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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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I think there's a difference between a healthy interest in something, or obsession to the point where you're trying to convince yourself you ARE something. A lot of geeks run into the danger of that all the time because there's so many venues to immerse ourselves in where we can quite easily reject reality. Whether it's World of Warcraft, or Anime...it's an easy escape especially if you're not happy with who you are, or where you are in life. My philosophy is moderation in all things. :)

I remember my older sister telling me of a girl in her theatre class, some white anime fan, who whenever the teacher called on her she'd go "Hai!" then apologize because she "Automatically answers in Japanese."

HAHAAHAH! So hilarious...omg. So great.

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Guest Mei*Huan*16

Wasians. HAHA that's so funny!

I think its cute.

i have a friend whos like that but not really. but she's a exchange student so its not she understands!

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Guest j.a*star

This has happened to me before.

I'm Asian myself, but not korean. This Chinese girl at my school apparently has a problem with it.

I mean seriously, can I not be interested in a country without people criticizing it?

But with the real wannabe Asians...erm I don't know...never met one before..not planning on it.

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Guest moosepooop

yeahh. i think they're annoying.

i mean, what's the whole point in someone

wanting to be asian?

i wouldn't want to be seen with them or anything.

no offense to anyone.

but it's nice that people love the asian culture.

but actually trying to ACT like one? noooo.

and i don't like how asians try to act BLACK.


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Guest atlanticgal

offtopic but i love it when people tattoo chinese characters on their arms or soemthing and say it means 'fire catching dragon' whne the actual literally traslation is like dragon on fire.

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offtopic but i love it when people tattoo chinese characters on their arms or soemthing and say it means 'fire catching dragon' whne the actual literally traslation is like dragon on fire.


Hm yeah there's otakus in my school.. some want to be Japanese. <_< Which I don't understand because I had some of those in my Student Ambassador group and they couldn't even get used to the culture and food in Japan :mellow:

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Guest BleachFan22

(I should apologize if I sound ignorant, I haven't read the whole thread. I'll update once I read some more. I'm just a tad bit...miffed)

I have a question for this thread.

I'm white...100%, no asian in me.

My fascination with korea was completely random and it is pretty strong, considering it is now my major (asian studies) and I study the language daily. I also plan to move to korea some day and continue my education and probably start a family.

I know tons of people that have just come straight from korea to my college and they are all amazed with me liking korea and my ability to hold a conversation in their native language.

Would you say that I'm annoying?

Or is this thread talking about Otaku that think everything about japan is saying "kawaii" "desu" and anime...

I think its a different story depending on the kind of people you're talking about, but this is coming from a person who may be what this thread is about...so who knows.

I'm just hoping people dont have a problem with me because, whether they like it or not, I'm not giving up what I love doing.

EDIT: Let me say this too, since I forgot it. I don't claim myself to be asian or wanting to be asian. People do it for me. They swear up and down that I have korean in me yet to my knowledge, I don't. So no...I don't "want" to be asian, but if I was I wouldn't mind. I have a neutral stand on it. I figured I would mention that since a lot of people seem to be talking about it.

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Guest smashbox

Haha that's so weird. I know there's a bunch of wannabe-blacks, wannabe-whites, and wannabe-spanish people but I never met someone who wanted to be asian.

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Guest mooooolooooomooooo

Some Wasians give me a wierd vibe sometimes, like their socially awkward vibe. I have no problem with them though unless they get into the culture strictly thinking they will be treated like gods in another country cause they're white. Theres definately a fine line between being interested in the culture and taking it to extremes like screaming japanese words out of no where. I actually know a few people who put off their educational goals to just try to get into japan to "study" nothing that applies to their major. (aka. they think they will get girls cause of their whiteness or (insert colorness))

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Guest shiawasebeam

a lot of people try telling me that i "want to be asian", even though i don't, i just like the pop culture, you know? this really annoying girl saw that i was listening to i think it was SE7EN's Ari no mama then started telling me i'm a wannabe, when i don't. i'm aloud to have interests, right?

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Guest chocopocky

In my opinion, I don't think there's nothing wrong with having an interest. I mean, you like it and you move on.

As for Wasians, they are sure annoying but there's always gonna be some otaku around anyways and we can't control that. Who knows? They may look at themselves again in the past and think "what was I doing?" I have plenty of white friends who are intrigued by Asian cultures (not super obsessed) and these "otakus" are pretty much making them look bad.

All we can do now is ignore them or tell them STFU to get it straight.

I think it's ridiculous to want to be something you're not. Then again, we can't control them from liking Japan or whatever. (Especially when there's an overload of scary looking people in cosplay at those weird anime con thingys. never been to one and never want to)

It's not just white otakus, I'm pretty sure there's more racial "wannabes".

Like I have Vietnamese friend whose uncle moved to French and tried to 'recreate' his nationality/pass off as FRENCH.

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Guest benjaminlibl

Why try to be something you're not? You should love your own culture and embrace it instead of trying to be somebody you're not.


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Guest LoveItLiveIt

Oh dude!! My chorus teacher thinks she's Asian.

As well as my adviser. They wanted Hmong names,

So some other kids gave it to them.

Its hilarious when they try and speak Hmong,

And when they pronounce it wrong, its funny.

And what's even funnier, is when the Asian guys tell them to say stupid catch phrases in Hmong.

Butta, I think Wasians and Wannabes are cool.

Most of them, at least are.

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I hate the actual wannabe asians, but my friend is always like, "I'm chinese on the inside" in a cute voice because she has an interest in it, she isn't like those who are trying to be asian, she just likes the culture.

Ont he other hand, I know this real annoying ________ and she thinks she is so cool. She goes like, "Ni hao" everytime she sees me, so I just cuss her out in chinese. x_x And since I was stuck in the same class as her, she was like "Wo bu ai ni" whenever I did something mean to her... I only do mean things when she goes overboard, usually I just ignore her. So when she goes like, "Wo bu ai ni." I'll just be like, "Wo ye bu ai ni, wo bu xiang ting ni shuo de hua, qing ni xiao shi..." She be like "What?" "Bai tuo la ni, ni yao shuo ni xiang zuo yi ge zhong wen ren, dan shi ni bu dong wo shuo hen jian dan de zi."

Then she just shuts up for the rest of the day until the next day. ¬.¬

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Guest Ayu-Mi-X

People often call me Asian because I like Asian dramas. It's offensive to me because why can't I be black and still like Asian stuff?

Wannabe Asians are often called "Weaboos". I used have a boyfriend (he was black) that swore he had a Japanese soul.... Oh, what do you call a Chinese person who wants to be Japanese?

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