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@icesiren... Well, some of that refreshing worked!!! At least we found out about the pregnancy!!! Is the tragedy really about NG's death? Someone posted a short history before and it mentioned NG's death won't happen until later in their lives...?? Not sure about this info. Maybe she'll miscarry? I know they tried to have children, but was never able to.
@Charismadoll. You might be right. Knowing the writers, they always give us both sides of a coin: good and bad. CY and ES will have their happy ending, but GM and NG will never be able to have kids...

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yeah, agree with you. the pd-nim use stuntman hand, coz the hand in that carriage looks younger than park sang picture ( since he is look old, so his hand must be look old too, not look young and good hand like in last week ). but its oke for me to use stuntman hand, i am enjoying the hand picture so far, :))

Are you satisfied with only a picture's hand ? :))

You should have more greed...

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Guest Anomalous

@icesiren  Thank you for the spoiler.

I was hoping the last baddie would be Gi Cheol's sister. It would be so cool to finally have a great female villain in Faith, but it was not meant to be I guess.
Still no interesting news on our OTP. :((

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i think i know why PD-nim give us the old one (but talented) :(|) he dont want make us frustation. after he make DH who is so handsome but have an ugly attitude and make us crying in frustation cuz of his dualisme. so, now for keep our heart in a save mode, he choose the old one :D . so we can just concentrate to DH. CY. and GM 
hahahahhahaha. just my tought. :)

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@vangsweetie637. I'm so ready for the antidote!!! I hope we all get a GREAT episode today!!! 
@Ayu-kun and @xopo17. Hahaahah. We were all fooled by that hand/arm! But it would be strange for that hand/arm to belong to GC's sister. She is an empress and I doubt they'll let her go adventuring.

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until now, the sites in korea haven't release a spoiler picture for ES and CY, hiksss :(

they only give picture and news about yuan man and king and ng. i am affraid, on tonight episode its focus on king & ng and yuan only, maybe CY and ES got a less minute , maybe .... since untill now there isn't spoiler news about ES and CY, oooo they drive me crazy ~X(

new picture for NG fans :

in Park Seo Young twitter ( No Guk ) , she twitt about : "Where am? I wonder why I'm here, I'm wondering? If you're curious, five hundred won. " And posted a photo of a piece of filming.


credit : http://www.egn.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=49713

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@xopo17   Choi Young and ES are the main characters of Faith, I highly doubt they will get less than a minute of screen time. I think the lack of spoiler pictures for ES and Choi Young is because they are preparing us for a great surprise, I hope?!

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I just thought of something about the letter ES received from Yuan.

Maybe Yuan informed ES they will take her beforehand in order for CY and ES to run away. But not to help them but to make the king powerless. Without CY, GM is more exposed to danger, be it political or physical harm. Beside, if the Divine Healer is not by the king's side anymore, he's more vulnerable. So it might be a strategic move. To divide the opponent's clan before attacking. If not, they have been reckless, since they can't possibly be on the good side.

But then again, isn't it too much precaution from a country as powerful as Yuan ?

Well it's just a thought..

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Ayu-kun said: I just thought of something about the letter ES received from Yuan.
Maybe Yuan informed ES they will take her beforehand in order for CY and ES to run away. But not to help them but to make the king powerless. Without CY, GM is more exposed to danger, be it political or physical harm. Beside, if the Divine Healer is not by the king's side anymore, he's more vulnerable. So it might be a strategic move. To divide the opponent's clan before attacking. If not, they have been reckless, since they can't possibly be on the good side.
But then again, isn't it too much precaution from a country as powerful as Yuan ?
Well it's just a thought..

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myphim said: @xopo17   Choi Young and ES are the main characters of Faith, I highly doubt they will get less than a minute of screen time. I think the lack of spoiler pictures for ES and Choi Young is because they are preparing us for a great surprise, I hope?!

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Guest snowflake10

myphim said:
Ayu-kun said: I just thought of something about the letter ES received from Yuan.
Maybe Yuan informed ES they will take her beforehand in order for CY and ES to run away. But not to help them but to make the king powerless. Without CY, GM is more exposed to danger, be it political or physical harm. Beside, if the Divine Healer is not by the king's side anymore, he's more vulnerable. So it might be a strategic move. To divide the opponent's clan before attacking. If not, they have been reckless, since they can't possibly be on the good side.
But then again, isn't it too much precaution from a country as powerful as Yuan ?
Well it's just a thought..

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myphim said:
Ayu-kun said: I just thought of something about the letter ES received from Yuan.
Maybe Yuan informed ES they will take her beforehand in order for CY and ES to run away. But not to help them but to make the king powerless. Without CY, GM is more exposed to danger, be it political or physical harm. Beside, if the Divine Healer is not by the king's side anymore, he's more vulnerable. So it might be a strategic move. To divide the opponent's clan before attacking. If not, they have been reckless, since they can't possibly be on the good side.
But then again, isn't it too much precaution from a country as powerful as Yuan ?
Well it's just a thought..

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@xopo17 I thought it was an old picture when I saw it in the early posts. But 500 nyang ? What could that possibly mean ? Do they try to bribe someone again ? :-?

@Anomalous Yep, it would have been so cool to have a new femme fatal ! But a real one, not a fake Mata-hari :))

@myphim Yep, I try to comfort myself by thinking we will have a powerful-sweet-scene of our OTP, if not, we should just take some countermeasures against the writer :-w

@flo_oni. You're right. An Empress traveling alone doesn't make sense. But it was still possible if she had some superpowers. She could have protected herself, that's what I thought.

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Now even coming midterms can't stop me logging into this forum because of you guys and Faith. OMG, I can't believe I am so addicted to this drama. :-O
I don't think CY and ES deserve to get the less screening time especially when they are the main OTPs. Again, while looking back, we still don't have the whole episode with CY and ES yet. That's what PDim owes us.
The writer also owes us a private and passionate kiss between ES and CY. The public kiss doesn't count in romance, Ok?
I do not think the history will have many changes. Rather it will go faster like I say before. NG will get pregnant and die fast. CY will get murdered by that little guy fast but this time ES will beg a pardon of CY's life and leaves Goryeo era to the heaven with CY. In this way, the history will not change but only go faster than it supposes to be. Then, we can also have our HAPPY ending and the writer can produce another masterpiece of FAITH. This time round, CY in the ES time.

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If only Ko Hyun Jung accepted the role of Yuan empress GC sister, that would be so awesome. The ratings of Faith would probly skyrocket. Mishil is still my favorite villain of all time. Too bad she refuse the offer. Does anyone know why she didn't want the role?

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