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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest sikhye

Nothing wrong with being interested in another culture/language, but a certain person can be really annoying about it. Like saying he knows everything there is to know when he really doesn't.

I agree. :P

The thing I hate more is Asians acting ghetto. No Asian person can truly be ghetto, they look pathetic. :(

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eggs [white on the outside, yellow on the inside] are annoying...i had one on my class all through high school and he only dated azn chicks, only had azn friends and tried to know everyone azn he could..whether they liked it or not...pathetic nd fkin annoying.

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fashion is not a universal thing, its called japanese street style for a reason, see the word "japanese" in there? good. sure dressed in japanese street style does not equal to a person trying to be asian or whatnot, however the way you dress is your unique way of expressing yourself. if you are not emo like, you wont dress like a emo. if you are not ghetto, your wont ever dress in those style. what does this mean? the non asian that dressed in japanese street style must have a strong appreication in their style or culture and wants to be one with it. a "wannabe" is just a more negative way of saying the same thing

Welllllll that still doesnt make sense

I'm not ghetto, but I wear Rocawear and that kind of stuff.

And what's wrong with just appreciating teh culture????

Please and the way I look at Japanese Street style, it looks inspired by punk rock and grunge from "America"

or "Europe" so please with that.

People act like there are asians who don't wear rocawear, baby phat, sean john and all those urban clothing

but if someone were to say "They think they black or ghetto" it's offensive but people are saying this about non asians who wear japanese street style "They are trying to be asian" Oh please.

And yes fashion is universal honey, it's 2006 boo.

Doesnt matter where the fashion is from people gonna be wearin it everywhere you go

even if it's only one person.

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hmm..i see more asians that want to be black than whites that want to be asian..maybe you should start worrying about your own kind and not others

and 'japanese street fashion' and all that lovely stuff..do you think it really originated in japan? they take most of their fashion from europe and then do a few little adjustments and call it japanese, as are many things in modern asian culture including the kpop you guys all love, it's just a ripoff of bad western pop music..and if you want to get technical white people invented the automobile, the computer, the internet, the integrated circuit, penicillin, the airplane, hip hop and classical music, the legal system, most modern clothes, and yes even condoms, so I guess using all those things would be a white thing to do right? so please let's not play this who's trying to be who game because you guys will lose

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Guest zeram

I wonder: Just because I always eat at Applebee's, does that mean I want to be an apple?

LOL, I was just thinking as I was reading all these posts what a sad music scene it would be if nobody varied their style because they were afraid people would think they were wannabe *insert culture here*.

This all reminds me of when I was young and was told I was wannabe white because I was *gasp* going to school and speaking in proper english. :blink:

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Guest theonecalledy2ckt

i hate those people. i mean, you have a culture, so go experience it, and stop trying to be what you aren't. i mean, don't get me wrong. it's cool that you have an interest in asian culture, but just don't take it to the point where you don't even realize what you really are.

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Guest Tetra

I agree. :P

The thing I hate more is Asians acting ghetto. No Asian person can truly be ghetto, they look pathetic. :(

What's worse than asian's acting ghetto? People saying "they act black".

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Guest Maia-X3

It's okay if you enjoy the music and enjoy the culture.

But what's pathetic is when you see people listening to only THAT music, or only being interested in things from THAT culture and NOTHING else.

I've seen some non-asians around the net that only listen to Asian music... and THAT only. Their whole "fav bands" is teeny-bobby asian pop music... their fav things are asian oriented. And if somethings asian.. they just like it more.

Some variation would be good?

I mean sure, be into other cultures.. that's totally fine and understandable but:




And that should really apply for everyone.

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Guest Tetra

^I only have asian music on my playlist. My favourites are only asian celebrities and groups. And people.

But of course, I'm proud of who I am, and I will not forget my own :lol:

I don't think that's the best argument ever for those that think like me >_>

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Guest LUCY<3

One of my ex-friends is such a wannabe Chinese.

She goes around and claims that she;s actually a SPY for China and is disguised as an American or something like that.

Whatever. she's a rich little spoiled white girl. God I wanna punch her.

I think if you like the culture of another country, that's totally fine as long as you don't completely abandon your own. :]

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Guest ooo_it's_mE

I've been called a wannabe Asian, White, and Hispanic. hell, I've been called everything but Black. I never understood why though. I have interest in different cultures, but I would never wanna be anything else but Black. but it does richard simmons me off when they say that.

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Guest Kanhlaya

hehe....Yea they're pretty annnoying :phew: when I walked into the anime club in my school just to check it out, 99 % of them were non-asian and yes, they were pretty rowdy and hyper (I think they were trying to act like they're favorite anime character but really it makes them look silly)

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