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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest Sadana


There are a lot of Koreans who go and listen to Jrock/pop and watch anime...same for Chinese people, so they're whapanese or whatever you call it. Wannabe Japanese. Just because you're "Asian" doesn't make you less of a wannabe.

You have your white people who get so caught up in this crap, I can't deny that.

I've always stood my ground though. I'M WHITE. I LOVE being white. I LOVE white culture. I LISTEN to "white rock and roll". I wouldn't be ANY other race. I DON'T wish I was Asian at all.

I DO enjoy Jrock and the whole Japanese thing, but that's about all.

I don't put down Asians who shop at Abercrombie and call them bananas or "wannabe whites" or pick on them because they listen to people who sing in English. It should be the same way around.

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Guest popolala

i dont mind wannabe asians, thats flattering, n they always welcome to learn about asian culture.. its something to be proud of.. i wouldnt be angry at someone if they have an interst in my culture! .. but i really hate those who do.. like, isnt it better for them to like asians, than hate asian? .. i guess those who find it annoyin, perfer them to still think that all asian yellow race is 'chinese'... and no other nation apart from that? <_< ...

its like,

- dont drink tea and eat fish and chips.. if your asian, because your not white!

- dont wear korean clothes and say an-nyo because your not korean..

- dont speak english because your not english..

i hate racism..

just because they have an interest in your culture, dont mean they dont remember or abadoning their own identity.. pleasee.. how do u know what they thinking? .. is that wot ur thinking too, when u listen to korean music, are u forgetting your from another race? .. if not, then please stop being a racist!

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Guest Melyxcious

There is this girl that I know that thinks she's Japanese because:

1) She watches anime.

2) She eats pocky.

3) She wears Chinese dresses. (I don't know how this one fits but apparently it does to her.)

4) She THINKS she can use chopsticks.

5) She tries to say things with a horrible Japanese accent.

6) She knows a few words (i.e. konichiwa and arigato, which I think most people know).

7) She listens to some Japanese music.

8) She likes to think she is.

It's very annoying because she's NOT Japanese, she's white (sorry if that sounds racist; I don't intend it to be). I mean, I have no problem with her interest in Japan but thinking she IS gets me frustrated.

I have a couple of friends who are like that in the first high school that I went to. It was crawling with anime otakus and they ALL did that omfg. And there were those who were obsessed with J-rock kept dressing up in gothic&lolita dresses. I love the lolita dresses but whenever I see a non-Asian person constantly wearing it... Errr... It's not that cute anymore.

The worst thing is when people say they're part asian, but they're just lying about it.

Reminds me of my one friend back in sophomore year. She's African-American and she went around telling people that her great great great grandmother was from Japan and her great great grandfather was from China. I'm like... Umm.. right. Cuz I knew both of her parents really well and they told me that they had no Asian blood whatsoever in them haha.

Wasians... I've met a ton of them and it's not fun. It's funny once in a while but like... you can just see a whole group of them, especially in high schools. They're all wearing black. Dark makeup. And constantly drawing gothic manga/anime characters. Always trying to act so cool and keep saying the most randomest Japanese words ever D: "That's so kawaii!" is seriously annoying and the constant konnichiwas and arigatous... gahhhh -___-; I knew a few people who kept hanging around with me cuz I'm Asian - _ -;;;

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hm. i think its pretty ok to like other pop or folk cultures and that, but there's a point between liking and obsession. U know when i go to an anime expo or to any random asia festival i seriously wanna butch all those damn freaks. get a life -.-

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Guest Kimimaro

o_O theres a lot of folks like that around school lol like...anime people

theyre kinda freaky and stuff :x

they get all overexcited about having a box of pocky x_x

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Guest LazyAzian


Wannabe Asians are OK.

I don't really talk to them much, and I despsie it when they statr saying Japanese stuff.

I know a lot of Japanese phrases, but you don't see me saying kawaii/sugoi for everything ~


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Guest Cassiopeiasujuluver


most of the non asians I've met on soompi just admire parts of asian culture, but don't try

to be asian.

I admire asian culture music japanese food yum!!!! but i

would never abandon who I am oh yea and I do

like anime...D so do some of my friends but their not

asian or wasian for that matter they jst like anime

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Guest foreverxfu

Reminds me of my one friend back in sophomore year. She's African-American and she went around telling people that her great great great grandmother was from Japan and her great great grandfather was from China. I'm like... Umm.. right. Cuz I knew both of her parents really well and they told me that they had no Asian blood whatsoever in them haha.

hahahah. i know what you mean. the same girl i was talking about before was telling me about how she believes that her greatgreatgreat-something grandparent or i don't even really understand had an affair with a japanese girl, and she's now 1/8 japanese. i told her that even if her great-great-grandfather was full japanese, right now, she'd only be at most 1/16, or 1/32 or something. and then she got annoyed at me.

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Guest chuuchuu

i don't mind that they have an interest in asian culture and stuff... but it's kinda not cool if they put down their own culture at the same time. i mean, you should be proud of who you are too =D

but taking it too far is annoying. it's not really nice in the first place to talk in other languages in public but to just switch to japanese randomly to say "kawaii desu ne~~~~" to strangers is so redundant. like... hmmm maybe considering you do know english and other people don't know japanese, you should might as well say "isn't that cute?" if you want them to respond.

ughh and when they pronounce the "u" sound in "desu", i'm just like @ _ @ don't say it if you can't pronounce it

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Guest monchichi

Ugh... you're born the way you are, so deal with it.

My ex wanted to be Japanese quite badly and it was annoying because he'd bloody say "itadakimasu" and "gochisousama" or whatever before and after a meal, AND used to make me say it as well. I was like "But you're freaking Vietnamese!!!"

I mean, I like the culture, I like dressing up as lolita (for festivals), cosplay and attending anime festivals, j-drama, k-drama etc etc etc but, first and foremostly, I am Vietnamese and I would never want to change that about myself to become anything else.

It's ok to like other cultures but it's not ok when you either become too obsessive with it and/or put down your own culture in the process.

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Guest KTZ811

I'm "asian".. although some people categorize us a third world because i'm filipino..

idk if I'm a wannabe asian though.. :huh:

I take interest in Korea because I fell in love with K-dramas..does that make me "wasian"?? :mellow:

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Guest xjleex

Its pretty annoying.. somebody at my church is a Wannabe Asian and he keeps speaking Mandarin.. but hell he's doesn't know his own culture and he bothers to learn another person's culture? It annoys me when he knows I don't speak Mandarin and he speaks it to me just to show off

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Guest LaTinky

i don't know if that could be annoying, to be honest i don't know many people in my town who are interested in asian culture.

but seriously, sometimes i let a ''omo'' slip out by accident and, don't get me wrong i'm not getting mad or anything, but i don't think that's being 'wasian'.

but i think it might be annoying for you guys who have to deal with it ^^'

i don't try to be asian, and i'm not even HALF asian even though i have asians in my family and stuff but it's something i grew up with so i can't just erase it from my life :(

but i think that if 'wasians' are happy the way they are, thank that's cool because they've found out a way to be happy.

i agree with ThaoIee*_*

there aren't only asian wannabes ... i've met tons of brazilian wannabes and i didn't get annoyed with it, i thought it was cool that some people like our culture so much that they actually want to have it as a part of their own.

please don't take this as if i were bashing you or offending you or anything ok?? :) just expressing my opinion

(and i really hope nobody bashes me for this either :ph34r:

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

I remember my older sister telling me of a girl in her theatre class, some white anime fan, who whenever the teacher called on her she'd go "Hai!" then apologize because she "Automatically answers in Japanese."


I don't think people should even be comparing the "asian people trying to be white" thing. Theres a big difference between the asians that are born here, and are INFLUENCED by american culture, because they're born & raised here, than the white/&other people that just want to be asian.

Except for the fact that I GUARANTEE that there are plenty of people in Japan, Korea, and wherever else, who, by the same standards of most of the people in this thread, could be classified as "white wannabes." I've never been to Asia before, but I know there are tons of people obsessed with American culture and white culture, just as here in America we've got crazy otaku.

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Guest ohmysanity

Oh my goodness. I really..hate things like this. I don't think you can be a wannabe"insert race here" UNLESS you physically state "I WISH I WAS *insert race here*"... because, who are you to sat that because someone likes anime they want to be Japanese? Or because they were Roccawear they want to be black? Or because they dye their hair blonde they want to be white? I think that's pretty stupid/stereotypical/rude to assume such thing about people...

It's also kind of ignorant.

If anything, if someone is interested in your culture, say for instance, they like to speak in Japanese. There's nothing wrong with that. It just means they like/admire the culture. If anything, teach them some more Japanese, show them the culture, the history...the music. Don't bash someone because they have an open mind to cultures that are not their own.

/end rant

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Guest Aravis

My friend asked me one time if I had "Korean envy" because I was saying something about how lovely their faces' bone structure were (and they are!). I was just saying... I also love White people's hair and eye colors, and I admire Black models for their skin. :P Though I was never directly accused of being a Wasian, mostly because they already mistake me for Japanese/Korean. -_-;;

I don't like it when people make a blanket statement that anyone interested in their culture is a wannabe. I think it's a good thing that they're exposing themselves to something new and broadening their horizons. That said, I also know some people who actually want to be another race. That's just weird and probably says something about their insecurities. o_O;; I think you should work on yourself as an established individual and not just someone of Asian descent.

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Guest CitrusFlower

everyone is racist in there own way, even if you think your not there is always a time when you are, theres always a time when you wish you were different kind of race then your own but if you get too obsess with it, it gets annoying

if people wanna people japanese becuz of anime and music, it's pathetic becuz if you wanna be japanese you have to appreciate the language and culture not only the entetainment

im a wanna be japanese so what?i like japanese culture,language, and of course entertianment but i never deny my real race(veit and chinese) and i never say i'm japanese when people ask me what race i am

appreciating ones culture is great but if you wanna be that culture for just anime and entertainment and get all obsess and say some words you know in that language like "kawaii" "chao" you basically don't know anything about that culture

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I remember my older sister telling me of a girl in her theatre class, some white anime fan, who whenever the teacher called on her she'd go "Hai!" then apologize because she "Automatically answers in Japanese."


Except for the fact that I GUARANTEE that there are plenty of people in Japan, Korea, and wherever else, who, by the same standards of most of the people in this thread, could be classified as "white wannabes." I've never been to Asia before, but I know there are tons of people obsessed with American culture and white culture, just as here in America we've got crazy otaku.

The gospel truth!


I dun know if I mentioned this

but I remember there were some crazy otakus jumping down my throat about street fighter

getting all in my business like "Um u know rose really has that on her head right?"


And don't even get me started when I me and family went to meet Inafking

at Gamestop, all the lil crazy freaks tryna skip the line

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