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Hyun Bin 현빈 [Movies: “The Point Men”, “Confidential Assignment 2” | Upcoming: Movie “Harbin”]


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Guest Greentea

yess Serenity!! lets have our fingers crossed... for sure there will be an offer!! and do u know the drama what's up fox? park chul su's character was actually first offered to binnie, but he rejected the offer.. :sweatingbullets: wonder how the drama wud be like if binnie were to act as park chul su..hheheeheheheh :)

Lucky bin rejected the role..I cun imagine if bin as chul soo..I will chop down tat fox lady's hands in ep 1 :lol: JK

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Guest ellabel

^ Hahaha!! Greentea-ssi.. why would u be an axe murderer??!! :lol::w00t:

Who knows??!! Binnie mite love that hand scene. :P:w00t:

I think he will do fine as PCS of WUF. He can do both drama and romcom.

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Guest supertammie

woww i didn't post for a couple of days, but i'm fairly new to this thread *waves*

i'm in the middle of watching snow queen, but my montitor and/or computer is busted so i can't really watch it right now -_-'

but hyun bin super smart = swooning tammie

i love how he makes up excuses for everythign he does "oh.. i copied that ><"

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Finished 8 eppies of Snow Queen and Binnie is getting cuter on each eppie. :w00t:

He knows how to use that right dimple to his advantage.

And, he also keeps getting better and better in the acting department.

I wanna hug him everytime he shows those teary eyes. :wub:

Ellabel dear, you've also fallen into TW's spell~!! :w00t:

yess Serenity!! lets have our fingers crossed... for sure there will be an offer!! and do u know the drama what's up fox? park chul su's character was actually first offered to binnie, but he rejected the offer.. :sweatingbullets: wonder how the drama wud be like if binnie were to act as park chul su..hheheeheheheh :)

Yes strawberrie, I've also wondered how it would been like if Binnie didn't reject the role~!! :lol: I also wonder if another female lead would have been casted if Binnie had taken the role. It sure would have been interesting...hehehe.

Girls, I can't breathe! :crazy::sweatingbullets:

These conus pictures are killing me. Can we even buy these clothes out of Korea?

Alex dear , you need to save some breath for more HOT pix~! :w00t: I'm not sure if you can buy the clothes out of Korea. Maybe you can, except the shipping and handling might be a lot of $$$. :unsure:

Lucky bin rejected the role..I cun imagine if bin as chul soo..I will chop down tat fox lady's hands in ep 1 :lol: JK

Greentea dear, calm down. :lol:

woww i didn't post for a couple of days, but i'm fairly new to this thread *waves*

i'm in the middle of watching snow queen, but my montitor and/or computer is busted so i can't really watch it right now -_-'

but hyun bin super smart = swooning tammie

i love how he makes up excuses for everythign he does "oh.. i copied that ><"

Welcome to the thread, babo_duckie~! :)

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Guest alexthegirl62

Anhyeong everyone!. Can't sleep yet, thanks for the continuing pictures.

Wow Greentea! hahaha. those are some fighting words. I'm glad Binnie didn't take the part or his castmates would have to suffer. heheheheh ;)

Alex dear , you need to save some breath for more HOT pix~! :w00t: I'm not sure if you can buy the clothes out of Korea. Maybe you can, except the shipping and handling might be a lot of $$$. :unsure:

Between you guys' pictures and rewatching SQ, you better pray that I make it through the night. I hope I have Binnie in my dreams cuz he was in them last night! :w00t::lol:

and yeah, shipping WOULD be insane. Too bad... :(

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Guest ellabel

chilll, my dear GreenTea! and anyeong to ellabel!!! it wud be great if binnie could act as PCS anyway.. because.. PCS has a very funny and sweet character~~~!!! :)

Annyong, strawberrie! :lol::)

Careful or you mite lose your voice and get dehydrated.

It's non-stop droolfest here with many Binnie pics courtesy of our reliable and hardworking foxes. :P

Serenity dear, even without SQ, I'm already a certified Binnie loonie. :w00t:

I fell a looong time ago. :P

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Annyong, strawberrie! :lol::)

Careful or you mite lose your voice and get dehydrated.

It's non-stop droolfest here with many Binnie pics courtesy of our reliable and hardworking foxes. :P

Serenity dear, even without SQ, I'm already a certified Binnie loonie. :w00t:

I fell a looong time ago. :P

even if i lose my precious voice..or if i get dehydrated. its worth going crazy over STRAWBERRIE'S <3<3 binnie!!! hahahahah~~ :P LOLOLOLOLOL~~

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Annyeong my dearies!!! Miss u all soo much!! I'm having my 'vacation' taking a breather now before dinner, but of coz I miss my binnies and my fellow loonies much!! Just a hello fr Hong Kong! :blush: :wub:

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한·중 문화수교 15주년을 기념해 한류스타들이 한자리에 모이는 최초의 ‘한류 사진전’이 열린다.

아토아트그룹 계열사인 아토아트 필름 스튜디오는 오는 10일부터 3월11일까지 중국 베이징 ‘하이티엔공원’에서 열리는 ‘한·중 문화교류축제’의 자리에 초청사진전을 연다.

이번 사진전에는 세븐 전진 손호영 현빈 이다해 한채영 등 한류스타들의 다양한 표정을 잡아낸 사진 수백여 점이 전시될 예정이다.

초청 사진전에는 배우 현빈, 송지효 등 남성잡지 ‘에스콰이어’ 홍콩판 표지화보를 비롯, 일본 대중문화지 ‘핫 칠리 페이퍼’와 중국의 ‘전영시공(Whenever cine)’ 등 아시아 전역에 걸쳐 활동하고 있는 조열희 사진작가가 참여했다.

조열희 사진작가는 “중국에서 처음 사진전을 여는데 한·중 우호 15주년이라는 뜻 깊은 자리에 참여할 수 있어 영광이다. 이번 사진전을 계기로 한국과 중국이 하나가 되었으면 한다”는 소감을 밝혔다.

중국 북경동방 기예문화발전 유한공사와 한국의 타갈드 코리아가 공동 주최하는 ‘한중 문화교류 축제’는 양국이 서로에 대한 이해를 높이기 위해 매년 열리는 행사로 올해는 수교 15주년을 기념해 다양한 이벤트가 펼쳐질 예정이다.

행사 기간 동안 매년 500만명의 중국인들이 다녀갈 정도로 ‘한류 문화교류 축제’는 이미 양국간 의미깊은 행사로 자리잡았다. 올해는 한중 문화예술인 교류의 밤, 한중 연예인 쇼케이스, 한중 음식문화축제, 전통의상패션쇼, 불꽃축제 등 다채로운 이벤트가 펼쳐진다.

한편 개막일인 10일에는 손호영, 박상민, 바다, 간미연, LPG, 왕소연 등 국내 인기가수들이 대거 출연하는 개막식 축하 무대가 열릴 예정이다.

홍동희 기자


한류사진전 중국서 열린다

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Guest hazeleyes0115

what does this pics mean??? someone please enlighten me? :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

the pics are from samsoon gallery please tell me???!! :P



mookie,welcome back here! hope you're having a great time there in HK. :D

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