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Ji Hyun Woo 지현우


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@wap72 - I've been searching for a subbed version of OMD forever. I found a DVD but it only has the best 30 episodes on it. (subbed in English) It would be quite the undertaking for someone to volunteer to sub all those episodes but I'm always hopeful! 
I've seen most of these - the OMD sitcom seems SO much funnier than the movie. 
@Aisling - thanks so much for the links to Lee Sora's Second Proposal! I'm gonna try to upload it on my Daily Motion account for everyone. You're awesome! 

EDIT: *waves to @JulieSean* Can you upload it to mediafire or someplace? I've been trying to gather JHW stuff before it gets deleted and upload on my Daily Motion account. It's so hard to find his older stuff! 

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@tessierooI miss you the whole day, you know? I want to go through all 3009 pages of his DC gall... LOL :D I'm really crazy =))
BTW I downloaded the episode of him singing Sexy back, I'll try to upload it online....

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@Aisling - I can't believe I passed out for 13 hours!  :-O I'm musta been friggin exhausted. ROFL! I've been trying to go through all my pics of him, get 'em clipped and organized and post them in my photobucket account for you but it's taking me forever. (keep getting sidetracked) I HAVE gone through pages and pages of stuff about him on Baidu and other places!  :)) It annoys me that clips, pics and videos about him or with him in it are scattered all over the place so I wanna try putting it all in once place? Like a fan forum? But that's a huge undertaking. So for now, I'm uploading what I can to Daily Motion. 

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Kyyyaaaa :) He's so cute lyra_brillantez :)
@tessieroo @lyra_brillantez @harushima + everybody who's dead serious about him =))Yep, I was actually thinking about starting REAL blog (wordpress, blogspot). Tumblr blog is still a microblog for reblogging mostly and you can't put everything on it. It makes me sad that he doesn't have a single fan base blog managing by international fans. I was shocked to find out I have no place to go except for soompi which was updated only by Lyra =)) 
But I CAN'T do it alone. There's no way I can manage the whole thing alone. He's so freaking underrated that makes me sad and furious at the same time. Compared to you Tess and Lyra I'm still a new fan - and though I haven't watched his previous projects I already love him so much. And no, it's not Boong Do love. It's real Ji Hyun Woo I adore. Like Tess I also had idea to gather all his vids and pictures before they get deleted. 
You know starting a real blog is a commitment and we should do it only if we feel we CAN really do it. Like - he should be #1 on our bias list. At least for me - I can't imagine running a blog of someone who never really got me entirely. I don't know... I feel like I'm asking you to stay with me for the rest of my life LOL :))But I mean it. If you guys think we can build a complex blog dedicated to him I will do it with you. 

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@Aisling - Some things off the top of my head:
1) It would have to be a FREE forum. I don't like the idea of any of us having to fork over money especially if one person flaked out and left others holding the bag.
2) I took me a full week to decide to write for Couch Kimchi. Going over my schedule, future plans, free time...not something I took lightly. I finally said yes and it's working out wonderfully but only because I'm given a lot of freedom and no deadlines. 
3) My main reason for wanting to do it was to keep everything (pics, videos, movie downloads, music links, etc) in one place so I don't have to keep hunting for things? Like...the video I posted a week or so ago of his stage appearance? I now can't find it anywhere. (the one where he's basically making fun of his own long legs) 
What are your thoughts? 

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@tessierooWell... I admit I hate deadlines too. You feel under pressure and it takes away all the fun you initially had. We all have (though sometimes it doesn't seem like that :D) real lives too, that's why it's impossible for one person to run a blog. 
What we could do is gathering all videos, pictures, articles about him and put them on a blog. We won't press each other to do this and that. We'll just add stuff when we feel like doing it - expect for the news. We always should update news about him first.
Like you said - all pics, vids are scattered all over the place. And when a new international fan try to find out something about him - she's likely to give up because of a lack of information.
So what about you @lyra_brillantez and @harushima?

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Have you guys seen this one? I love his hair here - adorably messy (like he just got out of bed)  ;;) I actually like his hair longer instead of cut really short like it was in ATK. Plus his adorable dimples at the end. *swoon*

EDIT: @Aisling - another example of why I was trying to gather and download things on my own...have you ever gone to youtube and a video was "removed by user" for whatever reason? ARRGGG! I have a folder full of video clips of JHW I've downloaded (plus his movies) just in case that ever happens. I was initially gonna open a box.net account to upload them but never did. I don't trust youtube unless it's my own account. (LOL) 

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@tessierooYep I know that really well. I'm always so mad whenever my favorite video got deleted. 
You mean THOSE dimples? 
Gawd... I'm such a goner!!! BTW how old is his hyung? His hyung is already married and have kid(s), right?

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I got dragged in here by my curiosity. Damn it.
But I must say, I've seen more impressive dimples in my time ;) His, with the crooked smile, ranks 17 in my top 20. 
I'm no playerette... at least I don't think I am.   ;;)

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No idea how much older his brother is...but yea, he's married and has 1 son. (that's all I know about, haven't heard if they've had anymore but I don't think so) Hyun Woo would have said something about a new baby. (I think) 
YES! THOSE DIMPLES! OMG, he's so smexy there. *blush* I believe he was 20 there, it was during the filming of "Old Miss Diary" (2004) 
*stares some more* I need a huge poster of that for my room. AHAHAHAHA! I sound like a 12 year old girl! I LOVE his hair there...I wanna reach through the screen and run my fingers through it....


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@JJ - hair...lips...hands...feet
What the hell is going on today? =))
Great. Now instead of running my hands through his hair, I wanna bite his lips. *sigh* I need help. Seriously. I'm too old to be doing this. I'm supposed to be a rational ADULT, right? 

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Joonni subbed Lee Sora's Second Proposal interview with our namja (And yep, that was me who pestered her to translate it - I concede =)) )

Press CC to see ENG subs.credit:  joonni767
Stop by her blog to say thanks :)
---------------And NOW I need to know when he composed the song. Because he obviously had a girlfriend by that time =))
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Crescendo wasn't too long ago. And the drama basically stared filming in March. HE WROTE BABY ELEPHANT BECAUSE OF HIS GIRLFRIEND...so... If I'm reading into this correctly, he was with someone, broke up with them, and then go together with YIN?

Though I don't doubt one moment his feelings for YIN.

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@JJI looked up news about his album - it was released in November/December 2011! And it takes months to produce an album + we don't know how long before he composed the song ;) So he might compose the song in early/mid 2011.
I said it like 10 times now  - he IS a player =)) I told everybody that he's just too smooth with women =))

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