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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest Pylades Drunk

I can sympathize with those who appreciate the culture of a certain region. I can, maybe, even empathize with them.

Is it up to them, is it some sort of necessity for them?, to grant to us some sort of gratification, some sort of approval? SRS BSNS.

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Guest koreeya

I dont know what to think. Personally if you want to claim another culture because ur own culture doesnt give you enough reason to have pride in it...then i dont find it a problem. If you want to be something and you convince yourself that you are than nothing anyone says can take that from you. That could be the centerpoint of someones happiness. What if that person wants to be someone else for awhile because their life isnt going so great...then i say let them. If you have your freedom than i believe you should express yourself in any way you see fit and see comfortable. I dont know thats just me...

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Guest ~.Linh.~

Well...it's not that I hate wasians xD

But when I see people who aren't asian at all dressed up in an asian way...(that's some weird expression...anyone understands this?xD) then i'm like "...o.ô ....uhm..ok...?"

and actually...gosh, this one really makes me scream:

i<333fobby fashion and i think that's something for asians - it will always be for asians since it's called fob xD

but now...clothes, everywhere!!! O_O

they all dress up in a fobby way and...just a stupid thought of mine, i should be more open to things, i know xD

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Guest *hachiko*

i'm white and into asian culture

i say random korean words

i dress "fobby"

my screen name is from a manga/anime/japanese movie....

you'd probably say i'm wasian

except i'm proud to be white, sure i'd like to be prettier, more confident, smarter just generally not me.... but i wouldn't change my race, i just find something in korean music that i don't find in english music... although I do like uk bands too... just nothing to fangirl

i say random korean words because i just spent the year there and had to speak korean everyday, i'm a korean major and sometimes korean words express things english words can't... the same way english words express things korean words can't

since i spent a year in korea almost all of my clothes are korean.... can't help it unless i sell it all and buy a whole new wardrobe (which i couldn't afford if i tried)

my sister started calling me this because of my resemblence to the character.... i'm very loyal and puppy like but make stupid decisions frequently... whereas she's more thick skinned than i am.... i got bored of the anime half way through but the name stuck

so am i really as wasian as you'd think....

sometimes its a little bit prejudiced to start on people over something like this, yes there are people who aren't asian who are otakuish... but there are wannabes in every culture

can't people just live and let live in this world?

if you're not black and act black people start on you the same thing goes for people who act white or asian etc

its kinda predujiced and just not nice i just don't get why people can't just accept things in this world.... and things are rarely as simple as they seem...

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Guest vicroyalty

better get use to it because its going to envelope the world soon. everyone will be wanting or trying to be asian soon. east asia will dominate politically, economically, and socially and it will be unavoidable whereas right now, ppl actually have to seek out asian stuff... soon its gonna be in your faceeeeeee and it will be the norm. questions like these will be unasked as it will be expected.

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Guest teukiechul

i'm white and into asian culture

i say random korean words

i dress "fobby"

my screen name is from a manga/anime/japanese movie....

you'd probably say i'm wasian

except i'm proud to be white, sure i'd like to be prettier, more confident, smarter just generally not me.... but i wouldn't change my race, i just find something in korean music that i don't find in english music... although I do like uk bands too... just nothing to fangirl

i say random korean words because i just spent the year there and had to speak korean everyday, i'm a korean major and sometimes korean words express things english words can't... the same way english words express things korean words can't

since i spent a year in korea almost all of my clothes are korean.... can't help it unless i sell it all and buy a whole new wardrobe (which i couldn't afford if i tried)

my sister started calling me this because of my resemblence to the character.... i'm very loyal and puppy like but make stupid decisions frequently... whereas she's more thick skinned than i am.... i got bored of the anime half way through but the name stuck

so am i really as wasian as you'd think....

sometimes its a little bit prejudiced to start on people over something like this, yes there are people who aren't asian who are otakuish... but there are wannabes in every culture

can't people just live and let live in this world?

if you're not black and act black people start on you the same thing goes for people who act white or asian etc

its kinda predujiced and just not nice i just don't get why people can't just accept things in this world.... and things are rarely as simple as they seem...

i guess that's sorta like me.

im not asian, and i love asian bands, their culture, their language and stuff like that...

i haven't been to asia becuase im not old enough yet, and im not really that good at korean.

and i agree with you when you said that you find something in korean music that you dont find in english music.

korean music is just so much happier where as most english music is just depressing... lol

i do like quite a few english bands though.

and i guess sometimes i can be a bit fangirly and obbsessive about super junior but they just amaze me T_T

i dont really dress 'fobby' either. i just wear a pair of jeans and an old band top or something like that. but sometimes whenever i wear my banc hoodies or my super junior top's people say that im a wasians...which is just a bit mean.

and i mean, i know i couldnt even pull off the 'fob' look since im not asain and im not exactally the thinnest person in the world.... lol

but i think that people who like other cultures/music and would actaully want to change their race are just normal people. theres no right way to life...

so live it now you want!


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Guest HelloJinkyGo

i find hardcore wasians annoying

i dont mind if someone whos not asian listen to asian music and watch asian movies

but i cant stand it when they start "speaking asian" ( i understand that asian is not a language, this is just what i hear wasians say)

koneeecheeewaaahh, "harold-san,kumar-chan", bowing upon meeting a friend, drinking tea "the proper way" meaning as tho youre taking part in a japanese tea ceremony when in reality youre in olive garden, "thats kawaiii!" *peace sign*, upon arrival *peace sign*, dreaming of wearing a kimono especially at your wedding, etc.

another thing i noticed about these people is that when they see an asian kid listening to american music or an asian who doesnt like anime they say something along the lines of " i hate it when people cant embrace their own culture. be proud of who you are, why do they have to pretend theyre something theyre not! theyre asian , asians are cool. be proud to be asian!" this of course is very hypocritical but they often fail to notice.

they want asian names cos only asian names have meanings.......are you kidding me?!

" i wish i was asian! american cartoons are stupid! the only good ones are based on japanese ones!"-----o yea! thats a good reason to want to switch ethnicities

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Guest monVIP

interest in the asian culture is fine.

obsession and the mindset that you ARE asian (or anything else for that matter) is a lil strange, no?

anyway wannabe's in general annoy me,

but if they like what they like and theyre happy,

who am i to judge?

its not like its affecting me.

and to milkylee:

music is universal.

if people only listened to music for the lyrics,

then there would be no classical, trance, house, etc, genres will there?

your post makes us asians (and yourself) look like retards.

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Guest HelloJinkyGo

i haven't been to asia becuase im not old enough yet, and im not really that good at korean.

and i agree with you when you said that you find something in korean music that you dont find in english music.

korean music is just so much happier where as most english music is just depressing... lol

what kind of korean music are you listening to? of course there is a lot of happy music but there is no limit in music. musicians make music depicting real human emotion- happiness, sadness, love, hate, greed, etc. so youre saying that koreans are incapable of writing music that truly touch people and are basically unrelatable....?

kiss- because i am a girl

korean song made by korean people- the saddest song ever made

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Guest gal-bi

i think its alright if people say random asian words

and dress "fob"

but what gets me is an asian tries to be wasian...

it doesnt even make sense...

shes chinese and shes obsessed with being ALL the asian cultures ==

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Guest HelloJinkyGo

omgz everyone needs to just shush!

white ppl who speak random words in teh asian language, SPECIFICALLY kawaii, konnichiwa, arigatou or sumfink korean like oppa, are LAME and rather infelicitous

everyone knows it ppl are just too politically correct to say it

white ppl who eat poky are stupid

there are better things out there den pocky!!

wasians are so lame and there are heaps of this forum

if you cant speak korean why listen to korean music you dun even know what theyre saying it could be burn all white ppl and you just think you look cool

n dun be all like "well i get translations off the internets" because thats still lame you still dont understand what words theyre speaking and alot of asian languages dont translate well into english

no im not racist i just hate wannabes and freaks who are obsessed with our culture .. *rolls eyez* get ova it! you cant be as cute and sexy as us lil asians so beat it!

before you go on a rant about something and try to prove a point, make sure you dont make stupid mistakes. mistakes that the people youre bashing commonly make


secondly, wasians arent just white *sigh*

a lot of people dont speak spanish and yet salsa clubs are all over the place

some asian people who cant speak english listen to english music b/c they like english music and/or theyre trying to learn english

and pocky is really good and is sold everywhere so i dont really know what youre trying to say....


dont worry i got you ;P

your argument seems to target mainly white people and not WASIAN---there IS a difference

eating something of another culture doesnt make you wasian.

this whole rant is filled with holes

how old are you? please educate yourself before you make judgements on other people

p.s. im asian so dont try to use an excuse thinking i must be white which is the only reason why id argue against you

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Guest teukiechul

what kind of korean music are you listening to? of course there is a lot of happy music but there is no limit in music. musicians make music depicting real human emotion- happiness, sadness, love, hate, greed, etc. so youre saying that koreans are incapable of writing music that truly touch people and are basically unrelatable....?

kiss- because i am a girl

korean song made by korean people- the saddest song ever made

im listening to super junior, big bang, dbsk stuff like that.

heyy, stop trying to argue with me. LOL.

im not saying that koreans cant write touching music *rolls eyes*

im just saying that korean music is much happier since most english songs that are realised nowerdays are about how crud their lives are and how they wish they could change and all that.. if your living in england and you turn on the radio then all you will hear are sad, depressing songs. im not saying that all songs are like that but most of them are. in the top 40 music charts here, most of them are about failed reletionships. but when you compare that to a korean chart then you will see the difference...

of course koreans write touching music. you should really find out more information about the poster instead of just assuming they know nothing about music......

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Guest HelloJinkyGo

im listening to super junior, big bang, dbsk stuff like that.

heyy, stop trying to argue with me. LOL.

im not saying that koreans cant write touching music *rolls eyes*

im just saying that korean music is much happier since most english songs that are realised nowerdays are about how crud their lives are and how they wish they could change and all that..

of course koreans write touching music. you should really find out more information about the poster instead of just assuming they know nothing about music......

seeing as this is the internet, i couldnt really find you, interview you, and then make my post, could i

i figured you listen to super junior big bang and dbsk since the majority of their music is happy and theyre quite popular--most people who arent korean hear about them first

and thank you i know that you dont literally mean to say that they cant write touching music, *ROLLS EYES*, im just saying that thats how you made it appear--watch your words. a lot of wasians say things like that.

(i often forget that sarcasm doesnt always transcend through the written word)

and english music is very depressing? how sad. i hate depressing music lol.

ha ok laters

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Guest teukiechul

seeing as this is the internet, i couldnt really find you, interview you, and then make my post, could i

i figured you listen to super junior big bang and dbsk since the majority of their music is happy and theyre quite popular--most people who arent korean hear about them first

and thank you i know that you dont literally mean to say that they can write touching music, *ROLLS EYES*, im just saying that thats how you made it appear--watch your words. a lot of wasians say things like that.

and english music is very depressing? how sad. i hate depressing music lol.

ha ok laters

LOL, i didnt hear about suju and bb first. i starting liking korean music about 5 years ago, bands like ju ju club...

well, thats sorta just what you said in your last post. you should stick to one view at once. instead of changing it.

watch my words? no.

and also, no.

i am NOT a wasian.


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Guest onino

I'm a big fan of asian music, movies and dramas

love the music because i love the meaning of asian songs!...like love songs!...love it

and asian dramas and movies because asians are great actors and i love the stories in the movies/dramas!...

Im RPOUD of being arab, and just because i don't watch too much arabic movies or listen to arabic music that doesn't mean i hate it!..

I don't listen too much to arabic music because i feel like the song meanings are the same over and over again!...

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Guest xdeathberry

Does that same concept apply when I listen to Japanese or French music?


and I don't understand? lol

But really, I HATE those wanna-be Japanese anime people. LOl


They're all like, "so kawaii!" "desu-yo, ne?" or whatever.

And trying to correct me on Japanese or something.

When I know more than they do.


They learn from like. watching animes.

I learn from Japanese people. lol


I knew this American girl who was like. an otaku; obessed with Asians.

And everything anime/manga.

Actually, I know another girl like that.

Although, honestly, I've never heard of the term "wasian"

Lol. That made me laugh. x]

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Guest maydai3333

haha, "wasian". made my day. i have a african friend who loves kpop, and all things asian.

^^ yea those people who dont speak japanese who try to correct you are extremly annoying.

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Guest HeartOnHerSleeve

eh, wasians are sort of annoying but i really don't have a problem with them. if they're rude or something, i'd probably hate them, but they're not XD

ugh, now MAGIBON, i have a serious problem with.

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