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Hyun Bin 현빈 [Movies: “The Point Men”, “Confidential Assignment 2” | Upcoming: Movie “Harbin”]


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Guess it's case of 'join them if u can't stop them'.

Let's all join the Mo3 Jie4!!! Wahaha~~~

Oh, looking forward to the links to the clip. Only saw the pics and I must say it's heart wrenching to see his eyes turning red. He must have been very touched. Good work done by the fans.

Ok, shall go have my lunch. Refuse to die of hunger today. MUST live to see all the goodies from you all. Keep em coming!!! :D

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Serenity ssi thanks...He's so cute in those pics...I guess I got Binnie syndrome again, but love to be :-)

Why he changed his shirt? I wanna know what he said to his Fans, seem touching.

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Ann, Meukowz & Greentea, thanks a bunch for posting all those birhday pics :)

No problem Kellee~~ ;)

Guess it's case of 'join them if u can't stop them'.

Let's all join the Mo3 Jie4!!! Wahaha~~~

Oh, looking forward to the links to the clip. Only saw the pics and I must say it's heart wrenching to see his eyes turning red. He must have been very touched. Good work done by the fans.

Ok, shall go have my lunch. Refuse to die of hunger today. MUST live to see all the goodies from you all. Keep em coming!!! :D

Yes Mdm! Your wish is my command! :D

Here goes:

Binnie Bday clip 01

Binnie Bday clip 02

Binnie Bday clip 03

Binnie Bday clip 04

Binnie Bday clip 05

source: hyunbin gallery

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Serenity ssi thanks...He's so cute in those pics...I guess I got Binnie syndrome again, but love to be :-)

Why he changed his shirt? I wanna know what he said to his Fans, seem touching.

Hihi cojung dearie! :)

I think Binnie came straight from shooting (probably doing some school days scenes, hence the school uniform). If u watch clip #2, you will see sweet Binnie taking off his school uniform and put on the Yohji Yamamota track top his fans gave him as a bday present immediately after opening it. In the same clip, u will oso see our Binnie on the verge of tears, he needed to pause for some time before he can continue with his speech... So touching... :tears::tears:

Hmm, i think i heard he mentioned 'samshik' in his speech, he looked visibly overwhelmed with all this attention, maybe he didn't expect all his fans to be this supportive, despite so long after his immense 'samshik' popularity... :tears:

I think he oso spoke some japanese to his japanese fans there hehe :D

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No problem Kellee~~ ;)

Yes Mdm! Your wish is my command! :D

Here goes:

Binnie Bday clip 01

Binnie Bday clip 02

Binnie Bday clip 03

Binnie Bday clip 04

Binnie Bday clip 05

source: hyunbin gallery

o Dearest Meumeu ssi!!! I was goin to hit the sheets early tonite but with your clips...no gals here ar getting any sleep/work done huh? u're such an angel!! I have to turn myself to the nearest psych ward asap but then b4 I say my farewell this comes to my cuckoo head...

Hyun = Sparkling

Sparkling Meumeu ssi = HYUN Meumeu ssi!!! :lol:

maybe I'm seriously slow is that y u're known as 'Sparkling Meumeu ssi'?!?! :blink::w00t:

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Hihi cojung dearie! :)

I think Binnie came straight from shooting (probably doing some school days scenes, hence the school uniform). If u watch clip #2, you will see sweet Binnie taking off his school uniform and put on the Yohji Yamamota track top his fans gave him as a bday present immediately after opening it. In the same clip, u will oso see our Binnie on the verge of tears, he needed to pause for some time before he can continue with his speech... So touching... :tears::tears:

Hmm, i think i heard he mentioned 'samshik' in his speech, he looked visibly overwhelmed with all this attention, maybe he didn't expect all his fans to be this supportive, despite so long after his immense 'samshik' popularity... :tears:

I think he oso spoke some japanese to his japanese fans there hehe :D

Thanks meu meu sifu for posting the clips and thanks to the fans from hyunbin gallery for sharing these clips with all Binnie fans. :)

Binnie got emotional, especially in the 2nd clip. He was speaking and all of a sudden, his tone really changed for like a second as he was trying to hold back his tears. :tears: Hyun Bin ssi, FIGHTING~!! :D

Mookie dear, meu meu sifu is indeed a "sparkling" angel. :D:lol:

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WOW E chingu~~~

Your diamond rose look exquisite (& expensive too!)! I think Binnie has no use of it really, can give it to me? pleasssse? :w00t:

Last year's Bday FM. I missed it, coz fortunately, i was not hooked yet :sweatingbullets:


credit hyunbin gallery

This year's Bday FM, think I'm drowning already~~~ :wacko:


credit samsoon gallery

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Guest Greentea

Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pix and video clips.

I dunno why but seeing him tearing makes me teary too... :tears:

Happy Birthday Hyun-Bin!

erbrigid ssi, me too..heart pain saw him crying :tears:

Don't cry :(



ps: ellabel ssi, u added a new siggy..i saw my 2 fav there ;)

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Guest Greentea

Snow Queen News 26/9/06 :)

현빈, 권투선수 변신으로 주먹에 굳은 살


[OSEN=박미애 기자]현빈의 ‘눈의 여왕’이 9월 22일 천안의 한 대학교에서 성공 기원 고사와 함께 국내 첫 촬영을 시작했다.

첫 촬영 분은 두 천재 태웅(현빈)과 정규(이선호)가 처음 만나는 장면으로 현빈은 교복 차림의 고등학생으로 변신해 촬영에 임했으나 손 특수 분장을 하고 촬영에 임해야만 했다. 극중에서 권투선수로 분해 캐릭터를 소화하는 과정에서 굳은살이 생겼기 때문.

이날 오전 입학식 촬영에 이어 진행된 성공 기원 고사에는 성유리, 임주환, 김학진, 김태현 등 주요 배우들이 참석해 ‘눈의 여왕’ 팀워크를 과시하며 드라마의 성공을 빌었다.

연출을 맡은 이형민 PD는 첫 촬영을 끝낸 후 “영재학교란 공간에서 젊은 친구들이 만들어가는 디테일들이 독특하고 새로워서 기분이 좋았다”며 소감을 밝혔다. 이어 “각 캐릭터들이 드라마를 거치면서 변모하는 부분이 많다. 현빈을 비롯한 모든 배우들이 최선을 다하고 있고, 그들이 보여줄 새롭고 다양한 모습에 기대가 크다”고 덧붙였다.

한편, 21일 제작사인 윤스칼라는 ‘눈의 여왕’ 티저 홈페이지(www.thesnowqueen.co.kr)를 오픈해 뉴질랜드 로케에서의 현빈의 스틸 사진과 눈의 여왕 원작 동화를 선보였다. 홈페이지에는 국내 팬들은 물론 일본, 중국, 동남아와 미주, 아랍권의 팬들까지 응원의 글을 남겨 '눈의 여왕'에 대한 관심을 대변했다.

‘눈의 여왕’은 안데르센의 동명 동화에서 모티브를 갖고 왔으며 절망적인 상황에 처한 두 남녀가 운명적인 사랑을 통해 진정한 자아를 발견한다는 내용. 현빈 외에도 성유리, 유인영, 김태현, 김학진, 고두심, 천호진, 오미희 등이 출연한다. 권투선수와 재벌가 딸의 슬픈 사랑을 그린 ‘눈의 여왕’은 KBS 2TV를 통해 크리스마스 시즌을 전후해 방송될 예정이다.


source: http://news.naver.com/news/read.php?mode=L...amp;menu_id=106

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