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Hyun Bin 현빈 [Movies: “The Point Men”, “Confidential Assignment 2” | Upcoming: Movie “Harbin”]


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oh dear...

i've deliberately stayed out of this thread because i don't want to slip up...

i've been very careful and hyunbin honey has been very cooperative and did his best to keep our relationship a secret...but I guess it’s time to fess up…

so i'm owning up to this whole ado about his supposed gf for a year now...

girls it is only to cover up our relationship...it was all my fault...hb has just been a very considerate lover...

i'm so sorry if his desire to make me happy resulted in this row among his and ksa's fans...

ksa willingly and happily volunteered to help keep our relationship a secret...great friend! wouldn't mind sharing my binnie w/ her...

for world peace...pls forgive me...and ksa fans...hb is not at fault here...

oops…paparazzi pix…daymn…now I fear for my life..i think that’s me w/ hb in those pix…geez, I never looked good w/ that mask on….

p.s. i'm going to check myself into rehab now...been on crack for so long...but man that binnie love is hotter than ever...

serenity/ann...meukowz…greentea…azura… and all the lovely binnie loonies ... missed ya

hope my post lightened the mood here…or did I just make it worse??? :ph34r:

LoL... your post made me laugh.

It's not end of the world, girls. Our binnie is young and attractive, it's not tat much of a surprise to me. Fact that if he can own up to a relationship makes me think more highly of him. If he has genuine feelings and is carrying on a steady relationship with that girl, then he shld own up like a man.

I rather be reading tat he has a long steady relationship than news of him hoping from one girl to another... well, tat's my take on it. :)

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Mooksis, there's just soooooo much wisdom in your post that I find myself at least 10 years wiser, not older :phew: from reading it! I'm still not halfway thru tho hehe :sweatingbullets:

Ann BB, as always I really admire ur guts as a threadmistress! *muakmuak*

Ella & Brook dears, u gals really crack me up! :lol: Thanks so much for lighten up the mood and brighten up my day! :lol:

Awww teatea & junsho sweeties, u'll need some time there, but meanwhile, let mama meu give u 2 a good squeeze here. *hugz hugz*

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翻译:vvldl@hyunbinchina 制图:TT@玄动我心



현빈·황지현, 1년째 '핑크빛'…결혼은 '글쎄'


탤런트 현빈(25)과 황지현(24)이 1년째 핑크빛 만남을 이어가고 있다.

두사람의 측근은 22일 오후 조이뉴스24와의 전화 인터뷰에서 "두 사람이 지난해부터 교제해 왔다"고 최근 터져나온 교제설을 확인했다.

두 사람이 만나기 시작한 것은 현빈을 스타덤에 오르게 했던 MBC 드라마 '내이름은 김삼순'이 끝난 직후. 드라마를 끝내고 휴식 중이었던 현빈과 차기작을 고르고 있던 황지현은 서로 연기라는 공통점으로 쉽게 가까워졌다고.

황지현이 SBS '돌아와요 순애씨'에 출연하고 이어 현빈이 KBS '눈의 여왕'의 주인공을 맡으면서 바빠졌지만 촬영 틈틈이 만남을 이어왔다.

이 측근은 "보통 사람들과 똑같이 함께 식사하고 영화보면서 데이트를 즐기는 것으로 알고있다"고 전했다.

또 두 사람 모두 스키를 즐겨 올 겨울에는 스키장에서 데이트를 즐겼다. 한 여성지에 게재된 스키장 데이트 사진 역시 친구들과 함께 스키를 타러 갔다가 찍힌 것이다.

이 측근은 특히 "두 사람이 좋은 만남을 지켜가고있는 것은 사실이지만 아직 결혼에 대한 계획은 전혀 없다"며 "예쁘게 지켜봐 달라"고 당부했다.

'내 이름은 김삼순' 이후 스타덤에 오른 현빈은 '눈의 여왕'으로 연기력을 인정받았고 차기작을 검토하며 현재는 휴식 중이다.

동덕여대 방송연예과에 재학 중인 황지현은 KBS 2TV '그랑프리쇼 여러분'에서 홍일점 MC로 활약하고 있으며. 3월14일 시작하는 SBS 새수목극 '마녀유희'로 안방극장에 컴백한다.

/박은경기자 imit@joynews24.com 사진 조이뉴스24포토DB

IT는 아이뉴스24, 연예스포츠는 조이뉴스24

(Copyright ⓒ 조이뉴스24. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지)

Thank you for the article and translation hyunbinchina!! :blush: :blush:

玄彬-黃智賢 正式交往已達一年!














就讀同德女子大學放送演藝學科的黃智賢目前正在擔任KBS 2TV'Grand Prix Show'中



copyright ? innolife.com



TYTYTY and big HUGZ to dear junsho baby for the article and the trans.

I'm following kind orders of dearteatea, my eng trans is as follows, bear with me.. :blush:

HB and Hwang Ji-Hyun has been officially dating for one year!

A mutual friend said on a phone interview on 22nd that 'the 2 of them have been dating since last yr' confirming the fact that they are officially dating.

They met after HB finished shooting MNIKSS. After the drama has finished its airing, binnie started his downtime while HJH is deciding on her next project. They share similar interests in acting and started getting to know each other.

After that, HJH started filming SBS's Come back Soon Ae and binnie started his hectic schedule on SQ, but they still make time out keeping in touch and seeing each other.

According to this friend, 'As far as I know, they will go out like normal ppl, going out for dinner, having a date at the movies.'

Also, since both of them like to ski, they went on dates to skiing grounds this winter. The photos out in the magazines ar the pics taken while they ar on a skiin date with friends.

This friend said, ' The fact is they are dating. But on the subject of marriage, there r still no plans. ' lets just let them be by themselves and stay on the sideline on this pair of lovers.'

HB grew immensely in popularity after MNIKSS, his superb acting abilities were further solidified and praised in SQ. He is now taking a break and deciding on his next project.

HJH is studying performance at 同德女子college, she's currently the only female host of KBS 2TV'Grand Prix Show' and will participate in the new Wed/Thur SBS drama '魔女柔熙' starting March 14th.

ok my question is.....what kind of 'dear' friend will 'tell all' on a phone interview about the private life of a bud?! <_< binnie!! kick those 'friends' off your camp and have ME as ur bud!! :lol:

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oh dear..i'm so sad knowing about this ... hurmm..




still can't accept this fact at the moment ..but whatever it is .. if it's true that binnie's dating hwang jing hyun ..hope he's happy with her ..may God bless their relationship ...

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I'm sooo jetlagging.....ARGH!! :crazy:

what's better to do than droolzin on binnie?! :blush:


source: DC samsoon

ellasam81, 'hate' is super strong a word esp around lunar new year's time as binnie and suna ar also celebrating...I'll personally pray for u and help cleanse ur palate for saying mean words :)....and I have a very short circuited memory, do u mind listing what binnie hints on whatever?! I seriously have forgotten most except like he loves gals who can eat and drink and his mom will approve even if she's older than he is (MEMEMEMEME!!) and he wanna bake with Miss. K, I wanna bake with Miss K too!!! :lol:

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Guest Greentea

mook dear , thx for ur superb eng trans..:P

meu dear, thx for the hugz ..:tears:

i just hope that bin will not be too pressurize when he is back to korea..

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^ thanks for your compliment dearteatea , *hugz*

o so binnie is still in Malta!!?! :unsure: gosh maybe the reporters will hunt him down at the airport when he's back then....poor thing!

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Guest Greentea

^ mook dear, heard that he will be back during wkend..:lol: lucky he is in korea, there's not many reporters as in hk/tw..

:huh: pali go zzz ba.. i gg to watch my quan nw :lol:


source dc hyunbin

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I'm sooo jetlagging.....ARGH!! :crazy:

what's better to do than droolzin on binnie?! :blush:


source: DC samsoon

ellasam81, 'hate' is super strong a word esp around lunar new year's time as binnie and suna ar also celebrating...I'll personally pray for u and help cleanse ur palate for saying mean words :)....and I have a very short circuited memory, do u mind listing what binnie hints on whatever?! I seriously have forgotten most except like he loves gals who can eat and drink and his mom will approve even if she's older than he is (MEMEMEMEME!!) and he wanna bake with Miss. K, I wanna bake with Miss K too!!! :lol:

u knw wat i don care wat ppl say or whether ppl will shoot me

u want hints right u can read urself


i mean what i said not like someone say and do r so different

if you all want to shoot i welcm u

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^ plz calm down ellasam, I'm not into shooting ppl or whatnots :sweatingbullets: no worry dear, and I've started scretchin my head if I offended u with my post but I dun think so...so calm down and BREATHE!!!

I go to the forum u afore mentioned occasionally but since it's full of xxx ads of pills and stuff I really cant bear skimmin thro all.

this is just a rumor some friend told some reporter, both direct parties involved havent said a word yet. so lets stay calm and continue our binnie droolzin or ur sunbin dreamin! :lol:

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^ plz calm down ellasam, I'm not into shooting ppl or whatnots :sweatingbullets: no worry dear, and I've started scretchin my head if I offended u with my post but I dun think so...so calm down and BREATHE!!!

I go to the forum u afore mentioned occasionally but since it's full of xxx ads of pills and stuff I really cant bear skimmin thro all.

this is just a rumor some friend told some reporter, both direct parties involved havent said a word yet. so lets stay calm and continue our binnie droolzin or ur sunbin dreamin! :lol:

sorry u did nt offend me but i m jus too angry becos i am one of the sunbin fans so sorry to frighten u

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Guest Greentea

:lol: mook dear, i also saw alot of xxx ads of pills there..

ellasam, calm down..when i saw the news in the morning..:ph34r: but what to do..we have to respect bin's choice no matter how i dislike tat gal :blink:

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:lol: mook dear, i also saw alot of xxx ads of pills there..

ellasam, calm down..when i saw the news in the morning..:ph34r: but what to do..we have to respect bin's choice no matter how i dislike tat gal :blink:

sorry tt forum s mean 4 sunbin but some 1 abuse it i am angry becos he shouldnt gv so many hints and i dont care who he s with as i m ok with it but at the beginning he shldnt say all these things wat 'ms k' la and wants to bake bread with sm1 who baked with him be4 wat s he doing

althouh it might nt be true, i still thk his action s very irresponsible for sayg so many thgs/hints to the reporters

so sorry if my reaction s too over but i cant help it

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