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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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I even don't understand then why in asian pop, there is that hiphop styling, or english phrases... like yo! baby, love, love!it's the same.

That's a good point. Why is it okay for Asian singers to randomly drop in English words into their songs but it's not okay for a non-Asian to use words from an Asian language?

And there's another point to say... the only reasons Asians might dress/act like Caucasians is maybe because they LIVE in a Caucasian continent???

What about the poeple living in Asia who dress/act Western? Are they wannabes? Cuz I know a hell of a lot of them.

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Guest swtanjel012

i kinda know how u feel. i mean back at school, there were these group of kids who were anime freaks or something and tried to dress up and talk japanese all the time . it was just weirdddd. but i dont have much prob with them.

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Sorry your comment is a bit ridiculous and ignorant as well. I can see why you would try to defend your point of view because youre Caucasian and practically this whole board might seem insulting to you... Asians dont have double eyelids just because they want to look Caucasian. You sound exactly like Tyra Banks right now and her idiotic generalizations about Asians.

And there's another point to say... the only reasons Asians might dress/act like Caucasians is maybe because they LIVE in a Caucasian continent??? If you live in America, of course youre going to adapt to American culture. But I would think otherwise if a white person becomes interested in Asian culture when he/she lis currently LIVING in America. And of course there's nothing wrong with that. But seriously, I know that Asians who try to be white are a total disgrace. As long as you dont deny your own heritage, there's nothing wrong with taking an interest in another culture.




Not irrefutable sources, I admit, some of my comments were kind of ignorant in hindsight, mostly just because I was blinded by the bias of this thread, but I still stand by my main thesis statement - there are two sides to the argument. I don't think it's weird for some people to want to be Asian (I'm not one of them), it just shows how alluring the Asian ideal is. =]

(*Sorry, don't want to cause a fight!!)

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Guest mama_gir1

i haven't met anyone like you described.

but some of my friends who aren't asian and hangs with us just jokes and say they're asian for fun. i don't find it annoying at all. it shows that they like us (asians) lol

they love the asian accessories and stuff.

it's not that they don't have pride in their own culture, its just that they also find asian culture interesting.

i don't know what you're trying to say after the edit part, it confused me.

i know there's leb wannabes that annoys me but haven't met any asian wannabes to that extend.

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As long as you dont deny your own heritage, there's nothing wrong with taking an interest in another culture.

literally, took the words out of my mouth.

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Guest CitrusFlower

are people saying that asians have big or normal eye had suregery?my eyes are normal sized and i know alot of asian who have bigger eyes then caucasion and other race that were born with eyes like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest onhotwires

People who readily accuse "Asian culture" fans of being wannabes are usually stuck up as hell and want to feel superior over others. I mean, unless the non-Korean person is so obviously putting up the culture on a pedestal and making him/herself all around Korean, I can understand, but some people are so ready to sneer at any white American that listens to... whichever Korean pretty-boy boyband that is all the rage today. You think that that white American truly wants to be an Asian, like you? How terribly self-absorbed of you. (Is it fair to say that Asians who enjoy listening to hip-hop and eating fried chicken wanna be black? Is it fair to say that Asians who find a specific Russian model attractive and enjoys wearing one of those Russian furry hats is a wannabe Russian?)

Oh yeah, some of you guys also seem to think that the double-eyelid fold is only a Caucasian thing, which it's not.... because pretty much all the other races have it. =/

i know this basically covers like half this forum's members but i cant stand asians of one race listening to music of another race and not understanding a word, if someone is going to listen to a genre of music, at least be able to understand it. I.E. Vietnese listening to japanese

and especially caucasians listening to jrock (i see that alot)

I so agree with you. Umm you know, if you don't understand the words, there's no point in listening to the music. I also find it annoying when people enjoy listening to whale noises when they don't understand whale. Disney also needs to completely omit the opening vocals of the Circle of Life, because I feel extremely uncomfortable having to listen to lyrics that I don't understand whenever I watch the Lion King.

Btw I'm Viet.

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I so agree with you. Umm you know, if you don't understand the words, there's no point in listening to the music. I also find it annoying when people enjoy listening to whale noises when they don't understand whale. Disney also needs to completely omit the opening vocals of the Circle of Life, because I feel extremely uncomfortable having to listen to lyrics that I don't understand whenever I watch the Lion King.

some people do actually like the beats and stuff, it's not all about the lyrics all the time...

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Guest chairya

i don't know. even if it seems wrong, it really does annoy me.

even IF they were asian, girls saying "AWW THATS SO KAWAII".

makes me wanna slap a duck or something. and i liiiiike ducks :(

of course it's good to be culturalized, have interest in other cultures though..

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Guest razberrymeringue

i think i've already posted in this thread awhile ago..but i'll post again..just because every time i see a topic like this is a forum, i have to state my opinion.

first off, i'm not asian. i'm a white american. my mom's family is from italy originally, and my dad's is from germany/hungary/slovenia/others. but they were both born here, and so were their parents. the only language i know is english. i love american music and movies and television. but eventually i wanted to find new stuff, because really, i enjoy finding things not many people know about. so i started listening to cpop, the eventually got into kpop, then jpop, jrock, anime, kdramas/movies, twdramas/movies, jdramas/movies, and everything else. it was exciting to learn about cultures outside my own, even if i couldn't understand any of the languages. but i also found out that a lot of times, when people on forums i went on found out i was white, they seemed to automatically make judgments about me being a wannabe asian.

i do understand that wannabe asians exist, and i'm sure it's much more annoying when you're asian and people act like they know everything when they don't. but really, there are wannabes in every culture. and every culture has copied from another at one point.

so what's the big deal, seriously? obviously, some people are going to be obnoxious, but not everyone is! i love asian culture, but i never said i wanted to be asian. also, in addition to listening to american, chinese, korean, and japanese music, i also listen to german and spanish. also, i have a greek friend, so i've listened to greek pop before. i also have friends from pakistan and india, so i've listened to their music too. i just have an open mind about everything.

i think it's wrong when people automatically assume that just because someone is not asian and likes asian stuff, that it makes them a wasian.

also, when it comes to fashion, i personally think japanese street style is really cool. i also like korean fashion and hong kong fashion is cute too. i don't usually dress like that, more because there's not many places i know of that have that stuff available. but really, asian people sometimes adopt fashion from america/europe, so why is that a problem? i think that it would be more flattering than offensive.

so, that was a very long entry. hopefully, everybody understands where i'm coming from. really, nothing that i wrote should be offensive to anybody, so i can't see a reason this would make people mad.


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Guest Malice_Kaiser

I so agree with you. Umm you know, if you don't understand the words, there's no point in listening to the music. I also find it annoying when people enjoy listening to whale noises when they don't understand whale. Disney also needs to completely omit the opening vocals of the Circle of Life, because I feel extremely uncomfortable having to listen to lyrics that I don't understand whenever I watch the Lion King.

That made me lol. :lol:

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Guest razberrymeringue

People who readily accuse "Asian culture" fans of being wannabes are usually stuck up as hell and want to feel superior over others. I mean, unless the non-Korean person is so obviously putting up the culture on a pedestal and making him/herself all around Korean, I can understand, but some people are so ready to sneer at any white American that listens to... whichever Korean pretty-boy boyband that is all the rage today. You think that that white American truly wants to be an Asian, like you? How terribly self-absorbed of you. (Is it fair to say that Asians who enjoy listening to hip-hop and eating fried chicken wanna be black? Is it fair to say that Asians who find a specific Russian model attractive and enjoys wearing one of those Russian furry hats is a wannabe Russian?)

Oh yeah, some of you guys also seem to think that the double-eyelid fold is only a Caucasian thing, which it's not.... because pretty much all the other races have it. =/

I so agree with you. Umm you know, if you don't understand the words, there's no point in listening to the music. I also find it annoying when people enjoy listening to whale noises when they don't understand whale. Disney also needs to completely omit the opening vocals of the Circle of Life, because I feel extremely uncomfortable having to listen to lyrics that I don't understand whenever I watch the Lion King.

Btw I'm Viet.

hah i agree with this whole thing..and the last part made me crack up..XDD

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i know a girl who goes to high school with me and takes Japanese. she always reads manga and thinks Gackt is "totemo kawaii desu! ^_^" and keeps bluttering out random Japanese whenever it's quiet. <_< it is REALLY annoying and she says she tihnks and dreams in Japanese and she has no Asian blood whatsoever (she's half Maori and half White) and keeps making fun of her own ethnicities like "my family all lives in the bush and they're all poor."

urghh! :wacko:

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Guest BaKeRzHuNnI

I think it's funny when Asians get annoyed at white people trying to be Asian, when they try to be/look/act like they're from the Western world; I've met a lot of Asians who try to deny their heritage as well, trying to be "European". In fact, that's the main reason for the popularity of double-eyelids!

I am sorry, but your statement of the double-eyelids is so ludicrous that I actually fell of my chair laughing, and showing my family this, which concluded more laughter. I am Asian, and yet, oh my god, I, me, an Asian has double-eyelids. It is natural and no I have never gotten surgery for it, isn't that amazing?

I am sorry, if it sounds like I am bashing, but the way you stated your so-called 'fact' just made me want to comment. Double-eyelids equals common in all races. Anyways, I do agree that there are Asians that deny their heritage.

Like someone replied, you can enjoy and appreciate another culture(s) that interests you, whether it be their music, food, language, people, and etcetera, or all, but do not deny your own.


When you think about it, Love, Hate, Music, Fashion, and Math are all universal.

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Guest superfreakk

^Hmm, it's true all races have double eyelids. Most Filipinos I know do.

Yeah, I felt really annoyed around otaku-wannabes/anime nerds too. The fangirl Japanese is annoying as hell and made me a little embarrassed that I actually shared a common interest with them. But having an interest in another culture isn't anything bad; I'm glad so many people appreciate and see the beauty of Asian culture.

I so agree with you. Umm you know, if you don't understand the words, there's no point in listening to the music. I also find it annoying when people enjoy listening to whale noises when they don't understand whale. Disney also needs to completely omit the opening vocals of the Circle of Life, because I feel extremely uncomfortable having to listen to lyrics that I don't understand whenever I watch the Lion King.

Btw I'm Viet.

lmao, this really made my day.

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