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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest asianpanthers

You're not entirely right, either. Native Americans are definitely Americans, but you don't have to be Native American to be an American. White and American aren't equivalent--you're right there--but there are white Americans, black Americans, and other Americans, too. I'm not sure where you got the idea that only Native Americans are Americans. The term American is used more often to describe nationality and cultural identity than ethnicity because there isn't really a single distinct American ethnicity.

I agree with the people who dislike it when people randomly give themselves Japanese names and go around asking people to call them by those. That's crossing the line between interest in a culture and trying to BE Japanese by remaking yourself superficially. If I decide I want to be called Marisela, Aiko, or Hyejin it really doesn't change the fact that I was born a white American and not Hispanic, Japanese or Korean. What's so bad about being who you actually are? It doesn't mean you can't still learn a lot about other cultures and languages or listen to music from other countries or wear their clothes. I actually find it mildly insulting when other white American people interested in Asian cultures go so far as to feel like they need to reject everything American and let everyone around them know they wish they were _________ instead.

What's even sadder is when people who are supposedly so dead set on becoming something else can't even be bothered to pick a decent name or actually learn to speak the language beyond a few words.

wow. what a well written post. insightful and intelligent...and i guess it helps that i agree with your stance regarding this topic :)

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Guest iluvyooh

my white frewn says she's asian on the inside since she hangs out with a large majority of asians

at my school. also it's cuz more than half the school is asian. lol.

she dont act like she's asian, she dont dress like she's asian, she also dont speak like asians.

she a white girl that claims to be asian on the inside. i wouldn't consider her wasian or wannabe asians.

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Guest jesseski

That's completely irrelevant. They're trying to act asian, speak asian, etc. when they're not in an asian country.

I was born here (USA), so I consider myself American, with Korean background. I was given an English name, I didn't give it to myself. I'd gladly take up a name from my ethnicity (In fact, I have one). Most immigrant parents give their children American names so that they can be identified as American, not as an immigrant.

And when I speak English, it's not because I want to be white, it's because it's the ONLY way to properly communicate with the people in my community to the best of my ability. So no one has the right to tell me to stop speaking english.

So when non-asian people try to speak asian languages in an American cultured community, it's just unnecessary.

The peace sign is like the #1 hand sign made by asians in pictures. No one copy righted it; just when 'Wasians' use it, it's very annoying because they think little things like that make them asian. If you use it just cause you like the peace sign, good for you. But if you use it to 'become more asian', think twice what about the peace sign makes you asian. (It doesn't.)

And you're right, you can't pick where you're born. But no matter where you are from, you should love that place and place it close to your heart. It's cool if you have an interest in a different culture, but when you go as far as to want to become that ethnicity, it's almost like you're betraying your own culture. I consider that the equivalent as not liking your self/low self esteem. You should love your self and your culture, no matter where you're from. :/ It's like loving your friend's mom more than your own.

It's not completely irrelevant. And like I said, I don't actually think that way at all. It's just that the original comment was so ridiculous that I was turning it around to better explain myself.

And when I speak another language, take Japanese for example, it's not because I want to be Japanese but simply because I feel like it. Who cares if I'm not Japanese? I mean, it's not like I'm going to run around talking to my teachers or something in another language, but if I feel like using a Japanese expression here or there then so be it right? No one has the right to tell me to stop speaking Japanese. No one has the right, in fact, to tell anyone to stop acting how they do at all.

And of course I don't think that using the peace sign would make someone 'become more asian'. That's a stupid thing to think because it's not specifically asian. Yes, I understand in asian countries it is a popular sign, I have been over there, but that doesn't mean that westerners cannot use it as well, however they want, even if that may be for photos, in an 'asian type way'.

Honestly, there is a hell of a lot more western influence over in asia, than there is of an asian influence here. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, it's just that the way some of you talk is almost like saying "Asian's all love their culture and never try to be American ever. All American's are wannabe-asians" (all is over-exaggerating I know, but you get the point). Surely you've noticed the western influence, no?

Go ahead, though, if you actually wish you were white (not denying the fact that you aren't that is, but simply wishing, or acting that way, etc). And nobody actually has to love where they are born. It's silly to say that it's wrong not to. "Like loving your friend's mom more than your own" may be reasonable in some circumstances. For example if your mother is an awful person, then it would seem perfectly normal to love your friend's mother more. Therefore, there are also cultures and countries that may deserve being disliked. I for one, am not a big fan of the Australian culture. I do not hate it or deny it, but I'm just not that into it. The whole "Let's sit out back and have a barbie" just doesn't do anything for me. I can't stand most of the aussie movies or dramas, and I actually found one of the most recent shows on TV extremely insulting. Now does that honestly mean I have to love my culture just because it's my own? Like I said, you cannot pick your culture therefore you do not have to love it. If you picked it, then by all means you should. But obviously one cannot.

Ack, I'm so sick of this. Can't you just deal with the fact that people may like another culture more than their own? And that it's actually quite reasonable to do so?


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Guest ynnaone210

You're not entirely right, either. Native Americans are definitely Americans, but you don't have to be Native American to be an American. White and American aren't equivalent--you're right there--but there are white Americans, black Americans, and other Americans, too. I'm not sure where you got the idea that only Native Americans are Americans. The term American is used more often to describe nationality and cultural identity than ethnicity because there isn't really a single distinct American ethnicity.

Actually there is, they're called native americans but even that was a term to define their race I guess, given by white people of course lol, they were just kicked out and pushed out of their own country that they found, and everyone from everywhere, starting with the white people from Europe started moving in slowly calling themselves American just because they stole the land and liked the country apparently. lol

I seriously don't even get why any white people care about any other race...I mean..why can't they just enjoy being the supreme race in the world and stay the hell away from the decent ones instead of making a joke out of them.

I'm kidding of course :rolleyes: well half kidding.

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Guest ynnaone210

It's not completely irrelevant. And like I said, I don't actually think that way at all. It's just that the original comment was so ridiculous that I was turning it around to better explain myself.

And when I speak another language, take Japanese for example, it's not because I want to be Japanese but simply because I feel like it. Who cares if I'm not Japanese? I mean, it's not like I'm going to run around talking to my teachers or something in another language, but if I feel like using a Japanese expression here or there then so be it right? No one has the right to tell me to stop speaking Japanese. No one has the right, in fact, to tell anyone to stop acting how they do at all.

Ack, I'm so sick of this. Can't you just deal with the fact that people may like another culture more than their own? And that it's actually quite reasonable to do so?


The thing is though....Speaking ENGLISH doesn't mean WHITE, English is a language that Americans speak and since America is a place with no real ethnicity just a country with a bunch of races living there, and no real culture of it's own, speaking the language that whites, black, asians,hispanic, ect..speak in that one country how the hell does that just equal WHITE?

ughh why the hell do white people think everything leads back to them, surgery, hair and eye colors get over yourselves already lol, I swear some white people think they're just so damn special sometimes, it's funny. lol

You speaking Japanese randomly is weird because the majority of people in the US don't just go around speaking japanese to show off that they know some japanese lol they just look weird lol sorry but Japan is a country with their own language and their own culture and America is a country with a dominate language and many different cultures inside it.

To put it bluntly...

Speaking Japanese = Japanese person, and someone who decides to learn it.

Speak English = any race under the sun.

Lol no offence but there are plenty of ways to defend and go around you copying the way you may see the Asian people around you ...or on myspace lol may act and they're alot of ways you can defend that, I guess but I mean come on be real here lol..I know white girls (army brats mostly) born in raised in Japan that don't ever throw up the peace sign or throw around random Japanese words in the US like some crazed anime fan lol.

I bet you couldn't even pin point certain things in my countries history and culture and our traditions, as much as you could with our entertainment scene and whose hot at the moment, that is not taking an interest in the real culture, unlike America my country has a culture of it's own and traditions we all know and stick by.

And has alot of things to our culture that believe it or not don't revovle around America which is probably the only thing you know about Japan is things that have to do with our relations to the US.

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Guest tengosuds

ughh why the hell do white people think everything leads back to them, surgery, hair and eye colors get over yourselves already lol, I swear some white people think they're just so damn special sometimes, it's funny. lol

there are self important, proud and arrogant people in every race. and no offence but it makes you sound ignorant to say that, im sure plenty of white people do think in that way and its a shame that you feel you need to brand them like that. but there are people from every race, culture and country who are arrogant in the same way and at it sounds unnecessarily judgemental to brand "white people" in this way. and im really sorry that this is your opinion.

and i could be wrong, but most of this discussion is based on ignorance! like you said, ynnaone210, i probably cant pin point things about your culture and the history and traditions etc. but that is not something specific to me because im white. it is because i just dont know, just as you probably dont know the same things about MY culture. and i dont mean this in an accusatory way at all so please dont get offended, im just trying to explain that it is possible to have respect or appreciation for a culture - or even just ASPECTS OF A CULTURE - that you dont necessarily know everything about.

i personally find it flattering when people show an admiration for my culture. it really shouldnt be a bad thing anyway that people who not FROM your culture are able to love and respect it. i know someone who is chinese-canadian, and he loves british comedy, and that isnt to say he knows everything about what it is to be british, but i love having conversations with him about it, and its actually really nice that he takes an avid interest in something so far away from him. and the number of people i know who take an interest in the british football league!! instead of calling people "wannabes" and talking about how theyre "trying to be something theyre not", why not just accept the fact that your culture has attractive features that anyone would want to take enjoyment in?

i wish people would just take pleasure in the way their culture attracts others instead of sectioning themselves off in this way and constantly reasserting the differences between their race and another, or their culture etc. we are all different, regardless of race, gender or section in society. people just need to learn to accept that.

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Guest ynnaone210

I don't care about your culture or where your from, because I am assuming you're 'from' America, or are you from somewhere else because learning about different cultures and their traditions and customs happens to one of my many classes in school, but I honesly couldn't care less about American culture where it is now, it is just a joke. lol no offense.. lol

respect or appreciation for a culture means learning about the ACTUAL culture, my countries culture isn't utada hikaru and ayumi hamasaki and hot j-rock guys and anime and video games okay lol that is not our culture, that's our entertainment lol so it's insulting when people claim they have interest in a culture but don't know the first thing about the countries history no matter what country it is.

I don't care for America too much yet, I speak close to perfect english and I know a whole lot about it's history, why? because I live here right now and it would be insulting to be here and not speak the language and know the first thing about the place.

If you have an interest or "respect or appreciation" for a country why not learn something about that contry, why not take real appreciation for a real culture and learn something about it lol

Most people with interest in my country seem to not want to admit they're just obsessive anime / video game fans or weirdos with an asian fetish whether it be for men or women..lol if you can't take time to learn about something you claim you're interested in you might as well fess up and admit to why you're actually interested in the culture.

I mean there's nothing wrong with being interested in our entertainment scene and all but that is not our culture and it's not taking an interest in our culture, so you shouldn't be saying it like you study every single thing about my country and our culture.

Alot of Asian people, I can't speak for us all, may come off defensive about things like this because it seems that people are confusing our entertainment crap and video games and anime with our culture and obviously Japanese culture is a joke in the US since they like to make movies with a bunch of damn chinese actors and actress' in it acting like their Japanese when they can't even speak it lol but hey we're all the same because we're Asian right? lol. ^_^

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Guest jesseski

ughh why the hell do white people think everything leads back to them, surgery, hair and eye colors get over yourselves already lol, I swear some white people think they're just so damn special sometimes, it's funny. lol

You speaking Japanese randomly is weird because the majority of people in the US don't just go around speaking japanese to show off that they know some japanese lol they just look weird lol sorry but Japan is a country with their own language and their own culture and America is a country with a dominate language and many different cultures inside it.

To put it bluntly...

Speaking Japanese = Japanese person, and someone who decides to learn it.

Speak English = any race under the sun.

Lol no offence but there are plenty of ways to defend and go around you copying the way you may see the Asian people around you ...or on myspace lol may act and they're alot of ways you can defend that, I guess but I mean come on be real here lol..I know white girls (army brats mostly) born in raised in Japan that don't ever throw up the peace sign or throw around random Japanese words in the US like some crazed anime fan lol.

I bet you couldn't even pin point certain things in my countries history and culture and our traditions, as much as you could with our entertainment scene and whose hot at the moment, that is not taking an interest in the real culture, unlike America my country has a culture of it's own and traditions we all know and stick by.

And has alot of things to our culture that believe it or not don't revovle around America which is probably the only thing you know about Japan is things that have to do with our relations to the US.

Can I just point out something first? I'm not American. I do not live in the US, never have. I'm Australian, and I believe I said that already.

Also, I DO LEARN JAPANESE. Are you satisfied? I take Japanese at school and I went on a study tour with school over there about a month ago. I actually DO know about more than just the entertainment scene, and I think Japan is a beautiful country, with a very interesting culture and history. We did actually take the time to visit some of the historical places there you know. AND I stayed in a homestay. Now if you're accusing me of saying that I know nothing about the culture or traditions I suggest you think again. Because I was interested in that before I even cared what music was popular or "who's hot".


Anyway. I'm not trying to be Japanese or find ways to defend myself etc. I'm white. I like being white. I do not want to be asian, and never have.

AND ANYWAY, who cares if people like the entertainment in Japan and don't care about the culture. I certainly don't mind if someone says "I love Australian movies!" but they don't know anything about the history of Australia. I barely know all the history of my country myself! It's not a big deal.

I don't care about your culture or where your from, because I am assuming you're 'from' America, or are you from somewhere else because learning about different cultures and their traditions and customs happens to one of my many classes in school, but I honesly couldn't care less about American culture where it is now, it is just a joke. lol no offense.. lol

respect or appreciation for a culture means learning about the ACTUAL culture, my countries culture isn't utada hikaru and ayumi hamasaki and hot j-rock guys and anime and video games okay lol that is not our culture, that's our entertainment lol so it's insulting when people claim they have interest in a culture but don't know the first thing about the countries history no matter what country it is.

And that is just plain insulting and hypocrytical. I'm not even American, but you're telling people to respect your culture and then saying the American culture is a joke. And putting 'no offense' after anything is childish, because you obviously mean offense.

I'm pretty sure that people that have 'respect or appreciation' for the culture, ACTUALLY do. No one would claim to 'respect or appreciate' the culture if they didn't know about it, unless they didn't understand what 'respect' and 'appreciation' meant. And anyway, that's pop culture. It's still part of your country and YES Japan is well known for that, so you just have to deal with the fact that people actually like that side of it. Maybe you should be more proud of it? Ok, ok, that's a little harsh because you never said you weren't, but it came across that way.

Just to clear some things up, I guess: Yes, I like Japan. Yes, I take Japanese as a subject, so therefore it makes sense to speak it on occassion (and who cares if it doesn't make sense. Japanese uses a lot of english these days anyway, even when there are Japanese words for things. I have nothing against it at all, I'm just saying). Yes, I like the culture and traditions. But yes, I also like the entertainment there.

For example, I like some Korean music, dramas etc. However, I would never say I 'appreciate' the Korean culture because I know close to nothing about it. So therefore I would never actually say, "I love Korea". Never been there, so I wouldn't know what it's like, and if I'd enjoy it there. I simply say, "I like some Korean music". And there, are we satisfied?

Uh, I think I'm done.

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I for one, am not a big fan of the Australian culture. I do not hate it or deny it, but I'm just not that into it. The whole "Let's sit out back and have a barbie" just doesn't do anything for me.

nawww.. i am SUCH an aussie. i love having a barbie with my mates.

the smell of sizzling onion, the sound of people running around in thongs (or flipflops as the 'mericans call them), and an ice cold beerrr..!

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ynnaone210: You are a racist and a bigot. Adding "lol" after your sentences doesn't make them funny nor does it make them any less insulting.

'Culture' is an abstract construct. It doesn't physically exist. It can be altered and changed within a generation by a person or group of people. Japan's culture is being shifted and altered by interaction with the 'West', just as Western culture is being influenced by those of the 'East'. I am not an American, but I am a citizen of another multicultural society; Australia. To claim that multicultural societies have 'no culture' is ignorant and offensive. I have lived in homogenous societies as well and can honestly say I far prefer a multicultural atmosphere where every culture is acknowledged and accepted. To me, this whole thread is ridiculous. To claim that people who express interest in another culture are "wannabies" is just.... argh, I can't find the words to express my disgust without upsetting the swear filter.

Language is similar to culture in it's fluidness. It changes and evolves constantly. The English language, for example, contains thousands of French words due to the years of French rule and influence. In an increasingly globalised world, it makes sense that languages are going to influence each other. Why should it only be English impacting on other languages? The Japanese language for instance is hugely influenced by Chinese. Do you never use Chinese characters? cuz omfg, foreign influence is bad!!!!!11!!1!!

My time in America was limited to only about a month so I can't speak extensively on it, but Australia has a large Asian population. To me, it makes perfect sense that Australian English should reflect that by incorporating largely understood and relevant words from popularly spoken Asian languages into it.

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Guest tengosuds

i wrote a reply but unfortunately it didnt post itself because it was just as soompi was having maintenance. but everything i wanted to say has basically been covered by jesseski and Faa. ESPECIALLY Faa, and i cannot stress how much i agree with everything you said.

i would like to add however, that this argument has become something so based on generalisations, and pride - which really should not have to be a bad thing! - and IGNORANCE that its become PAINfully judgemental!

i would also like to add that people will stop even TRYING to have respect for your culture if all you're doing is excluding them by branding them with stereotypes. ("anime-freaks" to name but one.)

and no, i am not american, well done ynnaone210 for making yet another poorly judged assumption. i am a half British half Greek female living in London, England and if you are as interested as you claim in world cultures (oh, excluding America...) it would be my pleasure to educate you on the subject.

i hope i didnt offend anyone. i best be off before i break something.

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

ynnaone210, stop being so insensitive, ignorant, and insulting. Reword whatever it is you're trying to say and maybe then people will take you seriously. But until then, nobody wants to hear you complain in such an immature manner.

And stop shooting down America like it's nothing, like it's some kind of "joke" as you seem to like to describe it. I am one of the least patriotic people you will ever meet, and even I know that America has a VAST culture of it's own, both of the Native Americans and of the Europeans who tore the land from them. And if you think otherwise then you obviously need to learn a thing or two before you try to speak about such matters.

And for the record, most people don't like Asiaphiles who go overboard, but I'm willing to bet they dislike obnoxious elitists even more.

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Guest asianpanthers

i think that some people are missing the fact that each asian country has many cultural differences, and even people who are being critical of non-asian people who are defending...well, as far as i can see, mostly japanese culture, when it's not even their own.

i still dont like people who are super obsessed with asian culture as a result of "yellow fever", not that i have a problem with interracial dating, but if you're just chasing asian "tail" because of some sick sexual obsession and out of the idea that they are "adventurous" in that way, then i hate you, and so does most of society.

i feel like a lot of asian culture obsessed students at my school are loud, and come off as rude, although that's not really their intent, but they just dont know any better.

i hate being told that something that i think or know about my own culture is incorrect by someone who has a much weaker grasp on it...like american born and raised idiots who are studying japanese and have the idea that japanese = all of asia. it's very very ignorant. it sounds too stupid to be true, right? wrong. evidently, my inexperience with the japanese language and general culture makes me a fool in the eyes of people who either dont realize that i'm not japanese, or just think that everyone in asia worships japan...or...everyone in asia's culture is just identical.

this has actually happened before.

i think that the target of the author of this thread are individuals that most people wouldn't voluntarily hang out with...at least that's who i'm thinking of!

but...there are people who watch a billion animes, and then believe that those animes define japanese culture. or at least their behavior reflects that. that would richard simmons anyone off. if you dont think that anyone like that exists, guess again. i've met several people like that, but one is more than i would like to.

i guess my best analogy would be that any idiot with half a brain can understand that sponge bob square pants' behavior doesn't define american attitudes and points of view in any way. it is flat out stupid to think that it does.

dont get the wrong idea, because (i've said this like twice already) i have american friends who study japanese, chinese, whatever, or live in asia, but they are tolerable because...well, they dont fit the profile that i was describing before. they behave normally, dont dress up in japanese school uniforms, wear anime tee shirts every single day, etc.

i think the big problem with this thread is that a lot of people who aren't even being described by these posts are getting very defensive. i mean, there's probably one or several people who have replied that this thread may apply to...but...i dont know. i didn't read EVERY reply.

but i think that this would be a lot more civil if people premeditating their posts, so they could properly express their opinions.

but i guess that doesn't really prevent people with really ignorant points of view from being as offensive as they want...hmm...

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i think the big problem with this thread is that a lot of people who aren't even being described by these posts are getting very defensive.

Agreed. I thought that the topic was made to describe ONLY the people who go overboard. It seems like a lot of people think that they're being attacked for having a healthy interest in Asian culture. [if that's you, and you were offended by what I wrote, I'm sorry!!] But really, I thought it was only the people who are... really overboard, or really really arrogant or something...

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Guest CitrusFlower

I'm so glad someone said that.

A lot of people think all Japanese are super polite o_o;;

Some people have this delusion about Asia that it's perfect and I'm glad that you know it's not! lol

It gets on my nerves when a person idolizes anything without recognizing its faults

And also about the not accepting others...

I was going to say something about that too~

Because it's really hard to be accepted in Japan if you're not... from there already

Only way you can get a job there if you're not from Japan is pretty much English Teacher =.=;;

It's even worse for me because I'm Japanese American..

As far as my experience goes, they tend to expect you to be as good as the Japanese...

But then they treat you like an American =.=;;

My dad calls it "worst of both worlds" lol

EDIT: Just a disclaimer, not trying to be mean to any Japanese people!

It's just that in my experience that's what happened...

But I know there's a lot of nice Japanese people out there! :]

So please don't be offended

most people want to be asian becuz of anime and the korean wave but its mostly anime, im not japanese but i know that japan isn't as what people think it is, japan has muderer and rapers like any other places in the world and like other places their are evil and nice people, totally agree with you

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