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♥ Ha Ji Won 하지원 ♥ 河智苑 ♥ ハジウォン♥ || Drama 2022: Curtain Call


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Taken from Secret Garden thread, a recent article on Ha Ji Won being interviewed, asked about her thoughts on Se-Ga as well as her own personal experiences.

Long post incoming!

[하지원의 ‘시크릿 토크’] 하지원 “길라임처럼 심장이 쿵…진짜 떨렸죠”

[Ha Ji Won's "Secret Talk"] Ha - "Just like Gil Ra Im, my heart fluttered, really fluttered"


■ ‘시크릿 가든’ 그 후… (After Secret Garden…)

카푸치노 키스 열풍 기분좋아요 ㅋㅋ (I seem to like the cappuccino kiss haha)

이상형이요?…김주원 같은 로맨틱남 (What's your ideal man?…Kim Ju Won is such a romantic man)

몇달간 동거동락한 라임이와의 이별 (I have to adjust myself with the departing of Ra Im's role)

이번엔 제가 라임앓이 해야할까봐요 (I'm afraid I have the Ra Im fever)



‘라벤더 향이 난다’는 액션에 김주원(현빈)은 눈이 멀었고, 시청자는 마음을 빼앗겼다. 3개월간 주말 안방극장에 ‘길라임 열풍’을 몰고 온 주인공 하지원.

가죽 민소매 상의와 짧은 바지를 입고 칼을 휘두르던 액션이 아직도 눈에 선한데, 드라마가 끝나고 만난 하지원은 바로 레드카펫에 서도 손색이 없을 정도로 화려한 차림이었다.

‘시크릿 가든’ 마지막 회가 방송한 16일 오후까지 촬영하고, 하루 2∼3시간밖에 잠을 못 자 ‘얼굴이 많이 부었다’고 걱정했지만, 웃는 얼굴은 여전히 아름다웠다.

"There  is a smell of lavender in your action..." as told by Kim Ju Won  (Hyun  Bin). "...that will make you go blind." It stole the hearts of  the viewers. And for the past 3 months during the weekends, Ha Ji Won  seemed to bought the "Gil Ra Im Fever" by storm.

Wearing just  sleeveless tops and leather pants along with a sword, the action of a  stuntwoman became memorable to those who watched her. But even when the  drama ended, Ha Ji Won was beautiful enough to be a red carpet material.  

The filming of the last episode of "Secret Garden"  that aired  on Jan 16th lasted to that very day around afternoon time. Sleeping for  only 2~3 hours per day, concerned about "keeping up with the facial", Ha  Ji Won's face still looked beautiful as ever with a smile. (Maybe she's just not showing it, what a strong girl.)

● “판타지, 액션, 카푸치노 실제로 좋아해요” ("Beside fantasy and action, I actually liked the cappuccino scene")

- 이정연 기자(이하 정연): 이제 길라임을 보낼 준비는 됐는지. (Reporter Lee Jeong Yeon: Gil Ra Im is ready to give out wonders.)


“아직 얼떨떨해요. 꿈에서 덜 깬 것 같다고 할까요. 오늘도 자고 일어났을 때 이게 꿈인지, 생시인지 몽롱했어요. 여행이나 일탈을 통해 벗어나야 할 것 같아요. 길라임의 인생을 멋지고 익사이팅하게 살아서 행복해요.”

"I'm  still in a daze. Felt like I just woke up from a dream. Whether I am  asleep or awake, I wonder to myself is this a dream or did I woke up  from it? I think I need to go out more and do some travelling. Even  though portraying Gil Ra Im's life is cool, exciting and and filled with  happiness."

- 이해리 기자(이하 해리): 온통 ‘시크릿 가든 폐인’이고, 하지원 열풍이다. (Reporter Lee Hae Ri: All the "Secret Garden Fan-Nerds" are in a frenzy over Ha Ji Won.)


“촬  영장에만 있어 실감하지 못했어요. 어느 순간 하지원에서 길라임으로 이름이 바뀌었죠. 친구들도 ‘라임아 얼굴  좀  보여줘’라고  문자를 보내고. 5∼6세 꼬마들도 ‘라임이 누나 사랑해요. 사진 찍어요’라고 해서 정말 신기해요. 바라보는  시선도  달라졌어요.  예전에는 ‘음. 그냥 하지원인가보다’하는 눈빛이었다면, 이제는 살갑고 친근하게 봐주시더라고요.”

"I  did not realize what was going to happen until I go to the filming  studio. At any moment, my name will soon be changed to Gil Ra Im. From  then on, my friends even wrote letters to me "Ra Im ah, come hang out, I  want to see your face." I felt so amazed when even kids who are of 5~6  years of age are saying things to me like that  too, "I love you Ra Im  nuna, please take pictures with me." They changed the way they looked at  me now. In the past, people look at me as "Oh, that's just Ha Ji Won."  Now, people felt very familiar and  friendly when they see me."

- 정연: 드라마 시작 전에 이런 인기를 받을 거라고 예상했나.  (Reporter Lee Jeong Yeon: Before Secret Garden, I never expected myself to be so popular.)



“여  자들은 10대든 60대든 백마 탄 왕자가 나타날 거라는 판타지가 있잖아요. 진심으로 이런 판타지 속에 빠진 여자가  되면  분명히  시청자들도 좋아할 것이라는 믿음이 있었어요. 제 목표는 50 ∼60대 어머니들까지 판타지 속으로 끌고 가고  싶었어요.  그게 통한  거죠.”

"Girls from the age of 10~60 has a fantasy  about a prince riding on a white horse. To be honest, we made that as  our objective for our viewers. Our goal was to take the ajummas from the  age of 50~60 into a world of fantasy, and it worked."

하지원은 인터뷰를 시작하고 얼마 뒤 평소 즐겨 먹는다는 카푸치노를 주문했다. 그리고 드라마의 장면을 재현하듯 흰 거품을 입술에 ‘살짝’ 묻혔다.

Ha  Ji  Won ordered a cappuccino not long after the interview has started. She  drank and appeared the white foam on her lips, as if she was recreating  one of the memorable scene in the drama.

- 정연:  카푸치노도 그렇고 길라임과  비슷한 점이 많은 것 같다. (Reporter Lee Jeong Yeon: There's seem to be some  similarities to the way a cappuccino was drank.)


“작  가님이 예전 제 인터뷰를 봤나 할 정도였어요 전에 인터뷰 할 때 ‘촬영할 때 꼭 필요한 것은 카푸치노.  카푸치노만  있으면  행복해져요’ ‘예쁘다는 말보다 멋있다는 말 좋아해요’라고 했는데. 일부러 만들어주셨다고 할 정도로 공통점이  많았어요.”

"Did you see my previous interview with the writer? She  told me 'Cappuccino is fundamental and essential to the shooting, I am  happy if there is cappuccino involved.', 'I like it when pretty cool  words are spoke.' Things like that are probably created on purpose."

- 해리: 살이 많이 빠진 것 같은데. (Reporter Lee Hae Ri: Ha Ji Won, you seemed to lost a lot of weight.)



“일  부러 체중을 3kg 정도 늘렸어요. 영화 ‘7광구’를 촬영하면서 8∼9개월간 운동을 했어요. 영화에서는  여전사  콘셉트,  드라마에서는 스턴트우먼인데 가늘고 밋밋하면 재미없잖아요. 탄력 있고 탄탄하게 보여야하기 때문에 근육을  단련했죠.”

"I had to lose 3kg on purpose. Shooting for my next action  movie "Sector 7" will take around 8~9 months. Since the movie concept  for me is a warrior type, I need to be a real stuntwoman rather than  just a minor role of a stuntwoman like in "Secret Garden" which was not  as intense. And because of that, I need to be trained in my muscles and  demonstrate well of those actions."

- 해리: ‘액션 여전사’라고 부를  정도로  액션을 많이 한다. 와이어 액션도 겁 없이 하던데. (With a lot of action, it is enough to be  called an "Action Warrior." I also heard that action wire are also never  to be underestimated at."


“사  실 와이어를 타면 정말 힘들어요. 몸을 선물 포장하듯이 꽁꽁 싸매서 공중에 매달아 놓는다고 생각하면 돼요. 척추가  많이  아파서,  한번 타고 나면 교정 받으러 가야해요. ‘다모’ 촬영 때 너무 많이 타서 척추가 안 좋아졌어요. 와이어는 정말  멋있어  보여서  타는 거예요. 하하하. 이번 드라마에서 와이어 액션은 100% 모두 제가 소화했어요. 주위에서도 걱정해도  ‘다할게요! 할  수  있어요!’라고 우겼죠.”

"To be honest, action on wire was  really difficult and tiring. When I'm hung into mid air, I have to be  constantly thinking as I have to wrap myself up carefully, performing  somersault here and there. My spine hurts a lot, but if I do it again, I  know where to correct it. When I was filming for "Damo," I had a lot of  spine issues, and it was not good. Wire action looks really cool when  you're on it tho, hahaha. In this drama (Secret Garden), I have learned  and experienced a lot of action moves and digested them all fully 100%.  Even when I was filled with worries and concerns about the risk, I  always insisted myself by saying 'I will do it! I can do it!' "

- 정연: 잊혀지지 않은 장면은. (Ha Ji Won, tell us your memorable scenes in "Secret Garden.")


“  ‘윗몸 일으키기’와 카푸치노 키스신요. 주원이가 윗몸일으키기를 하며 ‘길라임은 언제부터 그렇게 예뻤나?’하고  말하는  장면에서  ‘쿵’하고 설레었죠. 최근에 한 카페를 갔는데 주인 말로는 카푸치노 매출이 늘었대요. 그런데 카푸치노 거품이  묻은  여자의 입술을  남자가 자신의 입술로 닦아 주는 커플이 자꾸 늘어 골치래요.”

"I would have to  say  it's the sit up and cappuccino scene, when Ju Won was doing sit up  and said 'Gil Ra Im, since when did you become so pretty?', in that  scene, my heart fluttered with a 'boom.' Well recently, I went into a  cafe and the owner of that cafe told me there was an increased sales in  cappuccino. However, the owner also told me that lately there was a lot  of girls kept copying the cappuccino mustache and guys kissing it off,  and it got annoying for him."

● “김주원을 사랑하죠…현빈은…” ("I know you love Kim Ju Won…What about Hyun Bin…?")


- 해리: 현빈과의 호흡은 어땠나? 처음 함께 하는 작품이었는데. (How was the rhythm with Hyun Bin in the first drama you performed together?)

“알  고 봤더니 한 영화에서 만난 적이 있어요. ‘키다리 아저씨’란 영화에서 같은 인물을 우리 둘이 연기했죠. 제 상상  속에  등장하는  걸 빈이 연기했어요. 그 사실을 잊고 있었는데, 빈이 말해주더라고요. 드라마에서도 호흡이 정말 잘 맞았어요.”

"You  know, I actually did one movie with him in the past. We acted in the  same movie "Daddy Long Legs." Hyun Bin was playing as the guy in my  flashback imagination. I had totally forgotten about it, until Hyun Bin  mentioned it to me. In the drama (Secret Garden I assumed because that's when both of them actually worked together for the first time), our acting rhythm really matched well together."

- 정연: 김주원과 오스카 중에 선택한다면. (Reporter Lee Jeong Yeon: Choosing between Kim Ju Won and Oska.)


“김  주원요. 처음 티격태격할 때는 몰랐는데 나중에 날 사랑한다고 대담하게 말하고, 데이트도 하고 그러면서 ‘정말 멋진  남자구나,  이  여자를 정말 사랑하는구나’ 하는 마음을 느꼈어요. 여자들의 로망인 로맨틱한 남자가 좋아요. 이상형은 재미있고  귀여운  남자예요.”

"I would choose Kim Ju Won. At first I didn't  noticed him because he was all over the place, I later realized that he  did loved me. And after many dates, I also realized and felt that "He is  truly a great man. He truly loved this girl." He is every girls' ideal  guy because girls like romantic men. For me, my ideal guy would be  someone who is fun and cute."

- 해리: 이제 결혼을 생각할 나이도 됐는데. (Reporter Lee Hae Ri: Ha Ji Won, you are reaching the age where thoughts of marriage comes to mind.)


“아  직은 생각이 없어요. 드라마나 영화에 출연할 때는 그런 생각이 안나요. 작품을 하면서 실제로 사랑하는 경우가 많은데  그게  안  되더라고요. 제가 그 안에서 하지원이라면 사랑으로 발전할 수도 있을텐데 아니잖아요. 실제 그 사람으로 보이는 게  아니라  배역  안에서 사람을 보니까 끝나면 사랑도 끝이 나는 거죠. 그래서 끝나면 많이 외로워요. 함께 했던 사람들이 그립고.”

"At  this age, I still have no thoughts about marriage. Whenever I perform  in movies or dramas, that thought never occured to me. There are times  that I fall in love when I perform, but those does not work out. When I  perform as Gil Ra Im, the love between my character and the opposite  developed  but that love was not real because I don't see the real  person. I only see the person that is being acted. If the filming for  the drama reached to an end, that love will also ends. And if it ends, I  will feel lonely because I will miss that person I was with."

Credit: [http://news.nate.com.../20110121n03867]

My thoughts:

She  really is one of a kind, really hard to find type of person. I feel  like such a kind hearted with a gifted personality like her in this  world are not appreciated and understandable much by most people out  there. Nobody knows how much they went through, yet putting others  happiness first.

I can honestly say that people who admires her  or has a crush on her as the ideal type (including me) really does not  understand the true meaning of having that life, of having that views  towards the world, and being that kind of person that is Ha Ji Won as  well to all other people out there who are like her. She may not be the prettiest or the cutest to some, but her inner spirit tops all.

As I  read through this article, I couldn't help but feel sad for her. She is a  person at the age of 32, has not experienced much in dating/love; has  time for others but not for herself; maintaining a professional work  ethics like no others; caring; well mannered and intelligent in  communication etc. Yet she hid all these feelings of being "lonely"  throughout the last 15 years of her career and finally have an  oppurtunity to share her worries in a talk show that she guested in for  the very first time (2009). This is pity, really pitiful. Makes my heart  ache.

She does not think of her personal life anymore and  continued to look forward towards work. Can anyone give me a shout right  now, do you see a guy or a girl who are like that? (excluding  celebrities) Just bravo to this girl... Her parents must be very proud  of her.

You're  right, there was a bts clip I saw earlier, and I believed the narrator  was talking about the filming of the last episode for Se-Ga, and HJW was  found smiling and making everyone laugh even during the coldest weather  at night. Even restricted herself from going to the washroom.


The Cupid was interviewed, and praised HJW for her never-dying energy. I believe this was his exact words,

"Her  personality is great, and very caring for her co-workers. In fact, she  actually looked really tired, carrying that sleeping eyes when she  arrived to the filming location. But as soon as she arrived, she could  really make the atmosphere brighten up, treated us really well. We have a  lot to learn from her."

When asked about the similarities between HJW and GRI, The Cupid said,

"The similarities is that she is outgoing, have that boyish feel yet also have that scent of being a woman."

When interviewed HJW, she herself said,

"I  kinda have that boyish feel, and I tend to be really shy but I would  not do it to the point where it becomes too obvious for others to see."

"The  similarities between me and GRI are 100% the same. Even before Se-Ga, I  like actions and cappuccino a lot ever since when I was little, and if  there are any new action movie, I will be the first one to go see."

"I  personally love drinking cappuccino with milk. After knowing Se-Ga has  this kind of scene for me, I felt like this was either just a  coincidence or a fate."

She laughed it off by saying her actions off screen are like lavender too.

When asked about wire action, she herself said,

"Although  it's very hard and tiring, I can still do it because it's awesome!  Usually the wiring action does not need a stunt double, I usually did  all of those myself. But to perform them, it really hurts my body  because the string wraps so tight against me in mid air, that is why it  hurts. But I can still hold it in because the job is awesome!" (I think most people would give up really easily)


When asked about her martial arts scene, she herself said,

"When  I film for a movie, I really have to work hard to prepare and that  takes up a lot of time. But in the end, most of that hard work was  screened only 1/3 of it. (eg. Damo) I feel kind of sad for that, because I was very serious in prepping that took up to 3 weeks." And look where she is now, being called the nation's actress and having loads of hard earned money in her pocket.

I  hope this post gave you some enlightenment, no matter what field you  are going into, you need to tell yourself to work hard and stop caring  for whatever senseless things that will affect you, because they are  just momentarily, its the end result that matters. I know it's been said  so many times but I will say it again.

Don't believe me? Just take a look at Ha Ji Won.

Enjoy watching Secret Garden Special!

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@ uxmod :

thank you so much for the translation!!

she's such a dedicated actress, and I admired her for that. but I can't help but wish for her to enjoy life more.

In that meureupak interview with KHD, it was so sad when she almost shed a tear while talking about being lonely and wanting to enjoy life more than she is now.. :tears:

I was like, babe, please just go and have fun!!!

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Guest shera_xxx

Thank u for the articel....

Actress Ha Jiwon received invitation to Prada fashion show


Two years ago, Korean actress Ha Jiwon starred in the summer movies "Haeundae" and "Closer to Heaven" with Kim Myeongmin. However, she has received a lot of attention for her acting in the hit drama "Secret Garden".

On January 21, her agency Wellmade STARM revealed that Ha Jiwon had received an invitation to Prada's fashion show in China. The fashion show, which will take place at Beijing's Central Academy of Fine Arts, will host designer Miuccia Prada and Prada's CEO Patrizio Bertelli. Also present will be Chinese actresses Maggie Cheung, Gong Li, and Tang Wei.


HJW in Prada Fashion Show


credit as tagged/DC




Very beautiful, :wub:



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Ha Ji Won met Tang Wei yesterday in Beijing :)

Well, that's what I saw on Baidu... Apparently there was a video where you can hear them talk to each other in ENGLISH! I personally didn't see the vid uploaded on youku since it got deleted before I got to watch it but I did see it being transcribed and translated to Chinese (since Baidu is where Chinese people hang out~, like soompi for us English speakers). (hmm, I've read that the video isn't actually clear, a bit dark... only voices can be heard?) (Note: cannot prove the authenticity of this myself but a lot of Chinese HJW fans who saw the vid before it got deleted have confirmed HJW really was talking to TW)

Here's the conversation:

Text inside ( ) should be my comments/explanation or translation of Chinese translator's comments/note

(Rough translation)

TW:Tang Wei, nice to meet you

HJW:Nice to meet you, Ha Ji Won

(I'm assuming they're pointing to themselves when introducing, it's more of like "Hi, I'm Tang Wei, nice to meet you," as normally we would do in English)

TW:I know, I watched your Secret Garden, with 현빈 (Hyun Bin; not too sure if she used the Chinese reading for HB or not)


TW:So later I will go to Korea... February


TW:Mid of February, after Chinese New Year

HJW:(translator to Chinese said he/she cannot hear/understand properly and it seemed like a mixture of Korean and English)

TW:I really like you two guys and Secret Garden, enjoyed it very much!

HJW:Your movie in February?


HJW:I just know Korean title 만추 (Manchu)

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Guest bashful

This is what I already posted on SG forum but I really have to bring it into HJW thread.......I love this actress so much....she is so cool.......

Well after finishing SG Special......I wanted to comment on HJW as a actress..........HJW was so sincere when she thanked HB. She is so honest with her words and I so admire her for it. The feeling I got from her speech was so friendly and thoughtful it was like “see you after 2 year, stay healthy and take care of yourself” totally real and do not mean any thing by it. Now I see why HJW is always loved and admire by many male celebrities. She's not just a pretty face but someone with a very professional attitude towards her coworkers and career. However I feel HB speech was more reserved,his answer was a little short and was similar to the speech he said during the SBS Drama Award show. HB sounded very sincere too but gave me a feeling that he did not want to say too much. :unsure:

HJW FIGHTING :w00t::lol:

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Guest lovehbhjw

This is what I already posted on SG forum but I really have to bring it into HJW thread.......I love this actress so much....she is so cool.......

Well after finishing SG Special......I wanted to comment on HJW as a actress..........HJW was so sincere when she thanked HB. She is so honest with her words and I so admire her for it. The feeling I got from her speech was so friendly and thoughtful it was like “see you after 2 year, stay healthy and take care of yourself” totally real and do not mean any thing by it. Now I see why HJW is always loved and admire by many male celebrities. She's not just a pretty face but someone with a very professional attitude towards her coworkers and career. However I feel HB speech was more reserved,his answer was a little short and was similar to the speech he said during the SBS Drama Award show. HB sounded very sincere too but gave me a feeling that he did not want to say too much. :unsure:

HJW FIGHTING :w00t::lol:

Hi-5 Buddy!  Agree everything you say.... :wub:

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Guest mindmixer

Hi Guys,

HJW looks great in the Prada photos... :) Thanks for posting.

Another thing is I just gotta say, I was noticing her Heartbeat in SG when she was supposedly in coma but was sleeping, her heart beat at rest is like only 54-56... While HB's when snoring, if you look at the monitor was a little bit higher. Guess all the exercise is making our actress a very fit lady.

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Guest eunhye2303

thanks so much for your pics ^^

HJW always looks pretty, I love her personalities during her interview :X

saW what Bi rain said about her when making his Love song made me love HJW even more.

She is really an ideal woman for all men >:D<

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Such a respected actress in the Korean Movie industry...that's our HJW...

thanks Uxmod for the article about HJW...she's really one a million..

I not only admire her as an actress but also how a good person she is...

she's an inspiration...

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To : eunhye2303

do u have the link to the rain report?


thanks so much for your pics ^^

HJW always looks pretty, I love her personalities during her interview :X

saW what Bi rain said about her when making his Love song made me love HJW even more.

She is really an ideal woman for all men >:D<

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Guest 4everlove

she looks gorgeous ! I love Ha Ji Won's personality. She is very sincere when it comes to appreciating others. I love how she thanks Hyun Bin and vice versa. I really hope they will film a movie or series after his release from the military.

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I see that some of you are interested in what Rain said in the past about HJW. They`ve met each other before `Love Story` at one of Music Awards (HJW was one of the MCs). Then she reportedly attended one of his concerts.

Here are youtube links for behind the scenes of Love Story MV. Both of them are cute.

original vid from benamoo

CN to EN by Cuckoo

Sub production by rainalice and Cin

Uploaded and Presented by RainLegend.com

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HJW is always so happy at work, oh how I wish I could be this happy at my workplace all the time :lol:

*quoted image*

awwww so cute!!

they must have been celebrating her birthday while shooting Sector 7 last year!!!

wish to see more of those pictures! :wub::wub:

ack! topped the page with nothing to share. OK here's one of my fave pictures of her.


doesn't she look like the real Mad Hatter from Alice??? Johny Depp has nothing on her :)

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