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Guest Anomalous

@sia3   The old Kotoko appears in episode 10, she's the nurse. I'm also watching and enjoying this show. Did not know a few of you are watching it also. :))  Did you guys swoon over the kiss in the lastest episode? This kiss is so much sweeter than the first one. :D

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hahaha LMH didn't mention about liking it on his gf . I read on a blog that supposively LMH feels uncomfortable with girls he is close to wear shorts or miniskirts like his sis he doesn't like it . so with that I am assuming he wouldn't like his gf wearing miniskirts .. hahaha I sense a jealous boy there

insulin resistance basically means at least in my case and tiggers insulin doesn't work well when we eat . Meaning when you eat food high in sugar insulin is suppose to help lower it so there won't be excess sugar doing to parts of the body especially the blood . But in our case insulin doesn't do that and so if doesnt get taken care of with meds and exercise and diet we can get diabetes once we get older .

here's a better explanation read it when you can or if you want lol ;))


and yes I want to take Zumba but kickboxing sounds interesting too . heck ill do both lol

edit : aish you guys keep taking about potatoes !!! :(( :(( stop will ya ... I am trying to be good and not eat so much :((

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Guest xopo17

  @Anomalous :  :-h  hai cinggu, long time no see and u change u'r avatar, i remember u'r avatar is kim hee sun is bite her finger and fanmade LMH. and yeah so many pervert comment n picture back then . its so fun and i am missing that thing now :))
and we have to see again in Heirs thread to support LMH no matter what , see u there at october  :D

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I googled image Poi :)
So this is Hawaiian style?
Or this is more like it?

The first one looks too thick to be eaten alone... the second one is definitely more edible by itself.

The taro dessert that you had, is it looking like this?
or this?
This? This one is yummm
source: Google Images

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@sia3 I think this is the greatest compliment that someone can say to me :))KHJ and I are fated to be buddies with our 4D-ness. Although I'm sad cos' it looks like he'll be off to the army very very soon (as he implied it during his latest concert) :/ Booh.
(cr goes to owner)(I tried to find the weirdest gif of him :)) )

I am really excited to start novel 2 (I will probably start reading in 2 weeks). Maybe we'll see more of that "tiger" -like actions from CY and ES 

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Guest tigereyespeppy

Ohhhh, all that food sounds delicious! =P~
I swear, on of these days I'm gonna find a recipe for that and try to make it! 8->

Can you give me the link to mongray's blog again? I seem to have misplaced it among all my bookmarks. :))

Yes I have a VERY understanding boss. And they take it very easy on me when I'm having "trouble".  Thank goodness I don't have a very active job, or I don't think I could make it. :)
Thanks for the hug. :x
Insulin resistance is pretty much how adlyn explained it. And I'm only supposed to get a partial hysterectomy. Unless they're really bad, they're supposed to leave my ovaries in there. So I'll still be able to pull a Bunny now and then. :))

Ohhhhhh! I LOVED the kisses in the last episode!!!!! :x
I'll say one thing about the Naoki in this drama, he kisses better than the original one. ;))
Of course that might be because of the director and the fact that it's almost 20 years later. :))

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@ adlyn13
Yes, it IS because you are posting with mobile that the spoiler tag works.
Like you said you were just using [ spoiler ] text [ /spoiler ] but the mobile turns it into that horrendous html code automatically for you.
<div class="UserSpoiler">
  <div class="SpoilerTitle">Spoiler: </div>
   <div class="SpoilerReveal"></div>
   <div class="SpoilerText" style="display: none;">

and yes to your answer.... <div> is opening / start of the code and </div> is closing it. I'm not a programmer so I don't understand or know the basic formation of it. I just know the general idea of how to use it, mostly just copy and paste to be honest. Hahahaha! I used to play around with the html behind the blog backgrounds so that I get what I like (to see) for the blog.

@ Maja
Hi dear. Yeah I hate this spoiler tag and it is a huge hassle but I've OCD and I get annoyed seeing it running so longgggg in my post so I do it still :( However, I'm avoiding doing it as much as I can hence the lack of gifs or images lately.

Wait. I just got to your post about Itazura na Kiss. All these times I thought the manga author is a woman?! Her/his work looked more like a woman's drawing than a man's! Oh geeshhhh first of all, I've been spelling Itazura Na Kiss all wrong. Hahaha... my apologies.

Ok, I think it is a female author > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itazura_na_Kiss
And my bad, it's house accident and not cancer. Sorry again! :(

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@sia3 @adlyn13 @everyone I'm taking computer programming class, let me see what's wrong with the new spoiler tag.
Will edit this post :)

WORK SPOILER TAG WORK I really should study my final which is tomorrow. Ironically, it's for my computer programming class.
EDIT: Okay, I tried everything I could think of, and it doesn't work. My guess is, there is something wrong with Soompi forum's source code to set up the spoiler tag; probably a typo or something, which makes it impossible for users to properly use it. 

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Guest Anomalous

xopo17 said:   @Anomalous :  :-h  hai cinggu, long time no see and u change u'r avatar, i remember u'r avatar is kim hee sun is bite her finger and fanmade LMH. and yeah so many pervert comment n picture back then . its so fun and i am missing that thing now :))
and we have to see again in Heirs thread to support LMH no matter what , see u there at october  :D

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oh dear what a pain .. well screw it ill use spoilers on my mobile but once I get on a laptop and I post stuff you all are going to deal with my long a** posts =)) =))

some already did with my last spazzing episode

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Here's violetts novel tidbits about the tiger encounter

So. The following is not a translation, just a recap of what has been said in the book. (I usually put direct translation in italics). Stuff in brackets are my thoughts while reading. 

His unauthorized presence alerts the guards who start to drag him away from the room. However his gaze keep on being fixated to Eun Soo up until the point he actually leaves the room. It's only once the door closes behind him that he can breathe properly again. CY tries to speculate as to why ES had such an effect on him. Obviously it's his gut's way of telling him that she is the target, the one he must bring back to save the Queen. 

But then he remembers a past situation where he had felt similarly: he was 18 and had to cross a mountain (or something like that?) to deliver an important message. On his way, during his journey one night, he encountered a tiger. It was only the tiger and him and no one else. It was at that specific moment that he had held his breath. He thought himself over and over "I'm a tree, I'm a tree" so that the tiger itself believed CY was a tree (what the-). At last, the tiger went on his way.

So after reminiscing himself of that past memory, CY finally concludes that even though he had held his breath like he did just now, it was a totally different thing. (...duh?)

Somehow I found this excerpt hilarious??? LOL

CY trying to find rational reasons to his sudden emotions XD

Interesting note: After the tiger memory, CY thinks that another one is more fitting: the time he met his teacher for the first time. He was 13, the night was so dark he couldn't even see the light shining off from the moon. He had crossed the courtyard to go the men's part of the house. But for some reason, he had a strange feeling and stopped right outside the door. He doesn't remember how long he stood there, but stood there nevertheless, with his breath stopped. After a while the door opened, and on the other side was his teacher (who wasn't yet his teacher at the time), who looked at him. His teacher knew CY was there even before opening the door. They stared at each other. 

Then the books says that if the woman he just saw was indeed a doctor, then it must mean she was his target/the one. He had a gut feeling about it and his senses rarely betrayed him. 

So CY compares this new memory with his encounter with ES and determines that those two situations are more similar. My analysis:

The time he met his teacher was a turning point in his life. His teacher made him become who he is as a Man and contributed in building the great Daejang. His teacher was an essential part of his life. His behavior only confirmed it.

Now, when he first saw Eun Soo, he had a similar reaction. Now CY only thinks his reaction to ES is just his gut telling him she's the one to bring back to his world. There's that, and even if he's perplexed as to why he reacted so strongly, he doesn't delve more deeply into the matter.

He doesn't know that perhaps the specific reason why he behaved in such a way was because Eun Soo, just like his teacher, will become the axis, the pillar on which his whole being will gravitate towards. And that she will change him irrevocably; there's no going back. He will come out of this experience a changed man.

And boy, he has no idea what he's getting into.

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Guest Anomalous

@tigereyespeppy  @laquetahodge   That kiss in episode 10 was perfect. :x  What I love most about it though is the tiny smile he has on his face afterward. He rarely smiles and only smiles when he's around her. :x  Oh, and I also love the scene when he looks at her adoringly as she sleeps. :x
@sia3   Thanks for the picture. This is the dessert I have, it's delicious.

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lol hope it helps with your final I Remember @sia3 asked me when I was studying for my finals what one of my classes were about and I seriously wrote my final to her Jajaja well mostly .. hey I got an A and I am top of the class :-bd thanks sia for being my review session

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Omo @Anomalous
It was you who tried the taro dessert. Mianhe, I tagged violetts instead. She must be thinking why the heck I tagged her. =))
Ohhh that one. Do you find it sweet coz I know it can be really sweet.
You should try another Malaysian dessert - Black glutinous rice with coconut milk. :)

source: google

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lol I still can't get over that tidbit

of CY thinking himself he's a tree in order for the tiger to think he is a tree .. omg my stomach hurts now =)) =))

lol his connections to deal with current situations to past experiences are hilarious more like finding an excuse for having emotions he has .

I will say it again its love boy!! I still cant wrap around my head how he recalled the tiger memory instead of maybe his experience with MH when trying to make out his emotions towards ES

since the tiger memory and meeting his teacher seem to have taken his breath away

wouldn't MH being his ex take his breath away and he seems to feel the same way with ES

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Guest xopo17

Anomalous said: xopo17 said:   @Anomalous :  :-h  hai cinggu, long time no see and u change u'r avatar, i remember u'r avatar is kim hee sun is bite her finger and fanmade LMH. and yeah so many pervert comment n picture back then . its so fun and i am missing that thing now :))
and we have to see again in Heirs thread to support LMH no matter what , see u there at october  :D

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Guest Anomalous

@sia3   The taro dessert is sweet, but I do have a sweet tooth so it's fine with me. The one you just posted looks yummy.  =P~  Will try it out if I can find it. :D
Just read the encounter between Choi Young and the tiger again, teenage Daejang was so funny. =))  I wish we can spend more time with teenage Choi Young, I want to know more about the boy he is before he becomes a man.

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Guest tigereyespeppy

I think the point of that was that he DIDN'T feel the same about ES as he did about MH. :)
ES made him feel things he hadn't before, so he was trying to compare what he was feeling to other experiences that he's had. And those two memories were the closest that he could think of.

I love the little moments in INK. Like you said, when Naoki looks at her when she's not looking. And how he smiles at her. (again, only if she's not looking) :))
I really started to see him as a lead when he let her cry on his shoulder. 8->
Now lets see how he demands that she marry him. ;))

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@sia3 Boy, I remember that excerpt now. I feel like I translated it forever ago :))
And regarding your previous post regarding Taro dessert, I'm not sure why you mentioned me as I've never had Taro dessert...? It looks yummy though!

@adlyn13 There's nothing about CY meeting his first love; come to think of it, I don't think he mentions her at all in the 1st volume. We'll see in book 2! :)
Again, I like to believe that he didn't have that kind of reaction to his ex gf. Although yes, even if he truly loved her, I think it was more by convenience than anything. She was part of his unit; she was the only girl. They were about the same age. Started as teenager with all the hormones raging. "Yes she's a girl, she's pretty cool, she fights well, we get along, why not take things further??"
He got hit hard by her death. It's normal, they grew up together (basically), they were best friends above all, of course he mourned her. It's a love that progressed gradually.
With Eun Soo? He's swept away by her from Day 1 (as proven by the excerpt that the lovely @sia3 has just reposted). She literally took his breath away. And they have.absolutely.nothing.in.common.
And yet he feels attracted to her (okay, not so much at the beginning but level with me), but he finds her intriguing, and oh what's that tingling feeling in his heart? THE ARROW OF LOVE.
Boom Choi Young, you got owned by a tigress. 


I really need to go study tho.

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