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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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Guest chu-phie

people are always asking me if i can see thru my chinky eyes -_-

funny thing is, my eyes are always bigger then all of theirs.

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I was good friends w/ this one girl my sophomore year...then suddenly she stopped talking to me and would purposely ignore me if I tried talking to her. I didn't understand what I did wrong, so I was just like "richard simmons it"....

...then come the last day of school, and I learn from that girl's best friend that my "friend" didn't like me anymore because I was too skinny.

What's worse is I later found from another friend (who was also friends w/ my ex-friend) that she (my ex-friend) made fun of me in her yearbook, drawing a picture of me and labeling me as a stick-figure.

I mean, are you serious? You would stop talking to someone because of their body type? That's so low.

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Guest Loser003

My brother in law asked how old i was and i answered and he's like

ur kinda big for ur age..I was like huh? okay..Is that supposed to be a good thing

i've been called fat by my mom, but not anymore..Thank god.

And sister too.

Made fun because of my hariy arms. Mostly by my brothers. Don't really bother me i just compare the

hair on my arms to theirs.

"ur nose is weird".And it was i had blackheads. And also the guys was icky so i didn't care that much.

And that's all i can remember for now.=]

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Guest yein2dk

this guy said that my voice sounds like a gay man's voice -__-;;

yeah... and when i was like in elem i was like really skinny like a twig

people said that i was unhealthy and they criticized my mom for like not making me eat

even though i did

yeah and when i entered junior high i started to gain weight

because my school's menu were like all junk food

so my relatives kept saying

that i was like fat and i had bad skin

i felt pretty sad T^T

also, my brother says i am tank legs

i feel really offended

cuz he has fatter legs than me

at least i get over that stuff pretty fast :mellow:

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Guest peachesapples123


When I was little, everyone would say my head/face is big. but i didn't really mind because they thought it was cute. but now it's annoying when i hear people say it. once some stupid guy from my school said my head looked like a hexagon. i seriously wanted to just kill him. but big heads = big brains. so i'm still trying to love it. :P

& they would say i have a big butt. i'm like "i'm just bootylicious."

people are really rude these days. it pisses me off especially when the people making the rude comments aren't better than you themselves. rawr.

Haha, my friend used that term instead of saying I have a big butt. I was stretching my back while holding onto a wall and she was like, "Dayam. You're bootylicious." I know I have a big butt but I don't really care for it, really...And my mom says that at least I don't have to wear those butt pads some Asian ladies wear. o.o
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Guest heineken.

I remember once in 9th grade there was this boy that called me "flat as sh**" :( but man.. I was in 9th grade!!!!!

There are still guys that occasionally make fun of my eyes.. saying that they're really small. I don't think they are though... -_-

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Guest angelic_betrayal

I have a feeling I've posted here before... but I don't think I've shared this experience:

These two guys told me to close my eyes and I'm like.... -.-; WHy? They were ignorant and stupid and didn't think that people like me, with single eyelids, had eyelids. I think my mouth nearly hit the floor... that wasn't only disrespectful to me, but to the rest of the people who have single eyelids -.-;

Anyway, I used to be super skinny as a kid. Over the past few years I gained weight -.-; So family and friends always say how much I've gained and always poke my sides or point it out or something.... ANNOYING! && I'm not even fat or anything.... Sometimes I think them saying those things makes me think I'm fatter than I really am... +They always tell me I eat too much now... When I was on my vacation, my dad kept saying to all my relatives I was on a diet -.-; Which I was NOT... ugh... pressure from the world of skinny-wannabe asians -.-

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Guest Purple.Orchird

my ex friend when we were in grade 3 she said. your mustache is bigger than MINEE!!! :huh: then i was like ok......

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Guest jubiee

well me and my sisters make fun of each other cause we r all a lil chubby (at leats i am) but that doesn't count. .

but i remember once when i was at the supermarket some parent said in chinese to his lil boy (about 5 or 6) to move for the sum sum (old lady) -.-" he thought i was really old!!!

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well they didn't say it to my face but somebody on facebook wrote in my honesty box

and said i was fake . . .yeah that's the only hurtful thing somebody has ever said to me.

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Guest joongielove

I get called fat by my grandparents all the time...I'm 5'2' and 110 pounds....

I guess Chinese standard and US standard is different..cuz one lady I worked with told me if I dieted[which im doing] i'd turn around and she wouldn't be able to find me. -____-''

My grandma also says I have a big nose....which i do..kinda haha

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Guest happyisbest

Everyone (mum, uncle, aunt, my stupid female cousin..etc..) kept saying like my brother is so handsome, has a sweet smile etc...and I am like yeah, yeah...so?? :P I am not hurt, only slightly jealous lol! :X

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Guest sagejin.

some boy called a

boy: bamboo dog eattin richard simmons g00k

me: i was like what boy? get you butt here so i can kick it!!!

then he ran away and hid in front of his friend

ahahahhaa >:D

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