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[Drama 2012] BIG 빅

the girl who!

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yesterday episode was so sad.. KJ truely love with daran,and i think it is not puppy love but real love-can see thru his expression,

will daran accept his love..:x

love bts wedding..

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Guest anaapenas

OH MY I'm in love with BIG. Gosh Gong Yoo is so charming that he makes KJ even more lovable. I thought I couldn't ship KJ/DR more than I was already shipping but after this episode I want them together more than anything. JKHAKHKAHKDHAKHHKA that last scene OMO so many feelings. :x

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Some say it's predictable, I don't think so there could be several ending

1. YJ aka KKJ die without ever regain consciousness - KKJ stuck in YJ body and end up marrying DR and they live happily everafter, Mari end up with CS. (okok this is cruel but still a possibility - If I were the writer I choose this - though I looooooooveeee young KKJ)

2. KKJ soul goes back to KKJ body - pick up thing with Mari, left to the state. YJ resume his life with DR and he was innocent, the airticket and the packed bag - he was going to a 3 days seminar onni.  (KKJ end up with Mari? This is unlikely cause he doesn't have any romantic feeling toward her - and I hate this ending)

3. KKJ soul goes back to KKJ body - he does not end up with mari, he lived with his brother (YJ) and his sister in law (DR). He managed to change his feeling to sisterly/motherly toward DR :-& . They live happily ever after.. with DR taking care of both YJ and KKJ. (I have very strong feeling the ending gonna be something like this and I HATE HATE HATE this... )Noooooooooooooo andheyyyyy....

4. KKJ soul goes back to KKJ body there's time lapse (DR hairstyle gonna change, may be they make it shorter, KKJ hairstyle also change,he shall wear gel/hair cream, the hair gonna be shinny and all - why? He's appearing as a 25 years old young man with a career to die for and with lotsa money). KKJ and DR shall end up together. - this is the 2nd possibility that I kinda like but - aishhhh.. KKJ look like a tiny boy how can they man him up?



5. KKJ soul goes back to KKJ body - he died as KKJ nobly - NOOOO not killing himself OK - I hate that - accident or something while trying to save someone? (coz the Hongs don't want to prolong his heartache, you know his (maybe half/maybe full) brother YJ getting married to his first love/first kiss woman.


SO it is not predictable at all.. that the reason I say Hongs sister are quite brilliant... to plant the seed of uncertainty in every episode.. I mean yeah if they want YJ dead in KKJ body they can always turn him a bad guy (they already hinted that there's possibility of affair, we can hate YJ). It can also be the other way round YJ was innocent. They can also turn KKJ feeling into sisterly, special kind of relationship toward DR .. remember the scene he sort of envy to see DR and CS were being playful and so close. Also they have "backup" for each character  Mari can end up with CS or KKJ, If KKJ reject her she still has CS.. YJ and that lady Dr. (in case the affair is true so KKJ can end up with YJ).

Anyway - my personal view on this.. I think they gonna be all moral and not let DR and KKJ to end up together cause it's morally wrong, 19 is too young, he didn't even finish his highschool :o. I am sure they will not kill of YJ character, he is actually a good man and KKJ will go back to his body and continue his life as a young boy and shall never end up with DR cause it's moraly wrong for a 19 year old boy to fall for someone "old"  ................................... :sigh::sigh::sigh: ....




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Guest webby

watching ep7, i find DR's sudden realization of affection towards KJ kinda unexpected since there wasn't a certain event substantial enough to particularly trigger it. but I can logically understand why it would happen, since he is afterall in YJ's body. I know the story is trying to emphasize that she's seeing KJ as himself and not as YJ anymore, but i wonder if this is actually possible coz she's gazing at YJ's face eventhough it's KJ. it's like a person called KJ with YJ's face now that she is falling for. But anyway, DR is just starting to feel something for KJ while KJ himself has fallen pretty deep for her. His struggle with the ring in the last scene was specially apparent. When he slipped the ring on her finger, heart sinking when it fitted her perfectly and declared that he will never fall for her, i guess it's the devastation in his eyes coupled with the determination on his face that is especially heart-breaking. KJ ah, ... perhaps, just perhaps to save you some heartbreak, it will be better to forget DR when u finally wake up.
If they really go ahead with the wedding, I wonder what YJ will feel to return and find himself married, or rather DR married to someone who was living in his body. that's all weird even if she did it to help a 19 year old boy. From the previews, it seems like KJ will restrain himself and whatever affection DR showers on him will be taken to be her feelings for solely YJ. After seeing such a funny gong yoo in the first couple epis, i think he's gonna go all serious in the next few. I have to say the solemn KJ does appear to be much more mature, and perhaps that makes the line between teenager and adult hazier.

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Guest anaapenas

After watching those BTS vids I'm now shipping Lee Min Jung and Gong Yoo  :x They seem so happy together.

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@aznchic209 - re: "I could never hate MaRi because she's the most loyal character on "BIG" and I don't really see her "stalking" as stalking. I don't understand how annoyed and inconsiderate KJ is towards MaRi either... in her flashbacks, he seems to really adore her"

Hi there...I appreciate what you're saying and I get that you view the character MaRi as a loyal and sad one-sided love.

Individual perception is what makes watching these dramas and discussing them so interesting.

I have a completely different viewpoint. Let's consider this scenario:

You have just met a nice, good looking guy --- he's flirty with you and he makes your heart flutter. You think, "hmmm, I might like to be his girlfriend. This could be a great relationship."

Then BAM...one day a girl from his past appears -- at YOUR workplace, demanding money from you, in front of your boss & co-workers. The guy makes it clear to you (AND her) that there's ZERO relationship...that crazy girl needs to *go away*....NOW.

But she's not about to hear any of it. She follows him daily/hourly, plasters pictures of them together all over....gains illegal access to YOUR bedroom through coercing your little brother ----- throws a chair through a plate glass window in order to break-and-enter his home and RELENTLESSLY claims that she will stay by his side FOREVER.

► That's not loyalty, it's psychopathic. It's no different from Sasaeng fans(?) who stalk celebrities and try to crash their cars so that the celebrity/idol will 'remember their faces'.

Another Scenario:

There's a guy at school who gives you the creeps. He follows you everywhere...takes pictures of you with his cell phone when you're unaware, tells everyone that you are his one true love and that he'll be by your side no matter what. He says he'll be patient and wait for you to come to him, but he's always lurking around...even your home. 

Is he NOT a stalker? He's just incredibly loyal and devoted in his love for you? Does his undivided attention make you WANT to go to him?


I slice it this way ---- the actress Suzy...is adorable. I just want to pinch her cheeks and buy her an ice cream cone / the character MaRi has shown that she will do very dangerous and inappropriate things to have what she wants. That's not loving someone, that's being a *threat*. She's been told repeatedly to GO AWAY and shrugs it off like it's nothing.

Conclusion.  actress Suzy = squishable --------- character MaRi = potentially lethal through unrestrained, unhinged behavior

What I REALLY want to see...is for comatose Yoon-Jae to wake up and try to deal with being in an 18year old's body -- hope the writer's give us that, even a little bit. cheers ~ :) 


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Suzy is good in acting Mari character. I love Suzy the actress and she's perfect for the character..

Unfortunately - I don't like Mari. She has to learn that NO means NO ... what she feels for him is not love, that is selfish. You can't force love. It's not something you can choose. Mari has to learn that.

Can you imagine yourself being followed by a crazy person who does not take no for an anwer?. Sometime I feel like slapping her.


Edit : Flag for being abusive? Kekekeke... woho.. Mari fans? Who is that? I wonder? Kekekekeke. I did not slap her yet just feel "like it" kekekekekekekkeke 

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HEY !!! @Bambiina ~ ♥

(nice to see your name again after Queen InHyun ended. sigh...I'm still in love with that show)

As for the ending of BIG....haven't got a clue and I like it that way....if I am going to be disappointed....I want it to happen at the very end. heehee

Regarding the morality of DR & KKJ ....I believe the Korean age of legal adulthood is 19 and I've said before that DR is not exactly the most experienced adult out there...remember she had agreed to marry a guy she hadn't even properly kissed...once.

For me, it's another case of --- if the genders were reversed, no one would blink an eye at an older-male/younger-female pairing.

Humans can't be determined as adults by their gender. If that were true, being able to bear a child would qualify as instant adulthood...at roughly age 12.
So I think 18 - 19 is almost universally accepted as adulthood for good reasons....it's the time of life that you SHOULD have been 'trained-up'enough to be making your own decisions.

We're not talking about a 10 year age gap, but rather a woman in her 20s and a man who is legally an adult, just one year shy of the 20s himself --- who ALSO, bizzarrely, has been living in another man's body for a year. hahaha! I add 2 extra years onto him just for THAT experience. ok? ;)

 EDIT: Bambiina you got flagged? awwwwww. Well, a good drama makes people invested in their favorite characters, right? It's hard for people to *hear* how things are meant to be said...when they can only read the words. AND -- since Kdramas are interesting to people of many languages... there's always the possibility of being misunderstood.

For instance... I never attack anyone...it's just not my style. But I do have strong opinions and I have to be careful how I phrase things...because it's always the TOPIC that I'm aiming for...not the person who posted. (I get flagged sometimes too) (((hug)))

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Guest meisk

The ratings increase~yay..So happy for them.I hope it will steadily increase.
Watching Mari's cut again.This girl is so weird in a cute way.Her ageyo when she called KJ, "Kyung joon~ah" so cute. Bae Suzy succesfully doing ageyo. *claps* I love Mari and Choongsik teamwork. So cute.LOL when she ignored him at the school. The MoonSun references..nice! Of course that's so Mari to do that.At least she makes an effort to reverse the situation back. Thank goodness they don't change her hairstyle drastically. It's not bad as i thought.Without bangs she looks much younger actually.Next episode will be more Mari and Choongsik.Is he gonna confess to her? Awww...so cute. Oh Mari in school uniform is so cute. I wish to see the three of them (Mari,Choongsik and Kyungjoon) in school uniform together. 

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Those BTS videos are so cute! I love them together ^^
I wished they'd release the whole OST already. I really want the song that was played when Kyung Jae was trying to pull the bed back inside the house. 
In episode 7, my favourite scene was when Kyung Jae was with the kids at the hospital. So cuteeeeee!  n______n I keep re-watching that part because of his interactions with them. He tried to push the little girl away LOL

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Nice to see you here...BIG YAY...

Yea if only the genders were reverse (pity we women.. kekekkeke Man can love younger woman half their age and no one would find it weird or insane... lucky men? Woman? Try dating a boy half your age - you'll be the talked of the town err like forever (I at least from where I come from)

Anyway... well if we are talking about marriage - 19 is a bit too young... and what more he didn't even finish his highschool.. but if BF/GF relationship..well that a different story alltogether... I am rooting for both of them to end up together.. can't make up my mind yet whether I prefer KKJ in YJ's body or KKJ the KKJ (doesn't he look too young? But personally I like young boy..wahahahahah..esp someone like KKJ and young KKJ looks good with DR) ....

So how can the hongs end up everything and satisfy everyone? I wonder what's the best ending?

Err.. he can be 19 and experience THATTTTT ... can't he? can he? 

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@Bambiina - RE: "So how can the hongs end up everything and satisfy everyone?"

They would be geniuses if they could, but I think loads of people already have the main parings set in their mind, so I doubt everyone will be pleased.

My personal choice is the KKJ & DR couple... with KJJ *in* KJJ's body....but this happens ONLY when the 2 have spent sufficient time in each other's true-body company to convince me that the first few scenes of Spark we saw...in the earliest episodes, was in fact ...TRUE Sparks.

Yes, the actor playing KKJ does have quite the baby-face....but DR is a really young looking person too...so I have no visual issues there.

The thing is: the STAR of the show is GongYoo.--- so if the writer's stay true to narrative...that the lead character ...is ...DUH...the LEAD character, I think he'll most likely be the one who gets the girl. (not my choice, but whatevs ~)

my secondary couple choice is MaRi & ChoongSik - if there's anyone who can teach her how NOT to stalk and will truly appreciate her ...um....boundless(?) affection....it would be him. (besides, he's a cutie-patootie ♥)

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Guest soompigalz

Those BTS videos are so cute! I love them together ^^

I wished they'd release the whole OST already. I really want the song that was played when Kyung Jae was trying to pull the bed back inside the house. 

In episode 7, my favourite scene was when Kyung Jae was with the kids at the hospital. So cuteeeeee!  n______n I keep re-watching that part because of his interactions with them. He tried to push the little girl away LOL

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Thanks everyone for the updates, BTS videos, and pictures!

I've been reading a lot of the comments on what's going on with the body-swapping, and I haven't thought much about it, but it hit me today that they might be the exact same person. Kyungjoon is going to grow up to be Yoonjae. In some different dimension or something, they both exist as different people, but they're really the same person--which I know, is pretty crazy, but this drama is pretty crazy. It's like going back in time for Yoonjae (when he becomes Kyungjoon). It's like Yoonjae is given a second chance, a miracle, to change how his relationship with Daran turns out in the future. I mean, both of their moms are from America, they both come back to S. Korea, they're both smart, and other similarities. It's sort of like the butterfly effect ("where a small change at one place can result in large differences to a later state"). Kyungjoon's mom dies in one dimension but not in the other.

Ahaha idk, but I LOVEEE this drama! Such a great cast, amazing chemistry (ohhh, Gong-u and LJM <3), and great lines.

Keep watching! ~

edit/ We haven't figured out how old Daran is, right? She probably passed her tests to get her licensure (she was just a substitute a year ago, which you can do in the States with a certain amount of credits. Idk how it works in Korea though). She shouldn't be that old unless she started later. My guess is between 22-25 (Korean age). There's not much of a gap between them. Plus, Daran is not the brightest girl out there (heh), and Kyungjoon is mature for his age, so mentally they're in the same year. :P

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hi guys..

okay i'm in pain like hell..i cut my finger in my left hand with the knife and it's a huge cut out there ..oh my gosh i feel so sad for myself..well, it's a good thing since i'm totally Exempted from home duties..cleaning and cooking ..etc..but i wasn't in the mood to see yesterday's episode..so i only checked out our Big thread and read your comments..and it totally makes me excited..i love how @the girl who ! always write some comments to left us totally breathless hahahaha ..since i couldn't sleep from pain i decided to watch it..and oh gosh it was so amazing..

i love how they make KJ teasing DR..hahahaha..i think he will make her heart stop beating one day..the restaurant scene..oh my gosh..GY and MJ soooooo much chemistry..so now about their story..as i understand that KJ went to SY and make her wear the ring to make sure it was for DR not her..and it was true so then he told her "how far did you go to get a man who will marry to another woman..because i can't remember how you did that?!!" ouch..>___<
now our KJ thinks that YJ really loved DR..but actually i don't think that will change DR's mind now..i think that she start to like KJ..i don't know how will things go..but if DR get with Kyung jae now..and her family are soooooo happy and so she and KJ..but then suddenly the real YJ woke up  ...and get back to his body..how will her family feel when she broke up with him for the second time?!!!!!!!!!!!i mean you know if she wants to be with real KJ..i know it's weird but why am i having this feeling that the real KJ is not waking up?!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh..
finally KJ told DR about the death of his mother and why he hates to see blood..but that scene when he was in the hospital with the kids..ahhhhhhhhh he was so cute..i want DR to end up with and GY's character and have kids with him XDDDDDDDDDDDD
I love both kyung jae and YJ..YJ is a gentle man <3

anyway..I LOVE mari at this episode..she is really harmless..and cute..i don't know when will CS confess because i want him to save her from KJ ..she is like a lovesick fool..going always towards him but he keeps pushing her away..it's not her fault to be a kid..you know kids don't know when they should give up or STOP..even KJ didn't give up on DR..right?!! mari is the same..not because KJ is going to have the girl in the end means that his love different from mari..both of them are going through a very hard time with their one sided love..even if mari's love was a little bit weird but she really love him ..
and oh my gosh..i never expected that the kiss scene with mari and Kyung jae will be like a real kiss..wow i was shocked XDDDDDDDDDD
( suzy ..by all the means..you are a lucky girl ..now i want to see the BTS for this scene..just like MJ and GY kiss they were so cute..<3)
and i love mari's new hair it looks more pretty than the preview..she looks so better without her bangs ..<3 and finally i saw her in the uniform XDD
and i love how did she thanks DR for taking care of KJ..see she is just an innocent kid..she doesn't know how to hate someone yet..beside thanks god that DR is not jealous of her or something..she actually can see that mari and KJ are like tom and jerry hahahahahaha..i love that scene when he make mari bow respectfully to DR when she came hahahaha just like JG and HM in dream high 1..hahahaha so lovely

and CS "one night stand " he totally said that when he came from KJ's house after being hit by mari..and when he came to his house he finds his parents laughing like a love birds hahahahaha..i love this boy..i really like him he is sooooooo funny..i don't want mari to break his heart..and also Na teacher he should pay more attention to that pretty Shorty teacher <3
and did anyone noticed what KJ's name in DR's cellphone ..!! it was "BIG" hahahahaha his name is big XDDDDDDDDD

next episode..what i saw was..Mari's tearing eyes..KJ on his knee giving DR a bouquet with her family dancing around ..CS with mari in the school and next scene he is like city hunter running from home XDDDDD ..and in the end DR hugging KJ..oh my gosh..but damn that boy really need a hug..
i need one too >__<
i'm so tired guys I don't even know what I wrote so forgive me for my bad writing but i can't sleep from the pain..what should i do ?!!!!!!!!!! i'm out to cry with myself >_<

okay i'm asking because i'm curious but don't laugh at me..because i'm some kind of stupid at these things and English is not my mother language XDDD..what it is it mean to be flagged or something ..because i'm getting that too .. a lot..and i've always think it's a good thing but hearing you guys talking about it made me rethink again..well, if it's a bad thing then just look at it and think that "your comment actually stand out" think about it this way because what you wrote reached to everyone you got flagged (hahahaha i always thought about this thing like this way..silly me)..we don't know each other we are here because of this amazing drama and one dislike won't destroy the world..everyone have their own opinions..so let's just enjoy the show and talk free with each other..this drama is amazing so i hope that everyone will have a happy ending <3

Just look at them..I'm shipping GY and MJ for realllllllllllllllllllllll XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD



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I don't think I can love this show more than I already do! The emotions and chemistry is so high that I can nearly taste it lol

I am amazed by the brilliance of this drama- it reminds me of coffee house as most of us had no idea how that was gonna end!

However, I will be thoroughly disappointed if Yj and DR end up together. Why? Because of one word-trust. Let's say Yj was an awesome guy who wasn't gonna leave DR hanging at the alter and loved her a lot, then I don't see how they can live together, married and all, knowing DR didn't trust YJ. I think trust is very important in a relationship and its clearly lacking in theirs. Even Yj didn't trust her enough to tell her what was going on in his life. I know he was gonna tell her the day of the accident-but that's after he ditched her a few times earlier.

This show is all about looking past people's appearance and first impressions and it seems DR is finally starting to see KJ through YJ's body. And honestly I love his character! I think he is handling his situation quite gracefully and I think that is one of the reasons DR is falling for him.

As for mari- people need to relax as she is just a teenager. She'll grow out of it lol hopefully... or she'll end up like the mom in playful kiss haha :-) I love how Mari and DR are "rivals" but they treat each other like sisters without any animosity. Mari is the only constant in the show that really knows who she is and what she wants.

Here is my prediction for the ending:

DR will fall in love with Kj. yj will wake up in kj's body. jealous, confusion and heartache will follow. Eventually DR and Yj will talk things through. They will say "good bye" to their love. Yj and Kj will switch back in a freak accident. Sy will give up and leave. yj will tell his mom he wants to live his own life and will move back to the states. kj and Dr will confess their love but because of societal issues will decide to meet later when both are ready. Que time lapse. kj and Dr will meet at that one teacher's wedding with the pe teacher and will begin their romance :-)

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