that I took the time to look at the article more carefully.You guys are making me into a detective. Are there anybody in soompie who reads Japanese so that we can check any news of GHS in Japan?

구혜선 러브콜 이사오사사키 만남위해 日 출국 [2009-08-05 09:46:22]

[뉴스엔 김형우 기자]

구혜선 음반 발표와 음악회 준비를 위해 일본으로 떠나 이사오 사사키를 만났다.

구혜선은 4일 현재 일본에 머물며 이사오 사사키를 만나 음반과 음악회에 대해 논의를 하고 있다. 한 관계자는 이날 "구혜선이 이사오 사사키를 만나러 일본으로 떠났다"며 "음반 준비를 위해 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다"고 전했다.

구혜선은 최근 단편 영화 연출, 소설 출간, 전시회 개최 등 다방면에서 재능을 선 보인데 이어 8월 말에는 자신의 첫 음반을 발표할 예정이다.

특히 일본 뉴에이지 음악의 거장 이사오 사사키가 연주자로 참여해 눈길을 끌고 있다. 감성을 자극하는 뉴에이지 최고의 명곡 ‘Sky Walker’로 유명한 이사오 사사키는 우리나라에서 일본 음악 붐을 일으킨 장본인이기도 하다.

이사오 사사키는 이번 음반에 참여한 것뿐만 아니라 오는 9월 5일 서울 올림픽 공원 우리금융아트홀에서 열리는 구혜선의 음반 발매 기념 음악회 ‘오버 더 레인보우(Over the rainbow)’에도 특별 출연해 힘을 실어줄 예정이다.

구혜선과 이사오 사사키의 만남은 구혜선의 적극적인 러브콜로 이루어졌다. 구혜선은 영화에 대한 구상을 하던 중 전문가에게 음악을 맡길 수도 있지만, 자신의 생각을 가장 잘 전달할 수 있는 것은 자신이기 때문에 직접 음악을 만들기로 했다. 하지만 좀 더 완벽한 음악을 만들기 위해 평소 동경해오던 이사오 사사키에게 자신의 자작곡 데모를 선보이게 된 것.

데모를 들은 이사오 사사키는 그 열정과 재능을 높이 평가하고 기꺼이 구혜선의 은사가 되어주기로 했다.

YG엔터테인먼트 측은 “구혜선의 음반이 이사오 사사키의 참여로 더욱 높은 완성도를 갖게 됐으며, 한국과 일본을 오가며 매우 즐겁게 작업에 임하고 있다”며 “음반 발표와 함께 개최하는 ‘오버 더 레인 보우’는 구혜선이 가진 영상, 그림, 음악에 대한 열정과 이사오 사사키만이 선보일 수 있는 감성이 합쳐져 비주얼과 음악, 연주와 아티스트들간의 스토리가 어우러진 다양한 영역을 넘나드는 새로운 개념의 공연이 될 것”이라고 전했다.

김형우 cox109@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지


Thank you to Webby for the clip on making of Doutor CF. The CF was done in Japan according to the clip. It seems as if GHS was in Japan with the Korean CF crew and we never knew when and how she got there for this CF, Right??? She is under the radar in terms of how and when she travels!!! How does she do it???

Thank you Minjee for at least giving me a taste of Isao Sasaki on stage. Loved it!!! Looking forward so much to her new CD, the concert, and the movie to come!!!!

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lol... Sue, u're fast becoming a detective. Detective Sue!! haha.

well, i was reading at Baidu, and some keen fans pointed out something wrong in the TBS interview (filmed on the 28th July). Hyesun said the last time she met minho was ~ 3 weeks ago, and minho said it was during her exhibition (which was on July 1st). That should be around 4 weeks ago instead of 3. Well, minho did say math wasn't his forte in school. haha.. while others say hyesun may have meant that they met up during bummie's birthday (july 7?) which would have been around 3 weeks. But anyway, the mention of her exhibition would help promote hyesun to japanese fans. Since they showed interest in her novel, they will be delighted to know she's an artist as well.

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ths sus. i think that she already backed to Korea :)

webby: ths for the info.

dear, i think F4 and HS didnt join Bum's bday (7/7). but when Bum had some free time (maybe a couple of weeks later), they celebrated it together :)

and the TBS show was filmed at the last week of July. so i agree that the last time they met the other (at the exibit on July 1st) was 3 weeks ago :)

correct me if i'm wrong :)

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Guest Miki67

Ok guys..i think i found something ,,,not sure but it seems like an account from a Japanese fan ...someone translated and posted in daum. Her account quiet long ( it even looks like a short diary from 3rd to 10th August) so i think it would contain some info about HS's Japan trip or at least we can know what Japanese fans think about our girl ^^

Sue, Bella, Webby and anyone can read Korean ...please check this out


i'm really sorry if this link is useless ..dunt meant to waste u guys' time :wacko: ...thanks in advance :)

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Guest susAmerica

Goo Hye Sun Interview Cheoum Cheoreom CF Shooting Scene Did not understand anything but i Laugh when she laughs shes soo cute and like a rose


Wasfiyya, you really have great finds on GHS. I have seem other CC interviews and this was the best and funniest that I had to translate. Thanks a lot!!

070224 Entertainment Relay: Goo Hye Sun Interview Cheoum Cheoreom CF BTS

She was so cute in this interview that I had to translate!

Yoo Sang Moo is such a funny interviewer. He just cracked me up. He says he went to interview the lively GHS. He calls himself the ever faithful or ever constant gagman=comedian Yoo Sang Moo who went on a interview date with GHS (big laughter~I guess the rest of the staff thinks he is opposite of ‘ever faithful’?) He is acting like a Casanova in his introduction of the lovely and adorable GHS. The staff from his TV station is yelling, “he is at it again!”

@0:42 ~GHS: I am doing a CF here that involves singing and dancing and showing an image that does not really suit me—the sexy image.

Yoo (narrating): How can you say that sexy does not suit you! She is practicing and practicing and looking somewhat tense.

@1:02~ Yoo: Don’t you want to challenge yourself to act in a sexy role?

Goo: To be very honest, I really do not have any confidence in it.

Yoo: Well, show me something sexy and he is showing her some move. (hahaha)

Goo: (cracks up) I am going to pretend that I did not see that. (laughter)

Her dancing skills?

@1:34 Goo: Didn’t I look sloppy?

Yoo narrating: She practiced very hard and looked like she was having lot of fun. At first she looked a bit embarrassed and awkward (did you notice her covering her face in embarrassment when the male dancer thrusted his face a little too close to her face? So cute!) But as time passed, she looked like a pro.

Comment from the studio: wow, it looks like a scene from a movie!

@1:53 (Sadly, she slips and falls here) With such high hills, that could happen if not too careful.

It could have been a big accident but, fortunately, she was fine.

Goo: Well it did hurt. But, I was so embarrassed that I did not even feel the pain. I thought that I would get more embarrassed if I get up too soon so I lay low for a while.(did you see Yoo’s face @2:13 when Goo said that she lay low pretending that she was in pain when she was really more embarrassed? Hahaha)

Comment from TV station: (I think it is the voice of the famous MC Kim Jae Dong—he does not have Seoul accent but provincial accent) It is best to pretend to slightly faint instead. (Laughter)

What are your interests?

@2:19 Goo: I like to be still and be quiet.

Yoo: That is your hobby?

Goo: Sitting still and thinking.

Yoo: hmmm,

Goo: like what would I do tomorrow, who am I today…(she breaks into laughter)

Yoo: ahh, you are very philosophical! (That is TRUE!)

Goo: (laughs again)

@2:40 Yoo narrates that Goo is well known for taking selca self pix of herself. He asks her to show him how she does it. She shows to him, but Yoo insists that she actually takes a pic of herself. However she is holding Yoo’s cell phone. She gives the phone back to him saying that she thinks he has a hidden agenda for asking her to do it. He says what do you mean I have a hidden agenda—no such thing—just take a pic. (hahaha)

Goo: I’m scared of you (both are laughing and GHS does not give out her pic freely to individuals!).

@2:58 A pic of GHS crying is shown on the screen and on bottom is written that GHS’s crying selca pic is Number One, most searched item on the internet.

Goo: That pic is about 3 to 4 years old. It was an assignment from my acting class to have a picture of myself in any pose and send it by mail I was worried that people might misunderstand and think that I am a kind of person who would even take a pic of myself crying. (laughter)

Any habits while drinking?

@3:17 Goo: I like drinking alone. I do not drink a lot but quietly sip while thinking, sensing,,,

Comment from TV station: So unique!

Yoo: So, what kind of things do you think about while drinking?

Goo: like,,,so, what am I today? (Laughter breaks out from everywhere)

Comment from TV station: She should really meet with Kim Jae Dong! (I guess he is similar to GHS??)

How much alcohol can you tolerate?

@3:38 Goo while going to college,,,

Yoo: maybe one bottle?

Goo: no, maybe like about 3 bottles.

(sound of shock everywhere!!)

Yoo: our Kim Jae Dong ssi is a frequest drinker.

Goo: ahh, I did once bump into him by accident. He appears so much more intelligent/smart than I thought.

Yoo: If you would consider going drinking with Kim Jae Dong, would it be liquor, wine, soju, or maakgurli ?(it is the most traditional Korean alcohol that is usually associated with the down to earth, working people who have nothing to hide. It has somewhat murky white color as the part of the rice is still in the alcohol.)Goo: When you said upto wine, I was going to say wine, but now that you said upto maakgurli, I would say maakgurli. (Much laughter breaks out again.)

@4:20 Goo: I hope I will greet the public with even better projects and as a even more mature person.

Yoo: Now, please tell the audience to give lots of love to Yoo Sang Moo ssi.

(Look at GHS’ somewhat blank expression in response to Yoo’s request. Hahaha)

Goo: I don’t want to do it. (Yoo cracks up and falls down backwards. Hahaha)

Yoo: Why? Why don’t you want to do it?

Goo: just that I am scared of you. (laughing hahaha)

Goo and Yoo: Everyone, please be happy.


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Hi Everyone,

I'm having major issues logging in from my home comp (if anyone knows why or how to access soompi [can't access both main and forums site at all!] after deleting cookies and accessing from a different browser, please PM me) and my work comp is a pain since they block everything including Korean font so until I get my access issue fixed, I wont be able to do anything. I will let everyone know once everything is fixed but i will be checking PMs when Im at work. So PM me there.

Thank you!

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Guest susAmerica

Ok guys..i think i found something ,,,not sure but it seems like an account from a Japanese fan ...someone translated and posted in daum. Her account quiet long ( it even looks like a short diary from 3rd to 10th August) so i think it would contain some info about HS's Japan trip or at least we can know what Japanese fans think about our girl ^^

Sue, Bella, Webby and anyone can read Korean ...please check this out


i'm really sorry if this link is useless ..dunt meant to waste u guys' time :wacko: ...thanks in advance :)

Thank you NIna for the post! I loved it. It was so long that I skimmed through. So I hope I got it all down correctly.GHS is LOVED in Japan and they know eveything about her other talents and this blogger is also highly anticipating her CD.

The blogger just praises and praises GHS' acting skills and repeatedly says how cute and lovely she is and that she looks like a Japanese doll. She also compares GHS to many othe actreses in Japan as well. She finds the whole Korean version of BOF so, so interesting that she later borrows the whole tape to look at it during her vacation.She also finds khj and KB cute but she is definitely GHS fan!

There is also response from the Korean fans who just adore this blogger for loving GHS so much.

This blogger also mentions that GHS' other programs like Pure 19 and King and I alre also playing in different stations in Japan. WOW! It seems like Japan is having a GHS drama festival on TV! Wow I love it!!!! I also appreciate that she really appreciates her talent in acting not only just how she looks. :D One Korean fan said that the more and more she sees GHS as Jandi, she cannot imagine anybody else playing that role so well like GHS!!!!

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LMH & GHS interview @ TBS King's Brunch (Japanese TV program) -aired on 08.08.2009



This King's Brunch clip is slightly longer, runs for 10:51min. The link I posted last time has a clip that's 10 mins long. You get to see a bit more interaction between hyesun and minho during the last part of the clip but can't hear what they are saying.

This is the thread at DC BOF mentioning HS was seen in japan on Aug 4th:


This is posted by someone who visited Phillipines and felt goo hyesun's popularity there:


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^^Thanks everyone for GHS's updates! :P to: SUE, NINA*hugs & kisses*

webby thanks to you also for the links! yeah GHS and F4 are much loved here in the PH..I never heard anyone thought of GHS's acting as inadequate or less interesting but all are praises and how pretty and cute she looks..

In that minihompy link yeah maybe that Korean tourist experience how popular BOF are here in PH, i went through her photos and she visited Cebu Ph.maybe stayed at the Shang Mactan..thanks web!

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Guest ching22194

Hello All Sunniez!!! Thanks for update!!! :)

Hi Sue.. thanks for translations as always.. kumawo... :)

Just wanna share my another MinSun MV to all minsun shippers here... :D I just love minsun couple.. i hope you like it...

Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun can't take their eyes off each other

I really love your video. Thanks for sharing..

They can be awkward and at ease at each other at the same time.

And they just can't stop laughing.. :D

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Guest pinkgirl09

thank you all for the latest news, video, and update about GHS :D

Never forget to open my soompi acc everyday, Just 4check out the latest news about GHS n Minsun Too^^

Loves n hugs 4u all :D

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Guest Miki67

some information about the concert "Over The Rainbow" of our girl

구혜선&이사오사사키 음반 제작발표 기념 작은 음악회 [Over the rainbow]<

★공연 개요 ★

- 공연명: 구혜선&이사오사사키 음반 제작발표 기념 작은 음악회 [Over the rainbow]

- 일 시: 2009년 9월 5일 (토) 6시

- 장 소: 올림픽 공원 우리금융아트홀 (역도경기장)

- 티켓가: 전석 55,000원 (부가세 포함)

- 주 최: ㈜YG엔터테인먼트

- 주 관: ㈜ YG엔터테인먼트 / STOMP MUSIC

- 협 찬: 서울우유 도토루

★ 티켓오픈 안내 ★

- 예매처: 티켓파크 단독 (http://ticket.interpark.com)

- 예매 오픈일: 8월 12일 (수) 낮 2시

<출처> YG 공식홈

i hope some fellows in soompi can have a chance to attend this concert ^^...it would be a great show i believe :).. the tickets will on sale tomorrow (55,000w/seat)... looking forward pics, fan cams and account :)


pics of HS on Asian Special (Thailand magazine)












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thank you all for the latest news, video, and update about GHS :D

Never forget to open my soompi acc everyday, Just 4check out the latest news about GHS n Minsun Too^^

Loves n hugs 4u all :D

yeah same here, never fails to check about minho n hyesun news everyday :)

always get excited over small little tiny big huge giant things between LMH & GHS anywhere, anytime..... ;)

very quiet these days....nothing new....hmmm <_< <_<

can't wait to hear more.....anyway thanks for all of our detectives in all over the world for their effort..... :)

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