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[Variety] The Romantic (더 로맨틱)

Guest didilovebi

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After watching the episode with subs, I realized that it felt much heavier than expected.  I just felt bad for ALL of them, in different degrees.  But heck, this season is so heartbreaking, and personally, the thing that is making it more difficult is the fact that, I'm not even sure if  there would be a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.  The pessimist in me feels that more heartache is waiting for each of them.  If this would continue, then I'm fairly certain that we wouldn't really have an OTP (a.k.a Hyungsik-Jihyun), the PAIR (male-female) who would whole-heartedly choose each other, no hesitations, no settling.
Kevin-  I really feel bad for him coz his presence is, sorry to say, non-existent. But I also get the feel that he's not really into the whole thing coz he's not interested in any of the girls.
G.Na-  Sad that the only guy she's interested in, doesn't feel the same.  IDK...but I feel that though she says she doesn't want to be paired with JH anymore, it's lip-service.  My prediction on the final selection, she'll go solo coz I think no matter how slim his chances are, Jong Hoon would still present himself in front of Yewon.

JongHoon-  Sorry, but I guess, She's just not that into you.  No matter how much I want it to be otherwise, it seems that Yewon right now, is more into a fun and non-complicated relationship.  And, you are COMPLICATED, so no dice.

MInHyuk-  This episode made me think that he is more into Jiwon than I thought.  When he mentioned the awkwardness, tension and attraction about Jiwon VS the comfortable and "I knew her the most" description of Yewon, I'm leaning more towards Jiwon.

Jiwon-  I get the sense that she doesn't really care, though she prefers MInhyuk, she wouldn't really be hurt or bothered if it won't happen.  So, amongst all of them, she's way down on my sympathy meter.

N-  same sentiments with JIwon.  Both of them have it good, so to speak, even if they won't end up with the pair that they want, they still have a cushion (him-Eunyoung, him for Jiwon) and their pride are intact, unlike Kevin and G.Na.

Yewon-  I think she's a smart girl and I'm fairly certain that she has a fair grasp of the unspoken standings and emotions surrounding her.  

Eunyoung-  I think she's the most naive amongst the girls, in the sense that her emotions are so out there. Hence, she's the most transparent and readable.  I really felt bad coz you really know that she was blind-sided.

Wonder if the PDs are gonna pull our leg coz the interviews this time are so one-sided. Just two more and then we can all put this behind us.
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akikisetsu said:

After watching the episode with subs, I realized that it felt much heavier than expected.  I just felt bad for ALL of them, in different degrees.  But heck, this season is so heartbreaking, and personally, the thing that is making it more difficult is the fact that, I'm not even sure if  there would be a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.  The pessimist in me feels that more heartache is waiting for each of them.  If this would continue, then I'm fairly certain that we wouldn't really have an OTP (a.k.a Hyungsik-Jihyun), the PAIR (male-female) who would whole-heartedly choose each other, no hesitations, no settling.
Kevin-  I really feel bad for him coz his presence is, sorry to say, non-existent. But I also get the feel that he's not really into the whole thing coz he's not interested in any of the girls.
G.Na-  Sad that the only guy she's interested in, doesn't feel the same.  IDK...but I feel that though she says she doesn't want to be paired with JH anymore, it's lip-service.  My prediction on the final selection, she'll go solo coz I think no matter how slim his chances are, Jong Hoon would still present himself in front of Yewon.

JongHoon-  Sorry, but I guess, She's just not that into you.  No matter how much I want it to be otherwise, it seems that Yewon right now, is more into a fun and non-complicated relationship.  And, you are COMPLICATED, so no dice.

MInHyuk-  This episode made me think that he is more into Jiwon than I thought.  When he mentioned the awkwardness, tension and attraction about Jiwon VS the comfortable and "I knew her the most" description of Yewon, I'm leaning more towards Jiwon.

Jiwon-  I get the sense that she doesn't really care, though she prefers MInhyuk, she wouldn't really be hurt or bothered if it won't happen.  So, amongst all of them, she's way down on my sympathy meter.

N-  same sentiments with JIwon.  Both of them have it good, so to speak, even if they won't end up with the pair that they want, they still have a cushion (him-Eunyoung, him for Jiwon) and their pride are intact, unlike Kevin and G.Na.

Yewon-  I think she's a smart girl and I'm fairly certain that she has a fair grasp of the unspoken standings and emotions surrounding her.  

Eunyoung-  I think she's the most naive amongst the girls, in the sense that her emotions are so out there. Hence, she's the most transparent and readable.  I really felt bad coz you really know that she was blind-sided.

Wonder if the PDs are gonna pull our leg coz the interviews this time are so one-sided. Just two more and then we can all put this behind us.
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Guest temperateclimate

@snowy22 When Season 2 first started airing, the production team stated that it was tentatively slated to finish airing in the first half of February, with no definite date given. This led to the commonly accepted speculation that Season 2 would end on either February 3rd or February 10th. On January 30th, a member of the production team stated on the official website that the final episode of Season 2 is scheduled to air on February 10th.

This is good news since it wouldn't make sense if they rushed everything and sloppily put together a final episode to air on February 3rd. So they have two remaining episodes to show the midnight truth room session, the free dates on the fourth day, and the final selections. Here's to hoping that they do a better job with dividing airtime between all eight of the participants. No more instances of 80% of the airtime devoted to two/three people and the rest of the folks scrambling for their measly share of the remaining 20%. Please nooooooo ....

I'm quite looking forward to Ji-Won and Min-Hyuk's free date. Finally, these two will have the chance to spend some decent time together. It appears that they go horseback riding among other activities. The official pic of their date that tvN released gives off a rather contemplative and whimsical feeling.

It may just be purely coincidental but perhaps Min-Hyuk was hoping for Ji-Won to come out for the song shuffle? He chose a Fin.K.L. song and Lee Hyori is a known mentor to SPICA. Even G.NA said that she expected that Ji-Won would go out when the song played. And right before the fourth song played, Ji-Won did say that she would regret not going out for the first song if she didn't like the fourth song.

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Guest divyanair

Does anyone know who's in the third season? Wouldn't it be interesting if they brought older generation idols? Like Shinhwa or S.E.S? They would show a more mature side of love since they experienced a lot and pull the viewers too. Since in season 1 and 2, there are newly debuted idols, so many people might not know them. But with the idols they grew up with, the viewers will have an idea. Does my idea even make sense? :-S

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plliar said:
I think the show had a bit of hard time this season. Your point 2 is so spot on!

In all honesty, I feel disappointed... well I hope, hope, then they disappoint me, but then I start hoping again, but in the end I'm disappointed (so far). And the show hasn't even ended yet. Remember how short the last scene (the final choice) is? All these discontents throughout the show for just 10-15 minutes is so... traumatic.

And I think that I finally figured out for myself why the show concentrates only on certain people and moments. Some things are not even that relevant, but they were really exaggerated. Like earlier @inxomnia wrote how they showed JH going on a ride early in the morning. My reaction was the same: "really? you're really showing us this?" In the end, it wasn't even that relevant to the progress of their relationships. Or how many times have we seen Yewon hugging Minhyuk? Including the following episode. We haven't even seen so many repetitions of JihyunxHyungsik scenes. Compared to last season we don't really see any stable couples. I mean it's their fourth episode (!) and they're still all (except for JH) are so freaking uncertain and none of the couples are stable or going into direction of certainty. Which is why, I think that this is the main cause why we don't see enough of some people. Most of them are pretty much scattered around the show and group. So, within the context of "romantic" and "couple" the show probably doesn't have the ability to include everyone in the episode or storyline for it to look more structured and so that it makes sense. Let's even take the "love triangle" storyline that the show pushes on us from the first episode. For the love triangle to be counted as one, we need 2 people to like and even (like in most cases) fight for 1 person. Yeah, we have Jonghoon and Minhyuk. Out of them the only one who really likes Yewon and fights for her is Jonghoon. While Minhyuk wished Jiwon to pick his necklace and to have a date with her, and in the last episode he tells us that there is an attraction. All in all, though, the show couldn't have predicted that some people just wouldn't click; and, 2 or even 3 people may not even be chosen by anyone. The show could haven been more exciting... or like... could have been saved a bit more if the main storyline between Yewon, Minhyuk, Jonghoon, and Gna was more developed, dynamic, and progressive. However, we just all wish to see more of the others instead. In conclusion, I would hope the production team is more careful in the next season if there is one. They were, as it turns out, super lucky with their cast in the first season.

Now, if we have 2 episodes left, then I'm optimistic and we might see some action and progress. What's up with the preview? Did Jonghoon choose Gna in the end? Mind blowing!

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Guest temperateclimate

Episode 13 text preview

As always, here's a rough summary ...

Episode title "It'd Be Nice If It Was You"

- Coincidence or fate? Ye-Won + Min-Hyuk and G.NA + Jong-Hoon found themselves paired up again for last week's song shuffle. As the final selection approaches, these eight people become more honest and straightforward with their love stories.

- Late Night Date

No production team, no cameras, no disturbances from anyone else.

A date just for the two of them ...

"Off the record" scenes from their late night dates will be revealed!

- The cutest couple in the world Min-Hyuk & Ye-Won! Their late night date is a departure from their usual sweet interactions as they are consumed by a strangely different atmosphere. "The more I get to know you, the less I understand you." Although Ye-Won has fun and enjoys herself when spending time with him, she is perplexed by the confusion and complex emotions she receives from Min-Hyuk.

Jong-Hoon and G.NA who seem like a long-time couple ... their third date together! Although he is younger, he behaves like a caring oppa who takes care of her. When she's with him, she can turn into a young girl. But his heart still faces another direction ...

- Darkness gradually descends during their last night on Jeju-do ...

<The Romantic> MIDNIGHT ...  in which everyone becomes honest about their feelings.

- Although they haven't been able to have even one date together due to their differing preferences, they are still attracted to each other ... Min-Hyuk and Ji-Won! Sometimes attraction triumphs over preference?! Caught between Min-Hyuk with whom she shares an unexplicable attraction and N who continuously shares her preferences ... what will Ji-Won's choice be?

- "My heart only looks towards you." G.NA wants to hold on to Jong-Hoon whose heart only focuses on Ye-Won. The genuine feelings that she reveals in the room of truth ... can they reach/touch him?

- There is also his surprising choice which shocks everyone and the courageous confession of that girl who has never forgotten her memorable first meeting.

- Meanwhile, Ye-Won wavers between the two boys, Min-Hyuk and Jong-Hoon. Which boy's feelings does she want to confirm before the final selection?

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Guest temperateclimate

Any predictions for who each person will choose for the room of truth?

The text preview makes it seem as if Ji-Won and Min-Hyuk pick each other.

We know for sure that G.NA picks Jong-Hoon.

"his surprising choice which shocks everyone"  N or Kevin picks someone totally unexpected?

"the courageous confession of that girl who has never forgotten her memorable first meeting" This can only be Eun-Young so she picks N.

The results of the Midnight Truth Room most likely affected their choices for the free date. We know for sure that Ji-Won and Min-Hyuk paired up for the free date as did Ye-Won and Jong-Hoon. That leaves either G.NA + Kevin or G.NA + N and Eun-Young + Kevin or Eun-Young + N.

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@temperateclimate  Thanks for the translation!    :D

hmmmm.......  Can we just untangle the web already?   [-O<

"his surprising choice which shocks everyone"  N came to mind coz I don't think the rest knew his "growing and voluntary" attachment to Jiwon or could be Minhyuk on Jiwon?  "the courageous confession of that girl who has never forgotten her memorable first meeting" Eunyoung.... T.T
Truth Room/free date prediction....MH=JiwonJH=Yewongroup date? -> Kevin, Eunyoung, N, GNa
Minhyuk would choose Jiwon coz he's already sure of Yewon's feelings and he seems to have a growing attraction to Jiwon, so....
N, the other half of the bromance, would also choose Jiwon, but....
GNa->JH->Yewon.... I don't think G.Na can sway his choice, he doesn't seem the type.
Kevin...would play it safe with Eunyoung, since he doesn't really seem interested with the others
Eunyoung...Don't get hurt too much, but what can we do?

Hope this Sunday's episode would be a bit lighter, it's been so heavy for the past couple episodes.    :)

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Guest mooi1921

"his surprising choice which shocks everyone"   it might be jonghoon for choosing Gna.."the courageous confession of that girl who has never forgotten her memorable first meeting" for sure it's Eunyoung..
so this will be the end of the show? isn't it?

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Guest rivanaraja

I think Yewon will remain alone with Kevin

Jonghoon Minhyuk will abandon Yewon
I'll be sad to Yewon if it happens ` align="center"Minhyuk not only cares for Yewon wants Jonghoon jealous
I'm sure from mihyuk abandon Yewon
Jonghoon do not want to hurt g.na chosen so

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Actually I love Jiwon, she already set her eyes in Minhyuk in the beginning but she doesn't ignore her date. Even she have double date with Minhyuk and Gna, she didn't abandon N, like Jei case with JB. N even chose her instead of EY who he has connection at the beginning in song shuffle date. 
And I thought Gna really cool... She just want to have fun when she know JH feeling. So she honest about it with MH, and they really just have fun. 
And I hate that Yewon talk about her feeling about MH when she in car on date with JH, She know that JH crazy about her, that no something that you want to share with someone who have interest to you, That what you share with friend. But i'm glad that JH make that turn to something funny.

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Guest dewirama

so far after i watched the subbed version many times & the preview for next epsd, i really curious of the inner/truth feeling of minhyuk & the reason jonghoon choose g.na in the final choice??

if jonghoon's reason is bcoz of feeling sorry to g.na or afraid of the fact that yewon will choose minhyuk over him, i really disappointed then.. remember jonghoon even ever said that he better go solo if yewon has no interest in him / if she don't choose him, rite??

i'll be feeling sorry more to g.na if that really happened..

btw i tearing up too when eunyoung cried. i wonder what N think of her..

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