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The long awaited Snow Queen ep 3 poem is out. Thanks dearie for sacrificing your beauty sleep! :blush: muamuamua

Snow Queen Episode 3 (spoiler alert) :ph34r:

'Living is better...live with the regrets, the pain..' there's no need to ask why, DG knew too well living is harder than death. Bora was warmed by his touching words... everything will be better now, will get better....and it is. Her pain was freefallin to oblivion while she's standin here at the top of the cliff...not alone.. living. It will get better..she thought as she collapsed into her dad's embrace.

Dad was dozing off her bedside when Bora woke up late in the nite. It's time to stop the hurt and live with the pain and regrets with his dearest. The deep painful shard is eased out by his gentle words. She has

to let go...till the day they meet again.

The view by her windowsill has never been prettier with her snowflakes glistening above the lilies of the valley.. It survived...it's definitely better living, Bora wholeheartedly believed happiness is returning, yet she still felt fragile without her frosty cocoon.

Deuk Nam was sorry, she felt for Bora's misery as she promised her mom she will change her ways . She took it back when Bora hang onto her old facade...Bora has other stuff in mind.

The bell rang, hits showered, adrenaline surged. DG was on as a trainin partner, bottling up hits after hits..Seung Ri cant help but felt every blow. She was hurried off by her dad when Bora and her entourage arrived askin for DG.

Bora was all dolled up in her blings, boots and miniskirt....KO-ing all the boxers in her sight. Of course her Korean beef and apples ar temptin too. Bora is grateful for DG saving her life...giving gifts is her only way to express the gratitude. It is too much a burden for DG, he's saving his own hope too.

'Bora! Thank you, I'll enjoy the food!'...just 'Bora'...nobody calls her like this now, always with a fake Miss. DG noticed the shock in Bora's face which she hastily freezes back, cant help but grins when this ice princess addressed him Mr Han Deuk Gu.

SeungRi cant contain her jealousy of Bora and concern for DG. So Bora has a reputation, she's popular, difficult, wild and loose she heard fr CS. SR devoured the rumors more worried for her DG. CS lamented on the opportunity lost, he had Bora's phone number first.

SR took Bora to get drinks, who outdrank the other will get DG, trying her best to scare her enemy off. Bora is unscathed... cruel games ar her forte..she one-upped SR, who lost had to entirely give up on DG, DG is not Bora's desirable prize.

SR is on her shaky feet and Bora's barely hanging on when they arrived. CS took SR home while DG tend to Bora.

'HDG!! u r mine now!!' Bora was soo embarrassed the next morning when her drunken antics flashed back....without inhibitions, it's all good.. being drunk, throwing up...just living.. she kicked and sang on his back..he looked soo familiar she told him...he took her back home. She also recalled askin him about SR..he loved her, as a younger sister...Bora rem saying that's not love, only your most precious that u cant

bear losing is love. Deuk Nam is puzzled, Bora kept calling DG's name all thro the nite, is DG some doggie's name?!

'Kim Bora'..GW got an idea seeing that name on the patient's file..'helpin' out his friend..he can see her again..no woman can hide fr his charms. Bora has the tenacity and the jaggerty edges he desire. Bora bluntly said marriage is out of the question, Dr. Seo swiftly ranted....he has never mentioned marriage...yet. He forcefully grabbed Bora at her wrist, not to her liking. She exploded with a slap on his face.

Dr. Seo didnt let Bora off easily, after she hastily yet thoroughly washed off his grab, he mentioned she may have a compulsive complex. naturally tenacious, her diseases ar not that scary. Bora has enough fr this young doc, she told him not to expect apologies fr her, it's not in her diction.

TW still has a grin on his face doin his chores, thinkin about the drucken princess. Bora got mop water poured all over her by DG. She is in his room now, no less her usual pain with DG patiently waited on her, change of clothes, towel to dry, her fiestiness is more and more amusin.

SR walked into the changin Bora, blinded by her fuming jealousy, grabbed Bora's hair and drag her humiliatingly down the stairs. She threaded her own Bora fr rumors, a loose woman, not treasuring her body, trying to sneak into his bed and buyin his heart with money. she claimed DG told her. The shard of hurt, betrayal and misunderstanding is planted again into her heart, he must be after her money.

Bora was froze up with blinding hurt again by someone close to her fragile heart.

'What if?! what if there's sth btn us?!' DG tried to wake SR to her senses, she's always been a pure good girl, blinded now by her jealousy, treating others without care and consideration. SR is hurt further, all she saw is this jab of selfishness....others feelings? apology? how bout hers?! He must be under Bora's spells already though he sternly denies.

Bora's dad has never owe anybody anything ever, paying back DG is hard. Money wont interest him. He asked DG what he dreamt of wantin most. DG dares not to think about what he want. TW has his dreams...DG is only surviving.

'Time..going back...to taste my mom's noodles, being her kid, find my lost friend. I know this is impossible even for you.' Bora's dad can not be more mesmerized with his witty refusal. He told DG he'll be here for him whenever he's in need. On his way out he tripped on President Kim's game of go, while he's on the phone yelling, DG ingeniously mend the complicated set.

DG was on the phone with CS talking bout SR's bday present when he saw...his familiar haunting. He cun lose her..he's been lookin for her, soo close now...yet unreachable.

everythin is grindin on Bora's nerve..DG's clothes ar an annoyance esp on the day when her driver quitted.. and Gun Woo..she asked him the impossible of meetin her now...not knowing he's already at the gate. How She hated his forceful grabs..

GW wanted to take her to a serene soothing world. Bora let out a smile, the sea lions caught her attention. He can peek into her inner child, she's not just this impatient brat afterall. He's not afraid to leave her on the street when she's a brat, confident he'll tame her.

DG has been back home looking for her before many times like today... Mom is gone..she's left indebted with all hopes lost. He was her hope.

SR is upbeat again with DG's 'present', DG will like her more if she apologize to Bora. Bora gave up on faking nice when they met..seein SR she want to inflict the same hurt on her stabbin SR with the truth. The dress is 'hers', bora's present. she knew what will inflict the most pain, DG told her he doesnt love SR.

Fuming with fury, she hit Bora back with the truth, DG never said she's a loose woman, but it's his mistake to save her. Bora instantly regreted her cutting words. SR stripped her shameful dress and left.

SR cant forgive, her fury has engulfed her. She went back accusing DG giving her that false hope of a dress, telling some nobody he doesnt love her. She loved him at first sight, she knew he doesnt all along. But why does his has to crush her frail ego too?

DG confronted Bora for usin his words to stab the wound where it hurts SR most... Bora coldly batted back, the painful truth is better than him hiding fr it cowardly. DG can be a coward, anything.. just not hurting another soul. Bora is frosted fr her misunderstanding, DG is now a disgustin lie, his kindness, his tenderness the hope he gave her..DG cun see past Bora's cruel banter, she's twisted, inconsiderate and an utter disgust. Bora saw his disgust in her and she cant bottle it any longer,she felt SR's hurt, she cared, she's not this cold unfeeling monster in his eyes.

DG decided to face the hurtful truth. He's grateful for Sr's loving care last 8 yrs, but this is not love, his heart is too full...too full of undulling pain.

SR was full of regrets, it's the most thoughtful gift, just like DG, she should never have let her jealousy and selfishness get the better of her.

After the phone call, DG was not goin to let anything slip by him this time. not a second, not his mom.

frantically he witnessed the insults spurned on her fr a creditor. He can do nth but heartwretchingly watch. Her bitterly cold words cut thro DG...she's mourne the lost of her son TW who left without a word already...DG is not her son.

DG is shattered to numbness. His last hope.. for her warm tender love is snuffed out. She doesnt want him, she only wants $30 mil won fr him. DG in desperation remembered President Kim. He doesnt need his pride, his ego, his integrity, he only needs his mom..the heartwarming love.

President Kim was still mindboggled by DG's careless shine of wit, he promptly agree to give him a job...as Bora's chauffeur..Bora gave a mischievous grin, it's payback time HDG, money is all evil, the pure, proper HDG can be bought afterall.

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Hi willenette! Actually junsho has kindly uploaded 2 clips from Binnie's Japan visit. The 1st one is on his arrival to a frenzied reception at the Narita Airport, and the other one is a snippet during the press conference on Nov 21.

There's a downloadable link for the full clip of the pressconference posted a couple of pages back. But the clip length is 42'45'' and the whole file is a whooping 307 mb. You could try that if you're really interested. :)

Oh, thank you so much............

Dear meukowz & Greentea

Thks for your reply :P:P

how long binine stay in Japan? Does SQ finish shooting?

yes, in fact his drama is now airing in Korea.

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Thanks dearies for the hot caps and pix~! :D


Credits: KBS

Thanks to hyunbin gallery




Translator: mookie

Spot translator: glo

Timer: fireko

Editor: oyasumi1

QC: mangosteen

Encoder: Miss Kandi

Coordinator: mangosteen

Special thanks to SeReNiTy, Greentea, Meukowz @ Soompi

for helping us with this episode.



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