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[Drama 2012] May Queen 메이퀸

Guest Eja

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Guest jaewon fan

1 more thing of maybe you guys also realise .. the scene in this drama is always repeated ..i give an example :-1) CH piggy back HJ - same thing between CH and IH2) CH massaged HJ feet - same happen between CH and IH3) CH force kiss - with IH 2 times / with HJ 1 time4) Accident - CH do not want to hit HJ but hit KS - same case between CH father when he try to avoid HJ but hit HJ's fatheri think there is many more .. so' date=' do you guys think that the writer has gone out of idea ???? [/quote']

Chang Hee set up Jung Woo same as the way Jang Do Hyeon set up KS grandpa.

Chang Hee steal Kang San plan same as the way Jang Do Hyeon stole Hak Soo discovery of oil mine.

In Hwa force kiss to KS is also done by CH to IH..

Bong Hee use a spoon to knock Jung Woo forehead at dinner date , hae Joo also do the same to KS..

:-D i think some more later... hehehe

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@IBELIS, @jaewon, I agree that KS was just to calm. Even in the taxi he only asked the driver to speed up when he saw the other guys come in. Even when they got there he still seemed too calm. It seemed to me he wasn't going to try and stop them until HJ took off and ran. Something I also noticed watching a second time was the camera panned out and showed HJ and KS's bags in the office where they left DP. HJ's is on the desk and KS's is on the floor beside the chair where KP was sitting.

I'm not going to get my hopes up that they still have the real propeller and designs. Who leaves that kind of important information out in the open. If CH or TS got the right one then it's just a matter of sloppy writing and directing.

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Guest jaewon fan

@IBELIS' date=' @jaewon, I agree that KS was just to calm. Even in the taxi he only asked the driver to speed up when he saw the other guys come in. Even when they got there he still seemed too calm. It seemed to me he wasn't going to try and stop them until HJ took off and ran. Something I also noticed watching a second time was the camera panned out and showed HJ and KS's bags in the office where they left DP. HJ's is on the desk and KS's is on the floor beside the chair where KP was sitting. I'm not going to get my hopes up that they still have the real propeller and designs. Who leaves that kind of important information out in the open. If CH or TS got the right one then it's just a matter of sloppy writing and directing.[/quote']

i actually wish that they should have stayed on the taxi, wait til the thugs came out and followed them.. instead of figthing... if hae joo didn't rush out.. they could think better plan ....

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Guest jaewon fan

@ awsparkle.. i think on the next episode Hae Joo will be force to work on Chun Ji to produce the propeller that they stole from KS.. i don't know if it's a good idea for HJ to cooperate w/JDH but i think she can't think other way to help KS.. to stop JDH from harming KS company which is already in bad situation because of financial problem, hae joo will make a deal with him . She work for him as long as he don't destroy KS. Given to JDH tricky ways of dealing things i don't think he will honor his words even if he promise hae joo. For sure after she did all the things that she needed to be done for Chun Ji , JDH will destroy KS company and dump her like richard simmons...

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@jaewon, You are totally right. DH will use HJ and throw her out with the next days trash. She is so gullible and oblivious. What gets me with HJ is she does not practice what she preaches. She told YJ that IM is a bad person and she's seen that side of him. KS has told her the same thing about DH but she went back to work there.


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Guest jaewon fan

@ awsparkle

@jaewon' date=' You are totally right. DH will use HJ and throw her out with the next days trash. She is so gullible and oblivious. What gets me with HJ is she does not practice what she preaches. She told YJ that IM is a bad person and she's seen that side of him. KS has told her the same thing about DH but she went back to work there.  [/quote']

the worst thing is if Hae Ju make the propeller she will surely know that the plan and model that they are using is the one that stole from them, making a deal with JDH only prove that she still trust his word ... this will only makes her look so stupid... instead of helping, it will only add to KS problem.

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Guest jaewon fan

@jaewon' date=' HJ's character is so frustrating. I still think they didn't get the right propeller. DH knows they successfully made it and too get his hands on it he puts pressure on KS's business.[/quote']

Even if they didn't get the right plan having Hae Joo to make it is more than enough to get the job done. Actually , it seems like JDH original plan is to let HJ work with KS so that she will learn everything about it and put pressure on her ones he get the successful model. JDH is so smart to make use of Hae Joo ignorance and dream.. What makes me frustrated is the fact that she is being used and yet she is not even aware of it and her foolishness to think that JDH recognize her skill made it even worst.

i think the writer forgot who is the heroine on the drama.. the way he made the story

he made Hae Joo character look like a decoration on the wall, it looks nice but no significance at all..

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Guest jaewon fan

awsparkle , after watching episode 25 preview, i think she will cooperate with Jang Do Hyeon for the sake of KS ... but talking about being wise, i don't think she will... even if KS was in big trouble i know he can do something to work it out ... Hae Joo decision to agree with JDH will only make things worst. 
Here is the preview onhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkDbbYKFA-w.. 
I don't quite understand what Hae Joo say when she found the hairband and touch KS forehead while asleep... it seems like she was saying " Why are you so foolish?" :)

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Hi guys!! haven't been here for a while.. was busy with studies but i catched up recent episodes...sorry to say like the most that i got bored with the drama but i still giving this hope just cause i love KS character so much..he's indeed the light of the show.

Although i'm annoyed by him now but CH character is well played. HJ as female lead is the only one i can't bear. maybe other actress can do the work well or maybe it's not HJH fault and it's the script that makes her like that..i don't know.

 I have nothing to say about IH just that she proved to be what we thought her at first ep. of the drama - spoiled child who doesn't like things being taken from her. same with IM despite that i still hope YJ will cahnge him somehow. i didn't watch ep. 24 yet so i can't say nothing about ST but from your comments i see that he continues to dissapoint...it seems like the only one that is ok is JJ the younger sister haha...is it me or she really similiar to HJ character...she likes to beat her brothers too haha. at least one sister is attached to HJ, she deserves that after all the years she took care of her.

Aside from KS the character i love the most is JW . all the others are annoying me so much and i won't even talk about GH. i hope he will find out soon about all DH doings.

Thanks for the preview guys :). it indeed looks like HJ will work for DH..does she reallt think that will help KS? how many things have to happen so she gets it?another thing i noticed is HJ find the hairband she gave to KS and it seems like she is falling for him? well if that happen i will be very happy and that will compensate the latest episodes that were sort of boring. i will cross fingers for KS. he sure waits for a long time. make the guy happy you stupid girl.

well enough said. let's wait for the weekend ep. and hope they will be interesting...


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I was all excited thinking that maybe HJ will finally open her eyes, so after watching the preview I'm again so frustrated. Please HJ think, THINK. Use your brains, you were smart before...
I hope she has a plan.... if she goes to work for DH just because KS is in danger. I'll get bald lol  ~X(

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Guest orionofthewolf

@jaewon fan I don't think that JDH is only using her and didn't believe in her skills. No. He really does believe in her and all her accomplishments. That's why he was adamant in bringing her on. Yes, I know that he really wanted to use her against San as well, but I don't think he was 100% lying as when she complained about one propeller being too thick by just feeling it, he knew she had innate ability. JDH is infamous for his chess moves. Every characters is a player on his board. From the deceased Hak Soo and Woon to Hae Joo, Gi Cheol, Chang Hee, and San. Even when you think he's been beaten down and can't recover, he's always got a new (underhanded) move up his sleeve to keep him afloat that much longer.

Actually...Hae Joo is a lot like her stepfather in this case. Both she and JDH have blind ambition for their dreams. Since HJ lost her love she is solely focusing on her drillship dream. JDH has been blinded by his own drillship dream for ages now as well. He, of course is a heartless richard simmons who INTENTIONALLY hurts, uses, and squishes people while Hae Joo does this all naturally without realizing it.

Seeing the previews for episode 25 makes me dread the weekend and this drama. This is really starting to lag for me, thus why I start procrastinating watching it. I really wish that the character of Hae Joo was a stronger female lead like Jang Man Ok from Full House Take 2. Now, there's a kick richard simmons heroine that doesn't make me wish they'd kind of make her disappear from the show.

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@jaewon, @lviih, I looked at the preview again and HJ does not look happy talking to DH. I think her back is up against a wall and she has no choice but to agree in making the propeller for DH. It might not be the wise thing to do, but the only thing she can do to help KS. DH is a powerful man and can stomp all over KS at this point. KS doesn't have the money or the resources to fight back. HJ does have kick richard simmons in her, but all we've seen is the surpressed HJ. Maybe this is the turning point that will bring back the HJ we saw from the beginning.

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Guest jaewon fan

@jaewon' date=' @lviih, I looked at the preview again and HJ does not look happy talking to DH. I think her back is up against a wall and she has no choice but to agree in making the propeller for DH. It might not be the wise thing to do, but the only thing she can do to help KS. DH is a powerful man and can stomp all over KS at this point. KS doesn't have the money or the resources to fight back. HJ does have kick richard simmons in her, but all we've seen is the surpressed HJ. Maybe this is the turning point that will bring back the HJ we saw from the beginning.[/quote']

i know she has no other choice too, it seems like she only want to cooperate with JDH because of KS but i just hope the writer made her a little wiser to come up with a better idea against JDH instead of making her character completely hopeless..

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Guest jaewon fan

@ orionofthewolf , JDH know that HJ is skillful but it wasn't the main reason why he was keeping her. He saw that HJ and KS is like the other half of each other , if he put them together they become productive.. he make use of HJ dream and ignorance for his own selfish motive.. i hate the writer for making HJ character so helpless.

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