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My tot about flagging

There's a few type of flaggers .. some flag for fun like mannosuke did to me, some flag to keep order in the thread/forum, some can't differentiate between criticism and bashing (very thin line separating them), some flag because she hates the poster.. 

I think if we are sincere to correct anyone, the first thing we should do is to pm her (this is the best way), we won't embarrass anyone unnecessarily and the other way is to quote her and tell her the nicest way that you can think of. 

Some people did not spam on purpose... some people spam on purpose... we should be able to differentiate that. If we just flag anyone without informing her the reason, she won't be able to correct it. You'll gain nothing except demotivate ppl from posting... may be she's a very active forumer that dig news and post. That create gif etc etc... that keep a thread active and may be because of the spamming flag she stop posting and stop contributing ... and when we flagged ppl .. what rule we refer to? Soompi rule or "MY" rule? 

Some ppl feel embarrassed when being flagged... especially when we don't know who's the flagger. Is it the regulars? Is it someone we look up too? Is it the mod? is it soomp? kekekekkeke

So this will demotivate some ppl.... create angst in the thread... we may become suspicious start flagging ppl that we think flag us... NOT A GOOD feeling neh...

We spent our time here to destressed and detoxic our hectic life. Forum is for fun especially entertainment forum such as this... especially drama thread... the key word here is FUN .... have fun..

So ... I think exposing the flagger is the best way to keep forum interesting and fun ... and if she/he really spamm.. why afraid to flag them.. I am not afraid to flag a real spammer and abuser (porn poster, actor bashing, member bashing, site promoter etc etc)...

So thank you soomp for this nice features..

Ja' I won't "spamm" this thread anymore =))... peace



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Guest sunshine4ever

Hi, Soomp,I have problem with quoting people because it was on top of the other icons and whenever I click on quote, it makes me click on LOL button and won't allow me to quote.


Thank you so much the quote works and I can quote now. ^^

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Guest misssleepyhead

@soomp thank you for the cute changes ^^ i got a problem earlier in posting comments on the threads but it's fine now.. ^^

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Guest sunshine4ever

Oh, no the quote button is not working again. Please take your time. I'll be patient. Thank you so much for updating for us.

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Guest xopo17

Hi Bambiina

I agree.. Im all for the flag button- the Inhyun thread was assaulted recently by bad bad pics. There should be flag and GET RID OF THIS button as well. 

However, must give reason when flag.

Always. Otherwise no one would learn why and what it was about their post that is so abusive. It would also make the flagger accountable for the flag. - [ Flagging for fun? Really?? Are there such people?



I would like to suggest 

 to our dearest lady @soomp- that in addition to all the great features , to make the flag button come with drop down menu containing reasons? Like- "flag because   your post is more suitable at another thread/nonsense/violent/not connected to this thread/overlong/i feel like it (choose one)/ completely rubbish/ very obscene"   
Then it would be constructive criticism which would be much better than being a non justified rebuke from a non moderator. 
Pending that, suggest that we tell that person WHY we flag them or we can quote them and say gently - maybe you should [whatever we think they should do]  

Just a thought! 

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Guest jagerbomb

^ GLAD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE, I've made 3 long posts just to have nothing happen and an empty post box after I click 'post' so I just gave up.. 
how come I can post here, so confuzzled.

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Guest weetziebat

Is there any way Soompi can add a feature where we can "follow" or "subscribe" to threads? This would really help people follow threads for the dramas they are currently watching or their favorite Kpop artists.

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Thanks for all the hard work!  I know it will take time to iron out all the little kinks in the system.
In the meantime, just want to report the following:
1. I typed a long post, then when I hit the "post" button, everything I wrote just disappeared.  Don't know where it went.
2. I am having problems with the EDIT function.  Before today it used to work fine, then suddenly today it is not working well anymore.  I would edit a post, but when I hit the SAVE COMMENT button only a small portion of the additional text/pictures have been added to the post. Sometimes another box EDIT COMMENTS appears, and when I hit SAVE COMMENT button, another post is created instead of editing an already existing post. 
3.  Sometimes when I make a new post, after hitting the POST button, a message in red will appear "A body is needed.  Discussion ID is needed" or something like that. I have to refresh the page to be able to post again.  In the past I don't have to refresh the page to make a new post.
Thanks in advance if the above issues can be addressed!

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Thanks for reporting the posting / editing issues. i discovered some weird caching problem with the code, and have reported it to Vanilla - hopefully they can clear it up soon. Sorry for all the trouble :(
@weetziebat - if you Bookmark a thread, it will keep track of when it is updated on the sidebar under your name where the "star" icon is :D
Thanks also to everyone's feedback about showing who gave Reactions. I knew some people wouldn't like that it shows who flagged, but I'm surprised that people don't even want to see who gave the positive reactions. Let's see how it goes for a while. I'm really hoping that showing the flagger will help people to think twice about inappropriately flagging posts.
Spam - a topic or post that exists for the sole purpose of advertising another site, or doesn't relate to the post in any way
Abuse - sexually explicit, or otherwise abusing or attacking another person
Thanks as always for your feedback and patience!-s

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Hi guys,The weird problems with displaying different versions of the code is supposed to be fixed now, so please post here if you still have problems with the Quote button overlapping with the Reactions, or if you have those weird posting problems.

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@soomp I received a lot of notification indicating that so and so sent a message to me, when I checked my inbox, there's no such message from that person. One time I received up to 13 notification of different person sending me messages.

The funny thing is when I checked my email there's notification from soompi forum and I could read the message. It was actually not directed to me but to someone else and some messages is actually postings from random thread.

I somehow received messages that was meant for someone else... like sort of cross line (like the telephone cross lines). The last notification I received was on July 25th


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@soomp Regarding the Reactions, I think some people just like their anonymity status to remain. Maybe I'm odd, but I feel it's rather...'obsessive' haha...I'm also encountering some problems with the notification system. They stop appearing in the corner in general even after given some time for the forum to load. It's kind of unfortunate all members with special characters will have to change their usernames, but I can deal with that lol.
Edit: Nevermind, it worked again. Which is kind of odd...sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't =S

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yikes @Bambiina - can you let me know if this happens again?I know we had some odd issues last week that should have been cleared up by now - let me know if these strange things are still happening for you.
@Jen. - I totally understand where you're coming from, and there are others that feel the same, though at the same time, I know that others really like seeing who gave them their positive reactions, so it's a hard thing for us. 
For now, we will keep the reactions, both positive and negative, visible, since we don't really have a choice about it, though as I said before, if it turns out be something a majority of our members don't like, we will have to ask Vanilla to somehow disable it for our site. Let's give it some time :)

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In my comment, part of it was centered-aligned.   But, when I saved my comment, the centering format defaulted to left aligned.

I tried multiple times and the centered aligned (red text) did not appear in my comment.  See below:

Just like every roller coaster, every drama/story needs an 'arc', that pulls us up to great heights and expectations, then, plunges us into deep despair and finally, rewards us with beauty, salvation, redemption, etc . 

For that reason, I had already commented that we had passed the 1/3 mark, which is the 'fun' part and was entering the 2nd third of the drama, where we can expect the deep descend.  It remains to be seen how well this writer and director can create events that are logical, reasonable and believable which do not insult our intelligence.  Unfortunately, too many dramas have failed in their creativity and resorted to trumped-up events that requires us to 'suspend our disbelief'.  This is what I call "StupidLand" because the writer and director are asking us to 'stupidly believe' the outrageous situations that they put in the drama. 

I will always remember one comment I read, from many years ago:  "This writer can't write.  She needs to go to school or something."    (I've always wondered what the 'something' was.)

As for ep. 10, there's one aspect of the episode that I thoroughly enjoyed.  And, it was the result of this notice:


Duration:  24 episodes

Preferably between 18 and 30 yrs old
Good-Looking and Cute

(Requirements are non-negotiable)

Salary:  No money. 
Just the satisfaction that you'll make a whole lot of pervy women very happy.

(For some reason the centering format is lost when I save my comment.)

This drama must have raided all the schools, clubs, etc. for every single good-looking guy in Korea!  I have never seen a drama where even the extras are so gorgeous and such eye-candy!  LOL

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soomp said: Thanks for reporting the posting / editing issues. i discovered some weird caching problem with the code, and have reported it to Vanilla - hopefully they can clear it up soon. Sorry for all the trouble :(
@weetziebat - if you Bookmark a thread, it will keep track of when it is updated on the sidebar under your name where the "star" icon is :D
Thanks also to everyone's feedback about showing who gave Reactions. I knew some people wouldn't like that it shows who flagged, but I'm surprised that people don't even want to see who gave the positive reactions. Let's see how it goes for a while. I'm really hoping that showing the flagger will help people to think twice about inappropriately flagging posts.
Spam - a topic or post that exists for the sole purpose of advertising another site, or doesn't relate to the post in any way
Abuse - sexually explicit, or otherwise abusing or attacking another person
Thanks as always for your feedback and patience!-s

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I hope this is the right place to post this:I was wondering how to get rid of the : xxx new for forums I visited, especially since I might not visit that forum anymore if it's like a drama (and the drama stops airing), so I don't really want the "new" notifications when I'm sure I won't visit that thread again.

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