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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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hmm..i see more asians that want to be black than whites that want to be asian..maybe you should start worrying about your own kind and not others

and 'japanese street fashion' and all that lovely stuff..do you think it really originated in japan? they take most of their fashion from europe and then do a few little adjustments and call it japanese, as are many things in modern asian culture including the kpop you guys all love, it's just a ripoff of bad western pop music..and if you want to get technical white people invented the automobile, the computer, the internet, the integrated circuit, penicillin, the airplane, hip hop and classical music, the legal system, most modern clothes, and yes even condoms, so I guess using all those things would be a white thing to do right? so please let's not play this who's trying to be who game because you guys will lose

Thank you so much.

You took the words right out of my mouth, it's so funny how everyone avoided this quote

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Guest 2partsvodka

Lol. I knowww.

But then most of the wannabe asians I've seen come from the wannabe Japanese people who only like it because of anime.

._o Those are the real annoying ones.

haha..they are everywhere :ph34r:

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Guest Tetra

hmm..i see more asians that want to be black than whites that want to be asian..maybe you should start worrying about your own kind and not others

I think the problem is that people don't actually KNOW much about what goes on back home. Not a lot of people actually visited japan for a long period of time or lived there (or in your case, schooled there).

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Guest babossagaji

I know hundreds of wannabes and when you get to know them, only half of them are wannabes. The others..they can totally speak that language and knows the culture. O_O

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Guest Inconnu

I hate the ones that 'TRY' to actually BE Asian.

Like, they speak the language, dress like an Asian,

take their pictures like one, and even do their hair like one.

I find it REALLY irritating for some reason --;;

I'm fine with the fact that they are interesting in the culture

but they totally change themselves to 'BE' Asian ...

-cough- I know a person here from Soompi that's like that.

Personally, I find (her/him, you guess) a bit annoying.

hmm..i see more asians that want to be black than whites that want to be asian..maybe you should start worrying about your own kind and not others

and 'japanese street fashion' and all that lovely stuff..do you think it really originated in japan? they take most of their fashion from europe and then do a few little adjustments and call it japanese, as are many things in modern asian culture including the kpop you guys all love, it's just a ripoff of bad western pop music..and if you want to get technical white people invented the automobile, the computer, the internet, the integrated circuit, penicillin, the airplane, hip hop and classical music, the legal system, most modern clothes, and yes even condoms, so I guess using all those things would be a white thing to do right? so please let's not play this who's trying to be who game because you guys will lose

I dont find that fair.

Japanese fashion, surely, does have its own style

but they make it their 'own' with those 'few adjustments'.

Dont tell me Europe is all that original either.

The world's not original AT ALL.

We all adapt through inventions, culture, style, etc.

No one is original --;;

Okay, so 'white people' surely made their own inventions

but they could've adapted those things and also add

a 'few adjustments' to call it their own. The legal system

wasnt originated in America in the beginning. Americans

took their base from other countries. Technologies and

inventions from the past can come from thousands

and thousands of different countries, you dont know if

America '100%' made it themselves without further

research of past philosophers, inventors, etc. from OTHER


So, if 'white people' use China silverware, its a chinese thing to do

then? We all know our silverware is basically made in China to begin

with. --;;

So, yes, all of us should stop this game.

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Guest hyeyeoon

yaa i know what you're talking about guys..

I'm not asian myself but

maan it's sooo annoying..

Like i understand if human is interested in asian culture,media and study some asian language(it's always good to know languages!) ! and like wanna move to this country someday and if like some asian hairstyle and do it or something..it's not baad...but annoying is.. if she/he is acting like 100% asian and here where i live is so many caucasian japan fans...and they dress in fruit and lolita style... and they always say something like ''kawaii *make some cute face* ..and act so japanese and..arghh..u know what im saying ..it's so annoying..if they like anime or something..then they think that they know everything about country and they are ...mm okay -_- i cant explane!

but its okay as long they are not forgeting own country and culture!! !!!

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Guest +_lena

the ones that are annoying are the ones that actually believe that they can become asian...i have met quite a few of them -___-;;

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i've never met anyone who tried to be asian... but i'm sure the non-asians on here are not trying to be asian but just have interest in certain asian culture.

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Guest wakeupluv

yeah, sometimes its annoying b/c once they learn a phrase in vietnamese....i'm vietnamese by the way....they'll repeat it over and over again. And its so bad b/c they say it wrong no matter how much i correct them. But there is this one lady i know who's white and she can speak perfect vietnamese. she's not annoying about it b/c she can speak it well and doesn't bug you with her viet.

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Guest knockblock

This all reminds me of when I was young and was told I was wannabe white because I was *gasp* going to school and speaking in proper english. :blink:

I got told that I was a wannabe white too but because I kept saying something was rad.

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Guest Lilaqua

ah man, down at my school there's a bunch of asian wannabes, the girls talk in really high squeaky voices with the few japanese phrases they know and give the peace sign too much... too much -.-

then the guys discuss what life would be like if it were really an anime or final fantasy

if someone took away their anime they'd go into withdrawels >=-)

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Guest TrainDriver

hehe....Yea they're pretty annnoying :phew: when I walked into the anime club in my school just to check it out, 99 % of them were non-asian and yes, they were pretty rowdy and hyper (I think they were trying to act like they're favorite anime character but really it makes them look silly)

lol yes stay away from anime community in a western country, its not the place to be. theres quite a few freaky anime ppl at school who have all the same fav anime list: bleach, neon genesis, naruto, akira etc.

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Guest tOasty

The people that only like japanese anime then say they're asian are SO

annoying. They don't even bother to learn the culture. They just know

the stuff they see in their anime. Grr.

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Guest lshluvr

Argh...no offense but I just DESPISE wannabe Asians..-_-

The ones in my school arere so annoying..>< They should be PROUD to be Caucasian...but noooo...they want to be Asian! They repeat just one or two Japanese words and, Woo! I'm Asian! ><

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Guest goodvibrations

Actually, all wannabes are pathetic, period. Not only those with yellow fever, but those that are whitewashed, ghetto, etc.

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Guest harako

Everything in this world's not original, of course. Like someone ^ there said.

Westerners had a huge influence on the Eastern countries when they took over.

It is sort of true that Europe has the most influence; America came from the British, then America went to go take over some countries in the East. So did the Britains in India.

Most of the fashion I see in Asia are just the same as... "white people" clothing. They're just more "exaggerated" in a sense.

I sorta agree with a friend of mine that the style that is most popular in asia is just a copy of white people clothing, but that's what sorta makes them different. Like telling the style of a fob from a non-fob.

Anyway, not ALL wannabe asians are that bad-- I had a close friend that was Wapanese- just the extreme ones who try so hard and try to make their life more... yellow. D:

I actually have respect for non-asians that can speak an asian language well. <_<

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those who go overboard are sooo annoying! it's usually the anime geeks who prance around being "genki" and "kawaii" while blurting out japanese anime words to clueless people in their mimicky tiny voices.

and those too who dress up all fruitsy etc but CANT PULL THEM OFF!! and they feel so cute, or should i say kawaii.

it's fine to take interest in different cultures, i understand that and admit to being one myself. but when one feels / tries to think or act like one, that's a different story.

same goes for me disliking those asians trying hard to be blacks. but i don't really see those from where i live, so yea.

but what can i do? i just ignore them so whatev.

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I get annoyed by wannabe asians a lot. I don't hate them because some are my friends, but it gets irritating when all they love to say is "Kawaii," "Neko," and "hentai"<<<one of their favorite words -____-. Or when they say "I'm .5% japanese" when they're obviously not. Once when this girl said she lived in japan and knows everything about it, I showed her a chinese traditional cake, she said "what's that?" when I said "it's a japanese cake" (just to see if she really was from japan) she said "oh, I know that!" ...yeah, I dislike people like that.

I don't mind that they like the asian culture and want to know about it, but when they say they want/act like it and say they're asian, then that gets annoying.

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