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Ji Hyun Woo 지현우


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Guest wap72

gah! i so need to get a life...my weekend flew by without me noticing....stalking 3 threads ate up my time. after this addiction i'll get blurred vision and cts. lol! 

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Why does Ji Hyun Woo deserve my deepest love/why is he better then all my previous biases
- He’s honest - he said his true love was guitar and song writing - acting is kind of a way to pay bills
- He’s pretty amazing as actor even though acting isn’t his top priority
- He’s a Sungkyunkwan graduate - he actually DID study and graduate there
- He’s the most down to earth Korean celebrity I’ve come across
- He speaks about dating openly - he doesn’t give you crap like “I haven’t date for 3/4/5/6 years” Like we would ever believe guys in their 20’ and 30’ haven’t had sex in 5 years
- He seems to be completely unaffected by his own sexiness (unlike other guys who try too hard to be hot and smouldering all the time)
- He doesn’t care much about how he looks (flashing naked butt, sporting totally crazy perm hair) 
- When asked why he didn’t work out for his topless scenes he gave a moderator “Why the hell should I do that?” look :D 
- Doesn’t seem to be conceived  - he said people told him he wasn’t that handsome, but he rather made people feel comfortable 
- Whenever he plays guitar my jaw drops - never seen any Korean guy at his age doing crazy stuff with guitar like him
- It’s nice to know he understands what he’s singing about because he composed songs by himself
- He spends the money he earns on his family, not on fake eyes/nose/teeth
- He knows what he wants in women
- He rather spends time on song-writing than working out in gym
And of course when he LOVES someone he’s not afraid to shout it to the world. Now every girl is expecting her boyfriend to confess to her publicly :D
--------I'm officially a goner

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Guest wap72

are you married? if not yet, then you might just end up an old maid. it's soooo  difficult to find a man like him on this age. the good ones if not taken, might be gay. :D

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You're killing me with those pics!!! OMO! That grin! He always look so amused when he's grinning :D 
BTW have you guys watched Lee Sora's second proposal? I really want to watch it but I can't download it :/

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Guest wap72

tsk! tsk! luckily i'm already married. lol! 
the pics are really cute! i especially like the one wearing the maroon(?..am i color blind?) reddish shirt.... that knowing smile :D he's pretty ont he first pic (series of 4) that jawline! 
i should post the picture of my nephew, my brother posted their family pic when they went outing las week and i was laughing so hard coz i did a double take looking at my nephew's pic....he resembles jhw....arghh! so lame i feel like i'm "crushing" on my nephew now.....i'm not that old. lol...i'm still within bracket of his 15 yr old age difference. hahahahaha!

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@Aisling - Wut? Pervy? *blinks innocently* Moi? *hehehe* Just because I mentioned I wanted to do...unspeakable things to Hyun Woo? (I know, get in line right?)  =))
Okay, so it's test time.
Raise your hand if you:
1) Woke up, went to the bathroom, brushed your teeth, grabbed coffee and have been sitting in front of your computer every since.2) Only leave your computer to go to the bathroom3) Ate breakfast at your computer desk4) Ate lunch at your computer desk5) Answered your phone & talked while surfing for more pics or videos of Hyun Woo. 6) Have now been sitting at your computer for more than 5 hours7) Have now been sitting at your computer for more than 10 hours.

Add any that apply. 

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@tessierooLOL :D 
This is exactly my case. Especially #5 - I pick up phone but I still have  all tabs open and read posts :D I barely focus on what the other person is saying :D
First thing I'm doing in the morning is grab my phone, go to soompi, go to tumblr, go to twitter.... and after THAT I go to bathroom :D

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Good Lord! You guys are killing me with those pictures! Click and SAVE!!!! Oh! Thanks for sharing the pictures, you guys rock!

LOL yes I admit I do that everyday. And if not home, checking my iPhone from time to time.
EDIT. aawww that's so sweet of his brother, a supportive brother.

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News about QIHM/JI Hyun Woo in my rudimentary translations: 
A translation of his brother's minihompi entry today:

According to my personal opinion, this is the best piece of work that my brother has done so far. Hyun Woo himself feels that he’s put in more affection and effort in this piece of work than he has for any others.

Because of the constraints of cable tv, the casting of the main female character was very difficult; the producer and Hyun Woo (after the pre-production meeting) personally went around sending scripts in efforts to cast the main female actress.

Through such twists and turns, such a wonderful piece was made in the  end. Please give an applause to all those who had given their best until the very end. Even the last broadcast ?? was emotionally complicated (the (background music helped a lot too hehe)

At the same time…

The silent-storm of a confession that my brother made honestly as a manly response shocked me as well.

Refer to the individuals themselves if you wish to know about the current state of their relationship. In the light of his current July-enlistment, and the uncertainty for the length of his enrollment, I just want to let those of you who may be worried to know that there is no reason to worry about his lack of communication.

Anyway, please applaud enthusiastically again for all the staff members who put in such great effort to create this awesome piece.

The above is a translation of his brother's minihompi posting here.

Translation from Chinese translation of an article

After confessing to Yoo In Na on July 7th, Ji Hyun Woo has cut off communication with his management company for 3 days, not saying a word. As Ji Hyun Woo’s words, not only his fans, but the management agencies of both actors have fallen into panic, that the person who did such an unexpected act has currently “taken a dive” (went into hiding) has only brought confusion/questions.

His agency has expressed on June 10th that since the ripples of his sudden confession grew, he has turned off his cell phone and there is no method to reach him.” “As surprised as his fans may be, Ji Hyun Woo must be having a difficult time… I believe that he wants to sort out his emotions.” “He’s not one to easily say things without thought; I believe his confession was sincere.” “Previously when rumors began of the two actors falling in love came out, neither had made comments about the matter. They did not seem to be dating at the time”

In response to the silence of Ji Hyun Woo who caused this confusion, netizens have said “Confessing when Ji Hyun Woo’s parents and brother was present, it seems like he’s already dating Yoo In Na”—adding pressure to both individuals (Hyun Woo and In Na).

Due to Ji Hyun Woo’s receiving of his July 3rd enlistment, He did not schedule any other activities besides the QIHM activity on June 7th. His agency expressed that “Before enlisting, he has about a month’s time of vacation; before he comes back out, having sort out his emotions, we can only wait.”

Yoo In Na, who had received the surprise confession, has not made any comments about Hi Hyun Woo during her own radio show.


All in all, I think we'd be better fans by giving Ji Hyun Woo encouragement as he goes through this obviously intense time period-- sorting out his emotions and figuring out what's reel and what's real... instead of the "PLEASE DATE YOO IN NA" comments... (no offense to anyone in particular). IMO i think those comments do more harm then good when he really needs to sort those emotions out HIMSELF... Let's be mature and caring fans by refraining from those comments. The personal well-being of our beloved actors is always first, right?

Sorry if I'm being a party-pooper >.<;;

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Awww, sweet. His brother posted something to try and protect him? I hope someone takes a screenshot of it and posts it - I'd love to to see it. (if you don't have a cyworld account, the page just comes up blank) But how lovely is this. Thank you, @hartofseeker! 
“He’s not one to easily say things without thought; I believe his confession was sincere.” 
That second article seems to be a repeat of this one only the Chinese one added a whole bunch of new quotes from him agency? 

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Guest harushima

@tessieroo, oh my. All applies... :)) Except for number 1. Woke up, went straight to the computer and checks three threads and a download list of his dramas and movies and goes to grab coffee.
8. Have no been checking three threads + different sites.9. Checking every 10 - 30 minutes or whenever there's a chance.10. Forgot to eat breakfast/lunch/dinner.11. Been giggling alone.12. Giggling alone and people staring at you.13. But you don't care because you're so happy and continues to camp here.

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