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Guest toychoi

About the meaning of CY's sword I agree with joonnie and I think that Faith is all about this major turning point of his life ,when he's transformed from a great and skilled warrior to a hero! A real hero is a person who cherishes life and love and gives everything to protect them, not just a person with no fear of death and pain.CY needed ES to fulfill his destiny and realize there are greater purposes worth fighting for than just plain loyalty,or better that loyalty has a much  deeper meaning than serving duty and honor .

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@sia3 ...”I'm watching CH and Faith back to ...No problem mixing two different LMH's characters at all"....

Double Lee Min Ho? Huh, not sure I could handle it – one Lee Min Ho is enough to have shaking legs..:P

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@sia3 OMO I see big pores hahaha:) fire that make up artist LMH hahaha:) HD can be bad sometimes lolI know LMH used to be the spokesperson for Etude - coincidently I'm using Etude BB cream atm and it gives good coverage. Back to faith now - no video preview - nothing at all? the production team are being stingy this week!!!! Back to LMH again - his nose is very nice (no I do not have a nose fetish!!!!) there has been speculation that he did nose hahaha :) uglyduckling if you are LMH mianhe 

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Nope. No video preview. They haven't had previews for last week too. Live shooting ... what to do?
By tomorrow, we should get some news and photos.

I'm still figuring out what BB stands for in BB cream. =))
Yup, I'm not into make up as you can tell :P
Min-ho needs to use toner, doesn't that helps closing the pores? LOL!

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Will there be any bathing scene.. all this while we have seen Daejang with full cloths except for a few scene where he is was hurt n he checked his abs..

I missed the shower n sauna scene in BOF ..the one with only towel in PT.. also in CH shower scene..

Will. PD nim treat us some in Faith too.. I have enough of GC bathing already

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@sia3 BB = Blemish Balm not that you care anyway hahaha :) I have a friend who is a make-up artist/hairdresser and Korean addict so I know a little about these stuff. KHS has fantastic features - with the heavy make-up she looks sooo hot and very compatible with LMH. If only she wasn't married I would totally ship them hahaha since age is just a number when you look that good! 

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I googled BB not long ago...hahaha. It has a few different names. Maybe in the near future I should try one. I saw a lot overseas, so many brands that I have no idea which one is good. Don't you need to choose one that suits your skin tone? This is one reason why I never bother buying a concealer all these years, I didn't know which one suits and could not be bothered to go to a beauty counter to ask :P

The only unmarried Korean couple I shipped are Song Seung Heon and Kim Tae Hee from My Princess. They are very compatible on-screen and off-screen. They will make natural-born (ahem) beautiful babies too if they combine their genes :))

Oh yeah someone in previous post mentioned LMH did his nose? Really? I thought he hasn't gone under the knife? I know KHJ did, he fixed up his nose since it was already broken. :D

Am going to bed. Need to come back down to earth tomorrow to earn $$$ :'( I wanna stay in heaven!!!

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Tamaragua said: Hi from Seoul, Faith & Hottie addicts!! ^^
I arrived in Korea 4 days ago and I can say this is amazing, the paradise on the Earth....is Oppaland!! :x

Anyway, I would like to ask if someone can give me the information about the village where the set of Faith is built, because I really want to visit it.
And another favor is, someone know where exactly the real grave/tomb of Choi Young is??

Thanks in advance IMJAholics!! LOL

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i really need to do something while waiting for FAITH
so i open my west drama series collection
and it turn out that almost all of my collection are related to murder

and suddenly i'm thinking about how to use those murder tactic to
get rid DH .. >:)  But because i'm no Expert .. i only get this far .. :ar!


>> we could use poison, because it look like he had special interest in poison. we could put it in like this ..

>> we could hurt him and then stab him just like this..

>> we could throw him in the well..

>> we could hit him until we satisfied..

>> we could leave him in a deserted island with nothing to wear  (this was my perverted side talking  :\"> :\"> :\"> 
because even he's an evil villain he's still a handsome human being )


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