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Omo ... It's 3 a.m. on my country and cannot sleep cus am reading this thread..am i crazy?:P ... yehh i think crazy for Faith...
Love all your theories, i have many on my mind ... feels likes my head is going to explode!... maybe this kid is CY, or hwata, or DH, IDK just what i know it's that i cannot wait for ep 16!... i think this ep will be as great as ep 15 :D... LOVE this episode so much.
ehmm gonna sleep a a bit until it starts and dream with our OTP:x
Please writer-nim i demand CY and ES kissing tmr!!!...yah hopes he hears me... LOL

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Guest madame

Hey, been a silent lurker around this forum because I adore this show. Anyway, here are my thoughts to make everything clearer.
The Korean title 신의 can be both translated to English to mean either Faith or The Great Doctor (even though the literal translation is Doctor God) because it is meant to be a pun. Its wordplay exploiting the different possible meanings of a word. Its something clever that probably the writers thought up. After all, its a story about both Faith and The Great Doctor.
Next I am going to refute some theories which I have been reading... You can refute my thoughts of course...
1) It is not ES mom and she has not been sent to the future - notice that ES was writing in a modern diary. If it was ES's mom, it would mean that ES's mom has traveled to the future and back... What kind of lousy mom randomly send her daughter to the future and leave her there without any knowledge. Most importantly, why would ES has her mom's memories?
2) It is not reincarnation - Again, ES was writing in a modern diary using a modern pen in modern language. If we use reincarnation to explain, should ES be writing using some ancient ways? Plus, the writers have gone out of their way to give us a scientific explanation for time travel only to have it end up as a non-scientific way? I doubt so. 
3) She is not Hwata - Well, at least not in that scene... Remember ES herself has stated that the diary can't be possibly more than a 100 years old since the highlighter ink has yet to fade. Hwata is 1000 years ago. 
This is my theory...
We all know that time travel usually consist of three different storylines:
1) History cannot be changed - like in Harry Potter. Haha2) History can be changed3) Alternate timelines
I believe that ES is currently in storyline 1 where history cannot be changed. That her traveling back in time has already been predestined. Without her, the queen and the little boy that would kill CY in the future would have died. Hence, she is there to reinforce history... Not to change it.
My interpretation of the dream like sequence is that it is ES herself - but it is future ES. Then why would she have a memory of herself in the future. Indeed, In normal time where time is supposed to be travelling in a straight line, it is impossible for her to have a future memory. However, in this case, we can assume that future ES travels even further back in time, possibly to GC's master time (GC's master being the little boy) and wrote the diary. Hence, in a straight line time travel, she ought to have that memory - the poison helped her to achieve a dream-like premonition.
Here is what I believed happened.
ES did travel back to the right time. Remember that she was using a modern diary and modern pen (and we can assume that there was a highlighter) to write. That can only mean that she went back to modern time and bought all those items. Upon seeing those items, she realized that she would have to travel back further in time for her past self to get the diary. (Harry Potter and his patronus, anyone?) This could possibly mean that the 67 years thingy is valid. However that doesn't hold true in year 2012 - it might be shorter in the future to travel to the past. Thus she travels back in the past simply for the sake of not changing history.
The other possibility which I would love more is that - she regretted travelling back and she would love to go back to meet CY. That would have to mean that the 67 years nonsense is invalid. She travels to and fro many times to test out the equation and the theory (since there are so many written equations in the diary - possibly recording her time travel) and one of them have to be right (maybe the highlighted one?)
Thus, this is the happy ending that I am hoping for. ES learns the true secret of time-travelling and becomes a frequent time traveller. This would also enable ES and CY to be together while still keeping in the course of history. ES would be able to pop back in the future once in a while to get the medical supplies she need and keep her parents happy. She might even be able to sell ancient artifacts to get rich. CY would be able to accompany ES wherever they go too... HAPPY ENDING PLEASE!

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Great Doctor’ Kim Hee Sun and Lee Min Ho to Part Soon?

'Great Doctor' Kim Hee Sun and Lee Min Ho to Part Soon?

Kim Hee Sun finally solved the mystery of his diary and signaled the parting of the lovesick couple.

On the Monday episode of “Great Doctor,” Eun Soo wakes up from her poisoned state and tells Choi Young that she solved the problem in her diary. She says that the door to the time portal will open a month from then and says that if she doesn’t go back then, it opens again 67 years later. When hearing this, Choi Young silently holds her hand and the two don’t need words to understand that their time to part will be soon. 

The episode also showed Eun Soo retracing her memory in her feverish state and in the jumbled memory, Eun Soo was shown wearing traditional Koryo clothes, treating children and kissing the forehead of Choi Young who seemed to be dead. She also saw herself writing a ‘To Eun Soo’ letter on the back of her diary in the dream and asks Choi Young about the last page of the notebook, which meant that the diary was still the key to many of the last portions of the story.

On the other hand, Duk Heung wants to become king with Eun Soo as his queen and Ki Chul wants to acquire more power using Eun Soo and Jo Il Shin also wants to start a revolt with King Gong Min’s armies. It’s a mystery whether Choi Young and Eun Soo will be able to arrive at the portal in time even when so many events are happening.

Many viewers said, “It was so riveting!” “What do the scenes from her dreams mean?” “The romance made me want to cry out!” 

I dont want them to be separated :(:((:(
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Guest porcupine1610

I've heard from my friend but I'm not sure it's completely accurate. dont kill me if it's not true =((
Yoo is CY's concubine .the first wife of CY had died and they had a daughter , then CY married Yoo and had a son. He loves this wife named Yoo veery much and often brought her with him. Some people said he was burried with her but some said it's not true. it is said that Yoo lived till the age of more than 40 then died
This concubine is a mystery so the writer can freely write what he/she wants to write, but I'm longing for a happy endingplz writer and PDnim, a happy ending [-O<

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I just finished watching with subtitles. Oh my god, this episode is awesome!!! I haven't read everyone's posts yet, thought I will input how I feel before I do or else I will forget...

First up, that was a damn good beating up of DH by our CY (but I would add a few more punches). I love and so love that scene! I just love how he's like "I'm not here to talk, I'll beat the crap out of you if you don't bloody give me the antidote, and I don't f***ing care if you're royal"! Soooooo loving the wrath of CY! Most importantly of that scene, I am very satisfied with CY's silent answer when DH asked CY if ES is his woman and CY didn't deny it. Hehehehehehehe.....I was on cloud 9 when I saw that! :D Althoughhh technically ES hasn't given him the permission to be claimed by him but the fact that he sees her as his woman, ohhhh man ~ good enough for me!

As for the poison, I cannot believe I got that right about DH! Deok Heung - you #^%@$%@&$*$
But I guess I see that coming, in order to "own" CY and ES, that has to be his plan since he knows he cannot earn their support the normal way, so he has to do it the evil way. I get it...I do. If I were him, I'd employ the same way too. I do have to thank him though, because of him, our OTP's relationship and pink-ness have progresses so much to:

1) MORE holding hands
2) a fishing date
3) leaning on each other
4) forehead kiss (although it was in the dream)
5) some kind of back-hug (do it properly CY!!! Do I need to show you myself???)
6) aegyo from ES towards CY which only a woman who likes that man will do it :D

Please tell me I'm correct that they have acknowledged each other's feelings even though nothing was said??? It feels like both of them mutually understood each other now with the way they interact with each other :) Somehow I feel there's more to the back hug scene since it "darken" down and the scene jumps to the palace.

Now all ES has to do is to make the decision on whether she is going back after a month's time. I know CY will not ask her to stay. I love Min-ho's interpretation of CY's feeling when he heard the news. Well, he's already thinking of going with her so I'm not going to worry about this as yet...mostly because I can't control what the ending will be. All we can do is hope our OTP will be together...it better not be an open ending, I'll send writer Song hate letters if it is.

The fighting scenes were great, well ok, not fantastic but definitely sooo much better than a few episodes ago. I've yet to go back and watch with an eagle eye whether all the stunts were performed by Min-ho.

And I am happy to see GM and CY's bromance are still there :D

Last but not least, skinship issue between our OTP.
Not what I expected at all...(it is more of their clothings doing the skinship rather than CY's skin touching ES's skin) *a little disappointed* I do think CY is still a bit awkward being touchy touchy with ES in this episode!

Overall, *yay*...I'm happy! And I am soooo going back to watch it the second time and maybe more...ok, I lie definitely more.

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porcupine1610 said: I've heard from my friend but I'm not sure it's completely accurate. dont kill me if it's not true =((
Yoo is CY's concubine .the first wife of CY had died and they had a daughter , then CY married Yoo and had a son. He loves this wife named Yoo veery much and often brought her with him. Some people said he was burried with her but some said it's not true. it is said that Yoo lived till the age of more than 40 then died
This concubine is a mystery so the writer can freely write what he/she wants to write, but I'm longing for a happy endingplz writer and PDnim, a happy ending [-O<

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flo_oni said: Oh wow. You're right, @myphim. I can just imagine the many ways the crazy (in a good way) writers of Faith would spin CY's revenge on DH. CY did mention he knows exactly how to make it painful, the kind that lasts a long time before death.
Who would have thought our overly proper and polite CY would speak in *gasp* banmal to a prince? 
Hahahaha. The writers are super cool! 
Why couldn't people tell GC that the reason CY is helping the snake out was because of the antidote for ES? I think if they had told GC earlier on, GC might have helped them out too. 

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Just wanted to give some credit to the actors Kim Hee Sun and Lee Min Ho for bringing out the characters ES and CY. If not for their great acting we would not all be rooting for our OTP. The chemistry demonstrated in drama is amazing and making us believe in the love story between ES and CY. Love, love, love Kim Hee Sun and Lee Min Ho 

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icesiren said: episode 15 tidbits from the script: 

  • did you know JangBin had to gesture towards CY's sword to pick it up before he left to go see DHG? Otherwise, CY was so frantic, he would've forgotten it. So he is completely surprised by himself. (I totally didn't pick up on that while watching). 
  • During the beating up scene, DHG is actually quite scared of CY, but he swallows his fear because he poisoned ES, prepared to die. (bold...bold move, bad guy). 
  • we are supposed to pay attention to the clothes CY is wearing during the scene when ES is dreaming about running into a room and finding CY's body (when she kisses his forehead while crying).  It looks like the outfit he wears now - maybe this happened in the near future in former timeline?
  • During the medicine scene, ES asks him to feed her medicine because she can't move her hands. She is hiding them under the blanket so CY can't see. And she is only able to show that she can't breathe properly after he leaves the room.
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LuvMinHo said: Great Doctor’ Kim Hee Sun and Lee Min Ho to Part Soon?

Kim Hee Sun finally solved the mystery of his diary and signaled the parting of the lovesick couple.

On the Monday episode of “Great Doctor,” Eun Soo wakes up from her poisoned state and tells Choi Young that she solved the problem in her diary. She says that the door to the time portal will open a month from then and says that if she doesn’t go back then, it opens again 67 years later. When hearing this, Choi Young silently holds her hand and the two don’t need words to understand that their time to part will be soon. 

The episode also showed Eun Soo retracing her memory in her feverish state and in the jumbled memory, Eun Soo was shown wearing traditional Koryo clothes, treating children and kissing the forehead of Choi Young who seemed to be dead. She also saw herself writing a ‘To Eun Soo’ letter on the back of her diary in the dream and asks Choi Young about the last page of the notebook, which meant that the diary was still the key to many of the last portions of the story.

On the other hand, Duk Heung wants to become king with Eun Soo as his queen and Ki Chul wants to acquire more power using Eun Soo and Jo Il Shin also wants to start a revolt with King Gong Min’s armies. It’s a mystery whether Choi Young and Eun Soo will be able to arrive at the portal in time even when so many events are happening.

Many viewers said, “It was so riveting!” “What do the scenes from her dreams mean?” “The romance made me want to cry out!” 

I dont want them to be separated :(:((:(
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well i think that maybe she did travell back to her time...and maybe she realise she just can't live without him so tries to go back...maybe from that distant time  another door opens to the right year ...so when ES leaves to the future,  another ES comes that ES from past...i just want them to be happy...a happy end please!!!

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