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found another article...this one I think confirms Hyuk for Midas...can we officially get excited now? :lol:

I too would just LOOOOOOOVE to see Hyuk back in a spiffy business suit. I love me some Dae Gil...but a clean Hyuk looks better than a dirty Hyuk :lol:


SBS '마이더스' 김희애 이민정 장혁 초호화 캐스팅 눈길

SBS ‘Midas’ – Luxurious Casting of Kim Hee Ae-Lee Min Jung-Jang Hyuk Attracting Attention

SBS 드라마 <마이더스>가 초호화 캐스팅으로 시선을 모았다.

The high-class casting in SBS <Midas> is attracting attention.

SBS 드라마국 관계자는 "김희애 이민정 장혁이 주인공으로 시청자를 만난다. 최완규 작가는 현재 세 명의 캐릭터를 중심으로 대본 작업을 시작했다"고 말했다.

An official from the SBS drama department said “Kim Hee Ae, Lee Min Jung and Jang Hyuk will meet the viewers as the leads. Writer Choi Wan Gyu is currently in the middle of writing the base script of the three characters.”

<마이더스>는 <아테나: 전쟁의 여신> 후속으로 방송되는 드라마로 기업의 인수 합병과 재벌가의 삶을 소재로 한 드라마다. 김희애가 <내 남자의 여자> 이후 4년 만에 안방극장 복귀작으로 선택해 관심을 모았다. 김희애는 극중 천재적인 감각을 지닌 사업가이자 재벌가 여인의 모습을 보여준다. 팜므파탈의 이미지를 벗고 카리스마를 선보일 계획이다.

<Midas> is planned to be the drama following <Athena: Goddess of War>. This drama will have the subject matter of life in the mergers & acquisitions enterprise and financial group. Kim Hee Ae selected (this drama) as her comeback drama after 4 years since <My Man’s Woman> and this is attracting interest. Kim Hee Ae will play a financier with a gifted sense in dealing business. She will shed the Femme Fatale image and plans on showing her charisma.

영화 <시라노: 연애 조작단>으로 영평상을 수상한 이민정도 출연을 확정 지었다. 이민정은 <마이더스>에서 그동안 보여줬던 밝고 귀여운 캐릭터를 벗어낸다. 이민정은 장혁의 첫 사랑으로 출연해 슬픔을 간직한 비련의 여인의 모습을 보여준다. 남자 주인공으로 <추노>의 주인공 장혁이 합류한다.

Lee Min Jung, who recently won the Yeongphyeong award, have also been confirmed. In <Midas> Lee Min Jung will shed her cute character that he’s shown so far. Lee Min Jung through her role as Jang Hyuk’s first love will show the image of a woman with a tragic love story bearing her grief. <Chuno>’s hero Jang Hyuk is joining the drama as the male lead.

이 관계자는 "<마이더스>는 스타 작가와 배우와 뭉친 블록버스터 드라마다. <올인> <태양을 삼켜라>의 최완규 작가와 김희애 이민정 장혁이 만들어 내는 특별한 스토리가 내년 시청자를 만날 것이다"고 말했다. /스포츠한국

The official also said “<Midas> unites star writer and actors making this a blockbuster drama. Choi Wan Gyu of <All In> and <Swallow The Sun> along with Kim Hee Ae, Lee Min Jung and Jang Hyuk will put out a special story that the viewers can see next year.”

Sports Hankook

speaking about Hyuk in suit...I love this pic from Money magazine

I think it's appropriate he is in Money magazine when his next drama will be about the financial world...hehehe



That's a really nice business suit...and I am digging his hairstyle here!

ripgal: Yup...I know what you mean...the writer...sighh..the PD I really am indifferent....

qwenli: I really like Lee Min Jung too..so I'm excited about this drama!

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Guest ClaudiaLsj

Thank you o-cha for all the translated news. I do get excited thinking that after a year I will see him acting in a new drama. I like Lee Min Jung too and I think they will make a perfect team. As I remember she was his sister in Searching for the Elephant...

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Hyukie receiving the Korea-Japan Cultural Exchange Award

look at our fashionista..hehehe










The award was given on November 12th at Mapo Seoul Garden Hotel. Congratulations to Jang Hyuk!

ClaudiaLsj: yes Hyuk and LMJ played brother and sister in that movie. I guess now they'll go from siblings to lovers? :lol:

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Midas casts Jang Hyuk as its leading man


First there were rumors of heading fantasy-comedy Secret Garden, then action-drama Poseidon; now Jang Hyuk (Chuno) has reportedly chosen SBS drama Midas as his next project. The show just this week announced its leading lady in Lee Min-jung (Cyrano Dating Agency).

Midas is set in the business world — dealing with the stock exchange, mergers and acquisitions, chaebols — and will be written by high-profile writer-producer Choi Wan-kyu of high-stakes gambling drama All In and mega-popular historical drama Jumong. Lee Min-jung’s character graduates from nursing school and begins working at a large general hospital. Not too much has been revealed about her character (or how she fits in with the rest of the characters) but apparently she’ll be shedding her cute, bubbly image. (Aw.)

In addition, Kim Hee-ae has also signed on, marking her return to television after four years away. Her last drama role came in the extremely popular My Man’s Woman (which was written by famed scriptwriter Kim Soo-hyun of this year’s Life Is Beautiful). She’ll play a character with particularly keen business acumen, who happens to be romantically partnered with a chaebol. Sure, why not? Apparently Dramaland Korea is just flooded with chaebols at every turn.

As for Jang Hyuk: No details yet on his part, but if his character ends up being some kind of M&A shark, I can see him rocking it. At this point it’d be most surprising to see him cast as a nice guy, rather than a scoundrel. But that’s okay; it’s how we like him best, right?

Midas will follow Athena: Goddess of War, which will be premiering in December, which puts its own premiere in late winter or early spring.

source : Dramabeans

I'm so excited ... really I cannot expect Jang Hyuk as the male lead (because of the announce of his recent movie) ... but I'm freaking happy! =P

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Ocha/The girl who: thanks for all the pix and translation.

More pix here. Notice the scars on Hyuk's finger in the second pix, probably from all his jeet june do practice. :unsure:



I am really keeping my fingers crossed for Midas. You never know whether there will be last min changes. Hope Hyuk side will confirm soon...

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Guest jen2010

Wow, movie & then drama...

I am also keeping my fingerscrossed that Midas is true

the theme of the story seems interesting

I can imagine hyukie becoming a M&A hunter after his slave hunting ordeal in Chuno

Only that it'll be a clean cut one this time round, well, hopefully :P

Thanks for sharing the pics

Loving this one :wub:


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hi girls! Isn't it funny how we're all being cautious about getting too excited about Midas? I guess after Secret Garden and Poseidon...we are less trusting now :lol:

But it really isn't just us though. The Korean fans are exactly the same way as us. Excited about Midas yet somehow still cautious..I guess I can say all Hyuk fans are cautiously optimistic about him doing Midas..with cautious being the word there...hehehe

Thanks for pointing that out qwenli..I was too engrossed looking at his face that I didn't notice his knuckles. Yeah I'm sure it's from his Jeet Kune Do training. I hope it doesn't hurt too much.

Speaking about his face...his skin is really really nice nowadays...enough sleep and rest does wonders. He is back to being our Hyukie with his milky white complexion :lol:. I was looking at some pics from Robbers last night and realized how milky white his skin was back then.

Hyuk's acting teacher mentioned more about Hyuk in a very flattering way.

I'll just post parts that apply to Hyuk



세계 제일의 노력파 장혁

그가 요즘 아이들을 가르치며 안타까운 점은 독서를 하지 않는다는 것이다. 독서는 그의 수업에서 빼놓을 수 없이 중요한 덕목이다. 아이들의 연극 수업에서는 책읽기가 빠지지 않는다.

“아이들에게 가장 좋아하는 책을 집에서 가져오라고 해요. 그리고 소리 내어 읽도록 하죠. 소리를 내는 것은 닫혔던 마음을 활짝 열게하는 힘이 있어요. 이렇게 하면 아이들은 확실히 당당해집니다.”

연기자들에게도 “책 읽어라”는 잔소리를 달고 산다. 글을 쓴 사람의 생각을 이해하도록 하기 위해서 읽게 하는 것이다. 극적인 장면에서는 울고 웃고 가슴 뛰며 감성 훈련을 하는 것이다. 독서는 마음의 만병통치약이라 해도 과언이 아니다. 그렇다면 가장 독서를 잘하는 배우는 누굴까?

“장 혁은 특히나 ‘배우가 무식해서는 안 된다’는 생각에 사로잡혀 있어요. 시간적 여유가 있을 때는 일주일에 책 한 권씩 꼭 읽어요. 활자 중독증처럼 신문이 놓여 있으면 무조건 읽어요. 사실 데뷔 할 당시에는 혁이가 말솜씨가 없었어요. 그런데 독서를 통해 지식이 쌓이니까 훨씬 나아지더군요. 물론 읽는 대로 머리에 남아 있진 않죠. 그렇지만 밑 빠진 독에 물 붓기라도 계속 부으면 어느 순간 차게 마련이에요. 그런 점에서 혁이는 학생들에게 소개하기에 손색이 없는 긍정적인 롤모델이죠.”

그는 장혁을 오랜 시간 지켜보며 오늘을 있게 하고 성장시킨 자질 중에 단연 최고는 ‘끈기’였다고 회상한다. 자양강장제 한 박스를 사들고 오면 그 한 박스를 다 마실 때까지 계속 같은 자리에 앉아 캐릭터를 분석했다.

“영화 ‘영어완전정복’을 준비할 때는 6개월 코스인 탭댄스 강습을 단 2주 만에 끝냈어요. 6개월도 지속하기 힘들다는 절권도를 10년 동안 계속하는 것만 봐도 근성이 얼마나 대단한지 알 수 있죠. 너무 쉬지를 않아서 외려 무서울 때도 있죠(웃음).”

그는 연기 아카데미를 찾아오는 수많은 연기자 지망생들을 지켜보면 경험이 부족한 탓인지 감정을 이해하지 못하는 친구들이 많다고 밝힌다. 간접경험의 원천인 독서조차 하지 않는 까닭에 상상력이 빈약하거나 생각이 구체적이지 못하다. 어떤 상황의 설정에서도 감정의 깊이가 정렬되지 않은 경우를 자주 접하게 된다.

“책은 감각을 활짝 여는 자극제가 되어줄 수 있어요. 다양한 경험을 할 수 있는 최고의 도구라는 걸 알려주고 싶어요. 장혁이 다른 연기자들과 사뭇 다른 면모와 자질을 보였던 이유도 바쁜 일정에 쫓기면서도 항상 의식적으로 책을 많이 읽으려 노력했기 때문일 겁니다.”

배우는 평생 ‘배우라’고 해서 배우라는 말이 있다.

Brief translation:

The teacher at first was lamenting how kids nowadays don't read enough. He said that books have the power to open minds and that reading is medicine for the mind. He said that even nagged at actors to "read books!". Then he was asked who is the best well read actor.

The teacher answered Hyuk. He said “Jang Hyuk is especially good. He grasped the idea that ‘Actors shouldn’t be ignorant’. When he had extra time, he would read books every day. Like being addicted to the printed words, he’d read even the newspaper. Actually when he first debuted, Hyuk-ie couldn’t speak much. Then reading leads to improved knowledge. Of course as he reads, his head starts to be filled up. There’s a saying ‘If you keep pouring water even into a broken jar, it would get filled eventually.’ That way, Hyuk is the best role model for students."

After watching Jang Hyuk for a long time, today he recalled the best quality of Hyuk growing up as ‘perseverance/tenacity’. (Hyuk) would buy a box of nourishing tonic and drink it all as he sat in one spot analyzing his character.

“While preparing for the movie ‘Please Teach Me English’, he finished a 6 month tap dance course in just 2 weeks. Even doing it in 6 months wasn’t easy. He has kept at Jeet Kune Do for 10 years; to this of course you all know how great his muscles look. There was a time he wouldn’t rest, it was scary watching him. (laughs)”

He said that perhaps because of the lack of experience, many aspiring student actors that came to the acting academy don’t understand ‘feelings’. He’s saying also how with reading people can have indirect experiences and feelings over situations they are unlikely to encounter in real life. He also said that books act as stimulus to open up the mind even more. He emphasized that reading is the best experience tool. That is why Jang Hyuk and other actors, no matter how busy they are would try their best to read many books. An actor should ‘learn’ all his life.

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Thanks ocha for the updates and translations :)

The more I learn about Hyuk, the more I'm attracted to him. Hyuk's really special :rolleyes:

Hyuk's pretty confirmed in Midas by now and I'm very excited. Hopefully, he'll finish filming Client before starting Midas. Otherwise, it's just too much workload for him :(

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The more I learn about Hyuk, the more I'm attracted to him. Hyuk's really special :rolleyes:

Hyuk's pretty confirmed in Midas by now and I'm very excited. Hopefully, he'll finish filming Client before starting Midas. Otherwise, it's just too much workload for him :(

Hyuk is really a dedicated person..both in his work and pretty much everything else in life...how can we not admire and love that kind of man?

I would think he'd be done shooting 'The Client'. Normally just a regular movie (without any special effects) takes about 2 months or so filming in Korea. So if they start filming this month, he might be done filming by end of Jan. Midas will probably not premiere until March at the earliest...so I think he can focus on the drama by then.

I am tempted to start the thread for Midas...but I think maybe I should wait until next week..just in case? what do you guys think? hehehe..

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Ocha - Thanks for the translation and the info. (btw I send you a PM as well, did you see it?)

Yep, I think everyone is cautious about Midas now. But now that its been one year since Chuno and with the missed fiasco of Secret Garden. I think Hyuk and his company should be quite eager to take up a drama. If that happens, we will go from seeing nothing to suddenly having both a movie and a drama to watch at the same time! hahaha

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Ocha - Thanks for the translation and the info. (btw I send you a PM as well, did you see it?)

Yep, I think everyone is cautious about Midas now. But now that its been one year since Chuno and with the missed fiasco of Secret Garden. I think Hyuk and his company should be quite eager to take up a drama. If that happens, we will go from seeing nothing to suddenly having both a movie and a drama to watch at the same time! hahaha

Qwenli..I didn't get your pm. Can you resend?

I am a bit more optimistic about Midas compared to Poseidon at least since there are many more news about that drama.

I am watching Secret Garden right now and keep thinking how hyuk would have done that role..but oh well..thanks to sidus we woud never know, would we? Heheheh

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********Special story to share**********

I happen to get to know a Korean friend in my Shanghai community and we had lunch just now. She knows I like Jang Hyuk and shared with me enthusiastically something about Hyuk that she heard from a male friend that came by to visit her family recently.

This guy claimed that he was in the same high school as Hyuk, infact I think they are in the same year because there was once they were in the same class. Apparently, Hyuk got beaten up alot during high school but he never reported those boys (who beat him up) to the teachers. Why? because those boys are from poor families and if their parents knew of their bad behaviour in school, the parents will be broken hearted.

I asked why is Hyuk beaten up in school? Well, because back then he was already dressing up like a star and so perhaps some of the boys couldnt stand him trying to be funny.

My friend said the guy friend felt really strange that the poor beaten up boy is now acting like a hero on screen. I told her maybe that is why he picked up jeet june do! And we both had a good laugh. :D

It is really nice to hear that Hyuk was already a nice guy from young. Compared to newspaper reports, such first hand accounts really meant something. It really warms my heart. :wub: It also goes to prove that Hyuk never gave up on his dream.


And something not relating to Hyuk, she told me Korean celebs are very protected by their companies. To the extend that the neighbours who live next to houses rented out to celebs may not even know a celeb live amongst them. The managers can go to the extend of making sure the lift has nobody before letting the celeb take it. I dont know, its hard to believe, but I think for those of us who watch enuf Kdrama and news knows that celebs personal news are few and little and news can be suppressed easily by big time chaebol/powerful people.

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Guest jen2010

Thanks Qwenli for sharing the wonderful first hand story

I was expecting Hyukie to be beating people up instead :D

Talking about secret garden, when will my dream of seeing Hyukie in a comedy come true :tears:

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Thanks qwenli to share Hyuk's unknown story with us. It warms my heart too.

Felt bad that he was picked on and bullied because of his good looking appearance and nice personality. No wonder he could portrayed so well in Bulhandang when he was beaten up so badly, he was well trained in hi school <_<

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awwww poor little Hyukie. Thanks for sharing the story qwenli. I think he got beaten up because he's always been such a good looking+smart dressed kid. It's really nice to know that even as a kid he was already so considerate of other people's situation.

Some nice pics from Money magazine. I'll translate the article later.








These pics are such a teaser...makes me look forward to Midas even more.

BTW where's Jill? Still busy vacationing? hehehe

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Guest jen2010

Read from Zoi's blog that Hyukie updated his c-log last night

장혁ⓒ 새 글 장혁 ⓒ로그 약 1시간전

한류문화대상 시상식이 있던 지난 금요일, 오랜만에 지하철을 탔습니다^^

장혁ⓒ 새 글 장혁 ⓒ로그 약 1시간전

한일문화대상 시상식이 있는 마포 공덕역까지.. 오랜만에 뜻깊은 경험이었던 것 같습니다^^

Brief translation from Japanese

On the day of the Kanryu Cultural Award ceremony, I took a train last Friday

It has been ages since I board one.

In the train from the station where the ceremony is to 麻浦孔徳 station

To a certain extent, after such a long while, this ride is a meaningful (?) (意味深長)experience.



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Guest eatnsnooze

As great as Hyuk looks, I really wish he would just cut his hair already. If I didn't know any better, I would almost say he rejected Secret Garden and Poseidon b/c he's too reluctant to part with his hair! J/k tongue2.gif

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Thanks jen for the translation. Can't figure out why Hyuk took the train to the ceremony ;) Did his assistant take the pics of him ?

Was planning to watch Secret Garden when there're at least 10 eps. Today, I couldn't resist but watched the 2 eps just came out. I like it so far. Can't imagine how Hyuk would have portrayed this character. For sure he would have been very different fr Hyun Bin.

eatnsnooze: everyone seem anxious waiting for Hyuk to cut his hair short. I don't mind his long hair as long as he's styled nicely and full of surprises. Shouldn't he cut his hair when Client is started filming at the end of this month ?

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