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What ethnicity do people mistake you for?


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I'm usually mistaken for a Vietnamese person, Malaysian, Thai (I get this the most). 
I'm mixed. I'll give you props if you can guess correctly :)

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recently ive been getting a lot of people thinking im asian mixed with some sort of white....im full chinese ok. -.-
one time when i went to this korean restaurant with my family, this random ahjussi thought we were korean...and the last time we went on a cruise in florida, everyone though we were japanese. LOL

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Guest Moneyca

I apparently got mistaken for Chinese, Korean so when I went to a nail salon and the owner was Vietnamese (obviously), they were yapping and about stuff and me and funny thing, I could understand them.
Probably because of my late ancestors.- Mon

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Guest ThatGirlJae

I'm black, but I look different because I don't fit that stereotype. I come from East Africa so my features are closer to the Asians. I'm a weird shade of brown...sometimes I look gold (HOW?) and others, I'm as pale and sparkly as Edward Cullen.

I got mistaken for all the South Asian countries: (Indian, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and more)
And Blasian mixed with countries like Korea, China, Japan.

Wish I was from another country, but I'm just plain. >.<

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People always ask me if I'm Filipino, but then they're like, "but you're too pale..."So then they ask if I'm Korean.It's always those two.Which is funny, because I'm neither. Of course I'm Vietnamese...but no one ever guesses that. XD

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Guest Marrehj

Well, people around where I live do not really know the difference between the different asian countries, so I just get called "asian" alot. Also people ask me where I come from because they really think I'm foreign but can't put their finger on what country I'm from. 
Yet I am nothing but 100% Swedish, living in Sweden, so I find it strange that no one believes me ;) Okay I am part Sami(native swedes) but still, that's still quite a long way from asian.

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Guest melioda

I'm Vietnamese, but I get tend to get asked if I'm Korean or Chinese....and then when I say no to Chinese, there are always those people who are surprised and say something along the lines of, "oh I thought you were Asian?"

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Guest Marrehj

@zantac_2 I know, it's odd... To their defense my eyes(at least with little make-up) are a little asian-looking with my lids somtimes looking like monolids, pehaps giving an asian appearance. My picture does not really show it as I have them wide open in it, but still I do see a distinct difference between me and e.g. a korean person.
Oh well, it's not like I mind them thinking I'm part asian, I just find it odd. ;)

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Guest safelittlethoughts

  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Filipino (I get this one the most, especially at college)
  • Puerto Rican
I'm mixed Lao, Thai, and Chinese...
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Guest k-saranghaeyo

I'm chinese and people usually get it right, but sometimes I get asked if I'm Korean.Most of the time it's because of my last name Chung that people get confused. Other times, well idk.and I used to be mixed with Indonesion/filipino back when I had really dark skin

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Guest xiaohimecece

Well, by having a last name like Lee makes it so I get mistaken as a Korean a lot.
I'm also often mistaken as Japanese from strangers quite a bit as well.

As for my ethnicity, my mother was raised in Hong Kong and my dad is from Taiwan,
So that sort of makes me a mix. . . . but all in all, I'm Chinese haha.

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Guest ai4teru

I get asked if I'm hispanic sometimes because of my name.
I'm pale as a ghost, though.

My Mexican friend, on the other hand, is mistaken for every kind of Asian from Filipino to Vietnamese.

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